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首先,要牢固樹立科學的選人用人理念。樹立科學的選人用人理念,是選賢任能的前提和基礎??茖W的選人用人理念,就是適應當今時代要求,始終堅持和體現“三個代表”重要思想的用人觀;就是適應執政能力建設的要求,推動經濟和社會全面發展的用人觀;就是堅持黨的干部路線,貫徹落實德才兼備原則的用人觀。具體來說,一是樹立圍繞發展選人用人的理念。注重在改革開放和經濟建設的實踐中考察和評價干部,引導干部把心思用在科學發展上。二是樹立憑實績選人用人的理念。把經得起歷史、實踐和群眾檢驗的工作實績作為評價使用干部的重要標準,以實績定上下、論獎懲,讓能者有舞臺、賢者有機會 ,使那些安于現狀者思想“不安”、四平八穩者位子“不穩”。三是樹立重公論選人用人的理念。把干部的評價考核權交給群眾,以群眾滿意不滿意作為選人用人的重要依據,用群眾的意愿抑制少數人的意志。四是樹立“因位擇人”的選人用人理念。破除論資排輩、平衡照顧等陳腐觀










【參考答案】我如果當上了處長, 打算從如下幾個方面迅速樹立自己的威信: (1) 以身作則, 模范遵守規章制度。我當上處長后, 什么工作都要做到以身作則, 凡是要求下屬做到的, 自己首先做到;凡是要求下屬不做的事情, 自己堅決不做??傊? 要模范遵守規章制度, 為群眾做好榜樣, 使群眾覺得自己在行為上像個領導干部的樣子。 (2) 凡事同群眾商量, 充分發揚民主。凡是處里的大事決不獨斷專行, 遇事多同處里干部商量, 廣泛聽取大家的意見, 然后根據大家的意見做出決策。處理處室的事務, 既要堅持原則, 又要充分體現大家的意志, 使處室充滿民主的氣氛。 (3) 嚴于律己, 堅持廉政。嚴格要求自己, 勤政廉政是樹立領導威信的一個重要方面。俗話說“廉生威”, 因此, 我一定要嚴格要求自己, 堅決不搞以權謀私, 權錢交易。將自己置于大家的監督之下, 自重、自省、自警、自勵, 做個廉政的好干部。我想, 我只要做好了以上幾點, 就能夠迅速在群眾中樹立自己的威信。


【參考答案】領導者與部屬談話, 不但要遵循一定的程序, 選好交談的時機和場所, 而且必須講究方法和技巧, 尤其重要的是, 要特別注意可能出口的一些“忌語”。 (1) 套話連篇。如“這段時間我一直很忙, 今天有點空想與你扯幾句”“你的成績是主要的, 但也還存在一些問題和不足”“由于我水平有限, 再加上掌握的情況不是很全面, 以上講的不一定都正確, 對的請你接受, 錯的請你批評”等, 像這類不必要的套話、空話, 只能給部屬一種假謙虛和缺乏自信之感, 亦叫人無所適從。 (2) 自我吹噓。如“我在你這年齡早就……”“記得我當時在那里負責時還只有××歲”“我們當時的工作條件要比你們現在艱苦得多”“你不要再說了, 說得再多、再難, 反正你干的事我都干過”等。這種或明或暗轉彎抹角地自我吹噓、處處炫耀自己的態度, 很容易引起部屬的反感。 (3) 言過其實。“你是我最佩服的”“你的涵養特別好”“你的功勞最大”“你的群眾基礎最牢”“你是最有德行、最全面的難得的人才”等。這種人為地拔高, 夸大其詞贊揚、評價部屬的做法, 是對部屬極不負責的表現。

問題3:2002年3月, 焦裕祿、孔繁森式的好干部鄭培民同志突然發病, 在趕往醫院的急救車上, 他用微弱的聲音囑咐身邊的人:“別闖紅燈……”“別闖紅燈”成了鄭培民同志的遺言, 也成了昭示黨員干部的箴言。

