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yang lan: the generation thats remaking china the night before i was heading for scotland, i was invited to host the final of chinas got talent show in shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. guess who was the performing guest?susan boyle. and i told her, im going to scotland the next day. she sang beautifully, and she even managed

在來愛爾蘭的前一晚,我應邀主持了中國達人秀在上海的體育場和八萬現場觀眾。 猜猜誰是表演嘉賓?——蘇珊大媽。我告訴她,“我明天要去愛爾蘭了。” 她歌聲猶如天籟。而且她還可以說點中文。 “送你蔥。” 這不是“你好、謝謝”之類的日常用語。這組詞翻譯過來是免費給你青蔥,為什么她要說這個呢?因為這是我們中國版的蘇珊大媽很有名的一句歌詞。

這位五十幾歲的大媽在上海以販賣蔬菜為生。她喜歡西方的歌劇,但是她不懂任何外語,所以她就把中文蔬菜名填做歌詞。當她在體育場里 唱到今夜無人入眠的最后一句時,她唱的是“送你蔥”。蘇珊大媽和全場八萬觀眾一起唱“送你蔥”,多有意思的場面。 我想蘇珊大媽和這位在上海做蔬菜買賣的都屬于不同尋常的人。在業界所謂的娛樂圈,他們最不可能取得成功,但是他們的勇氣和才華讓他們成功了。一場秀,一個平臺給了他們實現夢想的舞臺。 與眾不同不難,從不同的角度看我們都是不一樣的。我認為與眾不同是好的,因為你有不同的看法,這給你機會去產生不同的影響。










恩,事實上,我希望能再待久一點。我在波斯灣這邊生活和教書已經超過30年了。(掌聲)這段時間里,我看到了很多變化?,F在這份數據是挺嚇人的,而我今天要和你們說的是有關語言的消失和英語的全球化。我想和你們談談我的朋友,她在阿布達比教成人英語。在一個晴朗的日子里,她決定帶她的學生到花園去教他們一些大自然的詞匯。但最后卻變成是她在學習所有當地植物在阿拉伯語中是怎么說的。還有這些植物是如何被用作藥材,化妝品,烹飪,香草。這些學生是怎么得到這些知識的呢?當然是從他們的祖父母,甚至曾祖父母那里得來的。不需要我來告訴你們能夠跨代溝通是多么重要。 but sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. a language dies every 14 days. now, at the same time, english is the undisputed global language. could there be a connection? well i dont know. but i do know that ive seen a lot of changes. when i first came out to the gulf, i came to kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship post. actually, not that long ago. that is a little bit too early. but nevertheless, i was recruited by the british council along with about 25 other teachers. and we were the first non-muslims to teach in the state schools there in kuwait. we were brought to teach english because the government wanted to modernize the country and empower the citizens through education. and of course, the u.k. benefited from some of that lovely oil wealth. 但遺憾的是,今天很多語言正在以前所未有的速度消失。每14天就有一種語言消失,而與此同時,英語卻無庸置疑地成為全球性的語言。這其中有關聯嗎?我不知道。但我知道的是,我見證過許多改變。初次來到海灣地區時,我去了科威特。當時教英文仍然是個困難的工作。其實,沒有那么久啦,這有點太久以前了??傊?,我和其他25位老師一起被英國文化協會聘用。我們是第一批非穆斯林的老師,在科威特的國立學校任教。我們被派到那里教英語,是因為當地政府希望國家可以現代化并透過教育提升公民的水平。當然,英國也能得到些好處,產油國可是很有錢的。 okay. now this is the major change that ive seen -- how teaching english has morphed from being a mutually english-speaking nation on earth. and why not? after all, the best education -- according to the latest world university rankings -- is to be found in the universities of the u.k. and the u.s. so everybody wants to have an english education, naturally. but if youre not a native speaker, you have to pass a test. 言歸正傳,我見過最大的改變,就是英語教學的蛻變如何從一個互惠互利的行為變成今天這種大規模的國際產業。英語不再是學校課程里的外語學科,也不再只是英國的專利。英語(教學)已經成為所有英語系國家追逐的潮流。何樂而不為呢?畢竟,最好的教育來自于最好的大學,而根據最新的世界大學排名,那些名列前茅的都是英國和美國的大學。所以自然每個人都想接受英語教育,但如果你不是以英文為母語,你就要通過考試。 now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability well, i dont think so. we english teachers reject them all the time. we put a stop sign, and we stop them in their tracks. they cant pursue their dream any longer, till they get english. now let me put it this way, if i met a dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would i stop him from entering my british university? i dont think so. but indeed, that is exactly what we do. we english teachers are the gatekeepers. and you have to satisfy us first that your english is good enough. now it can be dangerous to give too much power to a narrow segment of society. maybe the barrier would be too universal. 但僅憑語言能力就拒絕學生這樣對嗎?譬如如果你碰到一位天才計算機科學家,但他會需要有和律師一樣的語言能力嗎?我不這么認為。但身為英語老師的我們,卻總是拒絕他們。我們處處設限,將學生擋在路上,使他們無法再追求自己的夢想,直到他們通過考試?,F在容我換一個方式說,如果我遇到了一位只會說荷蘭話的人,而這個人能治愈癌癥,我會阻止他進入我的英國大學嗎?我想不會。但事實上,我們的確在做這種事。我們這些英語老師就是把關的。你必須先讓我們滿意,使我們認定你的英文夠好。但這可能是危險的。把太多的權力交由這么小的一群人把持,也許會令這種障礙太過普及。 okay. but, i hear you say, what about the research? its all in english. so the books are in english, the journals are done in english, but that is a self-fulfilling . it feeds the english requirement. and so it goes on. i ask you, what happened to translation? if you think about the islamic golden age, there was lots of translation then. they translated from latin and greek into arabic, into persian, and then it was translated on into the germanic languages of europe and the romance languages. and so light shone upon the dark ages of europe. now dont get me wrong; i am not against teaching english, all you english teachers out there. i love it that we have a global language. we need one today more than ever. but i am against using it as a barrier. do we really want to end up with 600 languages and the main one being english, or chinese? we need more than that. where do we draw the line? this system equates intelligence with a knowledge of english which is quite . 于是,我聽到你們問但是研究呢?研究報告都要用英文。”的確,研究論著和期刊都要用英文發表,但這只是一種理所當然的現象。有英語要求,自然就有英語供給,然后就這么循環下去。我倒想問問大家,為什么不用翻譯呢?想想伊斯蘭的黃金時代,當時翻譯盛行,人們把拉丁文和希臘文翻譯成阿拉伯文或波斯文,然后再由拉伯文或波斯文翻譯為歐洲的日耳曼語言以及羅曼語言。于是文明照亮了歐洲的黑暗時代。但不要誤會我的意思,我不是反對英語教學或是在座所有的英語老師。我很高興我們有一個全球性的語言,這在今日尤為重要。但我反對用英語設立障礙。難道我們真希望世界上只剩下600種語言,其中又以英文或中文為主流嗎?我們需要的不只如此。那么我們該如何拿捏呢?這個體制把智能和英語能力畫上等號這是相當武斷的。

