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conscience – a sense of right and wrong, with an urge to do right

republic – a state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representations elected, directly or indirectly, by them and responsible to them

intellectual – appealing to the intellect

virtue – efficacy

to repair to – to go to (a place, esp. go in large numbers to)

design – plan

case – fact

belief – faith, conviction

convenience – benefit, profit

high circle – the high class of the rich


ailment – a mild ,chronic illness小病,失調,疾病

preoccupation – mentally being wholly occupied with or absorbed in one’s thought全神貫注,入神 to augmentfertility; productiveness 生育力,多產,富饒,肥沃


amorphous – vague; without definite form無定形的, 雜亂的

enterprise – a bold, difficult , dangerous or important undertaking 事業 計劃

to succor – to give assistance to in times of need or distress; to help; to aid幫助,救濟,支援

to louse up – to spil; to ruin〔美俚〕變壞;弄糟;毀壞

allegation – an assertion or statement made without proof 宣稱 聲稱

replete(with) – well-filled or plentifully supplied充分供應的,飽滿的;吃飽了的;塞滿的

monkey wrench 活扳手

coffee maker – a utensil, as an electrical applicance, for brewing coffee

aberration – a departure from what is right or correct 偏差,越軌

to seduceof, based on, or expressing existence關于存在的,依據存在經驗的

nitrate 硝酸鹽

to excrete 排泄

to metabolize (使)產生代謝變化

algae 海藻

to ingest – to take (food) in to the body, as by swallowing, inhaling or absorbing咽下,攝取,吸收 innocuouslyto come near or nearer to sb./ sth. In space or time

faithcommitment of philosophy

to reportpower of learning, understanding, and reasoning

to conditionto express in another language or in simpler words

temper(fo a person) not a slave or prisoner; allowed to move where one wants; having physical freedom to betrayworldly世俗的

to endow- to provide with some talent or quality 授與,賦與

creed – a set of beliefs, principles or opinions on any subject教義,信條

Americanism – a thing of feature, characteristic of, or peculiar to the US對于美國的忠誠與擁護;美國精神 to construe – to explain or deduce the meaning of; to interpret解釋,給…下注解;推論

spectrum – a continuous range or entire extent范圍,幅度

empirical – relying or based solely on experiment and observation rather than on scientific principles經驗主義的 pragmatism – concerned with actual practice, everyday affairs, etc. not with theory or speculation實用主義

freehold – an estate in land held for life or with the right to pass it on through inheritance永久業權

salient – prominent; conspicuous; most noticeable顯著的,卓越的,惹人注目的

per se – by or in itself本身

discourse- communication of ideas, information, etc. esp. by talking, conversation講演,論說

besetting sin – the fault that especially or most frequently tempts one易犯的惡習

fatalistic 宿命論

custodyto celebrate

at issueto train to develop self-control, character

someone’s writ runsmilitary strength

to stayto extract sth. From sth.


to split asunder – to disunite

bonds – shackles 束縛,桎梏

invective – violent verbal attack 猛烈抨擊 痛罵

writ – a formal doc. ordering or prohibiting some actions 書面命令

civility – politeness; a polite act or utterance 禮貌

to belabor – to spend too much time and make too much effort on 花費大量時間精力做 to invoke – to put into use 實施生效

beachhead – a position gained as a secure staring point for any action 陣地

embattled – prepared for battle 嚴陣以待

tribulation – distress 痛苦 憂慮


Unit 1 Never say goodbye 1. porch climber


2. part with sth


part from sb 與某人分別 3. summon the nerve to do sth

= summon up one’s courage to do sth

鼓起勇氣 4. be plunged into

陷入…… 5. have words with sb


have a word with sb

與……聊天 6. reach deep within sb

= think deeply 7. the essence of


8. laughter and tears = joys and sorrows = ups and downs 歡笑與淚水

Unit 2 The fun they had 1. be supped to =should

應該 2. be through with = finish 3. throw away = discard

放棄 拋棄 4. take sth apart

拆開 5. be superior/inferior to sb in sth 6. on business 出差

in business 做生意

7. be entitled to = has the right to

有權力 8. tag along with sb

跟著某人、貼身膏藥 9. settle down to

安心做/致力于 專心致志/習慣 10. code of conduct


11. be scornful of sth/sb


12. tie the score 打成平局

on the score of …


play to the score 隨機應變

keep score of sth 將……記錄下來 passing score 及格分

be scored for

因…而受到責罵 13. lofty purposes 崇高宗旨

lofty ideal 雄心壯志 14. get/have insight into sth


15. still one’s anger


still less 更不用說 still water runs deep

大智若愚 16. go on trial = be put on trial 受到審判

be on trial

在試用期 17. regular customer ???/p>

regular bus 班車

regular staff


regular work


regular meeting 例會 18. give the game away 泄密

make game of sb 取笑某人

play game with sb 和……開玩笑

play games with sb 敷衍 be on one’s game


be new to (this/the) game

新手對……不熟悉 beat sb at one’s own game


be game for

敢于 19. take sth for granted


20. turned a deaf ear to


Unit 3 Whatever Happened to Manners? 1. get away from / with

遠離、僥幸逃脫(成功) 2. take the lift 坐電梯

take a lift 搭車

3. have no appreciation of

不懂得欣賞、不了解 appreciation of money


4. pull out all the stops 全力以赴

pull out of the deal 退出交易 pull in 駛入、賺錢、節省

5. set an example (of sth / for sb)

樹立榜樣 6. do wonders for

對……大有好處 7. be the host for

主持 8. recipe for sth


、 ……的秘訣 9. be in the mood

有好心情 10. bet sth on

打賭…… 11. irritation against sb

憤恨 12. for one’s sake for the sake of 為了……的緣故

13. count among

算得上 稱得上

count oneself sth 自認為 14. go a long way

帶來好的結果 產生良好的結果 15. be gracious about sth / to sb

對……親切 16. across the board


go by the board

荒廢 被放棄 未成功 sweep the board


take (sth) on board

理解 明白

17. pull up = stop the car

pull sb up

責備某人 pull off 駛離路邊/做成 贏得

pull down

推倒 拆遷 拆毀 pull down your jacket

要冷靜 放輕松 18. in the manner of 以……的方式

all manner of =all kinds of 各種各樣 in a manner of speaking = in the sense 19. qualifying match

資格賽 20. wedding reception


Unit4 Dealing with AIDS 1. hang out


hang up on sb

掛某人電話 2. plague sb with sth

用……來煩 3. make sense

有意義、理解 4. turn one’s back on sb

背棄、不離棄 5. in fear that


6. blame sth on sb

blame sb for sth


be to blame for 有責任

blame sb for nothing 無故指責 7. go through sth

經歷 忍受 8. be under stress


9. do sb good = benefit sb 10. keep in


keep the fire in


keep in with sb

拍某人馬屁、與某人保持友好聯系 11. bubble over with

洋溢著……之情 12. make through

熬過 13. in a way=in a sense

從某種意義上來說 14. hold in respect/esteem

推崇 非常尊敬 15. keep sth alive

讓……存活 16. under the weather


under the care of

在……擁護之下 17. be accused of … 被起訴 = be charged with

Unit 5 how to be true to yourself 1. motto


2. demonstrate against…..

