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本學期共要學習兩本書,即3.4.模塊,每個模塊共有3個單元,每個單元由Welcome to the unit、Reading、Word Power、Grammar & usage、Task、Project和Self-assessment共七個部分組成。



高一下學期英語既注重基礎知識的考查,又強調能力的靈活運用。為了適應這一趨勢,提高高一英語的教學質量,我們在高一英語教學中將常抓基礎知識,有梯度地拓寬詞匯,提高課堂效率,從而努力提高學生學習的自覺性、主動性與積極性,通過師生互動,更進一步提高英語成績。 我校高一英語教學的現狀分析






三、2012學期高一下英語教學做法 (1)認真落實集體備課

以集體備課為形式,集備課組全體的智慧做好日常的教學工作。 (2)拓寬教材,擴展學生閱讀量,努力補充學生的詞匯

1 補充自選閱讀材料,培養學生的閱讀能力,并以這些材料為基礎,擴充學生詞匯量,做到每學完一篇課文,就進行詞匯檢測。 (3)綜合檢查

準備每一周做一次練習,主要以結合當前教學內容為主要測試內容, 間或分塊測試,適時引導學生自我評價,從而調整下階段的學習。 (4)教學進度

課文每單元用9課時完成。1課時用于welcome,3課時用于reading, 2課時用于grammar,1課時用于task,1課時用于project,1課時用于練習。爭取16周內完成牛津版模塊3.4。


1.習題的訓練在于精而不在于多。在教學中盡量按照高考的知識體系有針對性地選擇典型性題目。針對共性問題進行精講,讓學生在書本中找到解決問題的源泉,學會思考、整理和歸納。 2.聽力訓練到位,鍛煉學生聽力能力

利用好學生《聽力訓練材料》的題目及《英語學習輔導報》上的聽力,注重聽力技巧的培養,鍛煉提高學生的聽力能力。 3.隨堂鞏固練習及單元綜合檢查

每部分教完后都有有一小張測試練習,以檢測該部分是否掌握;每單元結束后進行一次小型考試,以便調整下一階段的學習和教學活動。 五. 教學研究目標與效果展望

教師要注重學生聽、說、讀、寫各方面能力的培養,注意拓寬學生的詞匯量,提高閱讀量,處處以提高學生能力為目的。 學生通過半年的學習,各方面能力都應有相應提高,詞匯量較以前有較大的擴充,閱讀、寫作能力也有較大提高。

六、 教師專業發展計劃(讀書、培訓、研究等)

平時注重閱讀相關學科資料、論文,積極參加各種培訓,老教師加強對新教師的指導,新教師注重備課的充分,并多向老教師虛心學習,全組齊心協力、共同提高,共同進步。 七. 本學期教學進度表

2 1. 第一階段

第1 — 9周 Modal III 第10 周 期中復習(統練) 2. 第二階段




Unit1-2:There be …,How many…,What’s…,Here’s a /Here’re some……


Is there a computer room in the school?No, there isn’t.


Is there a table tennis room in the building?Let me see .


Are there any pictures on the wall?Yes, there are.


Are there any swings in the garden?I ’m not sure.


What’s under the bed?There’s a football under the bed

6、門后面有什么? 門后面有一些傘。

What’s behind the door?There are some umbrellas behind the door.


There’s a map of the world on the wall.


Here’s a pencil for you.


The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy.


There aren’t any crayons.


Here are some crayons for you.


How many cars are there in the street?There are twenty.

13、學校里有多少個老師?有40 個。

How many teachers are there in the school?There are forty.


How many doctors are there in the hospital?There are thirty.


Is there a park near your house?Yes,there is..


There aren’t any trees and flowers in the park.


There are some cakes and grapes on the plate.


1、我會騎一輛自行車。你會干什么?我會滑冰。I can ride a bike . What can you do?I can skate.


I can swim. What can you do?I can ski.


The girl can dance, but the boy can’t.He can sing.


The girl can play the piano, but the boy can’t.He can play the piano.


The boy can make a model plane, but the girl can’t. She can make a puppet.


Can you put a book on your head?Yes,I can.


The students are having a Music lesson.


