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To cheers for made in China Hello everybody,

It is my honor to delieve you a speech .During the past few weeks, I had done a survey around different kinds of people about how to think about the things that made in China .Surely, those things included appliances , teleplay , culture and so on . Different field had different view .Although some people have been puzzled with the thing that made in China , because they had brought gifts for friends from abroad only to find that was made In China . It was very embarrassing. Most of them were proud of it and thought homebred could bring convenience.

To Chinese people , the things that made in China are cheaper. For example,XIAOMI and MEIZU are homemade phone and they are good value for price, which can satisfy the needs of lots of people’s work or study. Compared with iphone , they are more cheaper . In addition , domestic can tariff concessions and other fees. As that , people can afford the thing that they really want to buy. It is same as economical ,China made have been developed quickly in culture, Not only MOYAN won the Nobel Prize for literature, but also Chinese animation developed . This years Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf /Boonie Bears had been on, even if gone abroad .Which convey message to us that Chinese Culture is favour with the world’s people. We need to have confidence to cheer for made in China.

To all over the world ,with the things made in China on the world stage,world economic situation having great changes . A book called Overseas Chinese To Observe wrote : International observers speak highly of the interests that Chinese and Made in China had brought to trade partners after entering WTO. In the past few yeas ,the things that made in China had brought convenience and interest to world. Given all that , word is cheering for made in China ,as a Chinese ,do you have any reason for not cheering for made in China ?


Distinguished Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afernoon.

Today, I’m very honord to stand here to give you a speech and share my idea about 90s with you.

There is a saying goes that “90s Generation is the Net Generation”as 90s are growing up with the fast development of Internet and could be the first experiencers in the information era. Some people even hold that 90s can’t live without network.

To some extend, I agree that Net plays a very important role in most of 90s’ life. It makes life convinient.You can buy almost anything you want and you needn’t go to the supermaket, mall or some places else by online shopping.You can collect a lot of information from the Internet and you needn’t go to the library to borrow the book you want which is hard to find.You can enjoy woderful music and movies you like and needn’t buy a ticket that will cost amounts of money.

But Internet is only a part of 90s’ life, let alone those who live in undeveloped regions. They actually don’t get any chance to have access to the net. I think computer and network is just a tool for us 90s to learn kownledge and to communicate with others. For example, one of my dear friend LiMing,who is really a so-called “Net Generation”. He always buys a lot of things online, such as his hats, bags and even some presents he want to send to his mother. He usually finishes his homework by seaching the information on the Internet. He constantly downloads the music he likes, especaily the songs aresinged by Super Gilrs or Happy Boys. Computer and Internet is tool for him and colourfuled his life .

As a member of 90s, I kown there are so many misunderstandings to 90s. And I know the community is no lack of criticism to the 90s. Nowadays, a lot of people think 90s Generation is a negative generation for 90s are addicted to network, unable to stand a setback, selfish and conceited. However, as far as I am concerned, I inclined to believe that 90s is a promising generation. Though our 90s are not perfect, we need a priod to grow up. As we all know, most of 90s are only child in our family. The majority of us are underage in current, 90s’thought are different from other people. Doesn’t every successful adults grow up from a naive child? So please don’t laugh at us for our mistakes and being naive.What we need is just more concerns and guidances. Please don’t call us the Net Generation, just call us the Growing Generation .

Thank you, thanks for your listening.

第三篇:21世紀杯 演講比賽 問題集


1. Afraid of making mistake, be a teacher, tolerant mistakes, change education system Q1: teacher, if u were a teacher in high school, what would u do if there is a naughty student who never listens to u?

Q2: if you were asked to value your teacher, what criteria will you make?

(pronunciation 7

content 8 已備演講ok,即興演講和問題都不錯,內容好)

2. to be a translator,translate Chinese literature to English Q1: nowadays, a lot of feigners are more interested in Chinese, if they read Chinese well. Do you think it is better?

Q2: worry too much about what other people think of them? How about you? Do you think it is a waste of time?

3. To be a great erhu player Q1: Could you compare the different beauty of traditional chinese music and western music? Q2: Tourism should be tightly control, others say we don’t need too may restrictions, what do you think?