示威反對,當眾反對。 3. integrity

正直 4. social morality


5. work ethic 職業道德

6. sell out

出賣,背叛 I’ll never sell out my friends. 7. in short supply

供不應求 8. scarcer=very little


9. demand of sb to do sth

要求某人怎么樣;索取 demond sb of sth

要求某人怎么樣;索取 10. stand for


11. conviction

信念 信仰;判罪 12. have the conviction that…….

深信 13. surgical ward 外科病房

surgery 外科 surgical light 無影燈

plastic surgery 整形手術 13.ensure that 確保

ensure sb against/from sth 保證不受。。。

14.account for

說明原因/ 對。。負有責任/ 占。。百分比 15.sponge

海綿/用海綿吸/海量/揩油 She is a sponge

酒量很好。 16.sponge on…..

靠……生活 17.back down = give up


Back dawn from sth/doing.


18.credit n.


Place credit in ….

相信/信任=believe in

Give sb credit for …..


Have credit with sb


Credit sth to sb


In credit

有余額 19.dwarf

使相形見拙 20.engage in = be busy with sth =

忙于,從事 21.cover-up


Cover up sth


Cover up for sb


Have a clear conscience

Have nothing on one’s conscience

Go against one’s conscience

Have a quilty conscience about sth.

23.succumb to

24.win the day 獲勝=be successful 25.rearview mirror

26.give sb the sack

Get the sack

sack sb

27.take one’s place

Take one’s rightful place

28.tickled pick

Green with envy

29.get into the driver’s seat





違背良知 為……感到內疚 屈服于…..,死于……











black sheep


Black lie


White lie


Call white black


Black and blue

Black tidings

In the black

The pot calls the kettle black

Black horse

Dark horse

Blue stocking

Once in a blue moon

Drink till all’s blue

Blue jokes

Blue films

Blue blood

Make/ turn the air blue

Out of the blue

Green hand

In the green

Green back


















Green power


White sale


White elephant


White day

黃道吉日 White war

沒有硝煙的戰爭 Yellow dog

See red

Paint the town red

In the red

In the pink

Born in the purple

Unit 7 When Lightning Struck 1. scramble for power and wealth

2. scramble for a living

3. flight attendant

4. strap in

5. lunge at sb

6. make a connecting flight

7. make a direct flight

8. put away=put aside









飛機乘務員 系上安全帶坐在座位上





9. get to the point

危急時刻 10. take a ride on a roller-coaster


11. pull oneself together

克制情緒,控制情緒 12. make it

成功 13. small potato

小人物 14. be equivalent to sb/sth

15. confide sth to sb

16. confide to sb that…

17. confide in sb/sth

18. confide sb to sb

19. panic over sth

20. put sth in the pocket

21. cling together

22. cling to one’s own view

23. cling to sb/sth

24. lament over sth

25. get to the bottom of

26. see very much of sb

27. get in

28. be indebted to=be greatful

29. pay back

30. eye for eye













經??吹侥橙?收獲/ 當選/ 到達目的地

感激的/ 負債的

償還/ 報復


31. blow for blow

以眼還眼 32. come throuth in the clutch

通過緊要關頭 33. be civil to sb/sth

文明的對待 34. civil action

民事訴訟 35. bring a civil action against sb

對某人提起民事訴訟 36. civil case

37. civil servant

38. civil building

39. civil engineering

40. be blessed with

41. a string of

42. the tip of the iceberg

43. tip of the day

44. tip off = give away

45. tip over

46. tip one’s hat to sb

47. lean meat

48. lean year

49. lean ore

50. bad loan

51. non-performing loan

52. student loan


















53. montgage loan

抵押貸款 54. loan money at high interest


55. a public figure

公眾人物 56. panic button

緊急按鈕 57. panic buying

恐慌性搶購 58. be in a panic

處于恐慌中 59. lose one’s head

慌亂,失去理智 60. enter into agreement with sb

達成協議,舉行會議 61. a politically poor

政治上沒有影響力 62. head from


Unit 8 1. elaborate on sth

詳細闡述 2. have a recollection = remember sth have a green recollection

對……記憶猶新 3. usher in = bring in

引進,引領 4. succession to the throne

王位繼承權 5. bittersweet

苦樂參半的 6. enjoy great popularity


have an extensive popularity among

廣受歡迎 7. ruby 紅寶石

emerald 祖母綠

jadeite 翡翠

sapphire 藍寶石 yellow sapphire 黃寶石

amber 瑪瑙

moon stone 月光石 8.

give way to


9. significant others

至關重要的那位(指情人或是愛人) 10. Relegate sth to sb 將…..移交給

11. put a lump in sb’s throat

讓某人的嗓子哽咽 12. signal sb to do sth

示意某人做….. 13. bulletin board

記事板 14. reminder letter

催函 rent reminder

催交租金通知 15. let out

泄露 16. get thrill out of

對….感到興奮 17. happen to coincide with

與….不謀而合 18. coincide with

與….一致 19. have no rival

天下無敵 without rival

天下無敵 20. top official

高級官員 21. turn a deaf air on…..


Unit 9 1. Palm-fringed 四周種滿棕櫚樹 2. A fringe benefit 小恩小惠 3. reach one’s peak 達到某人的頂峰 a) Peak season

旺季 b) Flood peak


4. recommend sth to sb

將某樣東西推薦給某人 5.

stunt rider

特技演員 6. in vain



hold sb/sth on a tight rein

將….牢牢控制住 8.

studio chief

制片主任 9.

sign the contract with sb


10. With his hardworking, the company won a valuable contract 11. candidates for the presidency

總統候選人 12. get one’s own way = obtain what one wants 獲取某人想要的東西 13. Hit on / upon 偶然發現,偶然碰到,突然想到 14. Hit the books

埋頭苦讀 15. Hit the drug store

逛…. 16. Intellectual property rights

知識產權 17. cease fire

?;?戰斗) 18. cease to be


19. entertain sb with sth

用,某物招待某人 20.

make one’s home in….

將家安在….. 21. packed lunch

盒飯,便當 22. be associated with….