Where’s Ben?He’s under the teacher’s desk.



Do you like horses?Yes, I do.


Do you like chickens?No, I don’t. I like ducks.


I like pumpkin lanterns.What do you like?I like puzzles.


I like sweets. What do you like?I like chocolate.


We like playing table tennis with our friends.


They would like to buy things for a Halloween party.


What else do you need?We need some flowers and a vase.


What masks do you like?I like horses.


How much are they?Eighty-seven yuan.


My parents don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays.


Sometimes Mike and I listen to music.


Shall we go out to fly a kite?Good idea.



What are you doing?I’m reading a storybook.2、你在干什么?我正在洗衣服。

What are you doing?I’m washing clothes.


What are they doing?They’re drawing pictures.


Where’s Su Yang?She is in the sitting-room.


What is Liu Tao doing?He’s sweeping the floor.

6、他們正在打牌嗎?不,他們不在。他們正在下棋。Are they playing cards?No, they aren’t. They are playing chess.

7、他們正在玩溜溜球嗎?不,他們不在。他們正在跑步。Are they playing with yo-yos?No, they aren’t. They are running.


Is he making a model plane?No, he isn’t. He is making a kite.


Is she reading a newspaper?No, she’s not. She’s reading a magazine.


Mr. Black is reading a newspaper in the study.


Nancy is watching TV in the sitting-room.


Miss Li and her students are cleaning the desks and chairs in the library.


Is Nancy reading a picture book?No,she’s not. She’s doing her homework.


Are your parents listening to music? No, they aren’t. They are cooking.


Can you come and help me with my Maths ? Sure.How about this afternoon ?OK.


Let’s put the red vest on the bed .


I’m making a cake. Come and help me, please.


Where are you going ?We’re going to the library.


What are you doing?I’m helping Wang Bing with his English.


Classes are over. Some students are cleaning the library. I will go and join them.


The mouse is dancing on the dog’s head.


Are you playing computer games?No,I’m not.


We like the five tigers on the kite.



You have a towel and I have a blanket.


We have a telescope and they have a Walkman.

3、我有一把小刀。他有什么?他有一個開罐器。I have a knife. What does he have?He has a tin-opener.

4、我有一個花瓶。她有什么?她有一些花。I have a vase. What does she have?She has some flowers.


What do your friends have?They have some fruit.


What does Miss Li have?She has a blanket.


The children and their teachers are showing their things to each other.


The milk and the fish in the fridge are for me.

Unit9:What shape is the ……,Show us how to……

1、這個餅干是什么形狀的?是長方形的。What shape is the biscuit?It’s a rectangle.

2、這個三明治是什么形狀的?是三角形的。What shape is the sandwich?It’s a triangle.


What shape is the ball?It’s a circle.

4、這條毛巾是什么形狀的?是正方形的。What shape is the towel?It’s a square.

5、這個卷筆刀是什么形狀的?是星形的。What shape is the pencil sharpener?It’s a star.

6、這個圖片是什么形狀的?是菱形的。What shape is the picture?It’s a diamond.


Show us how to make a cake.


Come here and show us how to draw a circle.


Why don’t you make a New Year card?Good idea.





enjoy: enjoy doing sth.

enjoy oneself

enjoyable: adj 有樂趣的,令人愉快的 experience:n:可數名詞:經歷


v: 經歷

experienced :

be experienced in He is very experienced in looking after animals. earn:

earn one’s living:謀生

She earns her living by writing. respect: show one’s respects to; respect sb for sth. devote:v.致力于;獻身 devote one’s time to…; devote one’s life to… average:

above/below the average on average ; an average of…

A reporter said that women lived an average of 5 years longer than men. struggle: struggle to do sth,

struggle with/for/against The children talked so loudly that I had to struggle to __________ (hear). challenging: face a challenge: 面臨挑戰; meet the challenge of :迎接……挑戰

I am looking forward to the challenge of my new job.

School must meet the challenge of new technology. satisfaction satisfy


be satisfied with…

She was not satisfied with the outcome of her effort. She looked at his face with satisfaction. exchange:

in exchange for


exchange sth. with sb.