不闖“紅燈”, 這是鄭培民同志一貫的自律。鄭培民同志到中央黨校學習時, 曾向單位財務處借了5000元作為差旅費和學費。到中央黨校報到交費后, 他把余款存到了儲蓄所。后來回單位報賬時, 他居然多交了8.72元錢。財務人員問其原因, 才知道是存款的利息!于細微處見精神, 從瑣事中看作風。小小的8.72元錢, 鄭培民同志“兩袖清風”的形象赫然可見!“手拉手, 戶外走;說說話, 散散心;情切切, 意綿綿;身體好, 永相伴”——這是鄭培民同志和妻子在一次散步后記下的“打油詩”, 夫妻情感溢于言表。鄭培民同志摯愛家人, 但是, 他從來不用手中的權力給予妻兒以任何照顧。他不為妻子找“好”的工作, 不讓兒子坐他的“專車”。他常說:“權力是人民給的, 應該為人民辦事。”

他的言行, 是對“一人得道, 雞犬升天”的抨擊, 是共產黨人立黨為公的真實體現。鄭培民同志的朋友多, 但是對于朋友, 特別是對企業界的朋友, 他唯有付出而不謀私利。有一次, 他為兩個子女到屬下的企業定做羽絨服時悉數付款, 不占企業的一點便宜。“別闖紅燈!”盡管一些“紅燈”只是區區“小事”, 但這些“小事”卻呈現了黨員干部對黨和人民忠誠與否、工作稱職與否, 恰是一道道嚴肅的“生死關”:跨不過, “物必自腐, 而后蟲生”;跨得過, 無私無畏, 利國利民。只有在金錢、家庭等方面不闖“紅燈”, 才能在工作中敢說敢管, 敢闖敢干, 才能夠代表最廣大人民群眾的根本利益。

試問:結合上述材料, 分析公共管理者應遵守哪些倫理規范?

【參考答案】各級領導干部特別是高級干部, 必須以身作則, 正確行使手中的權力, 始終做到清正廉潔。“別闖紅燈”并不是什么豪言壯語, 卻凸顯了鄭培民同志的大公無私和浩然正氣。作為公共管理者應遵守如下倫理規范:

(1) 服務原則。從社會價值導向上倡導“領導就是服務”、“服務就是奉獻”的為官道德, 在社會控制模式上建立堅決制止自私者為官的社會機制。倫理的根本問題是個人利益同社會整體利益的關系問題。為人民服務既是我國社會主義道德建設的核心, 也是我們道德建設的出發點和根本目的。為人民服務作為行政倫理的根本宗旨和規范, 其基本要求就是一切從人民的根本利益出發, 堅持集體利益高于個人利益。

(2) 效率原則。行政倫理的效率原則就是注重行政行為的實際效果, 把行為所產生的實際效果或預期效果作為行政倫理的目標。這對于合理地評價行政行為, 克服空談, 崇尚實際, 具有積極意義。效率原則注重實際效果, 與市場經濟注重獲取最大利潤具有一致性, 與追求最佳的行政效率也具有內在的價值同構性。

(3) 公正原則。古往今來, 人們都把公正看作一種美德。社會主義市場經濟條件下的公正原則, 最主要的就是要協調個人與他人、與社會的利益沖突;推動整個社會和諧健康地發展。行政倫理必須遵循正確處理三者關系的社會主義原則, 慎重地從個人、集體、國家三者利益統籌兼顧的原則上進行引導和控制。

(4) 廉潔原則。廉潔行政意識的核心, 是在所有行政活動中堅持廉潔奉公, 反對以權謀私, 在全體行政機關和行政人員, 尤其是領導機關和領導干部中反腐倡廉、反腐保廉。

(5) 開拓創新原則。開拓創新有三個層次的內容:

(1) 面臨復雜的情況和急劇變化的情形時, 不畏縮, 不等待, 不退縮, 積極主動地了解新情況, 處理新問題, 適應新變化。

(2) 解決問題和處理矛盾時, 不守舊, 不推諉, 不扯皮, 努力探索新方法, 走出新路子。

(3) 在改革不適應社會主義事業要求的管理體制時, 不教條, 不迷信, 不盲動, 勇于實踐, 努力開拓社會主義行政管理新局面, 建立中國特色的社會主義行政體制。

問題4:在歐洲有一種詼諧的說法, 很富有哲理:什么是天堂——天堂, 就是英國人當警察, 法國人當廚師, 意大利人談情說愛, 而由德國人來組織一切;什么是地獄——地獄, 就是法國人當警察, 英國人當廚師, 德國人談情說愛, 而由意大利人來組織一切。