and i want to remind you that the giants upon whose shoulders todays stand did not have to have english, they didnt have to pass an english test. case in point, einstein. he, by the way, was considered remedial at school because he was, in fact, dyslexic. but fortunately for the world, he did not have to pass an english test. because they didnt start until 1964 with toefl, the american test of english. now its exploded. there are lots and lots of tests of english. and millions and millions of students take these tests every year. now you might think, you and me, those fees arent bad, theyre okay, but they are prohibitive to so many millions of poor people. so immediately, were rejecting them. 我想要提醒你們,扶持當代知識分子的這些“巨人肩膀不必非得具有英文能力,他們不需要通過英語考試。愛因斯坦就是典型的例子。順便說一下,他在學校還曾被認為需要課外補習,因為他其實有閱讀障礙。但對整個世界來說,很幸運的當時他不需要通過英語考試,因為他們直到1964年才開始使用托?!,F在英語測驗太泛濫了,有太多太多的英語測驗,以及成千上萬的學生每年都在參加這些考試?,F在你會認為,你和我都這么想,這些費用不貴,價錢滿合理的。但是對數百萬的窮人來說,這些費用高不可攀。所以,當下我們又拒絕了他們。 it brings to mind a headline i saw recently: education: the great divide. now i get it, i understand why people would focus on english. they want to give their children the best chance in life. and to do that, they need a western education. because, of course, the best jobs go to people out of the western universities, that i put on earlier. its a circular thing. 這使我想起最近看到的一個新聞標題:“教育:大鴻溝”現在我懂了。我了解為什么大家都重視英語,因為他們希望給孩子最好的人生機會。為了達成這目的,他們需要西方教育。畢竟,不可否認,最好的工作都留給那些西方大學畢業出來的人。就像我之前說的,這是一種循環。

okay. let me tell you a story about two scientists, two english scientists. they were doing an experiment to do with genetics and the forelimbs and the hind limbs of animals. but they couldnt get the results they wanted. they really didnt know what to do, until along came a german scientist who realized that they were using two words for forelimb and hind limb, whereas genetics does not differentiate and neither does german. so bingo, problem solved. if you cant think a thought, you are stuck. but if another language can think that thought, then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so much more. 好,我跟你們說一個關于兩位科學家的故事:有兩位英國科學家在做一項實驗,是關于遺傳學的,以及動物的前、后肢。但他們無法得到他們想要的結果。他們真的不知道該怎么辦,直到來了一位德國的科學家。他發現在英文里前肢和后肢是不同的二個字,但在遺傳學上沒有區別。在德語也是同一個字。所以,叮!問題解決了。如果你不能想到一個念頭,你會卡在那里。但如果另一個語言能想到那念頭,然后通過合作我們可以達成目的,也學到更多。

我的女兒從科威特來到英格蘭,她在阿拉伯的學校學習科學和數學。那是所阿拉伯中學。在學校里,她得把這些知識翻譯成英文,而她在班上卻能在這些學科上拿到最好的成績。這告訴我們,當外籍學生來找我們,我們可能無法針對他們所知道的給予贊賞,因為那是來自于他們母語的知識。當一個語言消失時,我們不知道還有什么也會一并失去。 this is -- i dont know if you saw it on cnn recently -- they gave the heroes award to a young kenyan shepherd boy who couldnt study at night in his village like all the village children,篇三:如何像ted一樣做一次高大上的演講 如何像ted一樣做一次高大上的演講?


那么如何做一個ted水平的演講? carmine gallo在分析了500場ted演講(總計150小時)、訪談了一些最受歡迎的ted演說家(演講視頻觀看量達到近一千兩百萬次)、咨詢了溝通交際方面的神經學家后,他找到了成功ted演講的共同點。以下是carmine的建議: 1)分享你的激情。如果你準備的內容不能打動自己,就更別說激勵他人了。深度挖掘你和話題間有深度意義的關聯,不要害怕向觀眾表達你的熱情。 2)至少分享三個故事。facebook首席運營官謝麗爾·桑德伯格說她最早在準備ted演講時都是用的“堆積如山的事實和數據,沒有一點私人故事”。一個朋友強烈建議講講她自己作為一個在職母親所遇到的挑戰,講講生活中發生在自己身邊的事情和感受。桑德伯格據此調整了自己演講內容,結果反響極好。這個建議也被體現在她的暢銷書《向前一步》(leanin),引領了全球職場女性討論。 hyeonseo lee的演講:《my escape from north korea》一個朝鮮脫北者的經歷 3)標題精簡。在查閱了ted官網上所有1600個演講的標題后,我很確定的說,沒有一個演講的標題超過140個字(這個數字很眼熟吧?)瀏覽次數最多的演講:kenrobinson 《學校如何扼殺創造力》(how schools kills creativity), brene brown《脆弱的力量》(the power of vulnerability), 還有simonsinek 《出色領導如何激勵行動》(how great leaders inspire action)„„這些都是簡潔明晰的標題。如果你的演講標題空泛,或者字數過多,那就再改改吧。 ken robinson爵士的演講《學校如何扼殺創造力》是史上最受歡迎的ted演講 4)用一點輕幽默。教育家ken robinson的演講《學校如何扼殺創造力》是史上最受歡迎的ted演講,觀看次數超過兩千萬。雖然沒有使用標準笑話,但是他在演講中使用了風趣的自嘲:“我最近參加了一個聚會——而實際上,如果你屬于教育領域,一般沒人邀請你去晚上的聚會。”在演講中使用幽默來讓觀眾會心一笑。 martin jacques的演講:《understanding the rise of china》是最受中國觀眾歡迎的ted演講之一,看看一位西方學者如何看待中國民族、主權、社會等等問題。 5)創建多感官體驗。要令人印象深刻?你不必刻意放一些觸目驚心的圖片??梢圆捎脗€人表演的方法,或者設計一兩個讓人意料之外的橋段。比如,比爾·蓋茨有一次在他關于瘧疾的演講中,朝觀眾釋放了一些蚊子(瘧疾可通過蚊子叮咬傳播)。這讓人震驚的舉動成為當晚頭條,人們永遠忘不了這場意料之外的演講。 6)ppt中多用圖片而不是文字。如果看過ted演講,你就知道演講者從來不會在ppt里放上密密麻麻的文字,取而代之的都是圖片、折線圖、動畫和精心設計的幾句話。少即是多。 7)堅持18分鐘定律。即使比爾·蓋茨或者桑德伯格站上舞臺,18分鐘也就是他們的所有。ted策展人chris anderson說18分鐘足夠了,這足夠開展一個嚴肅的討論,而對于吸引并保持人們的注意力來說,也幾乎是極限了。 8)多加練習。有的ted演講者為他們的18分鐘演講排練過200多遍,其中一個人在演講過程中表現極佳,脫口秀女王歐普拉都看中了她。她現在的職業生涯都借力于奧普拉的支持和她那個出名的ted演講。 9)不要裝樣子。大部分人都能分辨真假,你若裝模做樣,演講像背書或朗誦,就會失去聽眾的好感,你應該保持真實,做自己。