與….聯系在一起 23.

be at one’s best

處于最佳狀態 24. at best

充其量 25.

be in one’s

穿著盛裝 26.

football pitch

足球場 tennis court

網球場 baseball diamond

棒球場 boxing ring

拳擊臺 cycling velodrome

自行車賽場 27. was / were meant to

注定….. 28. You were meant to be his girl 29. Mean business

認真的,嚴肅的 30. Didn’t mean any harm

并無惡意 31. Didn’t mean any offence

無意冒犯 32. fulfill one’s demands / requirement

滿足要求 33. fulfill one’s duties

履行職責 34. fulfill oneself

實現抱負 35. floored by = be puzzled ; be at loss

對….感到困惑 36. questions from the floor

與會者的問題 a) have the floor = have one’s say 發言權(輪到某人發言) b) from the floor 與會者的….

c) wipe the floor with sb = defeat sb completely 徹底打敗某人 d) go through the floor / drop through the floor 下滑 take to the floor

開始跳舞,起舞 37.

a person of consequence

重要人物 a) in a consequence

結果 b) = as a result c) in consequence of

由于….. d) (be) of no consequence

無足輕重 e) take / face the consequence 其果

38. a few slip

39. a slip of pen

40. a slip of tongue

41. slip one over on sb = cheat sb 42. give someone the slip

43. let the slip that….

承擔責任 /

小錯誤 筆誤







新形勢新任務新挑戰新機遇 新情況新問題新困難新對策新辦法新局面新氣象


守護者 保護者守望者踐行者組織者協調者旁觀者教育者監督者管理者設計者引導者實施者指導者協助者決策者參與者







自覺性時效性可操作性復雜性積極性實效性機制性特殊性主動性有效性體制性多變性創造性堅定性保障性危險性 準確性階段性流動性盲目性 目的性層次性穩定性實用性 預見性啟發性全局性科學性 前瞻性警示性局部性局限性 針對性苗頭性根本性約束性 普遍性傾向性長期性理論性 典型性經常性精確性系統性示范性思想性果敢性完整性 必要性知識性堅韌性多樣性重要性趣味性敏感性服務性 先進性隨意性警惕性指導性 優越性反復性技術性思想性 全局性前瞻性戰略性創新性 指導性可操作性目標性


使命感 責任感 危機感 緊迫感 榮譽感 成就感 自豪感 歸屬感 認同感 幸福感 滿足感 憂郁感 孤獨感 失落感



向心力凝聚力 洞察力 執行力 推動力 戰斗力 保障力 駕馭力 自控力 親和力 號召力 感召力語言表達能力文字寫作能力組織協調能力團隊協作能力


全局意識 整體意識 奉獻意識 謀劃意識 機遇意識 任務意識 形象意識責任意識 學習意識 創新意識 進取意識 危機意識 自我保護意識 憂患意識


創一流樹標桿 當標兵 樹形象 展風采 顯特色 出實招 做實事 攻難點 查隱患堵漏洞 正警風 聚警心 明職責 聚合力 建堡壘 強管控 強基礎 求實效求突破 求改進 求規范 謀長效 謀發展 謀打贏


一股繩 一盤棋 一顆釘 一班人 一條心 一股勁 一面旗 一座山 一堵墻一支筆 一條槍 一塊磚 一條龍 一把手




一種境界一種考驗一種標志一種障礙 一種心境一種挑戰一種品牌一種歧視 一種藝術一種磨練一種榜樣一種惡習 一種態度一種美德一種勇氣一種打擊 一種心態一種品格一種觀念一種誤會 一種文化一種財富一種收獲一種曲解 一種科學一種方法一種快樂一種折磨 一種生活一種策略一種追求一種懦弱 一種力量一種戰術一種鼓勵一種錯誤 一種習慣一種感情一種渠道一種失誤 一種享受一種感動一種反饋一種無奈 一種選擇一種責任一種解答一種罪過 一種和諧一種信任一種原則一種負擔 一種氣質一種義務一種情緒一種矛盾 一種修養一種尊重一種成功一種枷鎖一種壓力一種能力一種本能一種動力一種約束一種愛好一種進步一種哲學一種權利一種精神一種緣分一種嘗試一種幸福一種偶然一種實踐一種幸運一種必然一種精彩一種福氣一種美麗一種過程一種智慧一種魄力一種自信



小辯論 小問答 小講評 小討論 小板報 小朗誦 小講座 小創新 小改革 小突破 小提高 小態度 小竅門 小技巧 小圈子 小功夫 小發明


世界觀 人生觀 價值觀 道德觀 榮辱觀 大局觀 平衡觀 統籌觀 科學觀 宗旨觀 和諧觀 政績觀 得失觀


(后跟名詞,如學習型黨支部、節約型所隊、復合型人才等) 學習型 服務型 實戰型 創新型 務實型 節約型 高效型 全能型 復合型



by/from all accounts 大家一致認為,根據各方面所說 of no account 無足輕重 on all accounts 無論如何

(not…) on any account 無論如何(都不) on every account (=on all accounts) 無論如何

on no account 決不

by all means 務必,盡一切辦 法;完全可以 by any means 無論如何 by no means 決不

by some means 通過某種方法,用某種辦法

at last 最后,終于

at long last (=at last) 終于,久而久之 in the long run 歸根到底,終于 in the end 最后

by the end of 到…結束后 all the time 一直,自始至終 for a long time 長時間 at the moment 此刻;暫時 for a moment 片刻;暫時 for the moment 目前

in a moment 立即

for an instant 一時 in an instant 立刻,瞬間 on the instant 立即,馬上 on occasion 間或;隨時

time and again 一再地,幾次三番

at intervals 不時,經常

at regular intervals 每隔一定時間 far apart 相隔很遠 in between 在中間

by far (修飾比較級,最高級)…得多 to (the full) 最大限度地 in a way 在某種程度上 by the way 順便地,附帶地說說 in any way 無論如何,在任何方面 in every way 在各方面,無論從哪方面說都 in no way 決不

in the way 擋道的,妨礙人的 out of the way 離正道,出常規,偏僻 at a loss 迷惑,不知所措 at ease 自在;心安

at hand 在手邊,在附近;迫 近,臨近

at heart 內心里

at random 隨意地,隨便地 by accident 偶然,無意中 on purpose 故意地

by itself/oneself 獨立地,獨自地

by nature 生來,本來 by right(s) 當然

in association (with) (與…)協作/交往/聯系 in doubt 令人懷疑的,可疑的,抱著懷疑 in general 一般;大體上 in particular 特別地

in person 親自 in private 秘密地 in public 公開地,公然 in question 所述的;有關的 in response (to) 響應,應…而

