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Homework:week2 梅貽琦(1889—1962)教育家、天津人。1909年考取清華第一批“直接留美生”,入吳斯特工業學院學習電機工程。1915年12月應聘來清華大學任物理學教授,1926年出任教務長。1931年出任校長直至1948年底。他僅用幾年時間就使當時的清華大學在許多方面躋身于世界名大學之林。作為教育家,梅貽琦有一套完整的教育思想體系,其治校方略可歸結為三個組成部分:通才教育(或“自由教育”)、教授治校(或“民主管理”)和學術自由(或“自由探討之風氣”)。其代表作是1941年撰發的《大學一解》。他的“大學者,非謂有大樓只謂也,有大師之謂也”的著名論說,至今在教育界廣為傳誦。

參考譯文:Educationalist Mei Yiqi was born in Tianjin. In 1909, he passed the examination and became one of the first Tsinghua students to study in America, majoring in electrical engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. In September, 1915 he was invited to work at Tsinghua University as a professor of physics and was appointed Dean of Studies in 1926. He was appointed president of Tsinghua University in 1931 and did not leave the post until by the end of 1948. Under his leadership, Tsinghua University quickly ranked among world famous universities in many aspects in a matter of just a few years. An educationalist himself, he established a complete ideological system of education. His strategy of running the university comprises three parts, i.e., general education (also known as “free education”), professor management(also called “democratic management”) and academic freedom(or “the atmosphere of free discussion”). His representative work is An interpretation of University, which was published in 1941. And his famous saying “it is great masters, not huge buildings that characterize a university” is still thought highly of by the educational circles even to this day. Homework: week3 1. Sentence translation, pay attention to the differences mentioned above:

Key: 1) 他因受賄而被捕入獄的消息傳來,我們大吃一驚。

Word came that bribe has sent him into prison, which amazed us. 2) 海洋學是人們認識星球的關鍵,而其重要性卻不是人人都知曉的。

The importance of oceanography as a key to the understanding of our planet is seldom as well appreciated. 3) 那個女孩哭得似乎心都碎了,我問她的時候,她說她已經有兩天沒有吃東西了,她實在是餓極了。

The girl, who was crying as if her heart would broken, said, when I spoke to her, that she was very hungry, because she had had no food for two days. 4) 健康比財富更重要,因為財富不能像健康那樣帶來幸福。

Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that. 5) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。

A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just as the sea cannot be measured with a bucket. 2.



這個重大的責任,就是對人民的責任。我們的人民是偉大的人民。在漫長的歷史進程中,中國人民依靠自己的勤勞、勇敢、智慧,開創了民族和睦共處的美好家園,培育了歷久彌新的優秀文化。 Since the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, It united the Chinese people and led them to advance wave upon wave and struggle indomitably. As a result, the impoverished and backward old China turned into an increasingly strong and prosperous and new China. The prospect of the great rejuvenation of China are unprecedented bright. It is our party’ s responsibility to unite and guide the people of all nationalities to take over the history baton, to continue struggle for the great rejuvenation of China, to make Chinese nation stand firmly among the nations of the world, and make new great contributions to mankind. The significant responsibility is the responsibility to the people. Our people are great people. During the long course of history, relying on their industriousness, their braveness and intelligence, Chinese people have started a beautiful homeland with national harmonious coexistence and have cultivated eternally renewed excellent culture .


• Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has made great sacrifices and forged ahead against all odds. It has rallied and led the Chinese people in transforming the poor and backward Old China into an increasingly prosperous and powerful New China, thus opening a completely new horizon for the great renewal of the Chinese nation. • Our responsibility now is to rally and lead the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China in taking the baton passed on to us by history, and in making continued efforts to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation, make the Chinese nation stand rock-firm in the family of nations, and make an even greater contribution to mankind. • We have taken on this important responsibility for the people. Our people are a great people. During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture.