【參考答案】這一案例說明, 即使對于同樣的要素, 如果采取不同的組合方式, 也會產生截然不同的整體效果, 而好的整體效果來自于要素上的職能互補、各取其長。具體來說, 本案例說明在領導活動中, 使用人才應注意如下原則:

(1) 量才用人、職能相稱的原則。這條原則的基本要求是:根據人才能力的大小, 給予適當的職位, 按照德才兼備的標準, 凡是稱得上人才的人, 都應該具有不同于一般人的才干。但是, 在人才群體中, 每個人才的能力并不是相等的, 而是有大小、高低之分的。因此, 領導者要合理地使用人才, 不僅僅要能將人才與非人才區別開來, 而且還要善于區分出能力較大的人才與能力較小的人才。一般說來, 職位的高低或重要性與人才能力的大小應該成一種正比例關系。職位越高或越重要, 越是要求擔任這一職位的人才具有較大的能力。因此, 按照量才用人、職能相稱的原則, 能力較大的人才應該匹配到較高的或較重要的崗位上, 而能力較低的人才則應安排在較低或較次要的崗位上。

(2) 揚長避短、各盡所能的原則。任何人才都存在“優點和缺點并存”、“長處和短處并存”的情況, 領導者在使用人才時, 就應該將人才安排在適合于發揮其長處的位置上, 以便充分發揮其作用。對人才的使用, 只有用其所長、避其所短, 才能使人才盡其所能, 發揮其應有的作用;反之, 對人才揚短避長的使用, 必然會壓抑人才作用的發揮。

(3) 合理搭配、整體效能的原則。任何人才作用的發揮, 離不開人才群體的整體效能。人才不是孤立的, 只能在群體中發揮自己的作用。因此, 建立合理的人才結構, 是發揮每一個人才應有作用的關鍵, 領導在使用人才時, 不僅要看到單個人才的能力和作用, 更重要的是要組織一個結構合理的人才群體, 提高人才的整體效能。這就要將不同類型的人才進行合理搭配, 讓其相互補充, 相互啟發, 發揮人才的最佳效能。在一個人才群體中, 就某一個具體的人而言, 他的能力是很有限的, 但是由于他置身于一個合理的結構之中, 他在這個集體中發揮的作用往往遠遠大于他單個人獨立發揮的作用。一個結構合理的人才群體的整體效能, 往往遠遠大于這個群體中個人所發揮的效能之和。

問題5:某地區農業基礎雄厚, 但工業發展緩慢。為加快該地區的產業結構調整, 推動經濟快速發展, 省委決定把某大型國有企業的老總B調到該地區任行署專員。

B專員到任后, 深入廠礦, 了解現有工業情況, 又召集地質和工業部門的負責人會議, 多次座談尋找發展工業的資源優勢。然而, 原有企業的產品沒有市場, 有的負債累累, 已瀕臨破產。礦藏豐富, 但多為貧礦, 不具備開采價值。半年時間過去了, 仍未找到發展壯大工業實力的突破口, B專員有些忐忑不安, 心急如焚。

一天, B專員召集領導班子成員和工業戰線有關部門及企業的領導開會, 專門研究工業發展問題。B專員先是分析該地區的工業形勢, 然后提出建一座現代化的M廠以盡快改變該地區工業落后的局面, 讓大家暢所欲言, 認真討論。討論的結果是, 多數人提出要進行可行性論證, 委托經委和工業局組織人員進行論證, 時間要短、要快。