4. TO Be A clear-minded person (胡逸凡) Q1: impressed about the ending. Charles Digens. Could you say more about Charles Digens about his writer. Q2: Parents send kids to training classes. Do you think young people benefit a lot from these classes. Reasons to (1)force them to take classes (2)children want to attend this course

5. Let me life be alive

Q1: being alive, do you think it’s a good life for human beings to live forever? If no one dies, what will happen?

Q2: some people say life is a mirror, if you smile to it, it smiles back, what does it mean?

6. A giver, a host, singer, become famous so that I can contribute …

Q1: Obama and his speech, students’ responsibility. If our president here today, what would he say to the contestants and audience here.

Q2: friend. What does a friend need to be a good friend. Characteristics? 7. Q1: Should Chinese government abandon one-child policy? Q2: Which one is more important? Talent or hard-working?

8. Q1: food safety Q2: Should school separate boys from girls?

9. 馬海天

Q1:a chance for you to give a lecture on one aspect of chinese culture. What will you talk about and why? (Art) Q2: goal of education?

10. A famous journalist Q1: Besides communication skills, what other quality does a journalist should have?

Q2: what are advantages of being rich


Q1:spend too much on English other than their mother tongue? Q2:saving money is a good habit, while others think using tomorrow’s money today is better. What do you think of it?

12. Travel around the world q1:time machine that can help you travel to the past, which period of time will you choose to go to? q2:do you think people can learn as much from the internet as from books?

13. Q1: in the record of Chinese history, famous detectives, if there is a competition between Sherlock Holmes and Baogong, who will be the winner? Q2: happiest job the world

14. To be a teacher Q1: is it good to combine arts and science in high school teaching?

Q2: which one is more important? Learning from book or learning from experience?

15. Q1: sweet memory of village life, could you tell us the disadvantages of rural life? Q2: the most important characteristics for success?

16. to be a director

Q1: please recommend your favorite director? Q2: best university in your eye? 17.

Q1: people who are well educated are under great pressure. So is it true that people can be happier if they are all educated?

Q2: saw stranger rob on the street? Will you help him/her?

18. Q1: How to waste less in daily life? Q2: how to be self-controlled?

19. gratitude Q1: If you make friends, which kind of people are you looking for? Someone who is similar to you or different from you?

Q2: What makes a happy family?


Q1: The pursuit of human being is never ending! Elaborate the philosophy of this sentence.

Q2: If you make friends, do you look for someone similar or different?

21. photographer Q1: 3 pictures in our speech contest, what photos will you take?

Q2: Air pollution in chinese cities is very serious, what can we do on a daily basis to improve air quality?

22. Q1: 瓦爾登湖,writer, tell us something about him(since the contestant mentioned the writer in her speech)

Q2: As a high school student, do you think people spend too much time learning English stead of other languages?

11,19,16, 31.

Q1: could you share with us about your life when you get very old, 80 years old. Q2: self-control, how can a high school develop self-control? Self-disciplined

32. to be a psychologist

Q1: when you are facing difficulties, whom will you turn to? Your family or friends? Q2: the air pollution is serious, what can we do to improve air quality? On daily basis.

33. love peace Q1: If you were the secretary of UN, what will you do to keep the peace in the world? Q2: studying abroad, will you go abroad?

34. 胡泊

Q1: many high school, falling in love is this a good idea? Q2: evaluate teacher, fair decision?

35. talking about his dad

Q1: What kind of father will you be like in the future. Q2: what is the most important skill to be successful?

36. to be a traveller

Q1: How can you be a traveller if you don’t have enough money? Q2: What do you think will be the happiest job in the world? Why?

37. to be a psychologist Q1: Psychologist himself/herself suffers from pressure, how do they solve the problem?

Q2: if you can get whatever you want, money, power, or beauty?

38. go to a top uni Q1: What else do you expect from university life besides knowledge? Q2: life is a mirror ….AGAIN!


Q1: doctor-patient relationship is a problem, can you give some solutions? Q2: Volunteering can show a person’s responsibility, If you were a volunteer, what work will you do to help people?

41. singer Q1: Today’s China, a lot of talent shows, what’s your idea about talent shows? Q2: Having too much money, good or bad?


Q1: What is an unqualified teacher?

Q2: Do you think people can as much as they can on internet as they can learn from the book?

43 張入凡

Q1:what is your concept is an ideal husband Q2: In some countries, teenagers can get a part time job during school. Do you think it is a good idea?