也許你永遠也不會被邀請去做一個ted演講,但是如果你要做一個類似的演講,做到以上幾點,你就能更加激勵你的聽眾,并離自己夢想更近。篇四:2016thomas suarez ted演講稿中英文

2016thomas suarez ted演講稿中英文 thomassuarez年紀12歲的他,制作iphoneapp的他被大家稱之為小喬布斯,在ted上發表精彩演講,講述他的童年時代那些創作故事,下面是第一公文網小編整理的thomassuarezted演講稿中英文

thomassuarezted演講稿中英文 helloeveryone,mynameisthomassuarez. 我一直都對計算機與科技很入迷,我研制了一些適用于iphone,itouch以及ipad的應用。今天,我想與大家分享一些我研發出的應用。

myfirstappwasauniquefortunetellercalledearthfortunethatwoulddisplaydifferentcolorsofearthdependingonwhatyourfortunewas.myfavoriteandmostsuccessfulappisbustinjieber,whichis—(laughter)—whichisajustinbieberwhac-a-mole. 我最先研制出的應用是一個叫earthfortune的運勢測試器,它能根據你的運勢呈現不同顏色的地球圖形我個人最喜歡、也是最成功的應用叫bustinjieber它是一個---(笑聲)它是一個賈斯汀·比伯攻擊器(whac-a-mole原意為打地鼠游戲)

icreateditbecausealotofpeopleatschooldislikedjustinbieberalittlebit,soidecidedtomaketheapp. 在學校里,我的很多同學都不太喜歡賈斯汀·比伯,所以我決定開發這樣一個應用。 soiwenttoworkprogrammingit,andireleaseditjustbeforetheholidaysin2016. 于是我就開始寫這個程序,并且在2016年圣誕假期和新年來臨之前發布了這個應用。 alotofpeopleaskme,howdidimakethese?alotoftimesitsbecausethepersonwhoaskedthequestionwantstomakeanappalso. 很多人都問我,是怎樣開發出這些應用的?很多情況下,那些問這個問題的人,其實也想開發應用。

alotofkidsthesedaysliketoplaygames,butnowtheywanttomakethem,anditsdifficult,becausenotmanykidsknowwheretogotofindouthowtomakeaprogram. 如今,很多的孩子都喜歡玩游戲,但是,現在他們也想制作游戲。這是很困難的,因為


imean,forsoccer,youcouldgotoasoccerteam.forviolin,youcouldgetlessonsforaviolin.butwhatifyouwanttomakeanapp?andtheirparents,thekidsparentsmighthavedonesomeofthesethingswhentheywereyoung,butnotmanyparentshavewrittenapps. 打個比方,你想學踢足球,那你可以加入一支足球隊。想學小提琴,你可以報個小提琴班。但如果你想開發一個應用呢?父母們年輕的時候也許踢過足球、或者學習過小提琴但沒有多少父母寫過應用吧! (laughter) (笑聲)

wheredoyougotofindouthowtomakeanapp?well,thisishowiapproachedit.thisiswhatidid.firstofall,ivebeenprogramminginmultipleotherprogramminglanguagestogetthebasicsdown,suchaspython,c,java,etc. 那么你要怎樣學習寫應用呢?我是這樣學習的,最開始時,我學習了用好幾種語言來編程,由此而掌握了編程的基礎知識,例如python語言、c語言以及java語言等等。

andthenapplereleasedtheiphone,andwithit,theiphonesoftwaredevelopmentkit,andthesoftwaredevelopmentkitisasuiteoftoolsforcreatingandprogramminganiphoneapp.thisopenedupawholenewworldofpossibilitiesforme,andafterplayingwiththesoftwaredevelopmentkitalittlebit,imadeacoupleapps,imadesometestapps. 之后蘋果發行了iphone,隨之還發布了iphone軟件開發工具,這套軟件開發工具是一套工具,可用于開發與研制iphone應用。這為我開啟了一個全新充滿可能性的世界,在稍稍擺弄過這套軟件開發工具之后,我開發出了一些應用,以及一些測試的應用。

oneofthemhappenedtobeearthfortune,andiwasreadytoputearthfortuneontheappstore,andsoipersuadedmyparentstopaythe99dollarfeetobeabletoputmyappsontheappstore. earthfortune便是其中之一。在我準備好要將這個應用放到appstore上去時,我說服我的父母為我支付了99美元的費用,這樣我就能讓這個應用在appstore上上線了。

theyagreed,andnowihaveappsontheappstore.ivegottenalotofinterestandencouragementfrommyfamily,friends,teachersandevenpeopleattheapplestore,andthatsbeenahugehelptome. 他們同意了,于是現在appstore上便有了我開發的應用。我的父母、朋友和老師給了我很多靈感與鼓勵,甚至連appstore的用戶都給了我許多鼓勵,這些對于我來說都是莫大的幫助。

ivegottenalotofinspirationfromstevejobs,andivestartedanappclubatschool,andateacheratmyschooliskindlysponsoringmyappclub. 我也從喬布斯那里得到了很多的啟發。在學校里,我建立一個app社團,學校里的一名老師支持著我的這個社團。