Would you like my old TV in exchange for the camera?

You can exchange your currency for dollars in this hotel. free :

free of charge

for free

be free to do

The expressways’ toll gates are __________ during the eight-day “Golden Week” holiday.

I can offer you breakfast for free. former: adj 以前的

the former

the latter

former president

Jane and Mary are good friends, the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse. graduate: graduate from(學校)

graduate in (專業)

graduation develop :with the development of… gift:

have a gift for:

gifted He has a gift for language, while his sister is a gifted pianist. independent : be independent of…

depend on


It was very important for me to be financially independent of my parents.

inform: inform sb. that

inform sb. of sth.

keep ab. informed

Please inform us of the further information as soon as possible.

We will keep you informed of our progress and look forward to hearing from you. approve: 批準,通過,贊成

approve of

No teachers can approve of cheating on exams. charge: in charge of

in the charge of

free of charge 免費

charge sb. … 要某人多少錢

be charged with: 被指控

take charge of: 接管 select:選擇

select sb. as…

select sb. to do

more than

no more than 不超過

no more… than… 和


not more…than… 沒有


more… than…


不如說 frighten : be frightened to do…

be frightened of doing…

be frightened to death bend :

bend over :附身

bend to : 屈服

bend one’s attention on…專心于 starve: starve to death

starve for… 渴望


tolerate: tolerate doing

Nobody can tolerate being laughed at in public. deserve:

deserve to do 值得…

deserve doing= deserve to be done

He deserves rewarding. can hardly wait to do …

can’t wait for…

be supposed to do… teachers are supposed to treat all students alike. be supposed to have done: He was supposed to have finished his homework last night. insist: insist on doing

insist that sb. should do worry : worry about

be worried about… harm:

do harm to …

be harmful to…

forbid: forbid sb. from doing…

forbid sb. to do… tend: tend to do…

tend to sb. 照顧…

mix: mix up 弄混

mix with


mix … up with

把。。。和。。。弄混 figure: 體形;數據;人物

figure out 想出 理解

We should try to learn from our mistakes and figure out how to do it better. ashamed: be ashamed of…

be ashamed that…

be shamed to do… recover: recover from…

prefer:prefer to do…

prefer doing to doing

prefer to do… rather than do

Rather than travel abroad with her parents, she preferred to do volunteer work during the holiday. suffer:


suffer from+ 疾病 傷痛

sufferings 痛苦

Although the old man suffered a lot in the disaster, he did not tell others his sufferings. consider: consider doing …

consider … as…

consider that


have no effect on… take effect 生效 come into effect 生效

side effect 副作用 make the most of : make use of…

make good use of …

make the best of…

make full use of…

make little use of… in the long term:從長遠角度看

in terms of:就



Unit 1 Great cities in Asia

teaching requirements Knowledge objective:

I 詞組

1. at an exhibition在展覽會上

2. the capital of China中國的首都

3. north-east of Shanghai在上海東北面

east/ west/ south / north of 在……的東、西、南、北面north-east /north-west of在……的東北、西北 south-east /south- west of在……東南,西南* in/on/to the east of

eg. Shanghai is in the east of China.

Korea is on the east of China.

Japan is to the east of China.

3. how far多遠

4. how如何/怎樣

5. how long多久

6. in the past在過去

7. other places其他城市

8. from shanghai to Beijing從上海到北京

9. read some information about Beijing 閱讀關于北京的信息

10. the Great Wall長城

* the Summer Palace頤和園

* the Palace Museum故宮博物院

11. more than= over超過

* less than = under少于

12. 15 million people一千五百萬人*millions of, thousands of

13. huge department store大型百貨公司*huge= very big

14. spicy food辣的食物

15. in Asia在亞洲

16. great cities= big cities 大城市

17. which city 哪個城市

18. by plane=by air;乘飛機

by ship=by sea;乘船

by train/ ferry乘火車/ 渡輪

19. That’s right. 對的。

* That’s all right.沒關系,不要緊。

20. two days and a half = two and a half days兩天半

21. like visiting those places喜歡參觀那些地方

like/ love/ enjoy/ doing Sth.

would like to do Sth.