44. Q1: Q2: Using tomorrow’s money?


Q1: Green ambassador? What can we do to better the haze weather? Q2: If you saw strangers rob, will you help him/her?

46. To be a doctor Q1: If you were a doctor, what would you suggest you patient who is suffering from a fatal disease such as cancer and have only three months life? Will you suggest him to receive medical treatment or go home and spend last time with his family?

Q2: Some people say tourism should be controlled to protect the places? Others think it is OK.


Q1: Who do you think makes greater contribution, musicians or scientists? Why? Q2:

48 Q1: What should be a perfect relationship between human being and nature? Q2: which is the most important invention in human’s history?

49. Q1: Rewrite the novel, what changes will you make? Q2: it’s getting hard for graduates to find a job, do you thin going to the university is really a good way or do you have any other plan for them?


Q1: You are a student. Do you think online course will take place of traditional classes?

Q2: many parents send their children to training course, do you think it is really good for their children?
















(1) 必選作品:參賽選手根據比賽演講主題自擬題目完成一篇500字左右的演講稿,并模擬現場演講進行錄像/錄音。選手必須將演講稿和演講視/音頻文件上傳到比賽官方網站。

(2) 可選作品:參賽選手可自愿選擇一段英文才藝展示作品(如歌曲、朗誦、影視配音等)進行展示并錄像/錄音(限時3分鐘),并將視/音頻文件上傳到比賽官方網站。


Cultural diversity vs. cultural integration




(1) 互聯網選拔賽投票期內,參賽選手所在學校以該校獲得評審分數最高的選手的平均分數為依據進行排名。大賽評委會專家針對所有選手必選作品進行第一輪打分,作品得分60分及以上的選手將由大賽評委會專家集體評判。

(2) 截至互聯網選拔賽投票期結束時,分數靠前的學校將各有2名分數最高的選手進入電話口試。各賽區的入圍電話口試的學校數量將于投票期開

始前在本賽區互聯網選拔賽頁面上公布。各賽區獲網絡投票數及短信投票數總和最多的1—2名選手以“最佳人氣獎”身份直接入圍地區決賽。(3) 互聯網選拔賽投票期結束后,復活賽立即啟動,持續4天,各賽區未入圍電話口試的學校的參賽選手可通過吸引手機短信投票的方式參與復活賽。復活賽截止時,復活賽區排名第一位的在復活賽期間獲得短信投票數最多的選手(共1名)將以“短信人氣復活王”的身份進入電話口試。

(3) 比賽合作單位推薦的各賽區最多6名優秀選手經大賽評委會確認可直接入圍電話口試,但仍須上傳演講作品以供審查并獲得網上演講作品的分數。

(4) 電話口試階段,大賽評委會將通過電話問答形式測試選手即席演講水平并打分,同時大賽評委會將對入圍電話口試的選手的網上演講作品進行評分。


(1) 網上演講作品(必選作品)演講內容占40%,語言質量占40%,綜合印象占20%





































same opportunities as any of us here to enjoy a wonderful life today and a hopeful world tomorrow. it is the sacred responsibility of this generation to face up to the challenges of the new century and to devote our sweat and blood, our wisdom and passion, to the historic cause of making this nation a greater and happier land for every one of us.

第三屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——梁勵敏................................................ 2 第三屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽亞軍——芮成鋼................................................ 5 第四屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——蔡力 ................................................... 9 第六屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——戚悅 ..................................................11 第七屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——孫寧 ................................................. 13 第八屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——顧秋蓓.............................................. 17 第九屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——洪曄 ................................................. 20 第十屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——夏鵬 ................................................. 22 第一章 尋訪記憶



思維的游戲 梁勵敏

演講就要言之有物 芮成鋼 is there a short cut?孫寧 be yourself 顧秋蓓

無一不可入演講 洪曄

平談中透著哀傷 夏鵬

第二章 昨日重現(原聲)