in vain 白費地;徒勞地 in one’s absence/presence 在某人不在的時候/當著某人的面 in short supply (物資)供應不足 in no mood to 沒有心思(心情)做… in the belief that 相信…

on the decline/fall 在下坡路上,在衰退中 on the increase/rise 在增長中,在上升 on the run 奔忙;在逃亡中 on the wing 飛翔中;旅行中 on the fours 匍匐著;爬著

out of hand 立刻;不受約束,難以控制 out of order 混亂,雜亂;發生故障;失調 out of place 不適當的,不相稱的 out of practice 荒疏的;不開業的 out of question 毫無疑問 out of reach 夠不著,力所不及 out of stock 無存貨,售空

out of the question 不可能的,做不到的 out of work 失業

beyond compare 無與倫比的

beyond deion 難以形容 beyond one’s means 入不敷出 beyond one’s reach/power 力不能及

beyond praise 夸不勝夸 beyond one’s wildest dreams 連做夢都不敢想的,怎么都想不到的

beyond recognition 認不出的 beyond repair 修不好的 under arrest 在拘留中;被捕 under control 在控制下 under consideration 在考慮中

under cultivation 在耕作中 under discussion 在討論中 under investigation 在調查中 under repair 在修理中 under study 在研究中

under treatment 在治療/處理中 under way 在進行中 above all 尤其是,最重要的 after all 究意;到底;畢竟 all in all 全部地,整個地

as a result 結果;因此 as usual 照例,照常 in a word 一句話,總而言之 in conclusion 最后

on an/the average 平均,平均來說 on the contrary 相反地


break away 擺脫(關系);逃脫

break down (機器等)損壞,出故障;(談判等)破裂;(人)垮掉 break in 闖入,打斷,插嘴 break off 終止,中斷 break out 爆發,發生

break through 突圍,突破;重大突破,取得重大成果 break up 打碎,粉碎;終止,結束;解放

bring about 導致,引起 bring back 使記起,歸還 bring down 降低,打倒

bring forth 產生,引起(結果);提出,宣布 bring forward 提出,提議 bring off 完成,使成功 bring on 帶來,引起,幫助

bring out 生產,制造;使顯出,顯露;出版,公布 bring over 說服,使轉變(思想) bring up 養育,培養

call for 要求,需要 call in 約請,叫進來 call off 取消

call on 拜訪(sb.);號召,請求,呼吁(sb. to do sth.) call out 喚起,大聲叫;向…挑戰 call up 召集,動員;打電話;使人想起

care about 關心,操心,計較 care for 照管,關心;喜歡,愿意

carry forward 推進,發揚

carry off 奪去(生命),奪得(獎牌等) carry on 繼續進行下去 carry out 執行,貫徹

carry over 貯存下來,把…爭取進來,說服

catch on 理解,了解;受歡迎;被鉤住 catch up 急起直追,趕上 catch up with 趕上

clear away 清除,收拾;(云等)消散 clear off 走開;驅逐;清償 clear out 清除,清理…的內部

clear up 整理,收拾;解釋,清除(誤會等);(天氣)放晴

come about 發生;轉身 come across (仍然)碰見,發現 come after 繼…而來,跟蹤而來 come at 達到…接近;襲擊

come down with 得/患(病,尤指傳染性疾病)而病倒 come off 發生,舉行;成功,奏效脫落 come out 出現,顯露,出版,發表結果是 come over (從遠處)過來;改變立場(to) come round 蘇醒,復原;轉向,改變主意 come through 經歷…仍活著;脫險,獲得成功 come to 蘇醒;總計為

come up 走近;長出,發芽;被提出來

come up against 遭遇(困難或反對);迎擊,與…相違背 come up with 想出(計劃,答案,回答等),提出

count in 把…算在內 count on 依靠,指望

count out 點…的數;把…不算在內 count up 把…相加 count out 刪去,取消

cut across 抄近路穿過,對直通過 cut away 切/砍掉

cut down (尤指數量,數額上)削減,減少,降低 cut in 插嘴,打斷;超車搶擋 cut off 切斷,中斷 cut out 割去,刪去

cut short 使停止,打斷;縮減,截短 cut up 切/砍碎,劃破

do over 重新做,收拾干凈 do away with 去掉,廢除 do up 修繕,整修;梳理,化妝 do without 沒有…也行

drive at 意指,意欲 drive away 驅走 drive sb. back on sth. 迫使某人使用他本人不愿用的(資源,方法等) drive down 壓低,使…下降 drive in 把…趕進,把…,敲入 drive off 開走,擊退 drive up 抬高,使…上升

fall back on 求助于,轉而依靠 fall behind 落后,落后于… fall into 落入,陷于,分成 fall off 從…上掉落,變壞,死亡 fall out 爭吵鬧翻;結果是 fall through 落空,失敗

fill in 填充,填寫;臨時代替 fill into 填入 fill out 填好,填寫 fill up 填滿,填寫 find out 查明,弄清 get at 夠得著;意指

get across (使)被了解,解釋清楚 get along 進展;相處;繼續生活 get away 走開,離開;逃脫

get away with 僥幸做成(壞事)而 逃脫 get back to 回到,恢復到

get by 過得去,尚可,差強人意過活 get down 寫下,記下

get down to 開始認真對待,認真著手 get in 進入,插(話);收獲;到達進站 get off 從…下來;脫下;起飛

get off with (干壞事后)只得到…就逃脫重罰,免遭不幸 get on (with) (與…)相處;(中斷后)繼續;進展 get out (使)離開,出去;(消息等泄露;取出,除去 get over 從(疾病,悲傷等)中恢復過來;克服(困難) get round to 抽時間來做…;經過一段時間的耽誤后開始考慮… get through 完成(工作);渡(時間);花光(錢等);讓人了解;接通電話 get to 到達,著手 get up 站立;起床

give away 贈送;泄露 give back 歸還

give in 認輸,讓步,屈服;交上,呈上 give off 散出,放出 give rise to 引起

give up 停止,放棄;認輸,投降 give way to 讓位于…;把…讓給… give out 分發

go after 追求

go along with 贊同,支持;陪同前往

go around 四處走動,繞道;(消息等)傳開;足夠分配 go back on 違背

go by (時間)過去;遵守,遵循 go for 去請,去拿;適用于 go in for 從事,愛好 go into 調查,研究;從事,加入 go off 爆炸,被發射;離開,走掉;斷電 go on 繼續;發生 go out 熄滅,停止;過時 go over 仔細查看,檢查;復習

