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簡·奧斯汀常被二十世紀的文學評論家們和文學史家們譽為真正偉大的英國小說家,因為她使英國小說更臻完美,因此她的小說是最具經典意義的小說。難怪愛爾蘭文學家、著名作家和文學評論家弗蘭克·奧康瑙爾說:“我認為簡·奧斯汀是最偉大的小說家。絕對是最偉大的!”他還認為奧斯汀是“英國文學最偉大的技巧巨匠之一,她在文學方面爐火純青就像莫扎特在音樂方面完美無缺一樣。”其實,奧斯汀之所以成為十九世紀最杰出的小說家之一,不僅只是因為她小說天衣無縫的結構和精湛精確的刻畫技巧,而且也是因為她的小說有著深刻豐富的思想內容和在英國文學史上的開創性意義。正如英國文學評論家W.F.波洛克所說, “她向小說家們表明并且開發了無處不在的日常生活表面現象下的取之不盡用之不竭的寶藏”,因此,“所有后來的小說家們都無限感激奧斯汀小姐。”奧斯汀所著六部小說,在近一百八十年里,不僅成為世界學者專家研究的熱門課題,好評如潮,而且也是一代代各國讀者爭相傳讀的經典名著,經久不衰。尤其是她的代表作《傲慢與偏見》,不僅是英國文苑的奇葩,也是世界文庫的珍品,被英國著名小說家和戲劇家毛姆列為世界十大小說經典名著之一。



她通過《傲慢與偏見》中貝內特小姐的口說:“沒有愛情千萬不要結婚。”她批判那種惟利是圖的金錢婚姻,但她并不把金錢與愛情絕對分開,而且顯示金錢在確立穩固的理想婚姻中起著決定性的作用。正如《傲慢與偏見》開宗明義的第一句話所幽默指出的:“一個家財萬貫的單身漢,必定需要一位太太,這是一條舉世公認的真理。”奧斯汀在《傲慢與偏見》這部小說里最仔細審慎地剖析描述了紳士淑女戀愛求婚的全過程,并全面透徹地說明了她所謂的理想婚姻的各種基礎。 奧斯汀在《傲慢與偏見》中主要寫了四樁婚姻,這四條線在小說中錯綜復雜地交織在一起,“誤會”百出,沖突迭起,疑竇叢生,時而撲朔迷離,時而山窮水盡,時而峰回路轉,時而柳暗花明。加上作者那種幽默客觀的描述、富于喜劇色彩的反諷手法,真叫人忍俊不禁,一旦開卷,就無法釋手。無怪乎《傲慢與偏見》一直被認為是奧斯汀小說中最令人開懷大笑和最引入入勝的一部。奧斯汀在研究她所處的社會時,明顯地表現出對當時社會的不滿,正如她通過伊麗莎白的口所說的:“世事經歷得越多,我就越發對這個世界不滿。世人都是反復無常的,那種表面的優點或見識是很不可靠的。日復一日,我的這種信念更加堅定。”于是她就拿起反諷和喜劇這兩種有力的藝術武器來批判那些不合理的傳統道德觀念和鄉紳貴族階層的保守人物,揭露他們的虛偽,嘲弄他們的愚蠢。正如她所說的:“我承認,愚蠢的行為、荒謬的事情、異想天開的古怪念頭、前后矛盾的言行,都使我覺得好笑,只要有可能,我就要嘲笑它們。”她在《傲慢與偏見》中正是這樣做的,而且取得了極大的成功。正如奧康瑙爾所說,奧斯汀是位“最杰出的道德家,她總是通過小說來教育讀者,而且她教導的方式是謹慎而周到的”。她在小說中從不說教,而總是寓教于諷,寓教于樂,讓讀者從作品那些滑稽可笑人物的自相矛盾、荒謬可笑的言談舉止和適得其反的行為中得到樂趣與啟迪。





The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book.

The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.

people always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.

I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that

money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.

In “pride and prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.

In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind. A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our society. We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?

Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “pride and prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of pride and prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.


The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. people always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs.

After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man. I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. (讀后感

) Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century. In “pride and prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband.


The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book.

The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.

people always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.

I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that

money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.

In “pride and prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.

In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind. A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our society. We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?

Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “pride and prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of pride and prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.


The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. people always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs.

After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man. I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. (讀后感

) Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century. In “pride and prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband.