一個月后, 論證小組提出一份論證結果報告, 認為擬建的M廠, 國內有多家同類企業, 產品市場有走向飽和的趨勢;鄰近地區生產同類產品的L廠規模大、現代化程度高, 技術力量雄厚, 產品已占領了當地90%以上的市場。從市場前景看, M廠不宜建。B專員堅持立即建M廠的理由是與L廠相比, 生產同類產品的國內企業規模大、現代化程度高的不多, 產品市場并沒有飽和。只要能從企業規模上、現代化程度上、產品質量上壓倒它們, 就一定能爭取龐大的市場。B專員還說他就是從L廠出來的, 建M廠他有經驗, 還可以在技術和管理上爭取L廠的支持。由于B專員的意見沒有人再表示反對, M廠就倉促上馬了, 并且要求在建設中每一個細節都要爭一流, 每一個部位都要充分體現“洋氣”, 投資1.5億仍未能建成投產。這時國內市場已經飽和, 產品價格急劇下降。M廠成了一座現代化的廢墟。



(一) 2013年春節剛過, Y市還哈氣成冰, Y市中心城區的黃土山坡上, 活躍著2000多臺重型機器, 這些機器將挖掉33座荒山。通過削山、填溝, 兩倍于現在城區的建設用地將陸續被整理出來, 用于Y市新城建設。此舉被公眾戲稱為現代版的“愚公移山”。

(二) 在熙熙攘攘的城市街頭, 失地農民老王正在為干啥而發愁。他的家在T市新區規劃范圍之內, 房子已經被拆掉, 用給的補償金在城里買了一處二手舊樓房, 花得已所剩無幾。雖然住的問題解決了, 可是53歲的老王在城里找個適合的工作的確挺難。“進城了, 有房了, 可指什么為生啊?沒有退休金, 沒有保障, 找工作找不到, 做生意沒本錢。”老王無奈地對記者說。

(三) W省人大財經委在一份城鎮化調研報告中指出, 目前, 城鎮化依然是以投資驅動和“房地產化”為主, 是一種功利性的城鎮化。如果城鎮化的追求超過現實需要, 將投資“鐵公基”的發展模式轉向城鎮化建設, 就有可能形成過度的城鎮化。如果一味地擴建城市, 抬高房價和地價, 盲目求大, 不考慮資源環境的承載能力和現代城市管理能力, 則會給未來埋下衰退的種子。

(四) 一些地區把城鎮化理解為大城市擴張。近些年來, 一些特大城市規模無序擴張, 人口壓力過大, 資源環境承載能力已超過極限, 環境污染、居住擁擠、交通堵塞、房價高企等問題凸顯。同時, 一些小城鎮人口比重不升反降, 已經回到20年前的水平。城鎮化存在著重規模擴張, 輕服務管理, 城市空間利用效率偏低, 基礎設施管理運營水平不高, 基本公共服務供給能力不足等諸多問題。


1.根據對當前中國城鎮化建設的理解, 你認為中國應該走什么樣的城鎮化之路?

2.T市老王的問題, 在各地城鎮化過程中較為普遍, 你認為應該如何解決。

3.Q省近期召開全省城鎮化工作會議。假設你是Q省發展改革委的領導, 在此次會議上將做主題為“全面提升城鎮化質量”的發言, 請列出發言的要點。


第1問, 要求應試者根據案例材料中給出的問題, 結合國情實際, 指出我國在城鎮化建設中走什么路問題。作答此題, 應注意三點:一是不能就案例材料具體問題談諸如解決對策等內容, 要答出經過提煉升華后對整個城鎮化存在共性問題的思考。二是要答全面, 涵蓋城鎮化的各個方面。三是要從宏觀入手, 答出大方向、大道路。主要作答內容有:中國的城鎮化, 要立足各地實際, 堅持科學發展觀, 堅持工業化、信息化、城鎮化、農業現代化同步發展, 注重循序漸進, 推動綠色發展, 加強環保節能, 突出深化改革, 加強社會建設, 推進完善基本公共服務, 保障民眾權益, 走以人為本、城鄉互動、產城融合、集約高效、綠色低碳的新型城鎮化道路。