imfortunateenoughtobepartofone.abigchallengeis,howshouldtheipadsbeused,andwhatappsshouldweputontheipads? 幸運的是,我所在的地方正是這些地區之一。而我們目前面臨的挑戰是應該怎樣利用ipad,以及ipad上應該有哪些應用程序。 soweregettingfeedbackfromteachersattheschooltoseewhatkindofappstheydlike. 所以我們對學校教師進行了調研,獲得了關于他們喜歡什么樣應用的反饋。

whenwedesigntheappandwesellit,itwillbefreetolocaldistrictsandotherdistrictsthatwesellto,allthemoneyfromthatwillgointothelocaledfoundations. 當我們設計完這些應用并將其出售時,當地的學??梢悦赓M使用,而從收費地區獲得的收入,則會捐贈給當地的教育機構。 thesedays,studentsusuallyknowalittlebitmorethanteacherswiththetechnology. 如今,學生們所掌握的科技通常會比老師多那么一點點。 (laughter) (笑聲) so-- 所以-- (laughter) (笑聲) --sorry--(laughter)-- 抱歉--(笑聲)

sothisisaresourcetoteachers,andeducatorsshouldrecognizethisresourceandmakegooduseofit.idliketofinishupbysayingwhatidliketodointhefuture. 所以這對老師而言是一種資源,教育工作者們應該了解這些資源,并充分地利用它們最后,我想談談我未來的計劃。

首先,我要開發出更多的應用、更多的游戲,目前我正在與一個第三方公司合作開發app,我想開始安卓系統應用的編程與開發,同時,我也要繼續我的app社團,為同學們找到其他的方式,共同分享知識。 thankyou. 謝謝! thomassuarezted演講視頻


ted演講稿大全篇五:楊瀾ted演講:重塑中國的年輕一代(中英文對照) 楊瀾ted演講:重塑中國的年輕一代(中英文對照) the night before i was heading for scotland, i was invited to host the final of “china’s got talent” show in shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. guess who was the performing guest? susan boyle. and i told her, “i’m going to scotland the next day.” she sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in chinese. [chinese] so it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. it means “green onion for free.” why did she say that? because it was a line from our chinese parallel susan boyle — a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in shanghai, who loves singing western opera, but she didn’t understand any english or french or italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in chinese. (laughter) and the last sentence of nessun dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” so [as] susan boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. that was hilarious. 來蘇格蘭(做ted講演)的前夜,我被邀請去上海做”中國達人秀“決賽的評委。在裝有八萬現場觀眾的演播廳里,在臺上的表演嘉賓居然是(來自蘇格蘭的,因參加英國達人秀走紅的)蘇珊大媽(susan boyle)。我告訴她,“我明天就要啟程去蘇格蘭。” 她唱得很動聽,還對觀眾說了幾句中文,她并沒有說簡單的”你好“或者”謝謝“,她說的是——“送你蔥”(song ni cong)。為什么?這句話其實來源于中國版的“蘇珊大媽”——一位五十歲的以賣菜為生,卻對西方歌劇有出奇愛好的上海中年婦女(蔡洪平)。這位中國的蘇珊大媽并不懂英文,法語或意大利文,所以她將歌劇中的詞匯都換做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出來。在她口中,歌劇《圖蘭朵》的最后一句便是“song ni cong”。當真正的英國蘇珊大媽唱出這一句“中文的”《圖蘭朵》時,全場的八萬觀眾也一起高聲歌唱,場面的確有些滑稽(hilarious)。 so i guess both susan boyle and this vegetable vendor in shanghai belonged to otherness. they were the least expected to be successful in the business called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them through. and a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams. well, being different is not that difficult. we are all different from different perspectives. but i think being different is good, because you present a different point of view. you may have the chance to make a difference. 我想susan boyle和這位上海的買菜農婦的確屬于人群中的少數。她們是最不可能在演藝界成功的,而她們的勇氣和才華讓她們成功了,這個節目和舞臺給予了她們一個實現個人夢想的機會。這樣看來,與眾不同好像沒有那么難。從不同的方面審視,我們每個人都是不同的。但是我想,與眾不同是一件好事,因為你代表了不一樣的觀點,你擁有了做改變的機會。 my generation has been very fortunate to witness and participate in the historic transformation of china that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years. i remember that in the year of 1990, when i was graduating from college, i was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in beijing, great wall sheraton — it’s still there. so after being interrogated by this japanese manager for a half an hour, he finally said, “so, miss yang, do you have any questions to ask me?” i summoned my courage and poise and said, “yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell?” i didn’t have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star hotel. that was the first day i set my foot in a five-star hotel. 我這一代中國人很幸運的目睹并且參與了中國在過去二三十年中經歷的巨變。我記得1990年,當我剛大學畢業時,我申請了當時北京的第一家五星級酒店——長城喜來登酒店的銷售部門的工作。這家酒店現在仍在北京。當我被一位日本籍經理面試了一個半小時之后,他問到,“楊小姐,你有什么想問我的嗎?”,我屏住呼吸,問道“是的,你能告訴我,具體我需要銷售些什么嗎?” 當時的我,對五星級酒店的銷售部門沒有任何概念,事實上,那是我第一次進到一家五星級酒店。 我當時也在參加另一場“面試”,中國國家電視臺的首次公開試鏡,與我一起參與選拔的還有另外1000名大學女畢業生。節目制作人說,他們希望找到一位甜美,無辜(lol),漂亮的新鮮面孔。輪到我的時候,我問道“為什么在電視屏幕上,女性總應該表現出甜美漂亮,甚至是服從性的一面?為什么她們不能有她們自己的想法和聲音?“我覺得我的問題甚至有點冒犯到了他。但實際上,他們對我的表現印象深刻。我進入了第二輪選拔,第三輪,第四輪,直至最后的第七場選拔,我是唯一一個走到最后的試鏡者。我從此走上了國家電視臺黃金時段的熒幕。你可能不相信,但在當時,我所主持的電視節目是中國第一個,不讓主持人念已經審核過的稿件的節目(掌聲)。我每周需要面對兩億到三億左右的電視觀眾。 olympic games. i was representing the shanghai expo. i saw china embracing the world and vice versa. but then sometimes i’m thinking, what are today’s young generation up to? how are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of china, or at large, the world? government-backed institutions, which lacked transparency in the past. and also it showed us the power and the impact of social media as microblog. so making a living is not that easy for young people. college graduates are not in short supply. in urban areas, college graduates find the starting salary is about 400 u.s. dollars a month, while the average rent is above $500. so what do they do? they have to share space — squeezed in very limited space to save money — and they call themselves “tribe of ants.” and for those who are ready to get married and buy their apartment, they figured out they have to work for 30 to 40 years to afford their first apartment. that ratio in america would only cost a couple five years to earn, but in china it’s 30 to 40 years with the skyrocketing real estate price. 所以對于年輕人而言,生活并不是容易。本科畢業生也不在是緊缺資源。在城市中,本科生的月起薪通常是400美元(2500人民幣),而公寓的平均月租金卻是500美元。所以他們的解決方式是合租——擠在有限的空間中以節省開支,他們叫自己”蟻族。“ 對于那些準備好結婚并希望購買一套公寓的中國年輕夫婦而言,他們發現他們必須要不間斷的工作30到40年才可以負擔得起一套公寓。對于同樣的美國年輕夫婦而言,他們只需要五年時間。 在近兩億的涌入城市的農民工中,他們中的60%都是年輕人。他們發現自己被夾在了城市和農村中,大多數人不愿意回到農村,但他們在城市也找不到歸屬感。他們工作更長的時間卻獲得更少的薪水和社會福利。他們也更容易面臨失業,受到通貨膨脹,銀行利率,人民幣升值的影響,甚至美國和歐盟對于中國制造產品的抵制也會影響到他們。去年,在中國南方的一個制造工廠里,有十三位年輕的工人選擇了結束自己的生命,一個接一個,像一場傳染病。他們輕生的原因各有不同,但整個事件提醒了中國社會和政府,需要更多的關注這些在精神上和生理上都與外界脫節的年輕農民工人。