go through 遭受,經歷(苦難等);審查、檢查(法案等)被通過、批準 go through with 完成,做完 go up 上升;被炸(燒)毀

go with 陪…一起行事;與…一致(協調)

hand down 把…傳下來 hand in 交上,遞交 hand on 依次,傳遞 hand out 分發,發給 hand over 交出,移交 hang about (around, round) 閑蕩,徘徊

hang on 等待片刻,不掛斷(電話) hang on to 緊緊抓住 hang up 掛斷(電話)

hold back 躊躇,退縮不前;阻擋,阻止…發展;保守(秘密等),隱瞞 hold off 延緩,延擱

hold on 抓住不放;等一會 兒;(電話)別掛 hold on to 緊緊抓住,抓住不放;始終堅持 hold out 伸出;堅持(要求),不屈服 hold to 堅持,抓住

hold up 阻擋,使停止;舉起,承載 keep back 隱瞞,保留;阻止,阻擋 keep down 壓縮,抑制;壓制,鎮壓 keep off (使)不接近,(使)讓開 keep to 遵守,信守;堅持

keep up (使)繼續下去,(使)不停止;堅持,保持 keep pace with 與…保持同速,并駕齊驅 keep step with 與…保持同步,步調一致 keep up with 趕上,不落后于

lay aside 把…擱在一旁;留存,儲蓄 lay down 放下;規定,制訂 lay off (臨時)解雇,使下崗 lay out 安排,布置;設計;擺出,展示

leave off 停止,中斷 leave out 遺漏,省略 leave over 留下,剩下

let alone 不管,不惹,不理;更不用說 let down 放下,降低;使失望 let in 讓…進來 let off 放(炮,煙火),開槍

let out 泄露(秘密),透露;發出;(把衣服)放大(或放長)

live by 靠…為生 live through 度過,經受住

live on 靠…生活;以…為主食;繼續生活 live with 容忍,忍受 live up to 不辜負,達到(標準)

look after 照料,照看;關心,注意 look back 回頭看,向右看;回憶 look beyond 展望未來,往更遠處看 look down (up) on 看不起,輕視 look for 尋找

look forward to 期待,盼望;預料 look in 順便訪問,順便看望 look into 調查,過問 look on 觀看,旁觀;看待 look out 注意,留神 look out for 當心,預防;尋找 look out on (房子)面朝

look over (簡短的)審視,檢查,瀏覽 look round 環顧;觀光;察看

look through (從頭到尾)瀏覽;詳盡核查 look up (在詞典、書籍中)查找

make for 向…前進,襲擊 make it 成功;到達 make off 匆忙逃走 make off with 攜…而逃

make out 看出,辯認出;理解,明白;開列(賬單,收據等) make over 移交,轉讓;改造 make up 構成;編造;彌補;化妝;和解 make up for 彌補

pass by 從…旁經過;忽略 pass down 向下傳遞,代代相傳 pass for 冒充,被當作 pass out 失去知覺;分發;消失 pass up 向上傳遞

pay back 償還,還錢給(某人);回報,向…報復 pay off 還清;(計劃等成功),奏效 pay up 全部付清

pick out 挑選出;分辨出

pick up 拾起;(車,船)搭(人),帶(貨);獲得,學會;好轉,改進;加快,增加 pull down 拆毀,拉倒;拉下,降低 pull in (車)停下,進站,(船)靠岸 pull out 拔出,抽出,取出,(車,船等駛出 pull over (車)開到路邊;(衣服)從(頭上)套上 pull through 克服,渡過難關 pull up (使)停下

put across 解釋清楚 put aside 儲存,保留 put away 拿開,收起

put down 記下,放下;鎮壓,平定 put forward 提出,提議 put off 推遲;阻止,勸阻

put on 穿上,戴上;上演,演出;增加(體重等) put out 熄滅,關(燈);公布;生產 put right 糾正,使恢復正常 put (sb.) through 使通過,圓滿完成;給sb. 接通(電話) put up 建造,搭起;舉起,升越;張貼;提(價);提供食宿,投宿

run away with (感情等)不能控制;與…私奔 run down (車輛)撞倒;用完,使逐漸消耗 run for 競選 run into (車輛)猛力撞到;偶然碰見,遇到;共計 run off 匆匆離開;出(軌);離(題) run on 滔滔不絕,流逝 run out 用完,耗盡 run over (車輛)碾過,撞倒

run through 瀏覽;貫穿,匆匆處理完 run to (數量)達到,發展到 run up 迅速積累,迅速上漲

save up 儲蓄,儲存

see about 安排,處理 see into 調查,領會

see through 看穿,識破;將…干到底;幫助渡過難關 see off 給…送行 see to 負責,留意,照料 see to it 務必做到,負責保證

set about 開始,著手

set aside 撥出,留出;把…置于一旁不理會 set back 推遲,延緩,阻礙 set down 寫下,記下 set forth 陳述,提出;動身出發 set off 出發,起程;引爆,激起,引起 set out 開始,著手;(整齊的)擺出 set up 創立;樹立,建造;資助,扶持

show off 炫耀,賣弄 show up 出現,到場;揭露

shut down (工廠等)倒閉,關閉 shut off 關掉,切斷 shut up 關閉;閉嘴

stand by 做好準備,準備行動;袖手旁觀;站在…一邊;支持,援助(某人) stand for 象征,代表;主張,支持贊同(觀點等) stand up 突出,醒目;杰出,出色

stand up for 站起,豎立;(論點等)站得住腳

take after (在外貌,性格等方面與(父母)相像 take apart (將大型機器)分解,拆開 take away 減去;使分離 take back 收回

take down (將大型機器或物件)分解,拆開;記下,寫下 take for 把…當作;把…誤當作 take from 從…摘錄 take in 欺騙;領會,理解;容納接受,吸收 take off 起飛,脫下

take on 承擔,從事(工作,責任等);呈現,具有(某種外貌特征);雇用 take out 拔出,抽出,拿出 take over 接管;盛行起來

take to 對…產生好感,喜歡;沉溺于

take up 開始從事(某項活動);把…繼續下去;(活動,事件等)占去(時間)

talk sb. into 說服 talk of/on 談論 talk over 討論,商量

talk (a)round 轉彎抹角的談,說服

tear down 扯下,拆卸 tear into 撕成,炸穿 tear off 扯掉,匆匆脫掉 tear up 撕碎;拔、拉開

think of 想起;考慮;認為 think over 仔細考慮

think through 思考…直到得出結論,想通 think up 想出,設計出,編造 throw away 扔掉,拋棄;浪費,揮霍 throw off 扔掉;擺脫 throw over 拋棄,遺棄,推翻 throw up 放棄;嘔吐