As we all know, Pride and Prejudice is a love story as well as an illustration of the society in Britain in the 18th century. It is a representative work of Jane Auston. When I first read this book, the first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”.Even now, the famous sentence is always the first thing that come up to my mind when I talk about the fiction. I have learnt about “family” “love” “marriage” and “life” from Jane’s story.

In this story, all characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bonnet is crazy about marrying off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a very kind and friendly young man. But his friend Darcy, (the hero of the story), is a very proud man so that he is rejected by Elizabeth at the beginning. Even the five daughters in Bonnet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth, (the heroine of the fiction), Bonnet’s second daughter, is an active and intelligent girl who always has her own opinion and has not been affected by the formal education. Mary likes reading classic books. And actually she is a pedant. Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate.

The first marriage is between Charlotte and Collins. Charlotte is the neighbor of Lizzy Bonnet. Their marriage is superficial without love. The second and part is the marriage of Lydia and Wickham. Wickham is originally a good guy but he gets into debt because of his bad behavior. In his view, love is not very important, it can be created after marriage. Finally, their marriage is doomed to be a tragedy as Wickham just wants to get money from Bonnet family. The third couple is the oldest daughter and Mr. Bingley. They are the ideal couple in people’s eyes and lead a happy life at last although there is a misunderstanding between them at the beginning. The last marriage is the main theme throughout the fiction. That is Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage. First Elizabeth rejects Darcy because she doesn’t like him even despises him because she thinks Darcy is not a gentleman who has high social status. After a long run, Darcy has got rid of all his bad habits and finally, Elizabeth is moved by him. In the end, she agrees to marry him and they have happy family lives.


與天使同在 詞:李文賢 曲:聞震 . 昨天明天和永遠 絲毫沒差別 即使偶爾反省過 轉身就忘卻 善說謊的蛇 常引誘你到曠野 你軟弱膽怯退縮 呼求我

我存在你的過去 存在你的未來 就算是天地愛去 我的愛不腐壞 我了解你的喜樂 感受你的悲哀 每刻都與你同在 從來不曾離開 光明黑暗的界限


荒漠甘泉 唯有愛付出無條件 善說謊的蛇 常引誘你到曠野

你軟弱膽怯退縮 呼求我

我存在你的過去 存在你的未來 就算是天地愛去 我的愛不腐壞 我了解你的喜樂 感受你的悲哀 每刻都與你同在 從來不曾離開 我存在你的過去 存在你的未來 就算是天地愛去 我的愛不腐壞 我了解你的喜樂 感受你的悲哀

每刻都與你同在 從來不曾離開

國色天香 詞:孫鐵麟

曲:袁惟仁,陳彤 編:袁惟仁

女:月初升 伶人上妝 我描眉 鳳冠配霓裳 水袖輕舞長歌似酒香 長歌似酒香

夜未央 胡琴聲揚 弦溫熱 人聚月倚墻 一闋曲彈出多少真相


男:滿堂紅 名角登場 我整裝 鎧甲配銀槍 十八般武藝威風亮相

云漫天 搏風擊浪 戰鼓擂 喊聲震天響 刀光劍影里蕩氣回腸

說唱:情不知所起 一往而深牡丹亭

將中顯英豪 斬關奪寨定軍山 一去人難見 芳草天涯桃花扇 單騎沖重圍 劍光如霜長坂坡 女:情不知所起 一往而深牡丹亭

一去人難見 芳草天涯桃花扇

是誰說落幕就是散場 我卻忍不住一直思量 是誰說舊戲文已泛黃 我卻當作是國色天香 合:是誰說落幕就是散場 我卻忍不住一直思量 是誰說舊戲文已泛黃 我卻當作是國色天香 我卻當作是國色天香


