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1 來這里旅游的人們都會首先說說對這里的印象:宮崎的市里真是明朗,猶如走在南國的街道上。漫步街道、巨大的椰子樹隨風搖曳(沙沙作響),鳳尾松、鮮紅的刨子在描繪著南方風景詩。天空也澄澈而湛藍。(碧空如洗)

2 從車站走過主街道橘大街,度過橫跨在大淀川()上的橘橋就到了游步公園,游步公園左側道邊全是椰子樹。大淀川可謂是宮崎的生命之源,清澈地緩緩流淌著,可以看到在河邊兩個談戀愛的年輕人在歡快散步的情形。稍有那么一點歐洲情調的風景,還有餐廳。從冬天到春天,三四萬只鴨子漂浮在大淀川上,使我們看到一片閑適的風景?,F在可以看到在河上面釣魚,夏天可以看到在橘橋上放下魚線的情景。

3 自古以來,九州就是一個漂浮著南國之香和異國情調的浪漫之地。這里有噴火的阿蘇山和櫻島、燃燒神(秘)火的有明海、還有日南海岸國定公園也不例外。從宮崎市路過青島、鵜戶,到都井岬的約有90公里的沿海岸線公路,有道路公園的美稱。對那些看慣了小巧的箱庭式風景的大部分游客來說,這里確實是非常美麗。隨著一步步南下,景色變得越來越宏大,最后在策馬飛奔的都井岬結束。而期間,我們看到了受黑潮清洗的奇特侵蝕作用所形成的青島、崛切嶺,充滿詩與夢的兒童王國公園,墨西哥風情的仙人掌公園,擁有巨大海食洞的鵜戶神宮,野猿的棲息地幸島,他們規模宏大、變幻多姿,這種海洋之美,在日本屈指可數。 4 行駛在平坦舒適的泊油路上,沿著國道220線南下,漸漸被路邊的一片夾竹桃所包圍。到了夏天,到處都開著粉色的花朵,彌漫著芬芳,在道旁樹木盡頭的左側,就是兒童王國。是一個具有17萬平方米的大型自然游園地。這里攜帶酒入內。這應該是經營者的一個愿望,希望至少在這個游園地,大人們也能保持一顆純粹的童心。


5 從青島乘車過十分鐘,登上滿山山櫻的坡道,就到了斷崖在此處落入海中的崛切嶺,道路兩旁全是椰樹,太平洋泛著閃閃的光,在隨風搖曳的椰樹樹葉之間,能夠看到與青島同樣的鬼搓板奇景。

6 從崛切嶺乘車20分鐘就到了小彌太郎仙人掌公園。從靠近黑潮的海岸到丘陵的道路兩旁約有120萬棵左右的扇形仙人掌層層疊疊、好不繁盛,而且其間還種著1萬5千棵的龍舌蘭。

旅行的魅力在于用五官來感受旅行 通過感受不一樣的經歷 從而發現自己 然后就會有發現的喜悅 而這發現并不是發現旅行の魅力は五感で未知世界への発見、未知世界と接することによって 自分を発見する 発見の旅は 自分発見の旅ともいえる





Unit one 翻譯

1) 通過很多熱心人士的努力,慶祝儀式的資金準備就緒了。 (in place)

Money for the ceremony is in place through many warm-hearted people’s efforts. 2) 因為你很可靠,所以我愿意想你訴說心里話 。(pour our one’s heart)

I am willing to pour out my heart to you because you are reliable.

3) 雖然湯姆上個月才大學畢業,但是他工作起來和熟練工人一樣好。 (as well as)

Although Tom graduated from college a month ago, he worked as well as a skilled worker. 4) 我們像人們介紹可持續發展如何與我們的日常說話緊密相連,而且希望這個概念能夠深入人心。 (take root in)

We explain to people how “sustainable development” is closely linked with our everyday life and hope that this concept can take root in our community.

5) 在戰爭爆發兩年之后,這兩個兄弟把他的感受毫無拘束地說了出來。 (open up)

The two brothers opened up about their feelings two years after war broke out.

Unit two 翻譯 1) 由于他的努力,音樂會比我們預期的更成功。 (thanks to)

Thanks to his effort, the concert is more successful than we have expected. 2) 因為所有人的努力,我們公司渡過了一個又一個的經濟危機。(pull through)

Because all of us work hard, our company has pulled through one economic crisis after another.