第2問, 從案例材料分析, 老王的問題反映三個方面: (l) 城鎮化中對失地農民的補償安置問題; (2) 城鎮化后進城農民的社會保障問題; (3) 城鎮化市民的就業生計問題。此題就是答如何解決這三方面問題的。雖然題目給出的是老王的個案, 但不能僅作答如何解決老王一個人的問題, 要從普遍和根本性問題上作答。作答內容要點有:一是深化農村土地制度特別是征地制度改革, 規范拆遷行為, 建立符合市場規律且能最大程度保障失地農民利益的征地補償機制, 確保土地增值收益主要歸農民所有。加快農村集體土地確權、登記工作, 支持農民承包地按照依法、自愿、有償的原則有序流轉, 促進農村土地適度集中和規?;洜I, 將剩余農民有序從土地依賴中轉移。二是深入推進城市基本公共服務和社會保障均等化改革, 實現市民同城同待遇。加快剝離附著在戶籍上的不平等社會福利待遇, 優先解決舉家遷徙或長期在城務工人員的社會保障和隨遷子女就學問題, 加快推進養老保險關系跨地區轉移接續, 逐步實現進城務工農民及其家屬能享受所在地城鎮居民同等的公共服務和社會保障。三是大力發展城鎮經濟, 推動城鎮多元化產業協調發展, 特別要加快發展城鎮生活性服務業、勞動密集型產業, 增加就業崗位。對就業困難人員, 通過政府購買崗位等形式實現其穩定就業, 建立困難救助機制, 發展志愿和社工事業, 幫助進城農民渡過暫時難關。



1.S省干部群眾之中普遍流傳這種看法:我們長期挖煤、賣煤, 煤經濟阻礙了其他產業發展, 單靠煤沒有發展前景, 煤炭資源富集地區卻成為經濟滯后地區。對這種看法, 你是怎么認為的?


3.T市是S省重要的產煤基地。假設你是T市新任的分管工業的副市長, 你認為T市在轉型發展實現新型工業化上應該著重做好哪些工作。


第1問, 要求答對一看法的正確認識。答此類試題, 前提是要準確理解題目中看法的含義, 判斷出是正確還是不正確, 或者是否有合理之處、在哪方面合理、哪方面不合理, 一定要針對看法去談。本題50多個字的看法中, 出現“煤”字就有五處, 可見題目的看法主要是對煤的看法, 是答對S省煤炭資源的認知, 并且此題的立足點是在擁有豐富煤炭資源的中部省份上, 著眼點是在發展上。作答時, 還要有適當分析, 要重點答出對煤炭資源的認識。主要作答內容應該有: (l) 煤是大自然給予S省的最大恩惠, 煤不會阻礙其他產業發展, 相反會促進和帶動其他產業發展, 煤經濟有很大的發展前景, 關鍵是怎么看待和利用煤。 (2) 煤炭資源富集不等于經濟發達, 不能把經濟不發達歸根于自然條件因素的資源, 而在于沒有解放思想, 沒有將煤炭資源優勢轉化為經濟發展優勢。 (3) 對煤炭要從三方面正確認識:一是要從新技術的視角看煤炭, 既要認識到煤是燃料, 更要認識到煤是原料和資本, 重新認識煤、科學定位煤、深度利用煤。二是要從多元優勢的視角看煤炭, S省的煤炭不僅具有成本優勢、品種優勢、運距優勢, 更有轉化優勢、延伸優勢, 學會一生二、十生百, 真正實現以煤為基、多元發展。三是要從立體的視角看煤炭, 推進煤炭采掘、煤炭轉化、煤炭裝備制造、煤轉化技術和安全生產設備研發、煤炭相關產品交易、煤炭資本運作和金融服務等產業相互融合、一體化多元發展。