turn down 拒絕;關小(音量等),調低 turn in 交還,上交;上床睡覺 turn (switch) off 關掉,擰滅;拐彎 turn on 打開,擰開

turn out 結果是,(最后)證明是;制造,生產 turn over 仔細考慮 turn to 變成;求助于,借助于 turn up 出現,到來;開大,調大

wear away 磨損;(印象,時間,體力)消逝,衰弱 wear off 磨損掉;慢慢消失 wear out 穿破,磨損;使精疲力 竭

wipe off (away) 擦去 wipe out 擦掉;消滅,摧毀 wipe out 擦干凈,擦干

keep up with 跟上,不落后 catch up with 趕上某人 put up with 容忍,忍受

stand up with 給(新娘/郎)當儐相,陪伴

come up to 與…相等,比得上 face up to 勇敢面對

live up to 遵守(諾言,原則等);符合,不辜負(期望) look up to 尊敬

stand up to 經受得住,抵抗;勇敢地面對

add up 加起來,合計 back up 援助,支持 blow up 炸毀;吹脹

build up 逐步建立;增強,增進;積累 burn up 燒盡,(爐火)燃起來

buy up 全部買進

cheer up 使高興,使振奮;高興起來 clean up 把…收拾干凈 close up 關閉,(人)湊到一起 cock up 豎起、翹起(耳朵等)

draw up 畫出,草擬出;(使)停住 dress up 把…喬裝打扮,給…穿上盛裝 fix up 修好,安排好 mix up 混合,拌勻,搞糊涂 ring up 打電話

tidy up 把…整理好 wind up 結束,完成;繞、卷緊 clean out 把…打掃干凈,清除掉 figure out 算出,解決;想出,領會到 point out 指出

rule out 排除 try out 試驗 watch out 當心

work out 解決,算出;制訂;設計 burn down 燒毀

calm down 冷靜下來 quiet down 安靜下來

settle down 安頓,定居;安穩的坐下平靜下來 close down (工廠等)關閉 bear (up) on 與…有關系,涉及 have on 穿著;戴著 try on 試穿 tell off 數落,責備 touch off 觸發,使爆炸 be sure 務必

bear in mind 記住

believe it or not 信不信由你 catch a glimpse of 瞥見 come into existence/being 開始存在,誕生,形成

come into view/sight 出現;映入眼簾

get/catch/take hold of 抓住 lose one’s temper 發脾氣 take effect 生效

take for granted 理所當然的認為 take into account/consideration 考慮

take part in 參加 take place 發生 take the place of 取代 take turns (in) 輪流 throw/shed/cast light on 闡明,照這;使明白


Units 1-2 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語 1.set down 記下;寫下

2.in the first place 首先;第一;原先

3.burst into sth. 突然而猛烈地發出或產生某事物 4.centre on/upon 將某人(某事物)當作中心或重點 5.concentrate on 專心致志于 6.Tour de France 環法自行車賽

7.keep track of 記錄;掌握……的線索;保持對……的聯系 8.stand out 突出;出色

9.be diagnosed with... 被確診患有……(疾病) 10.in a row 連續,一連串

11.lead sb.to do sth. 致使某人做某事 12.apply for 提出申請(或要求等)

13.make for 走向;向……前進;有利于,有助于;傾向于 14.get a better understanding of... 更充分地理解…… 15.head down to... 向……進發,動身 16.hang ten (沖浪運動中)作十趾吊 17.in the name of 以……的名義;代表 18.push on(with sth.)毅然繼續(做某事) 19.run out of 耗盡;用光

20.apart from... 除……外(尚有) 21.set sail(to/from/for...) 起航 22.compete for 為……而競爭 23.in search of 尋找 24.give birth to 生;產生

25.as long as (表示條件)只要……

26.at the height of 在……頂點;在(事業等)的高峰 27.for once and always 一勞永逸地 28.be made up of 由……構成;組成 Ⅱ.重點句型

1.Tian’anmen Square is the largest square in the world with an area of about 40 hectares.(with引導的短語作定語)

2.Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.(as引導讓步狀語從句時要倒裝)

3.July 13,2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never fade in history.(see在該句中的意思是“目睹;經歷”)

4.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(一鳥在手勝過雙鳥在林。) 5.It was not until 1874,when a young American explorer followed the Nile from Lake Victoria through to Lake Albert,that this part of the river’s course was finally explored.(強調句型)

6.It was believed that the northern coast of this continent lay somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.(It is/was

believed that...人們相信……) Units 3-4 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語

1.as a consequence(of )作為(……的)結果 2.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亞聯邦 3.go walkabout到灌木叢中閑逛 4.break out(指激烈事件)突然發生 5.feed...on給(人或動物)食物;喂養;飼養 6.round up使集合在一起

7.stand for代表,代替;象征,意味著

8.have a strong/great influence on...對……有重大影響 9.benefit from...從……受益 10.differ from...和……不同 11.be fond of喜歡 12.have fun with開玩笑 13.set foot on踏上 14.give birth to生;產生 15.in area在面積上 16.keep out(使)在外 17.all the year round終年

18.have access to接近(或進入)的方法(或權利、機會等) 19.on a large scale大規模地;大范圍地 20.pass away去世;逝世 21.belong to屬于

22.base...on...把……基于…… 23.at first sight 乍一看(之下) 24.be born into 出身于

25.have an appetite for 愛好…… 26.look out for 照料,照看……

27.put together 把……放在一起;把……加在一起 28.work out 做出;設計出;制訂出;算出 29.make contributions to 對……作出貢獻 30.adapt to 適應 Ⅱ.重點句型

1.Many Aborigines and islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them. (have sth. done 結構)

2.Only in this way could the people in Australia build a society of diverse cultures.(倒裝句)

3.Some books are to be tasted;others swallowed;and some to be chewed and digested. 4.Shanghai is not longer what it used to be. 5.It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.(強調句,強調句子的 主語,主語為表示人的名詞) Units 5-6 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語

1.take into consideration 考慮到,顧及 2.in charge(of) 處于控制或支配地位;負責 3.hand in hand 手拉手;密切關聯的 4.get across 傳播;為人理解 5.appeal to 有吸引力;呼吁;上訴

6.keep an eye out for sb./sth. 留心或注意某人或某物 7.make sense 有意義;有道理;講得通 8.apply... to... 運用;應用 9.lose heart 泄氣;灰心 10.take it easy 別緊張;放松點

11.keep up 維持;保持;使某事物處于高水平 12.common sense 常識;情理 13.leave behind 忘帶;留下 14.lose one’s way 迷路 15.come to an end 結束;中止 16.live through sth. 經歷某事物而幸存 17.tie up 系;拴;捆 18.at stake 在危險中 19.go for 為……去努力獲取 20.lose weight 減肥