3) 大多數人都熱愛大自然、向往和平自由的美好生活。而沒有可持續發展,這一切都不太可能。(long for)

Most peoples love nature and long for peace and freedom, which is not quite possible without

sustainable development.

4) 博物館里的每一張照片都讓我們想起戰爭的殘酷 (remind of)

Every photo in the museum reminds us of the cruelty of the war. 5) 你最好親自去,而不要派某個人代表你。(in person)

Instead of sending somebody on your behalf, you had better go in person. 6) 他預測在未來的幾年里這個地區不會發生地震。(break out)

He predicted that earthquakes would not break out in the next few years in this area. 2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1)市場的進一步縮小將會導致經濟危機的爆發。

2) 因為世博會,我們都很渴望有機會去上海。

3) 我們的英語老師建議我們在網上下載最新的英文電影。

4) 如果沒人站出來說出這個項目的問題,這個項目就不可能有所改進。 5) 我們相信在朋友們的幫助下公司能渡過這場經濟危機。

6) 很多醫生對這個新型的感冒很困惑,并盡他們所能及早找到解決方法。




1. “Equality between women and men is no longer a negotiable issue.”…. “As long as women remain unequal,

they cannot have access to resources, they can never participate in political decision-making, they cannot make their choices in life. That is the bottom line.” Mrs Mongella says women round the world ear all concerned about equality. In developing countries, in states emerging as industrial powers, in the countries of west, women are looking for action, action she sometimes calls a revolution.


2. 一些婦女認為犧牲一個女嬰可以確保下次懷孕生個兒子。

Some women believe that sacrificing a female infant guarantees a son in the next pregnancy.

3. 對于許多母親來說,親自宣判女兒的死刑,勝過判定女兒一輩子遭受歧視忍受貧困。

For many mothers, sentencing a daughter to death is better than condemning her to life with cradle-to-grave discrimination and poverty

4. 城市婦女可以根據胎兒性別選擇墮胎,因為他們更容易有機會享用現代醫學技術。

In urban areas,easier access to modern medical technology enables women to undergo sex-selective abortions

5. 在印度,一個年輕女子只是被看成是她出生家庭的臨時成員,而且對這個家庭的財力是極大的消耗。

In India, a young women is regarded as a temporary member of her natural family and a drain on its wealth

6. 燒柴做飯的女人一天吸入的致癌物質相當于每天抽20包煙。

Those women who use wood fuels in cooking inhale carcinogenic pollutants that are the equivalent of smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day

7. 婦女的健康需求過去常常被忽視,或者被認為和男人的相同。去年開羅的大會上一致認為不安全的流


Women’s health needs have in the past often been over looked, or assumed to be the same as man’s. At Cairo conference last year it was agreed that the consequence of unsafe abortions are part of overall health care. The conferences recognize that women have specific health needs which must be understood, and that women must have full access to adequate health-care services.

Unit 2

1. In 1993 national survey of 50,000 junior and senior high school students revealed a marked increase in

marijuana use among high school students. One of the researchers noted, we have the unenviable role of informing the country that drug use are making a comeback, that the epidemic could be re-emerging.This increase in the use of marijuana on the part of teenagers is significant because of some of this young people, pot will become a gateway drug, that is, a relatively mild or soft mind-altering substance that lead to the ingestion more powerful drugs. Substance abuse expert Herbert Kleber notes, if you used marijuana less than 10 times the likelihood of use cocaine was practically nil. But if you used marijuana more than 100 times, or twice a week for a year, the likelihood of using cocaine went up 70 percent.