Gentleman S takes pride of his ugly wife, and often brags before his friend who has a beautiful wife that: a ugly wife is a treasure, disgusting to see, comfortable if not see, and secure to go out, in case of an involvement of a third party. Hearing this, the friend laughs with his mouth covered and says: you are totally wrong. As the saying goes, what you think the most secure is in fact the most dangerous. Haven’t you heard that, beauty lies in the lover’s eyes? After hearing this, gentleman S is suddenly enlightened and sighs: I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading. I almost lose my treasure out of carelessness. 譯文:

Mr. S had an unprepossessing wife, who he was extremely proud of, so much so that he often raved about his wife like this,” a plain wife is an absolute treasure, unpleasant to look at, but out of mind out of sight and free from suspicion when the husband is away from home. And there is no fear of “ another man”. On hearing this, his friend couldn’t help a smile and the following comment, “forgive me sir for pointing out that you are wrong there. As the saying goes, the greatest danger resides in the false sense of security. Haven’t you heart of loving being blind?”

Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friend’s kind warming, Mr. s sight with feeling, “ how true it is that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than from ten year’ reading. Otherwise I may lose her through oversight.”






As far as fashion is concerned, the casual “American” style of wearing Jeans, T-shirts and sports shoes is now common and acceptable in many places. For in the office it is not rare to see someone wearing tight jeans with a long sleeved shirt plus a tie. 就時尚而言,穿牛仔褲、t恤和運動鞋的休閑“美國”風格在很多地方都很常見,而且可以接受。因為在辦公室,看見有人穿著緊身牛仔褲,配上一件長袖襯衫和領帶也不稀奇。

His defense is of cause that is the American style. Cowboy hats, boots and large silver belt buckles are also a common imitation of the dress style of Americans especially those from Taxas and Arizona. Look at the music played in the Nyamirambo bound taxis and you will be amazed at how it matches with the dress style of the passengers.


Around the world the United States is perhaps best known for its numerous and successful fast food franchises. Such chains, including McDonald’s, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken are known for selling simply, pre-prepared food such as hamburger, French fries(chips), soft drinks, fried chicken, and ice cream. Though undeniably popular, such food, with its emphasis on deep-frying, has been criticized by dietitians in recent decades for being unhealthy and a cause of obesity. It has thus become somewhat of a stereotype to associate American cuisine with obesity and junk food. The whole world now is full of similar eating joints, In Africa many are referred to as take-aways. 在世界范圍內,美國最出名的可能是其眾多的成功的快餐連鎖店。這樣的連鎖店,包括麥當勞、漢堡王和肯塔基炸雞店,都以簡單的、事先準備好的食物如漢堡、薯條(薯條)、軟飲、炸雞和冰淇淋而聞名。雖然不可否認的是,這種食物以油炸食品為主,最近幾十年來,由于飲食不健康和肥胖原因,這類食品一直受到營養師的批評。因此,將美國美食與肥胖和垃圾食品聯系在一起,已成為一種刻板印象?,F在整個世界都有類似的飲食關節,在非洲,許多被稱為“外賣”。

翻譯句子, 注意詞性和詞義搭配

1.Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain. 運動不但能強心,健脾,壯骨,筋肌,而且還能健腦。 2. We shall never see his match. 他那樣的人恐怕不會有第二個了。

3. The vote was 35 to 25, a margin of 10. 表決的結果是35票對25票,相差10票。

4. The report is thoroughly sourced. 這項報告的來源很完備。

5.This hotel can’t be matched for friendliness. 這家旅館服務態度之好無與倫比。

6.She was rather advanced in years for a maiden. 在沒有結婚的女孩中,她年齡算是相當大了。 7.Every one of us poured forth his expertise. 我們每個人都發揮了自己的專長。

8. I’ll not abuse your hospitality. 我不會辜負你的熱情厚誼。

9.“I long for you terribly. The moment we say good-bye and I close the door, my torment begins.”