21.be to blame 該受責備;應負責

22.be upset about... (對……感到)不安的;不快的;心煩意亂的 23.associate... with... 使發生聯系;使聯合 24.protect... from... 保護……免于……

25.be promoted with (用……手段來)宣傳,推銷 26.create/form a positive image of 塑造/形成一個正面的形象 27.point out 指出 28.think twice 重新考慮 29.believe in 相信;信仰 30.set off for... 出發,動身到…… 31.be accustomed to 習慣于…… 32.on all fours 匍匐,趴著 33.come to a decision 決定下來

34.come to an agreement 達成一致;達成協議 35.come to a conclusion 告終;下結論 36.take up 拿起;著手處理;開始(從事于) Ⅱ.重點句型

1.Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.(部分否定)

2.Good advertisements make it possible for companies to introduce new products and increase sales.(make 后接復合賓語)

3.Some companies prefer a well-known word,while others choose names from old stories or legends.(注意該并列連詞的詞義及用法)

4.It is possible that the reader or viewer will remember the advertisement but not the name of the product. 5.In the 1960s,a British car company which made very expensive cars was about to sell its latest car in Germany. 6.A young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children,and wait for help.(suggest后接賓語從句,從句的謂語動詞用“(should)+動詞原形”結構) 7.No pains,no gains!不勞則無獲! Units 7-8 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語 1.care for 喜愛;照顧 2.leave alone 不管;隨……去 3.in want of 需要

4.close up (尤指暫時)關閉;使靠近 5.care about 介意……,在乎,關心 6.safety standards 安全標準 7.working conditions 工作條件 8.social conscience 社會道德 9.a poor excuse 一個差勁的借口 10.bring in 賺入……;獲利 11.be badly-off 生活窮困 12.fall asleep 入睡

13.have no eye for 不關心;不在意 14.far from 遠離;一點也不 15.comment on 評論,批評,解釋

16.in face of 面對……,在……面前,不顧…… 17.in favor of 支持……,贊同……;為有利于…… 18.in praise of 稱贊…… 19.in hope of 抱著……的希望 20.in charge of 掌管,負責

21.in memory of 為了紀念;為追悼…… 22.in honor of 為了紀念 23.in search of 搜尋 24.in need of 需要 25.turn down 拒絕 26.as follows 如下

27.end up in 以……告終,以……為結局 28.one by one 一個接一個地;逐個地 29.date back to (時間)追溯到 30.get it wrong 誤解

31.on the contrary 相反的是;反而 32.toast to 干杯;祝酒

33.make sense of 弄懂……的意思 34.in other words 換句話說;換言之 35.take risks 冒險

36.experiment with 進行試驗;進行實驗 37.piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大團 38.fall behind 落后于 39.come across (偶然)遇見 40.make progress 取得進步 41.adjust...to... 調整……;調解…… 42.as a consequence 因此

43.regardless of 不顧,不管,不拘 44.take place 發生 45.thanks to 多虧了,由于 46.wake up 醒來;叫醒 47.stay up 挺住;堅持不睡覺 48.broaden one’s horizons 開闊眼界 49.in the beginning 開始;起初 Ⅱ.重點句型

1.But make sure to be early in the office the day after!(make sure 后常接從句或of doing sth.)

2.Much good may it do you!

3.If they would rather die,they had better do it. 4.It’s not my business.

5.My hands are too cold to write. 6.Let’s observe another little scene,as you might have in your life to come.(as引導定語 從句)

7.I beg your pardon a thousand times. 8.Learning a language is obviously more than memorizing words,phrases and structures.(more than 不僅僅)

9.If you were to spend as many hours studying English,you would make great progress.(虛擬條件句) 10.The less anxious and more relaxed the learner,the better the language acquisition proceeds.( the more ...,the more ... 越……,越……) 11.Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.(部分否定)

12.It is time(that)the bus arrived here to pick up all the passengers.(虛擬語氣的使用)

13.It is high time for us to put an end to this silly argument. Units 9-10 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語

1.lay off 解雇;不理會;使下崗

2.make matters worse 使情況更困難或更危險 3.get rid of 擺脫

4.make ends meet 使收支相抵;量入為出 5.be devoted to 獻身……的;專心于……的 6.play a role in 在……中起作用 7.medical treatment 醫療

8.reach a decision 決定下來;下結論 9.aim at 瞄準;針對;目的在于

10.take measures to ... 采取措施來(做)…… 11.make a living 謀生 12.depend on 依靠;取決于

13.live on 以……為主食;靠……生活 14.prevent... from ... 阻止,阻擋;制止;妨礙 15.provide ... for ... 為……提供…… 16.meet the needs of 滿足……的需要 17.be burdened with ... 使負重擔

18.put pressure on ... 給……施壓,增添壓力 19.state-owned companies 國有企業 20.lose weight 減肥 21.ready-made clothes 成衣 22.make fun of 取笑某人 23.attend to 處理;照顧;關照 24.take pride in 對……感到自豪 25.do up 打扮;梳妝 26.let down 不支持;使失望 27.at length 最后;終于;詳細地 28.at a time 一次

29.go far (人)大有前途;成功 30.come into being 形成 31.as to 關于

32.be accused of 被控訴,控告;被指責,譴責 33.set free 使獲得自由;釋放

34.refer to 參考;涉及;談到;指的是 35.turn to 轉向,變成;求助于 36.adapt to 使適應,使適和 37.get accustomed to 變得習慣于 38.for a moment 片刻;暫時 39.live through 度過;經受住 40.break out in tears 突然大哭起來 41.cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切斷;隔絕 42.tear at 撕,扯…… Ⅱ.重點句型

1.What kind of programmes does the WHO run?