1993年國家對5萬名初中高中生進行的調查顯示中學生中吸食大麻的人數明顯上升。一個研究人員陳述說,我們肩負一個不值得羨慕的責任,要讓全國人民了解到吸食毒品現象正在回潮,這一流行病有可能重新出現。就青少年這方面而言,吸食大麻的這種上升是值得注意的。因為對一些年輕人來說,大麻會成為一種入門毒品,即,這種相當溫醇和輕微改變意識的物質會導致吸食更具效力的毒品。專門從事毒品濫用研究的專家Herbert Kleber說,你如果吸食大麻少于10次,吸食可卡因的可能性實際上為零。但是,如果你吸食大麻超過100次,或者說一年里每周兩次,那么吸食可卡因的可能性就


2. 如果你到醫院去,你會見到病人在做手術前吸止痛藥

If you go to a hospital, you will find that patients usually snort pain-killing medicine before an operation

3. 那個議員在她的政黨里是一股很強的勢力,所以她今年很可能贏得今年的那個席位

Since the senator is a potent force in her political party, she is most surely to win the place this year

4. 自從他得知了事實真相以來,他就一直尋找機會為被謀殺的兄弟報仇

He has been seeking vengeance for the murder of his brother since he was told of the fact

5. 在較長的節假日周末,死亡人數會因為車禍上升

On long holidays weekends there is always raise in the number of fatalities due to auto accidents

6. 你在中學度過的那段時間是你受教育的一個重要時期

The time you spent in high school is an important phase of your education

7. 然而,我應該指出的是在醫學和科學研究領域里,實際上在進行認真的,并且是有價值與毒品有關的

工作。但是,在對毒品政策進行大規模的討論中,學術界和知識界的來說沒有提出什么好辦法,提出的辦法也很少真正有用。 I should point out, however, that in the field of medical and scientific research, there is indeed serious and valuable drug-related work going on. But in the great public policy debate over drugs, the academic and intellectual communities have by and large had little to contribute, and little of that has been genuinely useful. Unit 3

1. The primacy of genes also assumes that genes act on their own. How do they know when to turn on and off the synthesis of particular proteins? If you view genes as autonomous, the answer is that they just know. No one tells a gene what to do; instead, that bucks start and stop there. However, that view is far from accurate too. Within the staggeringly long sequences of DNA, it turns out that only a tiny percentage of letters actually form the words that constitute genes and serve as code for proteins. More than 95 percent of DNA, instead, is non-coding. Much of DNA simple constitute on and off switches for regulating the activity of genes. It’s like you have a 100-page book, and 95 of the pages are instructions and advice for reading the other five pages. Thus, genes don’t independently determine when proteins are synthesized. They follow instructions originating somewhere else.What regulates those switches? In some instances, chemical messengers from other parts of the cell. In other cases, messengers from other cells in the body (this is the way many hormones work). And, critical, in still other cases, genes are turned on or off by environmental factors. As a crude example, some carcinogens work by getting into cells, binding to one of those DNA switches and turning on genes that cause the uncontrolled growth that constitutes cancer.


2. 賽萊拉公司已經把他們測得的20多個顯示出特質的基因登記申請專利。

Celra has filed for about two dozen patents on the identification of genes that signal for unique traits

3. 對科學家來說,未來幾年中一個更迫切要面對的道德難題是:有多少基因密碼應該公開,有又有多少


A more immediate ethical dilemma that sciences face in the coming years is deciding how much of genetic code should be made public and how much companies should have the right to patent to fund their research.

4. 各類機構會因為各種各樣的事情而越來越希望獲得個人的基因圖譜。

Increasingly agencies are going to want genetic profiling for all kinds of things

5. 基因學研究從來沒有像現在這樣包羅萬象,涵蓋了從醫學到社會學每個學科。

The study of genetic will never be so all encompassing as to gobble up every subject from medicine to sociology.

6. 或者是,炎熱中母靈長類動物散發的氣味會誘發公靈長類動物體內有關生殖的基因開始工作。

Or the smell of a female in heat will activate genes in certain male primates related to reproduction.

7. 基因芯片這種能力的奧秘在于兩股DNA以非常獨特的方式結合在一起這一事實。兩股DNA形成的雙

螺旋線的內部鏈接由標名為ATCG的四種不同的化學單位或堿基組成。一股DNA上的A總是鏈接到另一股DNA的T上;同樣,C總是和G相連。因此,知道一股DNA上的堿基順序也就知道了另一股DNA上的堿基順序。 The secret to this ability lies in that fact two strands of DNA adhere in a very specific way. The inner rungs of the double helix formed by two DNA strands are made up of four deferent chemical unit, or base, dubbed ATCG. The A’s on one strand always link to T’s on the other; likewise, C’s always bind G’s. Thus, knowing the sequence of base on one strand reveals the sequence on the other. Unit4

1. Now, in 1995, the time has come to bring the vision of a global marshall plan into focus again. Getting on

with the industrial revolution is the most urgent challenge civilization faces now. if foreign aid was being considered an act of common humanity at mid-century, it is now dictated by the exigencies of common survival. The population of the world has more than doubled since 1950-from 2.5 billion to 5.3 billion. The number of living in direct poverty has increased to 1.3 billion-close to the total population of underdeveloped countries in 1950. The population is doubling now again. The number in direct poverty could equal the present world population. A doubling after that would bring human species close to full occupation of the Earth.