依稀往夢似曾見 心內波瀾現 拋開世事斷愁怨 相伴到天邊

逐草四方沙漠蒼茫 哪懼雪霜撲面 射雕引弓塞外奔馳 笑傲此生無厭倦 應知愛意似流水 斬不斷理還亂

身經百劫也在心間 恩義兩難斷

逐草四方沙漠蒼茫 哪懼雪霜撲面 射雕引弓塞外奔馳 笑傲此生無厭倦 應知愛意似流水 斬不斷理還亂

身經百劫也在心間 恩義兩難斷身經百劫也在心間 恩義兩難斷


淚濕衣襟 別斜陽里 關山月 一聲橫笛 聞嘆息 風不停歇 沙無邊際 望長安 故國千里 歸無計

山水一程 風雪一身 匆匆馬蹄 夜點千帳燈 琵琶聲聲 誰悲泣 秋意濃 雁歸程 愿常相憶 休問 是否有恨 無絕期

逐夢令-李玉剛 作詞:方文山 作曲:周杰倫

檀香引 窗花透 窗欞 暗夜臨 剪紙憶 剪影 我參透 斑白了 發鬢 故事嶙峋 心不平 曰命

如意輕 屏風靜 冷清 北風行 古道遺 孤亭 今生繁華 杳然空井 風塵愛恨無根浮萍 風化虛名我歸隱

逐夢令 浮生半醒 誰薄命 嘆傾城盛名 我微醺 面北思君 等天明 憔悴入銅鏡

檀香引 窗花透 窗欞 暗夜臨 剪紙憶 剪影 我參透 斑白了 發鬢 故事嶙峋 心不平 曰命

峨眉顰 愁為鄰 緣盡 我子夜 淚滿襟 不信 伊人重情秋色入林 奈何因緣如葉飄零 而我倉皇前世尋

逐夢令 浮生半醒 誰聆聽我心事入琴 弦外音 撥亂曾經 絲竹輕 卻重重 傷心

逐夢令 浮生半醒 誰薄命 嘆傾城盛名 我微醺 面北思君 等天明 憔悴入銅鏡

逐夢令 浮生半醒 誰聆聽我心事入琴 弦外音 撥亂曾經 絲竹輕 卻重重 傷心


作詞:胡力 作曲:胡力

雨兒輕輕飄 心兒似火燒 那是誰的淚 在臉上輕輕繞 石對雨的愛 就像藍的海 雖有萬千語 不知怎么去表白 嗨 你在哪兒 嗨 我看不見

我是一顆小小的石頭 深深的埋在泥土之中 你的影子已看不清


我是一顆小小的石頭 深深的埋在泥土之中 千年以后繁華落幕

我還在風雨之中為你等候 我還在土中為你守候 石對雨的愛 就像藍的海 雖有萬千語 不知怎么去表白 嗨 你在哪兒 嗨 我看不見

我是一顆小小的石頭 深深的埋在泥土之中 你的影子已看不清

我還在尋覓當初你的笑容 我是一顆小小的石頭 深深的埋在泥土之中 千年以后繁華落幕

我還在風雨之中為你等候 我還在土中為你守候

我是一顆小小的石頭 深深的埋在泥土之中 千年以后繁華落幕

我還在風雨之中為你等候 我還在雨(土)中為你等候

新貴妃醉酒 詞曲:胡力


只想夢里與你一起再醉一回 金雀釵玉搔頭是你給我的禮物 霓裳羽衣曲幾番輪回為你歌舞 劍門關是你對我深深的思念 馬嵬坡下愿為真愛魂斷紅顏 愛恨就在一瞬間 舉杯對月情似天 愛恨兩茫茫 問君何時戀 菊花臺倒影明月 誰知吾愛心中寒 醉在君王懷 夢回大唐愛 陛下在來一杯吧

金雀釵玉搔頭是你給我的禮物 霓裳羽衣曲幾番輪回為你歌舞 劍門關是你對我深深的思念 馬嵬坡下愿為真愛魂斷紅顏 愛恨就在一瞬間 舉杯對月情似天 愛恨兩茫茫 問君何時戀 菊花臺倒影明月 誰知吾愛心中寒 醉在君王懷 夢回大唐愛 愛恨就在一瞬間 舉杯對月情似天 愛恨兩茫茫 問君何時戀 菊花臺倒影明月 誰知吾愛心中寒 醉在君王懷 夢回大唐愛