第2問, 路徑的含義就是實現工業新型化的途徑, 此題是要求答出S省實現工業新型化有哪些途徑, 也就是說怎么樣才能實現工業新型化。作答此題, 首先要簡單闡明工業新型化的含義, 然后再具體答有哪些路徑, 還要有適當的分析。審題時要特別注意“可供選擇”四個字, 這里隱含的意思就是所答的路徑應該可行, 符合S省實際和國家方針政策, 能夠讓S省選擇, 并且要多寫出幾條。主要作答內容有:工業新型化是信息化與工業化融合、從粗放能耗型增長到集約節能型發展的工業化, 是清潔發展、綠色發展、安全發展的工業化。S省的優勢在煤, 潛力和希望也在煤, 工業新型化仍然要圍繞煤來展開和推進?;诖? 有七個路徑可供選擇: (1) 推進焦炭、冶金、電力等傳統產業循環化, 加快升級步伐, 實現高碳產業低碳發展。 (2) 加快煤炭裝備制造業高端化, 煤炭深加工精細化, 推動采掘文明向制造文明轉變。 (3) 以煤炭運銷為主體大力發展現代物流業, 發揮好中部省份的地緣優勢, 大幅提升經濟運行效率。 (4) 逐步淘汰高耗能產業, 實行清潔生產, 發展節能環保產業, 將環境壓力轉化為發展動力。 (5) 利用能源資源優勢做大新能源、新材料產業, 把一個優勢變成多個優勢。 (6) 立足煤炭及關聯產業發展高新技術產業, 在高科技領域占有一席之地。 (7) 加快工業旅游、生物醫藥、信息網絡等新興產業發展步伐, 培育新的經濟支撐點。


Public speech is an art.It presents the features of formal written language while exhibiting characteristics of the speaker.Barack Obama, an excellent speaker, addressed his victory speech in November 2012, which was very convincing and considered a classic for its perfect using of rhetorical features, lexicon, syntax, body language and phonology.Stylistic analysis of public speeches is conducted to deepen readers’understanding of Obama’s victory speech, and to find where the secrets of success lie.On the other hand, as the leader of the most powerful country in the world, his speech and delivery was concerned by people all over the globe.Through analyzing Obama’s victory speech, we can know about the career of this outstanding political leader, his communicative skills and personalities.Besides this, we can also know the tendency of future development and the main part of this country through his speech.

2 Rhetorical Features Analysis

2.1 Parallelism

According to the American Heritage Dictionary (2012) , parallelism means the use of identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses.In grammar, parallelism is a balance of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses.The application of parallelism in sentence construction can sometimes improve the clearness and readability of the writing, facilitate the expression of strong feelings and the power of language.Meanwhile, the special syntactic feature of parallelism, can strengthen the beauty of rhyme of the language.Obama used many parallel structures in his victory speech.


You’ll hear the determination in the voice of a young field organizer who’s working his way through college and wants to make sure every child has that same opportunity.You’ll hear the pride in the voice of a volunteer who’s going door to door because her brother was finally hired when the local auto plant added another shift.You’ll hear the deep patriotism in the voice of a military spouse who’s working the phones late at night to make sure that no one who fights for this country ever has to fight for a job or a roof over their head when they come home.

In the above example the coherence and beauty of language is clearly and successfully demonstrated by the paralleled sentence step by step.It displays in detail what the campaign group members had done, thus expressing Obama’s gratitude towards the campaign group and his appreciation of their work.


That’s why we do this.That’s what politics can be.That’s why elections matter.

While these sentences are short, this kind of parallelism can strengthen the momentum of a sentence parallelism.


Democracy in a nation of 300 million can be noisy and messy and complicated.

The three words, noisy, messy and complicated, form a parallel structure of word to make the sentence brief and strong.


We believe in a generous America, in a compassionate America, in a tolerant America.

The parallel structure of phrases shows the merit of America:the confidence and virtue of the world’s leader—the United States of America.


We believe in a generous America, in a compassionate America, in a tolerant America, open to the dreams of an immigrant’s daughter who studies in our schools and pledges to our flag, to the young boy on the south side of Chicago who sees a life beyond the nearest street corner, to the furniture worker’s child in North Carolina who wants to become a doctor or a scientist, an engineer or an entrepreneur, a diplomat or even a president—that’s the future we hope for.That’s the vision we share.That’s where we need to go—forward.That’s where we need to go.

Using a variety of parallelism, this section emphasizes the image of the United States as a country providing a variety of opportunities, generosity, compassion and patience to immigrants from around the world.It is a country to be proud of as well as the core of the American dream.