2. 盡管Davos文化在全球事務中有著極其重要的影響,但它遠不能作為全球文明統一的象征

While the davos culture is playing a tremendously important role in global affairs, it is far from a symbol of a universal civilization.

3. 只有無知傲慢才會使西方人認為,西方產品的全球化將帶來全球的西化

Only naïve arrogance can lead westerners to assume that the whole world will become westernized by the globalization of western goods.

4. 非西方國家經濟的迅速發展導致了能適合滿足不同社會品味的地區性區域性傳播業的發展。 The rapid economic development in non-western countries is leading to the emergence of local and regional media industries which cater to various social tastes.

5. 英語已經成為不同民族交往時使用的混合語,這一現象正好說明了世界上存在著不同文化這一事實。

The English language has become the world’s lingua franca, which presupposes the existence of separate


6. 認為某種全球統一文明正在出現的論點僅僅基于人們的一些設想。

The argument that some sort of universal civilization is emerging rests on some assumptions.

7. 隨著國家之間聯系的日益緊密,經濟上的相互依存和優勢互補也越發明顯。任何國家都不能置身于國


As the countries become increasingly closer in their relations, their economic interdependence and mutual support of relative advantages have grown all the more obvious. No country can afford to stand aloof from the international community and isolate itself from the global market. The internationalization of economic life requires that all countries conduct extensive exchange and co-operation in economies, technology, finance, trade and other fields.


1. American medical television series, such as ER, regularly show the hi technology used in modern US

hospitals. A good example is the thin flat screens used on all computers. Know why they have thin, flat monitors? Because they are LCD, which is less bulky and smaller than the standard CRT, the kind used in television sets. The LCD screens don’t emit any electromagnetic radiation, which could interfere with the heart machines and other sophisticated electronic equipment in hospitals and thereby cause crisis. LCD screens are lighter, flatter and throw out less heat than CRTs. They are also at least three times the price and as such, out of the league of home users. This won’t be the case forever, and technologies such as Fujitsu’s super-thin Plasmavision screen ($16000 for the 42-inch or 1.07metre model) will get cheaper, too.


2. 計算機犯罪從心懷不滿的職員對其先前供職的公司搞破壞,到某公司非法進入其競爭對手的電腦里竊取商業機密。

Computer crimes range from a disgruntled employee who sabotages his former company to a company that hacks into a competitor’s computer to steal trade secrets.

3. 商家將會拋棄個人計算機,而轉向使用更為方便的網絡計算機,到處由計算機相連的辦公室和可攜式


Business will dump PC and embrace easier-to-use net work computers, ubiquitous computing office and wearable computers. 4. 這種對個人監控已經出現在計算機世界里了

This kind of personal surveillance has begun in cyberspace.

5. 電子貨幣留下顯示犯罪的事實痕跡,結果導致更多的逮捕定罪,這些告發反過來又會制止更多的犯罪。

Electronic money would leave incriminating trails of data, resulting in more arrests and convictions. These prosecutions, in turn, would inhibit further crimes.

6. 這將使許多計算機程序出現混亂,如果不加以修復,許多公用設施、裝配線、銀行自動取款機、交通


This will turn many computer programs to mush. Unchecked, many public utilities assembly lines, bank teller machines, traffic lights and lifts may shut down.

7. 最近一項研究表明,在17251名因特網用戶中,有6%的用戶不同程度飛癡迷上網。這些網迷承認,他


A recent survey of 17251 internet users found nearly 6 percent had some sort of addiction to the medium. They revealed that their online habit contributed to disrupted marriages, childhood delinquency, crime and overspending. Tap into online addiction sites and you’ll find messages such as “hello, my name is bob and I’m a web aholic”.