梨花開 春帶雨 梨花落 春入泥 此生只為一人去

道他君王情也癡 情也癡 天生麗質難自棄 天生麗質難自棄 長恨一曲千古迷 長恨一曲千古思

梨花開 春帶雨 梨花落 春入泥 此生只為一人去

道他君王情也癡 情也癡


詞:陳明順 胡力 曲:胡力

有情人多羨慕鴛鴦飛 可我卻想把你來追隨 悠悠的歲月慢慢回味 有你有我還能有誰

雖然只有平淡的滋味 也不怕那雨打和風吹 兩個人的愛相依相偎 不是行同陌路分飛

心在北風里掙扎俳徊 苦苦地尋找愛的滋味 今生難后悔 不要那體會 只想跟雁一起向南飛 今生難后悔 不要那體會 只想跟雁一起向南飛

雖然只有平淡的滋味 也不怕那雨打和風吹 兩個人的愛相依相偎 不是行同陌路分飛

心在北風里掙扎俳徊 苦苦地尋找愛的滋味 今生難后悔 不要那體會 只想跟雁一起向南飛

在夢里癡癡的想結尾 那淚滴傷了我的心扉 醉上千百回 醒后還落淚 只想跟雁一起向南飛 醉上千百回 醒后還落淚 只想跟雁一起向南飛

李玉剛清明上河圖 作詞:高進 作曲:高進

我俯身看去 那一簾秋雨 落下的水滴 卻悄無聲息

雕刻在石碑上的印記 是否隱藏著秘密 在你的眼神中 我看到了情絲萬縷

古巷的憂郁 寫下琵琶的旋律 飄逸的外衣 街上叫賣的小曲 仿佛隔空變換到那里 一切模糊又清晰 幾秒鐘的世界 感嘆不平凡的意義

綾羅飄起遮住日落西 奏一回斷腸的古曲 抬起畫面如此的美麗 孰不知是誰的墨筆 淡淡胭脂遮住了思緒 小酌幾杯卻有醉意

多少能人將相 書畫三千里上河圖雕琢的意義


寫下琵琶的旋律 飄逸的外衣 街上叫賣的小曲 仿佛隔空變換到那里 一切模糊又清晰 幾秒鐘的世界 感嘆不平凡的意義

綾羅飄起遮住日落西 奏一回斷腸的古曲 抬起畫面如此的美麗 孰不知是誰的墨筆 淡淡胭脂遮住了思緒 小酌幾杯卻有醉意

多少能人將相 書畫三千里上河圖雕琢的意義 綾羅飄起遮住日落西 奏一回斷腸的古曲 抬起畫面如此的美麗 孰不知是誰的墨筆 淡淡胭脂遮住了思緒 小酌幾杯卻有醉意

多少能人將相 書畫三千里上河圖雕琢的意義

鏡花水月--李玉剛 作詞:胡力 作曲:胡力 編曲:楊一博

鏡照佳人 花無眠 水映殘月 月無顏 風吹花 枝兒擺 月兒走 心卻留

鏡中的花為誰紅 水中的月為誰顏 月影落下百合窗 花兒凋落為誰傷 問你酒醉幾時休 花兒開滿了枝頭 水中倒影人消瘦 殘月早蹬岳陽樓

鏡照佳人 花無眠 水映殘月 月無顏 風吹花 枝兒擺 月兒走 心卻留

鏡中的花為誰紅 水中的月為誰顏 月影落下百合窗 花兒凋落為誰傷 問你酒醉幾時休 花兒開滿了枝頭 水中倒影人消瘦 殘月早蹬岳陽樓 鏡中的花為誰紅 水中的月為誰顏 月影落下百合窗 花兒凋落為誰傷 問你酒醉幾時休 花兒開滿了枝頭 水中倒影人消瘦 殘月早蹬岳陽樓 殘月早蹬岳陽樓



秋已至 天轉涼 鴻雁下斜陽 思雨竹 更惆悵 請君莫忘添衣裳 紅花謝 葉子黃 天籟聲鏗鏘

桂樹茂 菊花香 邀君對酒明月朗 思雨竹 更惆悵 請君莫忘添衣裳 桂樹茂 菊花香 邀君對酒明月朗 紅花謝 葉子黃 天籟聲鏗鏘 桂樹茂 菊花香 邀君對酒明月朗 思雨竹 更惆悵 請君莫忘添衣裳 桂樹茂 菊花香 邀君對酒明月朗 思雨竹 更惆悵 請君莫忘添衣裳 桂樹茂 菊花香 邀君對酒明月朗