2.If I had had insurance,the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.(虛擬語氣)

3.This allowance,however,is only enough to cover the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing. 4.They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick,nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet.(部分倒裝)

5.It is sometimes said that a society can be judged by the way it cares for its weakest members.(據說)

6.It was not until World War Ⅱ that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.(強調句)

7.She stood by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey fence in a grey backyard.(表示感覺的動詞后接賓語補足語的情況)

8. ...and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.(相當于定語從句的不定式 結構)

9.I had my hair cut off and sold it ...(have作使役動詞的用法) Units 11-12 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語

1.stick with繼續支持;保持聯系 2.through thick and thin 不顧艱難 3.pull out of從……中退出 4.cater to滿足某種需要或要求 5.for the sake of由于;為了……的利益 6.in reality事實上;實際上 7.keep an eye on 照料;照管 8.take sth.into account考慮;體諒 9.as a whole 總的說來;作為整體 10.once again再一次

11.live up to依照……行事;做到;不辜負(期望) 12.accept...as... 認為……

13.on one’s own獨自,靠自己,獨立 14.the majority of大多數;大部分 15.a pie chart餅狀圖 16.a bar chart柱狀圖

17.match...to... 使……(和……)調和,相配 18.be suspected of 被猜疑,被懷疑 19.take measures to ...采取措施(做……) 20.be familiar with 對……熟悉 21.be made up of構成;組成 22.count...as... 把……認為…… 23.on the other hand 另一方面 24.attach to 伴隨……

25.be aware of 察覺到,感覺到,獲悉 26.be suitable for適合做……

27.guard...against... 守護……(免于……),保護 28.make the best use of充分利用 29.on the surface 表面上的,外表上 30.as a matter of fact 實際上 31.be satisfied with 對……滿意 32.lose face 失面子

33.by means of以……,借著…… 34.put ... to use使用,用,利用 35.in demand有需要的;吃香的 36.so as to為了,目的是 37.sit for參加(考試)

38.concentrate on 集中;專心;專注 39.to begin with首先;第一;起初

40.drop out (of)(從活動、競賽等中)退出;輟學 41.result in產生某種作用或結果 42.be skeptical of懷疑

43.take in把(某人)帶進;領入 44.rely on依賴;依靠

45.as far as(遠)至(某處);到……程度 46.lifelong learning 終身學習 47.work out解決;計算出;詳細擬訂 48.have a lot in common有很多共同之處 49.be suited for適合做……,對……適宜 Ⅱ.重點句型

1.Not only will these qualities make you rise in the eyes of others,you will also feel better about yourself.(部分倒裝)

2.While working there you discover that the management does not take proper measures to ensure hygiene and safety of the food products....(狀語從句的省略) 3.What if you feel comfortable about doing a task by yourself?(如果……怎么樣) 4.In sports teams each player has a clear role,and there are few occasions when members are confused or uncertain of their roles.(定語從句)

5.It is of great importance for the team and its coach to strike the right balance.(of+抽象名詞)

6.As years went by,she worked in many places.(as引導的狀語從句)

7.It is well-known that at the age of 17 to 18,many young people dream of going to university....(眾所周知)

8.No matter how hard you try,working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there.(讓步狀語從句)

9.It is no use for everybody to try to pursue the same career.(亦可用It is no use doing sth.)

10.In China,as in other countries,the government realizes that the future welfare of their citizens is closely linked to education.(as表示“像”)

11. ...the number of students in some schools is so low that students of several different grades are taught in the same classroom.(主謂一致)

12.Look at the shape of the graph or chart,rather than the details,to spot this.(表示“不顧,而不是”) Units 13-14 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語

1.take place發生,產生;進行,舉行 2.turn down拒絕,不接受 3.be set in以……為背景 4.pass on傳遞

5.go wrong不對頭,出毛病;失敗 6.except for除……之外;若無 7.be in love with愛上某人 8.learn about聽到,獲悉

9.take one’s revenge on sb.for sth.因某事向某人報仇 10.break into pieces(使)成為碎片 11.keep...out of使……置身于外 12.at the time of在……的時候

13.turn out 結果(是),證明(是),原來(是) 14.as for關于,至于 15.at times有時,不時

16.get straight to the point直奔主題 17.varieties of各種各樣的

18.to one’s surprise讓某人吃驚的是 19.as soon as一……就……

20.one after another一個接一個地,連續不斷地 21.come to light顯露出來,暴露 22.over and over again 23.tell...apart一再;多次;反復 24.get hold of抓住;拿住;握住 25.make a beeline for徑直朝……走去 26.as a matter of fact事實上;說真的;實際上 27.keep in touch保持聯系 28.feast on大吃大喝;享受美食

29.make a distinction between...and...區分;區別 30.make sense有意義;有道理;講得通 Ⅱ.重點句型

1.Finally,some Indians in unusual foreign clothes come to the house offering to entertain the guests,.... (in表示“穿著,戴著”,后面可以接表示衣物或顏色的名詞)

2.Troubled by the loss of such a valuable jewel, Rachel’s mother hires the famous detective to investigate the theft.(過去分詞作狀語)

3.As the story develops we discover some secrets about the people at the house that night,and the reasons why they might have stolen the diamond.(as引導狀語從句,表示時間,意思是“當……時候”;why引導定語從句,修飾先行詞reason;might have +過去分詞,表示對過去的可能性的推測)

4.He goes on asking questions about the party and learns about Franklin’s quarrel with Dr.Candy.(go on doing sth.繼續做(同一件事情)

5.Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery to be solved. 6.One mistake could have resulted in a huge loss.(虛擬語氣)

7.Fortunately he was successful in diving the diamond into nine large jewels. 8.It turned out that Godfrey had also seen Franklin move the diamond that night.... 9....but when she changed her mind he had no choice but to go abroad to sell the diamond.(注意but的用法)

10.You should avoid being too straightforward.(avoid doing sth.) Units 15-16 Ⅰ.重要詞匯及短語 1.apply for申請;請求

2.straight away立刻地;毫不猶豫地

3.fit in(with) 與……相適應;與……相協調 4.hold back退縮;躊躇

5.take a while用一些(一段)時間 6.approve of贊同;贊許

7.have sth.in common with sb.和某人有共同之處 8.take part in參與;參加

9.make contributions to為……作出貢獻

10.Secretary General of the United Nations聯合國秘書長 11.make a difference有關系;有影響;有意義 12.be eager to do sth.渴望做……

13.open up打開,張開;開發;開辟;揭露;展現 14.at times有時,不時 15.as a consequence結果;后果 16.be due to 應歸于

17.become involved in使卷入,使陷入;拖累 18.make the adjustment to適應于 19.take off脫下;(飛機)起飛 20.put on穿上,戴上

21.be popular with受(某人)歡迎 22.get in touch with和……取得聯系 23.dream of夢想;向往 24.make use of利用

25.set up樹立;開辦;設立;創立;建立 26.as well as也,又 27.come true實現,達到 28.be up to勝任,適于 Ⅱ.重點句型

1.Mr Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy.(雙重否定)

2.I am having a great time doing it. 3.Time to have fun and relax,and time for young people to take off their school uniform and put on their favorite casual clothes.(省略。It is time to have fun and relax.)

4.In the UK for example,a recent survey found that 6 out of 10 men and 46% of women regularly wear jeans....(分數表示法)

5.Every time he plays football he is watched by thousands of adoring Becks fans all over the world.(連詞,意思是“每次”)

6.Now he is famous for his haircuts and lifestyle as well as for scoring goals.

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