1. It is highly unlikely that the death penalty will ever operate so effectively as to save many more lives than other, less severe punishments. Yet, given its defects, it would have to save many more lives in order for it to be a genuine candidate for moral legitimacy. If it had this positive effect, we would be faced with an anguished choice, just as we would be faced with an anguished choice if we found that executing innocent people save many lives. Fortunately, all of this is merely hypothetical. We have no reason to believe that the death penalty does save more lives than other punishments, and so we need not actually confront this choice. 死刑判決同其他不如其嚴厲的懲罰相比根本不可能會會發揮有效的作用來挽救更多的生命。然而,考慮到它的缺點,它會不得不去挽救更多的生命讓其成為道義上合法的真正的選擇。如果它有積極的效果,我們就會面臨一個痛苦的選擇,正如我們發現處決無辜的人會挽救更多的生命所面臨的痛苦選擇一樣。幸好所有這些都僅僅是假設。我們無理由相信死刑判決會比其他懲罰挽救更多的生命。所以,實際上我們無需面對這一選擇。

2. 高速公路的中央分車帶有助于防止交通事故的發生。

The median or median strip on the expressway prevents accidents.

3. 她通過出示擁有土地的法律文件維護自己對土地的所有權。

She vindicated her claim to the land by producing legal documents showing that she owns it.

4. 現在許多著名的運動員都為體育器材和其他產品作宣傳。

Nowadays many athletes endorse sports equipment and other products.

5. 翻船的時候,那個男人顯得十分膽怯,自己得救了,卻讓自己的老婆淹死了。

When the boat turned over, the man showed cowardice by saving himself while leaving his wife to drown.

6. 他總愛把財富等同于人生的成功。

He always equates wealth with success in life.

7. 犯罪學家Greg Newbold說,犯罪率以一種難以解釋的循環方式忽上忽下,減少犯罪并沒有簡單的解決

方法。加重判刑和增加警察數量只能增加納稅人的負擔,實行死刑也不一定能降低犯罪率。罪犯會學會那些Criminology 手段,并找到逃避的方法。 Greg Newbold says that crime rates spiral up and down in unexpected cycles and there are no easy solutions to reduce crime. Tougher sentences and more police mean an increasing drain on taxpayers and there is no certainty that they will continue to lower crime levels. Criminals will learn to live with those methods and find way around them.


Foreign Languages Department,

Guangdong Normal University,

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

March 15, 2001

Office of Graduate Studies

College of New Jersey

USA Dear Professor Cooper,

I am writing this letter in recommendation of Mr Li Wen, who intends to pursue advanced studies in your college for a master’s degree.

Mr Li was one of my best students in 1980-1984, when he was studying in the Guangdong Normal University’s Department of Foreign Languages of which I was chairman.

Mr Li is good at English speaking and writing. He has published many academic papers and works on English studies and teaching, winning admiration from the readers.

I sincerely hope that Mr Li’s application for admission to your school will be favorably considered, leading to his entry into your school.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Hua

Professor of English Guangdong Normal University


Minh Pham was born in Vienam.

1. learn 2.ask 3.Fitting 4.holding hands 5.avoid

Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill

1. led 2.Hockey 3.too much 4.that competitiveness 5.The

We have saved as a final set of emotions,

1. hate 2.Because love is very complex 3.A strong positive 4.anger,jealousy 5.depend other One of the strongest reasons for the raising of the school

1. To provide children 2.misses 3.many of 4.they have 5.has not

Life really should be one long journey of joy for children who ……

1. are not 2.He is known 3.Money can give 4.wealth 5.rich parents

What you give your relatives,

1. gifts can tell 2.a gift that agrees 3.gifts made by hand 4.A supportive one 5.you are more Every two weeks,a group of……

1. groups of men 2.things that could be bought 3.Fighting 4.The fighters 5.By asking The smart job-seeker needs to get rid of several standard myths,

1. to get the job 2.two sides 3.it is unlikely 4.be free 5.the way

As we consider what makes one man better than the other,

1. chose things 2.taking care 3.good sense 4.put good 5.applying thought

Throughout July 1945,the Japanese mainlang,

1.The birth 2.The danger 3.To develop 4.Between 105,000 and 120,000 people 5.Around 40,000