悠然千年 一回首 世外桃源 城中留 百家興旺 一壺酒 烽火不再 燃城頭

魂牽夢醒 尋春秋 花開花落 水東流 多少煙云 鎖重樓 如今風景 全看透

山城尋國 山水柔 夢回春秋 故地重游 恰逢盛世 情封喉

(獨白):夢回春秋 淹城獨秀

魂牽夢醒 尋春秋 花開花落 水東流 多少煙云 鎖重樓 如今風景 全看透

夢回春秋 探古尋幽 山城尋國 山水柔 夢回春秋 故地重游 恰逢盛世 情封喉

夢回春秋 千古風流 歲月流芳 愛不朽 夢回春秋 故地重游 人間奇葩 淹城獨秀

人間奇葩 淹城獨秀

美人 詞曲:婁剛毅

蝴蝶在花間飛舞 仿佛那水墨一幅

我已是醉眼朦朧 不知身在何處 三杯兩盞淡酒 染紅了你的臉 雙眸流輝風情萬種 卻將琴弦輕撫

縱舍千頃良田廣廈萬間 我且不顧

只想你的芳心有個角落 是我的歸宿

任那世間滄桑繁華荒蕪 我且不顧

只愿與你化身鴛鴦蝴蝶 共日出日暮

風乍起 吹動一池春水 心似漣漪 情絲為誰泛起 花正妍 弄花香滿衣 情如花期 怎鎖濃濃春意

蝴蝶在花間飛舞 仿佛那水墨一幅

我已是醉眼朦朧 不知身在何處 三杯兩盞淡酒 染紅了你的臉 雙眸流輝風情萬種 卻將琴弦輕撫

心似漣漪 情絲為誰泛起 花正妍 弄花香滿衣 情如花期 怎鎖濃濃春意 風乍起 吹動一池春水 心似漣漪 情絲為誰泛起 花正妍 弄花香滿衣 情如花期 怎鎖濃濃春意 情如花期 怎鎖濃濃春意


作曲:欒 凱

久阻歸期憶別離 時聞漏轉思鄉起 我問歸期是何年


秋風不解相思意 我將心事寄瓊花 風吹花落碾成泥

以身許國去 一別千萬里 如今歸來兮 著我舊時衣 浣紗于清溪 情絲千萬縷 萬丈紅塵中 我心只有你

如今歸來兮 回我舊時居 愿攜君子手 同乘一扁舟 從此天地寬 白頭不相離

云淡風輕看今昔 伴花隨柳攬明月 天長地久長相依

李玉剛天池 作詞:梁俊睿 胡力 作曲:胡力

如果不是 麗質天生 你也不會 一塵不染 如果不是 千錘百煉 你也沒有 不朽容顏 一轉眼千萬年 舞袖天地間 看日月星移轉 不變的是桑田

天池之水天上來 玉鏡懸在彩云間 山色空蒙水瀲滟 就把天池作瑤臺 一轉眼千萬年 舞袖天地間 看日月星移轉 不變的是桑田

天池之水天上來 玉鏡懸在彩云間 山色空蒙水瀲滟 就把天池作瑤臺 天池之水天上來 畫里瑤池落人間 清秀如醉的容顏 傾國傾城傾滿天

李玉剛 - 夢青衣


夢里聽見一個聲音 陌生又熟悉

仿佛在我耳邊訴說他的曾經 眼前映出一個身影



那女子容色絕美 回眸一笑生百媚 我柔腸百結如醉 只沉迷在她的香味 你是誰家芳閨 難為這人間精粹 恍惚此意境昔日 沉醉與你鵲橋相會 情似水 蘭熏沁人心肺 我多想與你相隨 愿與子執手相看淚 蝶相追 緊相隨 唯恐夢醒愛成灰 長袖揮 如流水


梨花飄 畫中嬌 此女本應天上仙 面如玉 花如顏 不知為誰落人間 夢里聽見一個聲音 陌生又熟悉

仿佛在我耳邊訴說他的曾經眼前映出一個身影 慢慢的靠近


梨花飄 畫中嬌 此女本應天上仙 面如玉 花如顏 不知為誰落人間 天生麗質美窈窕 君子好逑競相邀 回眸一笑百媚生 猶記心頭夢魂消

似水流年-李玉剛 人艷花香。 玉似嬌娘, 剛好模樣。 人間風雨, 歲月人涼。 傾國傾愛,


他年他月她又在何方, 她山她水他不在身旁。 一曲相思明月照故鄉, 似水流年春來春水長。

他年他月她又在何方, 她山她水他不在身旁。 一曲相思明月照故鄉, 似水流年春來春水長。

歲月繞人涼。 傾國難傾愛, 美玉永流芳。 美玉永流芳。



月光那么亮那么冰涼 臉龐那么美那么憂傷 來時路那么遠那么幽長 離開了那么痛那么凄惘 靜靜地靜靜地望著那天上遠遠地遠遠地飄來一縷香默默地默默地許下那愿望明天的家園 無比芬芳