對于那些回到農村的年輕人,他們所經歷的城市生活,所學到的知識,技巧和建立的社會網絡,讓他們通常更受歡迎。特別是在互聯網的幫助下,他們更有可能獲得工作,提升農村的農業水平和發展新的商業機會。在過去的一些年中,一些沿海的城鎮甚至出現了勞動力短缺。 these diagrams show a more general social background. the first one is the engels 這些圖片展現出整體的社會背景。第一張圖片是恩格斯系數(食品支出占總消費支出的比例),可以看到在過去的十年中,食物和生活必需品在家庭消費中的比例有所下降(37%),然后在過去的兩年中,這項指數上升到39%,說明近兩年中生活成本的攀升。

























































Dear teacher and classmates:

As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it is a different day, and it’s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!

You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!


Dear teacher and classmates:

It is difficult to express my gratitude and love to you all. I want to say so much, but I can hardly find the words. So I’ll just say that you are the greatest blessing in my life. This evening is the expression of your love to me, I realize this, but also it is the event when I see all of you gathered in the same place.

Thank you! Thank you for being with me all that difficult time. Your support and understanding gave me the strength to continue fighting. Without you I would give up. But then you would come or call and I would remember why I am so in love with this wonderful life-because of you. You are my world, and I am sincerely grateful to God for giving me such loving family and caring friends. Your support was crucial for me this year, when I achieved much due to your help.

Love and gratitude-this is what I feel standing now in front of you. Love and gratitude-these are the best emotions one can imagine. I am happy to love you and to be grateful to you. I know that you love me too. I would like to assure you that my goal in life is to become as wonderful as you think I am. As far as this goal attainment requires much effort, skills and time, I hope that you’ll help me in it, as always, I deeply appreciate your support. Thank you for being with me.

Thank you very much!


丁辰靈:ted演講的秘密 - 純干貨 --------------------- 下午花了兩個小時把這本書的腦圖做了下,寫的亂七八糟,不過它的主線還是挺清楚的,兩個大的部分。通過解析幾百個ted演講來發現里面的一些共性的東西,實用性很強,如果你真想做一個好的演講來傳播你的觀點或者故事的話,可以按照這個流程來做,當然最關鍵的是你這個人有好的東西跟別人分享。內容是王道,如果你沒有好的內容比如你的研究、你的經歷,形式再怎么花哨,也不會有很好的效果的,所以想要登上這個舞臺,“怎么說”不是先要考慮的問題,先要把自己的生活過的足夠精彩。

下面兩張是手寫的mind map,用軟件又做了一個。












5、故事準備好了之后,就是要把握關鍵了。你需要把你的內容變成口號、要有一個吸引人的開場、要合理的過渡、清晰的中心思想的結尾。用3~12個詞把你的中心內容表示出來,以行動為中心,并且最好富有韻律,在這個演講中最好重復3次。開場的問題我們已經說了很多次了,你還可以用一下幾個方法開場:有針對性的故事開場、震撼人心的事實介紹、有影響力的故事開場;盡可能避免觀眾參與式的開場,會很冷;糟糕的開場很多: 不要引用一個你未曾謀面的名人的話——即便和內容相關,也只是陳詞濫調。



不要用“感謝你...”開場——如果你想感謝觀眾,把它放在最后。 不要用“在我開始......之前”開場——既然你已經來了,就不必這么講了。篇二:世上最好的演講:ted演講吸引人的秘密 why ted talks are better than the last speech you sat through 世上最好的演講:ted演講吸引人的秘密 think about the last time you heard someone give a speech, or any formal presentation. maybe it was so long that you were either overwhelmed with data, or you just tuned the speaker out. if powerpoint was involved, each slide was probably loaded with at least 40 words or figures, and odds are that you dont remember more than a tiny bit of what they were supposed to show. 回想一下你上次聆聽某人發表演講或任何正式陳述的情形。它也許太長了,以至于你被各種數據搞得頭昏腦脹,甚或干脆不理會演講者。如果演講者使用了ppt文檔,那么每張幻燈片很可能塞入了至少40個單詞或數字,但你現在或許只記得一丁點內容。 pretty uninspiring, huh? talk like ted: 9 public-speaking secrets of the worlds best mindsexamines why in prose thats as lively and appealing as, well, a ted talk. timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary in march of those now-legendary ted conferences, the book draws on current brain science to explain what wins over, and fires up, an audience -- and what doesnt. author carmine gallo also studied more than 500 of the most popular ted speeches (there have been about 1,500 so far) and interviewed scores of the people who gave them. 相當平淡,是吧?《像ted那樣演講:全球頂級人才九大演講秘訣》(talk like ted: 9 public-speaking secrets of the worlds best minds)一書以流暢的文筆審視了為什么ted演講如此生動,如此引人入勝。出版方有意安排在今年3月份發行此書,以慶賀如今已成為經典的ted大會成立30周年。這部著作借鑒