10. Our arguments were often brought before our father, and I guess I was either generally in the right, or else a better debater, because the judgment was usually in my favor. 我們往往爭到父親那里去。我想,或許是我總有理,或者我善于抓理,因為評起來通常是我有理。

Translate the following sentences:

Delicate difference細微的差異

Delicate diplomatic question微妙的外交問題 delicate ear for music對音樂有鑒賞力 Delicate features清秀的五官 Delicate food美味的食物 Delicate health虛弱的身體 Delicate living奢侈的生活 Delicate porcelain精致的瓷器

Delicate sense of smell靈敏的嗅覺 Delicate skin嬌嫩的皮膚

Delicate stomach容易吃壞的胃

Delicate surgical operation難做的外科手術 Delicate touch 妙筆生花

Delicate upbringing嬌生慣養 Delicate vase容易破碎的花瓶

1. A fine appearance and comfort do not usually go together. 中看不一定中用。

2.She has the qualities which go to the making of a good teacher. 她具有一個優秀教師所必需的素質。

3.A foreign language will go far towards widening our mental horizon. 外語會大大幫助我們開闊思想境界。 4.What he says goes. 他說了算數。

5.He made a promise and then went back on it. 他許下了諾言,但沒有踐行。

6.Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我聽見他鼾聲如雷。

7.“How old was I when you first took me in a boat?”“Five and you nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green and nearly tore the boat to pieces. Can you remember?”( The old Man and the sea.) “你頭一趟帶我上船,那時我多大歲數?”“五當年我把一條生龍活虎的魚拖上船的時候,那家伙險兒把那只船撞得粉碎,你也險些兒送了命。還記得嗎?”

8.Mary took me in her cabin and told me that she was a poor sailor and always went to bed immediately on getting on the boat. 瑪麗把我帶到她的船艙里對我說,她有暈船的毛病,所以總是一上船就睡覺。

9.The horse knew every one of the forty families that got milk on Prince Edward Street. 愛德華王子大街上有40個訂奶戶,這匹馬知道每一家住的地方。

1.The newspaper claims to be the mirror of the public opinion. 該報宣稱忠實反應了公眾的意見。

2.Application of laser in medicine is still in its infancy. 激光在醫學中的應用仍處于發展的初期。

3.But no one forces you to go to sea. It gets in your blood.


4.She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule my head.


5.As far as the head goes, at least, she does credit to the educational system pursued at my establishment. 不說別的,就智力才能而論,她確實能為本校所遵循的教育制度爭光。

6.He gave up the sword for the plough. 她解甲歸田了。

7.Behind him I see the long grey rollers of the Atlantic at work.


8.It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

(Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities) 這是最好的時代,這是最壞的時代,這是智慧的時代,這是愚蠢的時代;這是信仰的時期,這是懷疑的時期;這是光明的季節,這是黑暗的季節;這是希望之春,這是失望之冬;人們面前有著各樣事物,人們面前一無所有;人們正在直登天堂;人們正在直下地獄。

課堂互動: 翻譯下列句子, 注意比喻與典故

1.The EEC’s Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding $13.5 a week to the food bill of the average British. 歐洲經濟共同體的農業共同政策早已不合時宜,她要使英國家庭平均每周在食品開銷上多支出13.5美元。

2.Hanoi romanced its Asian neighbors for six years before winning its membership in ASEAN. 河內對其鄰國進行了六年的親善努力后成為了東盟的一員。 3.The British suburban garden, that most revered of national institutions, is increasingly facing destruction by land-hungry developers. 英國城郊花園是最受推崇的國粹,現在卻不斷面臨土地開發商的破壞,這些人急欲搞到土地。

4.Malaysia, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is the region’s new star performer, with Indonesia close on its heels. 十年中,馬來西亞的發展速度是最快的,它是該地區新出現的最出色的經濟發展國,緊隨其后的是印度尼西亞。

5.Rich and poor , black and white, young and old ,Virginians by

the thousands lined up last week at courthouses and police stations seeking permits for carrying concealed weapons. The common denominator was fear of crime. 上星期成千上萬的印度尼西亞人,不分貧富,膚色和年齡,在法院或警察局門口排起長隊。申請得到攜帶貼身武器的許可證。他們這樣做出于一個共同的原因:對犯罪事件不斷增加懷有恐懼。