翻譯的標準 (李玉杰) Criteria of Translation Alexander Tytler: 1. A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work; 譯文應完整地再現原文的思想內容

2. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original; 譯文的風格和筆調應與原文的性質相同

3. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. 譯文應像原文一樣流暢自然 Nida

Functional equivalence 功能對等

In the light of linguistic orientation, translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ( Nida ) (翻譯是用最恰當、自然和對等的語言從語義到文體再現源語的信息) Yan Fu Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance信、達、雅 Qian Zhongshu Sublimation 化境 Fu Lei Similarity in spirit 神似

Lu Xun Faithfulness and smoothness忠實、通順

Liu Zhongde Faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness 信達切 Gu Zhengkun Polyadic complementary standard 多元互補標準 Chen Hongwei Correspondence in meaning and similarity in function 意義相符 功能相似

Equivalence 等值 Equivalent effect等效

Chapter1 (戴越越)

1. 翻譯的本質

In the light of linguistic orientation, translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ( Nida )

By signs involved in it, intralingual translation, interlingual translation and intersemiotic translation. (Roman Jakobson)

Translation is in essence during different information exchange and communication. (textbook)

5. 翻譯學研究的思維特點

1) Combination of systematic analysis and systematic comprehension

2) Combination of vertical orientation and landscape orientation

3) Combination of accuracy and ambiguity

4) Combination of radiation and convergence

5) Combination of recall and advance

6. 翻譯學的學科特點

Translatology is also called Science of Translation or Study of Translation. Translatology is a science to study translation. It is a comprehensive science consisting of general translatology, special translatology and applied translatology. It deals with general laws of translation, studies of translation with special reference to Chinese and English, and methods to apply theories to practice.

8. 新老三論的內容

1). Philosophic Method

2). Horizontal Method

3). Discipline Method

9. 什么是學科方法 翻譯中常用的學科方法有?

Different languages have the same structural principal:

1). Consonant + vowel

2). Intonation

3). Extending from concrete to abstract

4). Reasonable word

5). Adj.+N.; Adv.+V. 6). Coordination

7). Shift of perspective

8). Subject + predicate

9). Active and passive

10). Negative, interrogative, command

Chapter2 (段娟) Association: 4,聯想:聯想既是譯者在接受原文時的一種途徑和方法,也是再傳播過程中再創造的基礎。聯想是在一定條件下所產生的對原文文本的一種偏離。但這種偏離又不違背原文文本的整體性意義和底蘊與內涵,往往使譯文更生動,形象,更富于創作性。

想象不同于聯想,它并不只局限于形象性而是基于原文的總體框架和意蘊,而產生出更大的創造性,它可以使原文的片斷變成整體,使部分變成圓滿,空缺得到填充,不定得到確定,他是一種創造意識。 5,Functions and status of the original text:

①The original text is the medium of the author and translator. ②Translation is a rewriting of the original text. 8,所謂“權力”,是指一切控制力與支配力

所謂“話語”,這一術語在Foucalt(???那里,早已超出語言學和文藝學中的話語概念。它是“權力”的表現形式,所有權力都是通過話語來實現的。 原因:譯者的知識結構,教育背景,經歷與經驗,都會形成不同于別人的先在結構,他又是以這種先在結構作為基礎參與作者對話的,其對話后生成的意義必然不可能完全與他人相同。

12, Multiplicity of translation criteria 信、達、雅 忠實、通順 神似 化境 等值 等效

Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance Faithfulness and smoothness Similarity in spirit

Sublimation Equivalence Equivalent effect 可以說,對于翻譯活動而言,企圖定出一條放之四海而皆準的標準時不可能的。它必須是多元的,它們之間有各自的側重,又可以互為補充。

Chapter3 (李玢偉)

(1)1. Whatever relation of the two objects is, substitution or association, symbol does not refer to the object itself, hence the meaning comes out; 2. Symbol has a material form, otherwise, it can not be aware by the receiver; 3. Symbol process includes sender and receiver, that is, a relation of subject and object.

(4)老師沒有給出具體的答案,在書上第84-85頁。 (5)老師沒有給出具體的答案,在書上第86-87頁。

(15) 老師沒有給出具體的答案,在書上第154,第159-160頁。


Chapter 4 (黃先群)(這章老師沒有給題目,就總結了一下PPT) 4.1 Objective Study ---- Meaning Searching 4.1.1 Meaning is the combination of the two(Yizhi and Yiwei).

