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Jack : There’s a sign on the wall. What does it mean? Ben :It means ‘Danger’! Jack :Can I go in ? Ben : No ,you can’t. You must stary away from the building . Jack :There’s a sign on the grass .What does it mean? Ben :It means ‘keep off the grass ’. Jack :What does that mean ? Ben :It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass. Jack :The sign on the birds’ cage is interesting .What does it mean ? Ben :It means ‘be quiet ’!we shouldn’t make noise here. Jack :Now I know a lot about public signs. Thank you , Ben.

Ben and jack are at home now .They are talking about the park . Complete their conversation . Do you like the park ,jack ? Yes, I do .now I know a lot about — —in the park .They — different things .we —walk on the grass .we should ——near the birds ’cage .The sign on the building in the park means ‘Danger’ .we must — —from it .

Look and say Ben and jack are at jingling zoo. They are talking about some signs in the zoo.Talk about the signs with a partner. Use Ben and jack ’s conversation as a model. What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldn’t…

Ask and answer Jack is back home from the zoo. What does he want to do ?look at the pictures .Then ask and answer the questions. Jack :can I? Mum : No ,you can’t. You should …now.