2.2 Repetition

Repetition is restricted to those cases of exact copying of a certain previous unit in a text, such as word, phrase or even a sentence (Leech, 1969) .Repetition is the simple repeating of a word, within a sentence or a poetical line, with no particular placement of the words, in order to provide emphasis.Through the selection and modification of words, it makes the expression of language more accurate, distinct, vivid and powerful.


It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the great heights of hope, the belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are an American family and we rise or fall together as one nation and as one people.

With the repetition of the word spirit Obama successfully drew the audience’s attention to individualism which is the core of the American culture.


To the best campaign team and volunteers in the history of politics (cheers) the best, the best ever.

Best is also repeated three times, to emphasize the excellence of team.

2.3 Metaphor

Metaphor is a lexical rhetorical device.It is an implied relation between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common.It is an important rhetorical device used in the public addresses.Using metaphors contributes to explaining affairs much more vividly and profoundly to enhance the expressive force.Take the following as examples:


While our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves us.

Here Obama uses the word journey to refer to America’s future and development.It helps embodying America’s future and drawing a blueprint which can make audiences feel confident.


Thank you for believing all the way, through every hill, through every valley, you lifted me up the whole way.

The meaning of hill and valley in writing are natural landscape.In this speech, it stands for the difficulties and hardships on the campaign trail.

2.4 Alliteration

In language, alliteration is the repetition of a particular sound in the prominent lifts (or stressed syllables) of a series of words or phrases.Its main rhetorical function is to enhance the rhythm of language, to render vividness to language expressions and to impress the audience more deeply.


The spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the great heights of hope.

As depth can be replaced by bosom, despair can be replaced by hopelessness, Obama uses depths and despair, heights and hope to make a two pairs of alliteration which forms a better sentence structure, attracts audiences’attention and makes his idea easy to accept.


I've seen it in the soldiers who reenlist after losing a limb and in those SEALS that charged up the stairs into darkness and danger because they knew there was a buddy behind them watching their back.

Obama uses darkness and danger to make a pair of alliteration which is to show the diligence of the soldiers to protect their country.It is easy to arouse resonance with the audience.

2.5 Allusion

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (2003) defines“allusion”as“an implied or indirect reference.”So allusion is an indirect reference to people or things outside the text in which it occurs, without mentioning them explicitly.


We’re not as cynical as the pundits believe.We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states.

As all American know, red and blue refer to two political parties.Hence here Obama indicates that the U.S.consists of different politics and political areas.This kind of saying shows Obama’s idea in the simplest way.


America has never been about what can be done of us, it’s about what can be done by us by the hard, frustrating but necessary work of self government.That is the principle we were founded on.

The above sentence rewrites President Kennedy’s famous quote“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.It easily arouses resonance with the audience.

3 Lexical Analysis

At lexical level of linguistic description, lexical choice is mainly examined by the analysis of content words.According to Qian Yuan (2011) , it involves whether the words are simple or complex, formal or informal, general or specific.The lexical items of public speech include hard words, abstract nouns, and personal pronouns, which make the speech more formal and serious, increasing the speaker’s credibility and dignity.

3.1 Hard words

Hard words refer to polysyllabic words of three or more syllables, not including inflection, compounding and proper nouns (Qian Yuan, 2011) .Simple words derive from Anglo-Saxon words, which stand for informality, usually used in dialogue.Hard words are often used in public speeches.They convey formality, credibility and authority.

Hard Words may attract audience’s attention, and moreover enhance the formality and energies of the speech.In Obama’s victory speech, the whole text has 2290 words while hard words account for about 5%of the total, lower than the usual inaugural speech of the other presidents.Hard words include determination, opportunity, controversy, compromises, struggles, destiny, and responsibilities.

Relatively easy to understand on the whole, the speech shows Obama’s intention of speaking with an easy style.Many ordinary people feel a distance from the candidate because he/she may always employ hard words to show that they belong to the so called“elite”or high intellectuals.However, Obama employs relatively simple words to bring the audience closer.