Translation is translating meaning. (Nida)

Meaning is the tie of the subject and object. It is also the tie of man and the world.

Translation is a cross cultural, cross interlingual communicative activity. 4.1.2 Original Text – The Decisive As Well As the Open One P168的四點問題

(1)The language the author used with personal experience and emotional force (2)The distance between the author and the language he used (3)The abstract and ambiguity of the language itself

(4)Different people, different understanding 4.1.3 Heteronomy of the Text---- the Main Evidence of Translator

Literal works contain not only authorythmicity but also heteronomy.

Language is a tool of communication. 4.2 Aspect Features of Literary Text Ingargen put forward: There are five aspects in the combination of form and contents: (1)Sound (2)Combination of meaningful units(3)Represented object (4)Schematized aspects(5)Metaphysical quality Prof. Tong Qingbing put forward: There are three aspects in the literary text: (1)Literal discourse(2)Literary image(3)Literary implication 4.3.2 Text of Law and Its Translation The following rules should be followed: 1. Clear in order 2. Accurate in language 3. Serious in writing 4. Formal in style Text of Advertisement and Its Translation Advertisement has the following functions: Informative function Aesthetic function Expressive function Vocative function Principle : Similarity in function Slogan of Advertisement:Literal translation, shift of perspective and imitative translation:

Chapter 5 (孫曉莉)

1. What is power discourse?(P207) Power discourse theory is put forward by French philosopher Michel Foucault who defined “power” as all the things and concepts that could direct and control people’s ideas and behaviors. And discourse in his theory is far beyond that in linguistics and literature.

According to him, discourse is the form of power and all power come into effect in the way of discourse, namely, in fact, power refers to the power to deliver a discourse. Restrictions from power discourse: External Control ------ Society Control/ Ideology Control Internal Control of Languages

2. What functions do context have?

Context has 8 functions: (according to 西楨光正教授 P219) Absolute function Restrictive function Explanatory function Design function Omission and amplification function Generative function Transformational function Acquisition function

Chapter 6(易三琴) 1. 翻譯主體有哪些責任? 社會責任social responsibility 學術責任academic responsibility 道德責任moral responsibility 2. 翻譯者的主體性在傳統翻譯研究中為什么不受重視?


3. 主體和客體的關系是什么?在翻譯活動中是如何體現的?

主體和客體是一對關系范疇,它們互相規定,彼此依存。 4. 譯者的再創造性主要體現在哪幾個方面? “Recreation” mainly embodies the following:

Psychological attention and aesthetic expectation before reading; Recreation and reconstruction of text in the process of reading; Text reconstruction in the process of translation 5. 為什么說譯者既有主動的一面又有被動的一面? 因為它受著外界的制約,也受著客體本身的制約

Chapter 7 (陳詠梅)

5 語義成分成分分析在翻譯活動中起到怎樣的作用?(P302-310) Componential Analysis Word can be divided into sememes which can be called semantic feature or semantic components. This method is called componential analysis. The function of the componential analysis is to help the translator understand the accurate meaning of words in original text. Componential analysis is also a good way for checking when translation is done. Componential analysis is an effective way in doing accurate translation, getting the text fully understood and assuring the quality of translation. Componential analysis is an important step in control activity in translation. 11. 翻譯腔的問題應如何看待?(P316-318) Advantages and Disadvantages of Translationese 13. 風格是否可譯?在風格翻譯中影遵循怎樣的原則?(P319-330) Language style refers to language characteristics Chinese: parataxis, topic-prominent language English: hypotaxis, subject-prominent language Parole style is dynamic. Style translation refers to parole style. Generalized Style and Style in Narrow Sense Views of generalized style include factors of language style and factors of non-language style. Views of style in narrow sense include author’s language style and rhetorical style Subjective Style and Objective Style Subjective style is also called individual style. Objective style is a general style. System of Style and Translation Principles Style is a systematical structure.

Other characteristics of system of style: 1. Material feature 2. Entirety 3. Unique 4. Sensible There are five basic principles in system : 1. Entirety 2. Structure 3. Level 4. Environment 5. Optimization

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