22. in Tokyo

II. 詞性轉換 在東京

1. Japan (n.) 日本 — Japanese ( a./n. )日本的,日語,日本人

a Japanese, some Japanese

My uncle met some Japanese visitors yesterday. They came from Japan. China (n.) 中國 – Chinese (a./n.)中國的,漢語,中國人

a Chinese, a lot of Chinese

China is a great nation with millions of clever and brave Chinese.

2. Thailand (n.) 泰國 — *Thai(a./n ) 泰國的,泰語,泰國人

That Thai restaurant is looking for a good from Thailand.

3. exhibition (n.) 展覽會,展覽 — *exhibit(v.)

The Shanghai Exhibition Centre is on Yan’an Road.

4. build (v.) 建造 -- building (n.) 建筑物 –* builder (n.) 建筑工

Thousands of builders have worked hard to build such a wonderful building.

5. tourist (n.)游客—tour (n.) 旅游

Those tourists are welcomed by local tour agency.

6. information (Uncountable noun)

* a piece of informationsome information

Sam and Andy are looking for some information about forests.

III. 語言點/句型

1. south-east(東南), north-east(東北) south-west (西南), north-west (西北)這些斜方向方位詞與中文表述相反。

2. east of 在(…范圍外面的) 的東面

in the east of 在(…范圍內)的東面.

eg. Tokyo is east of Shanghai. Shanghai is in the east of China.

Beijing is north of Shanghai. It is also in the north of China.

3. the capital of China中國的首都

of 的兩種含義

(a) of 表示―的‖

the capital of China/ the map of my school/ the picture of me

of 表示‖在…之中‖(后用復數)

one/some/many/all/none of the boys.

eg. Beijing is the capital of China and it is also one of the great cities in Asia.

4. That’s right 那是對的

That’s all right 沒關系

You are right 你是對的

All right好吧

eg. A: Tokyo is the capital of Japan---------B: That’s right./ You are right.

A: I am sorry.--------------B: That’s all right.

A: Please open the door----B: All right.


half an hour (半小時)

one hour and a half (一個半小時)

an hour and a half

one and a half hours (注意復數)

兩天半two days and a half

two and a half days.

eg. it takes about two and a half hours to fly from Shanghai to Beijing.

7.by air = by plane 乘飛機:

by sea = by ship乘船

eg. Tomorrow I will travel to Beijing by air,.


go/travel/get to… by…==take a/an …to

eg. He goes to school by car.

He takes a car to school.

8how, how far, how long 的特殊疑問句

how far ---―多遠‖問距離How far is it?

how ----―如何,怎樣‖(1.by +交通工具 2.作表語的形容詞)How do you go to school?How did he become?

how long ―多長時間‖ (對時間段提問)

*初中階段用how long 的常見句型

-It takes sb time to do sth

-since +時刻點或從句

-for +段時間

-不帶not 的until How long does it take to get there? How long have you lived here? How long have you lived here? How long did you do your homework?

*5. (I won’t go to bed When will you go to bed?

9more than 超過==over

eg. There are more than 12 million people in Shanghai.

There are over 12 million people in Shanghai.

10.15 million 一千五百萬

millions of 數以百萬

eg. More than 70 million people visited Shanghai Expo and millions of them visited

China Pavilion.

11like/love/enjoy 后跟動詞ing

People in Tokyo enjoy eating sushi.

like/love doing sth = like/love to do sth

12there be 句型表示某地方或者某時間有…

eg. There are 15 million people in Beijing.

There will be much rain next month

注意there be 句型的各種時態

There was/were (過去時)

There will be/ is going to be (將來時)

There have/has been (完成時)

eg. There have been a lot of people in Shanghai already and there will be more in the future.

13. These are all great cities in Asia.

all ―(三者以上)所有‖, 放在be 動詞后,行為動詞前。

eg. Tokyo, Bangkok and Beijing all come from Asia and they are all my favourite cities

Emotional objectives:

To foster the students’ interest to travel to another place/or another country. Pre-task preparation:

Ask: 1) What do you do before you travel to another country?

1) How do you get there?

2) How long do you get there?


1) Recite key words and phrases.