much of what he found out is surprising. consider, for instance, the fact that each ted talk is limited to 18 minutes. that might sound too short to convey much. yet ted curator chris anderson imposed the time limit, he told gallo, because its long enough to be serious and short enough to hold peoples attention ... by forcing speakers who are used to going on for 45 minutes to bring it down to 18, you get them to think about what they really want to say. its also the perfect length if you want your message to go viral, anderson says. 他挖出了不少令人吃驚的演講策略。例如,每場ted演講都被限制在18分鐘以內。聽起來太過短暫,似乎無法傳達足夠多訊息。然而,ted大會策辦人克里斯?安德森決議推行這項時間限制規則,因為“這個時間長度足夠莊重,同時又足夠短,能夠吸引人們的注意力。通過迫使那些習慣于滔滔不絕講上45分鐘的嘉賓把演講時間壓縮至18分鐘,你就可以讓他們認真思考他們真正想說的話,”他對加洛說。此外,安德森說,如果你希望你的訊息像病毒般擴散,這也是一個完美的時間長度。 recent neuroscience shows why the time limit works so well: people listening to a presentation are storing data for retrieval in the future, and too much information leads to cognitive overload, which gives rise to elevated levels of anxiety -- meaning that, if you go on and on, your audience will start to resist you. even worse, they wont recall a single point you were trying to make. 最近的神經科學研究說明了為什么這項時間限制產生如此好的效果:聆聽陳述的人們往往會存儲相關數據,以備未來檢索之用,而太多的信息會導致“認知超負荷”,進而推升聽眾的焦慮度。它意味著,如果你說個沒完沒了,聽眾就會開始抗拒你。更糟糕的是,他們不會記得你努力希望傳遞的信息點,甚至可能一個都記不住。

如何把一個復雜的陳述壓縮至18分鐘左右?加洛就這個問題提供了一些小建議,其中包括他所稱的“三的法則”。具體說就是,把大量觀點高度濃縮為三大要點。ted大會上的許多演講高手就是這樣做的。他還指出,即使一篇演講無法提煉到這樣的程度,單是這番努力也一定能改善演講的效果:“僅僅通過這番提煉,你就可以大大增強陳述的創造性和影響力。” then theres powerpoint. ted represents the end of powerpoint as we know it, writes gallo. he hastens to add that theres nothing wrong with powerpoint as a tool, but that most speakers unwittingly make it work against them by cluttering up their slides with way too many words (40, on average) and numbers. 另一個建議與ppt文檔有關。“ted大會象征著我們所知的ppt文檔正走向終結,”加洛寫道。他隨后又馬上補充說,作為工具的powerpoint本身并沒有什么錯,但大多數演講者為他們的幻燈片塞進了太多的單詞(平均40個)和數字, 讓這種工具不經意間帶來了消極影響。 the remedy for that, based on the most riveting ted talks: if you must use slides, fill them with a lot more images. once again, research backs this up, with something academics call the picture superiority effect: three days after hearing or reading a set of facts, most people will remember about 10% of the information. add a photo or a drawing, and recall jumps to 65%. 最吸引人的ted演講為我們提供了一個補救策略:如果你必須使用幻燈片,務必記得要大量運用圖像資源。這種做法同樣有科學依據,它就是研究人員所稱的“圖優效應”(picture superiority effect):聽到或讀到一組事實三天后,大多數人會記得大約10%的信息。而添加一張照片或圖片后,記憶率將躍升至65%。 one study, by molecular biologist john medina at the university of washington school of medicine, found that not only could people recall more than 2,500 pictures with at least 90% accuracy several days later, but accuracy a whole year afterward was still at about 63%. 華盛頓大學醫學院(university of washington school of medicine)分子生物學家約翰?梅迪納主持的研究發現,幾天后,人們能夠回想起超過2,500張圖片,準確率至少達到90%;一年后的準確率依然保持在63%左右。 that result demolishes print and speech, both of which were tested on the same group of subjects, medinas study indicated, which is something worth bearing in mind for anybody hoping that his or her ideas will be remembered. 梅迪納的研究表明,這個結果“完勝”印刷品和演講的記憶效果(由同一組受試者測試)。任何一位希望自己的思想被聽眾銘記在心的演講者或許都應該記住這一點。篇三:10步準備一個ted演講




我在tedxeast做了一個演講,我很興奮的看著時間不多了,最終還剩6秒。勝利!后來我在印度的ink conference做了一個類似的演講,但是只有15分鐘。盡管我瘋狂地練習,并且練習時達到14分半鐘,因為嚴重的支氣管炎我吃了藥,之后我的時間某種程度上蔓延了,我尷尬了,因為我超了一分鐘,但如果我說了第十點將會超過2分鐘。

以下是我準備演講的十步: 1. 打印你的幻燈片為一頁9格作為講義材料。 這種一頁9格的幻燈片大小正好和便利貼一樣。我組織再組織我的信息,然后添加便利貼直到我感到滿意為止。并且確保減少我為40分鐘演講準備的至少一半的幻燈片。

我平衡再平衡,再平衡,直到我覺得它已經接近18分鐘。在這期間,我認識到我的思想可以比過去傳達的更有效。 2. 征求反饋。召集一些你值得信任的人,讓他們對你的修改過的幻燈片打印材料提些反饋。只需要讓他們口頭說一下。目的是讓他們一次看完所有的幻燈片,你想要得到關于“整體:

的反饋,而不是部分。然他們給你選擇的內容提反饋,并問問他們是否覺得ted的聽眾會得到共鳴。當他們添加完他們的意見,我就開始將它們做成電子版。 4. close the loop。許多時候,作為推薦者,你清楚的知道你的材料以至于你認為你把每一點都搞清楚了。你可能還沒有。你的指導者需要保證你在告訴人們為什么。圍繞在你思想的“為什么”使內容展開,而不是“如何...”。明確的表達為什么,那么你的聽眾可以明白你的宏大思想是什么。 5. 在計時的情況下練習。在最初的時候,在計時的時候排練。這是因為如果你超時了,你要知道自己超了多少。在這個時候不要看著時間。讓你的指導者看著,因為你不想在腦海里記住任何時間印記。一分鐘,三分鐘。一直的練習,直到你可以保持在18分鐘里。你的指導者應該可以告訴你在這剪掉30秒或在那加上15秒,以便你內容可以承載最重要的信息。 6.在倒計時的情況下練習。一旦你有了時間表就可以在倒計時的情況下練習。你需要在你演講的一些位置設置計時基準。計算以下你6分鐘的演講會到什么位置。你應該大概知道