第一屆 央視《環球了望》選段 劉欣

第二屆 穿洋越海 梁勵敏

第三屆 東西方相聚 芮成鋼

第四屆 我們和黃河一道成長 蔡力

第六屆 新北京,三色新奧運 戚悅

第七屆 全球化:中國年輕一代所面臨的挑戰與機遇 孫寧

第八屆 難忘的一幕 顧秋蓓

第九屆 機會之門就在前方 洪曄

第十屆 城墻與橋梁 夏鵬

第三章 明燈導航

“21世紀杯”英語演講的藝術 史蒂芬·盧卡斯 第三只眼看演講 吳杏蓮




第三屆“21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍——梁勵敏 梁勵敏



專家點評:引用文學大師的詩句作為開場白,與結束語首尾呼應,頗有感染力。東西方文化的融合表現得十分鮮明,意味深長,是篇優秀的演講。 crossing the sea good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. the title of my speech today is crossing the sea. an english poet by the name of rudyard kipling once wrote in his poem we and they: all the people like us are we and everyone else is they we live over the sea while they live over the way we eat pork and beef with cowhorn-handled knives they who gobble their rice off a leaf are horrified out of their lives. when these lines first caught my eyes, i was shocked-how could two peoples remain so isolated and ignorant of each other in the past? todays society, of course, is an entirely different picture. those people who used to eat with cowhorn-handled knives might be very skillful in using chopsticks, and those people who used to gobble their rice might be as well have taken to fish and chips. indeed, just take china as an example: our modern life has been influenced by western style of living in so many ways that its no longer surprising to see teenagers going crazy about rock-and-roll, whole families dining out at mcdonalds and even rather elderly people dressed in apple jeans. however, these are only some expressions of the cultural changes taking place in our society today. what is really going on is a subtle but significant restructuring of the nations mentality. just look around. it is therefore evident that we as descendants of an ancient eastern civilization are already living under strong inf1uence of the western culture. but it is not only in china that we find the incorporation of the two cultures. take the chinese acupuncture as another example: this traditional treatment of diseases is finally finding its way to the west and hence the underlying notion that illness is resulted from the imbalance between yin and yang within the body -- an idea which would strike any westerner as incredible in the past! ladies and gentlemen, we live in a great epoch when the global integration of economy and the information revolution have brought cultures of the world closer than ever before. we live in a particular era when countries, east and west, find themselves in need of readjusting their traditional values. we live, at the same time, at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflicts and regional unrest are increasingly posing a threat to the peace and happiness of the whole human race. to cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter therefore, it is our sacred responsibility to promote the cultural exchanges and hence the mutual understanding between china and the rest of the world. it is my happiest dream that the new generation of chinese will not only grow up drinking coca-cola and watching hollywood, but also be blessed with the far-reaching benefits of multiple cultures; benefits that our forefathers had never, ever dreamed of. to end my speech, i would like to quote rudyard kipling again: all the people like us are we and everyone else is they but once you cross over the sea you will end by looking on we as only a sort of they thank you. 譯文:穿越海洋 女士們、先生們,晚上好。今天,我演講的題目是:《穿越海洋》。

英國詩人羅得雅德·吉卜林曾寫過一首詩,名叫《我們與他們》,其中寫道: 像我們的人是我們






第一次讀到這首詩,我很震驚——過去兩個民族何以如此疏離、彼此陌生?當然今日的社會呈現出完全不同的情景:那些過去吃米飯的人們也開始喜歡吃魚和薯條。 的確如此,就拿中國來說,西方的生活方式已經廣泛地影響了我們的現代生活,以致對于年輕人對搖滾樂著迷,全家去吃麥當勞,老年人穿蘋果牌牛仔褲,大家都已習以為常。


不久以前,大學生還只是束手空坐,等待政府給他們分配工作;如今,又有多少大學生正在做充分準備,為爭取任何工作機會而激烈角逐? 20年前年輕人還完全依靠父母為他們安排未來,今天又有多少年輕人在急切地尋求一種獨立的生活?試問今天參加演講比賽的諸位,誰不是帶著志在一搏的心情來到這里?誰不是鐵下篇四:21世紀杯”全國英語演講比賽歷屆講稿 from walls to bridges 第十屆―21世紀杯‖全國英語演講比賽冠軍——夏鵬 南京大學 夏鵬原系貴州省平壩縣黎陽廠子校學生,小學五年級開始進入貴陽百年英語學校系統學習英語。2003年,夏鵬以600分的高分考入南京大學法學院,后轉入英語系。2004年獲得cctv全國英語演講比賽第二名,同年獲得代表國內最高水平的第十屆―21世紀杯‖全國英語演講比賽冠軍,同時獲得比賽―最具潛力獎‖,并代表中國參加2005年國際英語演講比賽,榮獲獲得冠軍和―最受觀眾歡迎獎‖。

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