Translate the following sentences: 1.Roseta long boasted the lowest heart attack rate in the USA. 羅塞塔(美國賓夕法尼亞州)長期以來自吹是全美心臟病發病率最低的地方。 羅塞塔(美國賓夕法尼亞州)長期以來被譽為美國心臟病發病率最低的地方。

2. London is a city invaded by tourists. 倫敦是旅游者入侵的城市。 倫敦是旅游者大量涌入的城市。

3. Our conference did in the end make detailed plans for the invasion. 我們的會議最后確實制定了入侵的詳細方案。 我們的會議最后確實制定了進攻的詳細方案。

4. Following his father’s footsteps many years later ,Sir Malcolm’s son ,Donald ,also set up a world record. 很多年之后,馬爾科姆爵士的兒子唐納德步其父后塵,也創造了一項世界紀錄。 很多年之后,馬爾科姆爵士的兒子唐納德踏著父親的足跡,也創造了一項世界紀錄。


5. I like being familiar with the things that once made me apprehensive, I like not being afraid to display my ignorance and ask for help. I like the confidence middle age brings. 我沾沾自喜于熟悉了往日令我憂心忡忡的事情,我樂于暴露自己的無知,不怕向人求救,我喜歡隨著中年而來的自信心。 我喜歡熟悉了曾令我疑懼的事物,我喜歡坦誠自己的無知并求助于他人,我喜歡隨中年而來的自信。

6. As luck would have it ,there was rain on the day of the picnic. 真倒霉,野餐那天偏偏下雨。

7. As luck would have it ,no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. 很幸運,爆炸發生的時候,屋里剛巧沒人。

8. He made a wise choice. 他作了明智的選擇。

9. They went away as wise as they came. 他們離開的時候跟進來的時候一樣,仍然一竅不通。

10. She knows Peter is industrious and clever. 她知道彼得既勤奮又聰明。

11. He is too clever for us. 他太狡猾了。


1.In fact, the abuse of drugs has become one of America’s most serious social problems. 事實上,濫用毒品已經成為美國最為嚴重的社會問題之一。

2.The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我們的噴氣式飛機,聽到隆隆的機聲,令我特別神往。

3.The book is a reflection of the Chinese society of my father’s time.


4.Today, we are still stirred by the sight of each flower and tree in the courtyard and each thing used by him.

5. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. 掌握一點世界史,對學中國時事有好處。 看到院子里的一花一木和周總理用過的每一件東西,都使我們激情無限,思緒萬千。

6.I am an amateur actor. He is a better player than I. 我是個業余演員,他演得比我好。

7.He is both a bibliomaniac and a lover of calligraphy. 他有藏書癖,又愛好書法。

8.He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer. He was a good speaker and student of political philosophy.


9.The happiness of having such a sister was their first effusion, and the fair ladies mingled in embraces and tears of joy. 她們首先傾吐了要做姐妹的喜悅,兩位小姐高興地一次次擁抱,灑下了欣喜的淚花。

10.It is my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been, they seem less likely to be ashamed. 我相信人們雖然未必比以前還要不講道德,但似乎要比以前更加不知羞恥。

11.The world is blinded by his fortune and consequence or frightened by his high and imposing manners.


12.She turned towards me immediately. The easy elegance of every movement of her limbs and body as soon as she began to advance from the far end of the room, set me in a flutter of expectation to see her face clearly.



1.He is too ignorant of the ways of the world. 他太不懂世道常青了。 2.We are hopeful of success in this experiment.


3.This house is unheated and unfurnished.


4.Presently she became aware of footsteps hurrying after her.