月光那么亮那么冰涼 臉龐那么美那么憂傷 來時路那么遠那么幽長 離開了那么痛那么凄惘 靜靜地靜靜地望著那天上遠遠地遠遠地飄來一縷香默默地默默地許下那愿望明天的家園 無比芬芳

月亮啊月亮啊請告訴我 哪里啊哪里啊是我家鄉 月亮啊月亮啊請告訴我 心上的人 心中的家園 會變成什么模樣

日日紅上海 詞:知錯

曲:好妹妹樂隊 . 花落后 春無蹤 只剩下歡愉在夢中 有情人兒又分別

總是那人生長恨水長東 徘徊中 思量中 這人生匆匆如秋風 有情人兒幾時回

依舊那傷心枕上雨三更 路漫漫 夜朦朦 耳畔還是你的叮嚀 有情人兒幾時回

只教我欲寄相思夢不成 徘徊中 思量中 這人生匆匆如秋風 有情人兒幾時回

依舊那傷心枕上雨三更 路漫漫 夜朦朦 耳畔還是你的叮嚀 有情人兒幾時回

只叫我欲寄相思夢不成 路漫漫 夜朦朦 耳畔還是你的叮嚀 有情人兒幾時回

只叫我欲寄相思夢不成 花落后 春無蹤 只剩下歡愉在夢中 有情人兒又分別

總是那人生長恨水長東 總是那人生長恨水長東


作詞:方文山 作曲:周杰倫

你的淚光柔弱中帶傷 慘白的月彎彎勾住過往 夜太漫長凝結成了霜 是誰在閣樓上冰冷地絕望

雨輕輕彈朱紅色的窗 我一生在紙上被風吹亂 夢在遠方化成一縷香 隨風飄散你的模樣


菊花殘滿地傷 菊花殘滿地傷 你的笑容已泛黃 你的笑容已泛黃 你的笑容已泛黃

花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜淌

北風亂夜未央 你的影子剪不斷


花已向晚飄落了燦爛 凋謝的世道上命運不堪 愁莫渡江秋心拆兩半 怕你上不了岸一輩子搖晃

誰的江山馬蹄聲狂亂 我一身的戎裝呼嘯滄桑 天微微亮你輕聲地嘆 一夜惆悵如此委婉


作詞:姚若龍 小蟲 作曲:小蟲

蝴蝶兒飛去 心亦不在 凄清長夜誰來 拭淚滿腮 是貪點兒依賴 貪一點兒愛 舊緣該了難了 換滿心哀 怎受的住 這頭猜那邊怪 怎受的住 這頭猜那邊怪 人言匯成愁海 辛酸難捱 人言匯成愁海 辛酸難捱 天給的苦 給的災都不怪 天給的苦 給的災都不怪 千不該萬不該 芳華怕孤單 千不該萬不該 芳華怕孤單

林花兒謝了 連心也埋 他日春燕歸來 身何在


作詞:王太利 作曲:王太利演唱:筷子兄弟


終于長出了果實 今天是個偉大日子 摘下星星送給你 拽下月亮送給你 讓太陽每天為你升起

變成蠟燭燃燒自己 只為照亮你

把我一切都獻給你 只要你歡喜

你讓我每個明天都 變得有意義

生命雖短愛你永遠 不離不棄

你是我的小呀小蘋果兒 怎么愛你都不嫌多

紅紅的小臉兒溫暖我的心窩 點亮我生命的火 火火火火 你是我的小呀小蘋果兒 就像天邊最美的云朵 春天又來到了花開滿山坡 種下希望就會收獲

從不覺得你討厭 你的一切都喜歡 有你的每天都新鮮 有你陽光更燦爛 有你黑夜不黑暗 你是白云我是藍天

春天和你漫步在盛開的 花叢間夏天夜晚陪你一起看 星星眨眼秋天黃昏與你徜徉在 金色麥田冬天雪花飛舞有你 更加溫暖

你是我的小呀小蘋果兒 怎么愛你都不嫌多