3.2 Abstract words

Abstract noun refers to a quality, state, or action instead of physical thing.The wide use of abstract nouns is one of the stylistic features of public addresses, making a sharp contrast with daily conversations.In Obama’s speech, we can find such words:spirit, ambition, appreciation, determination, innovation, recognition, patriotism, freedom, responsibility, obligations, hardship, confidence, dignity, passion.

Abstract words would make the speech more graceful.Moreover, in addition, the usage of abstract words instead of specific words can make the speech more profound and formal.

4 Syntactic Analysis

4.1 Sentence type

There are four major types of sentences in English:declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamative sentences.We can see that Obama prefers to use declaratives in his victory speech.A declarative sentence or declaration, one of the most common types in public speech, commonly makes a statement.It is brief and crisp, and full of charisma.Let’s take the following sentence for example,


And together with your help and God’s grace we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on Earth.

The sentence perfectly shows Obama’s confidence in the country and his determination to go on the journey.

At the end of the speech, Obama used a declarative sentence to call on all Americans to struggle for America’s tomorrow, which made a sonorous and powerful end to the speech.Let me say this publicly Michelle I have never loved you more, this is imperative sentence.The imperative sentence, used at the end of his public speech, aroused the passion of the audience, and appealed to them to follow the speaker’s willingness.

4.2 Sentence length

The length of sentence is determined to a certain degree by the style of the text.It reveals the degree of formality of the text.Generally speaking, the average sentence length of a public speech is longer than that of a daily conversation and advertisement and shorter than that of legal documents and technological texts.

The above figure shows that sentences with fewer than 20words account for more than 50%of the speech text.The average sentence length is 20.1 words.Compared with his first victory speech delivered on Nov.4, 2008, with the average sentence length of 28.0 words, Obama used more short sentences in this victory speech, making his speech more vivid and exciting.Meanwhile, the short sentences sound more powerful and enthusiastic, successfully helping Obama to arouse the passion of the audience.Meanwhile, Obama also adopted some long sentences to convey the complicated ideas with parallel structures.Thus the alternate use of short and long sentences helps to make this speech neither too dull nor too wearisome.

5 Structure Analysis

A public speech usually contains three parts:the introduction, the body and the conclusion.The following section will deal with the different parts of each speech to see how Obama organized his speech.

Introduction starts from the beginning to“Thank you for believing all the way, through every hill, through every valley, you lifted me up the whole way and I will always be grateful for everything that you have done and all the incredible work that you've put in.”It expounds the significance of this campaign, and expresses Obama’s gratitude towards the people of United States, the opponent, and the family.The body starts from“I know that political campaigns can sometimes seem small, even silly, and that provides plenty of fodder of the cynics who tell us that politics are nothing more than a contest of egos, or the domain of special interests, but if you ever get the chance to talk to folks who turned out at our rallies and crowded along the rope line at a high school gym, or saw folks working late at a campaign office at some tiny county far away from home, you'll discover something else.”and ends at“And I know that every American wants her future to be just as bright.That's who we are.That's the country I'm so proud to lead as your president.”It gives a detailed description of the difficulties confronting the American people and government, and of the efforts made by the people and government.The last part is the conclusion, ending with“I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting.”This conclusion delivers the confidence of the American, and firmly believes in a bright future.

6 Conclusion

In the above parts, the author has analyzed the language features of Obama’s speech from four aspects:rhetorical devices, lexical analysis, syntactic analysis and structural.The major finding in this analysis is that Obama's appropriate usage of stylistic features contributes to a successful, attractive speech.The implication of this paper is that analysis of stylistic features contributes to a better understanding of the speech.A better knowledge of stylistics may result in a better speech.

摘要:2012年11月7日, 美國總統巴拉克·奧巴馬在總統選舉中成功連任, 當選美國第57屆總統, 當晚他于芝加哥發表了勝選演說。這篇演講鼓舞人心, 征服了來自美國甚至全世界各地的聽眾, 獲得各界極大的好評和推崇。該文從修辭特征、詞匯、句法和篇章結構等角度對奧巴馬2012年勝選演講進行語體分析, 以加深讀者對奧巴馬勝選演講的理解。



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