5.Bryan was suspicious of the wily Dawrrow. 布賴恩懷疑達羅詭計多端。

6.The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed. 老人躺在床上,徹夜未眠。


1.That day he was up before sunrise. 那天他在日出之前就起來了。

2.Blushing, fidgeting nervously with his tie, blinking timidly, he faced us silently for a minute. 他紅著臉,緊張不安地擺弄著領帶,膽怯地眨著眼睛,面對大家沉默了一會兒。

3.Ellis drew back, pulled out a pocketknife and ,waving it before him defensively, told Dennis to let him alone.


4. This hat was in for a while last year.



1) He was motivated by a desire to reach a compromise.


2) He objected that the plan is not practical.


3) A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car.



1.Oh, she is all gentleness, kindness, goodness! 她真是最溫柔,最體貼,最善良了!

2. In all this great serenity of ocean it is seldom that we espy so much as another ship. 在這廣袤無垠的大海上,我們難得看見其他船只。

3. The fresh air after the rain gave one a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort. 雨后空氣清新,使人感到格外涼爽、舒暢。

4.The life of her smile, the warmth of her voice, hasn’t she, only cold paper and dead words! 沒有了她的活潑的笑容,沒有了她的溫暖的聲音,只有冷的紙和死的字。


1.We set out in great haste for Venice. 我們匆匆忙忙的動身到威尼斯。

2.The man nodded with satisfaction.


3.The girls wore all smiles on meeting those guests from remote areas. 姑娘們笑容滿面地歡迎這些遠道而來的客人。


1. The landing was designed to cut the peninsula in two. 登陸的目的是要把該半島一切為二。

2. They signed two agreements that served to warm up the atmosphere of their relations. 他們簽訂了兩個協議,目的是要把他們的關系熱乎起來。

3. His image as a good student was badly tarnished. 他作為一個好學生的形象,遭到嚴重玷污。

4. He had deep sympathy for the insulted and the injured. 他對于被侮辱的人和被損害的人有著深厚的同情心。

5. Hospitals are getting more efficient these days. 近日來,醫院的效率越來越高了。


Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.


1. Just do it_____________(盡自己最大努力).

2._____________(抽象意義上的語言)is our facility to talk to each other.

3.We should pursue economic policies______________(根據國家利益).

4.We delayed our departure____________(由于暴風雨).

5.We had better_____________(趁天氣暖和)by going for a walk this afternoon.


1.Because she knew French, she______________(比我們有利).

2.Adults should________________(原諒孩子的無知).

3.You should_________(充分利用).

4.The river__________(沖破堤岸).



1._______________________(如果發生火災), ring the alarm bell.

2.______________________(在這種情況下), I couldn’t go away.

3.Your care-free nature often_____________(遇到錢的問題).

4.I will do it________________(如果你幫我).

5.You may___________(學一學)the classic school of photographers.


1. We want our methods to be____________(最新的).

2. The naughty boy________________(以…為樂)pulling the cat’s tail.

3. A little persistence_____________ (發揮重要作用)between success and failure.

4.That detail_____________ (和…毫無關系)the main point of the article.

5.The regulation doesn’t_____________ (生效)until the first of March.


1.The first signs of spring are______________(顯而易見).

2.He finished the job__________________ (但卻損害了健康).

3.We must____________(面對困難)manfully and accept the responsibilities of our actions.

4.You can________________(隨時找我們幫忙)whenever you have difficulties.

5.__________________ (你的夢想將會落空)if you don’t work on them.


1. The substance does not dissolve in water___________________ (不管是否加熱).

2. Not only______________(他向我收費過高);but he didn’t do a good repair job either.

3.Your losses in trade this year are nothing_____________ (與我的相比).

4.One average, it is said, visitors spend only_____________(一半的錢)in a day in Leeds as in London.

5.By contrast, American mothers were more likely_____________(把孩子的成功歸因于)natural1



1. All universities______________ (正在做好準備)for an increased intake of students.

2.After her lost son was found, _____________ (她破涕為笑).

3.He never ______________ (追名逐利).

4.My mother wanted me to___________________(從事教育工作).

5.He has given up smoking__________________(永遠的).