12、18分鐘的時候,你會演講到什么地方。你應該知道幻燈片應到什么位置,以及你在說些什么內容,那么你在臺上就可立即知道自己是否按時或已經超時。 7. 顯著標記。你的指導者應該記下你什么內容說的好,什么內容說的不好。他們應該從打印的幻燈片開始,寫下你用的好的短語,那么你可以將它們添加到你的講義里。他們應該幫助捕找些短語,那么你可以打到你的注釋里。 8.不要不喜被拍。錄下一些你最后的練習。這不需要用最好的設置,像我們使用flip攝像機時放在三腳架上。它幫你習慣于看著攝像機,并且你可以回放視頻,看看你在臺上的表現、目光的注視、手勢,確定你需要修改的表現。當然,如果你想使練習做的相當好,你可以倒

回去,聽音頻,在幻燈片筆記上添上你認為最好的一段。 9.在上臺之前做一個完整的排練。這就是我在印度搞砸的地方,在那天早晨我完全的練習了幾次,但我沒有感到需要計時。我承認我一周里沒有計時,但是發了瘋的練習。如果我通過skype和我的教練krystin練習就更好了。我本將避免一場災難。 10. 準備兩個自然的結束點。我想要控告印度展的組織者沒有真正的給我滿15分鐘。但是是我搞砸了。這可能是因為我的支氣管炎導致的,在我演講完后我還感到時間充足。幸運的是,我準備了兩個地方來結束我的演講。我有一個結束的地方來完整的結束演講,于是我在那個地方結束了。我沒有時間做到的是我沒有帶來一個鼓舞人心的結尾,可以令在場的人站起來、驚聲尖叫。篇四:ted演講的十條黃金法則



導讀:如果你喜歡ted,甚至夢想,有一天自己也站在ted的舞臺上做一個演講,本文將介紹著名的ted演講十個黃金法則,請往下看吧~~ 如果你喜歡ted,觀看了ted的演講視頻,感到激動不已,甚至夢想,有一天自己也站在ted的舞臺上做一個演講,分享你的精彩創意想法和精彩故事!這太好了,這種熱情的向往,是通往ted講臺之路的最大動力。除此之外還需要了解一些演講技巧。 these 10 tips are the heart of a great ted talk. 1. dream big. strive to create the best talk you have ever given. reveal something never seen before. do something the audience will remember forever. share an idea that could change the world. 給自己一個高目標,要把這個演講做成你最成功的一個演講。你可以向觀眾展示某些未曾公開展示的東西或做出能夠讓觀眾留下深刻印象的事情。分享一個有可能改變世界的想法。 2. show us the real you. share your passions, your dreams ... and also your fears. be vulnerable. speak of failure as well as success. 展示一個最真實的你。分享你的激情、夢想,乃至恐懼。不要把自己當成是完美無缺的,你可以講成功的故事,也可以講失敗的故事。 4. connect with peoples emotions. make us laugh! make us cry! 要說得動人一點,使得觀眾聽了會發出由衷的微笑或感動到禁不住要哭泣。 5. dont flaunt your ego. dont boast. it’s the surest way to switch everyone off. 不要自吹自擂。那樣做的話,最容易嚇跑觀眾。


要給其他演講嘉賓一定的回應,可以贊可以彈。意見之對立才會擦出思維之火火嘛。激情的參與本身的力量就是這么強大的。 8. if possible, dont read your talk. notes are fine. but if the choice is between reading or rambling, then read! 除非萬不得已,否則不要照著講稿閱讀。當然可以看自己寫的小紙片。但假如不看講稿你會表述得含糊不清的話,那還是看著稿子講吧。 9. you must end your talk on time. doing otherwise is to steal time from the people that follow you. we won’t allow it. 必須在規定的時間內說完。因為超時就意味著剝奪了其他人的時間。這是不允許的。 10. rehearse your talk in front of a trusted friend ... for timing, for clarity, for impact. 為了保證演講準時、清晰、高質量,我們希望你提前跟朋友一起做試講。

關于ted ted于1984年由理查德·溫曼和哈里·馬克思共同創辦,從1990年開始每年在美國加州的蒙特利舉辦一次,而如今,在世界的其他城市也會每半年舉辦一次。

它邀請世界上的思想領袖與實干家來分享他們最熱衷從事的事業。“ted”由“科技”、“娛樂”以及“設計”三個英文單詞首字母組成,這三個廣泛的領域共同塑造著我們的未來。事實上,這場盛會涉及的領域還在不斷擴展,展現著涉及幾乎各個領域的各種見解。參加者們稱它為 “超級大腦spa”和“四日游未來”。


大凡有機會來到ted大會現場作演講的均有非同尋常的經歷,他們要么是某一領域的佼佼者,要么是某一新興領域的開創人,要么是做出了某些足以給社會帶來改觀的創舉。比如人類基因組研究領域的領軍人物craig venter,“給每位孩子一百美元筆記本電腦”項目的創建人 nicholas negroponte,只身滑到北極的第一人 ben saunders,當代杰出的語言學家

steven pinker„„至于像 al gore 那樣的明星就更是ted大會之??土?。

每一個ted 演講的時間通常都是18分鐘以內,但是,由于演講者對于自己所從事的事業有一種深深的熱愛,他們的演講也往往最能打動聽者的心,并引起人們的思考與進一步探索。篇五:你不必沉迷英語 ted演講稿