1.When he gets old, he will_________________ (把公司交給兒子來經營).

2.His tastes are______________________(和我的相同).

3.We should serve the people__________________(全心全意的).


5.The population of Africa is growing_____________(極其迅速).


1.Without steady economic development, it is impossible to meet the people basic needs in life, _______________(更別提) protect the ecosystem and environment.

2.You are____________(自由的) to leave at any time you want.

3.____________________(鑒于國際局勢的變化), the Chinese government wishes to share with the governments of other countries some of its basic views concerning the establishment of a new international order.

4.This new discovery ____________ (有助于說明這個問題).

5.We must never______________ (辜負) our parents’ trust and expectation.


1.Her beauty cannot_________________________(彌補她的愚蠢).

2.The ship was ____________________(任憑波濤的擺布).

3.We ought to___________________(充分利用時間).

4.Being a professional actor_____________(必定) means working nights and Sundays.

5._______________________(既然我們學完了這門課程),we shall start doing more revision.


1. Men like that never____________________(冒險嘗試).

2. He had not yet attempted to_________________________(把他的理論付諸實踐).

3. She answered these embarrassing questions__________________(鎮定自若).

4. _________________(關于)what we did last month I would like to read you this letter


5. When defeat is _____________(不可避免), nothing matters.


Violence against women has been tackled through legislative measures including the new laws on domestic violence and trafficking and exploitation of women, the setting up of new mechanisms for the protection and support of victims and the training of professionals, particularly police officers, involved in the handling of violence cases.


The NMWR deals with all matters concerning women, focusing on the elimination of legal discrimination against women and the promotion of real equality between men and women. More specifically, it advises the Council of Ministers on policies, programmes and laws promoting women’s rights, monitors, coordinates and evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of these programmes and laws, carries out information, education and training programmes on relevant issues, supports and subsidizes women’s organizations, contributes to the mobilization and sensitization of the Government Sector on equality issues and serves as a cooperation channel between the Government and NGOs working in this field.


In Cyprus there are many women’s organizations, trade unions and other non-governmental organizations, active in the promotion of women’s rights and equal opportunities. A large number of these organizations are members of the NMWR, which supports their projects and activities. Besides the ‘traditional’ women’s organizations and trade unions, most of which are affiliated to political parties and have a very general mandate, there are many other specialized organizations, non-political, focused on a specific target/goal.


Another area where women of Cyprus have been very active for the past 29 years, but more so in recent years, is the area of peace. Women facing the tragic consequences of occupation and subsequent displacement have been particularly sensitive on matters of human rights and peace. The Women’s Movement has organized demonstrations against the illegal Turkish occupation of the northern part of Cyprus through mass peaceful marches and has contributed to finding channels of communication between the two communities, creating thus a culture of peace on the island. As a result, a considerable number of bicommunal activities have taken place. The role of Turkish-Cypriot women also, as demonstrated in the emerging movement within the Turkish-Cypriot community in support of the efforts for reconciliation and the finding of a federal solution to the Cyprus problem, in particular in the last 15 months, has been very important as regards the efforts for a solution that would reunify the island and lead to peace and prosperity for its entire people. 和平事業是塞浦路斯的婦女們另一個相當活躍的領域。過去29年她們一直保持著活躍度,不過近幾年來猶為顯著。這些婦女由于經歷過土地侵占與緊隨而至的悲慘流亡生活,對于人權與和平的話題格外敏感。女權運動中,針對土耳其占領塞浦路斯北部的非法行徑,婦女們揭竿而起,通過集體和平游行的示威方式,為兩派建立起溝通的途徑,最終維護了島上的和平。從那時起,許多兩派合作的活動得以開展。土耳其裔的塞浦路斯婦女們參與那場示威活動,游走于土耳其與塞浦路斯兩大團體之間,促進了兩派和解,找到了解決塞浦路斯問題的方案。婦女的重要性在這15個月中體現地淋漓盡致,她們為島上的再度統一,所有人民的和平富強做出了重要貢獻。

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