恩,事實上,我希望能再待久一點。我在波斯灣這邊生活和教書已經超過30年了。(掌聲)這段時間里,我看到了很多變化?,F在這份數據是挺嚇人的,而我今天要和你們說的是有關語言的消失和英語的全球化。我想和你們談談我的朋友,她在阿布達比教成人英語。在一個晴朗的日子里,她決定帶她的學生到花園去教他們一些大自然的詞匯。但最后卻變成是她在學習所有當地植物在阿拉伯語中是怎么說的。還有這些植物是如何被用作藥材,化妝品,烹飪,香草。這些學生是怎么得到這些知識的呢?當然是從他們的祖父母,甚至曾祖父母那里得來的。不需要我來告訴你們能夠跨代溝通是多么重要。 but sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. a language dies every 14 days. now, at the same time, english is the undisputed global language. could there be a connection? well i dont know. but i do know that ive seen a lot of changes. when i first came out to the gulf, i came to kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship post. actually, not that long ago. that is a little bit too early. but nevertheless, i was recruited by the british council along with about 25 other teachers. and we were the first non-muslims to teach in the state schools there in kuwait. we were brought to teach english because the government wanted to modernize the country and empower the citizens through education. and of course, the u.k. benefited from some of that lovely oil wealth. 但遺憾的是,今天很多語言正在以前所未有的速度消失。每14天就有一種語言消失,而與此同時,英語卻無庸置疑地成為全球性的語言。這其中有關聯嗎?我不知道。但我知道的是,我見證過許多改變。初次來到海灣地區時,我去了科威特。當時教英文仍然是個困難的工作。其實,沒有那么久啦,這有點太久以前了??傊?,我和其他25位老師一起被英國文化協會聘用。我們是第一批非穆斯林的老師,在科威特的國立學校任教。我們被派到那里教英語,是因為當地政府希望國家可以現代化并透過教育提升公民的水平。當然,英國也能得到些好處,產油國可是很有錢的。 okay. now this is the major change that ive seen -- how teaching english has morphed from being a mutually english-speaking nation on earth. and why not? after all, the best education -- according to the latest world university rankings -- is to be found in the universities of the u.k. and the u.s. so everybody wants to have an english education, naturally. but if youre not a native speaker, you have to pass a test. 言歸正傳,我見過最大的改變,就是英語教學的蛻變如何從一個互惠互利的行為變成今天這種大規模的國際產業。英語不再是學校課程里的外語學科,也不再只是英國的專利。英語(教學)已經成為所有英語系國家追逐的潮流。何樂而不為呢?畢竟,最好的教育來自于最好的大學,而根據最新的世界大學排名,那些名列前茅的都是英國和美國的大學。所以自然每個人都想接受英語教育,但如果你不是以英文為母語,你就要通過考試。 now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability well, i dont think so. we english teachers reject them all the time. we put a stop sign, and we stop them in their tracks. they cant pursue their dream any longer, till they get english. now let me put it this way, if i met a dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would i stop him from entering my british university? i dont think so. but indeed, that is exactly what we do. we english teachers are the gatekeepers. and you have to satisfy us first that your english is good enough. now it can be dangerous to give too much power to a narrow segment of society. maybe the barrier would be too universal. 但僅憑語言能力就拒絕學生這樣對嗎?譬如如果你碰到一位天才計算機科學家,但他會需要有和律師一樣的語言能力嗎?我不這么認為。但身為英語老師的我們,卻總是拒絕他們。我們處處設限,將學生擋在路上,使他們無法再追求自己的夢想,直到他們通過考試?,F在容我換一個方式說,如果我遇到了一位只會說荷蘭話的人,而這個人能治愈癌癥,我會阻止他進入我的英國大學嗎?我想不會。但事實上,我們的確在做這種事。我們這些英語老師就是把關的。你必須先讓我們滿意,使我們認定你的英文夠好。但這可能是危險的。把太多的權力交由這么小的一群人把持,也許會令這種障礙太過普及。 okay. but, i hear you say, what about the research? its all in english. so the books are in english, the journals are done in english, but that is a self-fulfilling . it feeds the english requirement. and so it goes on. i ask you, what happened to translation? if you think about the islamic golden age, there was lots of translation then. they translated from latin and greek into arabic, into persian, and then it was translated on into the germanic languages of europe and the romance languages. and so light shone upon the dark ages of europe. now dont get me wrong; i am not against teaching english, all you english teachers out there. i love it that we have a global language. we need one today more than ever. but i am against using it as a barrier. do we really want to end up with 600 languages and the main one being english, or chinese? we need more than that. where do we draw the line? this system equates intelligence with a knowledge of english which is quite . 于是,我聽到你們問但是研究呢?研究報告都要用英文。”的確,研究論著和期刊都要用英文發表,但這只是一種理所當然的現象。有英語要求,自然就有英語供給,然后就這么循環下去。我倒想問問大家,為什么不用翻譯呢?想想伊斯蘭的黃金時代,當時翻譯盛行,人們把拉丁文和希臘文翻譯成阿拉伯文或波斯文,然后再由拉伯文或波斯文翻譯為歐洲的日耳曼語言以及羅曼語言。于是文明照亮了歐洲的黑暗時代。但不要誤會我的意思,我不是反對英語教學或是在座所有的英語老師。我很高興我們有一個全球性的語言,這在今日尤為重要。但我反對用英語設立障礙。難道我們真希望世界上只剩下600種語言,其中又以英文或中文為主流嗎?我們需要的不只如此。那么我們該如何拿捏呢?這個體制把智能和英語能力畫上等號這是相當武斷的。

and i want to remind you that the giants upon whose shoulders todays stand did not have to have english, they didnt have to pass an english test. case in point, einstein. he, by the way, was considered remedial at school because he was, in fact, dyslexic. but fortunately for the world, he did not have to pass an english test. because they didnt start until 1964 with toefl, the american test of english. now its exploded. there are lots and lots of tests of english. and millions and millions of students take these tests every year. now you might think, you and me, those fees arent bad, theyre okay, but they are prohibitive to so many millions of poor people. so immediately, were rejecting them. 我想要提醒你們,扶持當代知識分子的這些“巨人肩膀不必非得具有英文能力,他們不需要通過英語考試。愛因斯坦就是典型的例子。順便說一下,他在學校還曾被認為需要課外補習,因為他其實有閱讀障礙。但對整個世界來說,很幸運的當時他不需要通過英語考試,因為他們直到1964年才開始使用托?!,F在英語測驗太泛濫了,有太多太多的英語測驗,以及成千上萬的學生每年都在參加這些考試?,F在你會認為,你和我都這么想,這些費用不貴,價錢滿合理的。但是對數百萬的窮人來說,這些費用高不可攀。所以,當下我們又拒絕了他們。 it brings to mind a headline i saw recently: education: the great divide. now i get it, i understand why people would focus on english. they want to give their children the best chance in life. and to do that, they need a western education. because, of course, the best jobs go to people out of the western universities, that i put on earlier. its a circular thing. 這使我想起最近看到的一個新聞標題:“教育:大鴻溝”現在我懂了。我了解為什么大家都重視英語,因為他們希望給孩子最好的人生機會。為了達成這目的,他們需要西方教育。畢竟,不可否認,最好的工作都留給那些西方大學畢業出來的人。就像我之前說的,這是一種循環。

okay. let me tell you a story about two scientists, two english scientists. they were doing an experiment to do with genetics and the forelimbs and the hind limbs of animals. but they couldnt get the results they wanted. they really didnt know what to do, until along came a german scientist who realized that they were using two words for forelimb and hind limb, whereas genetics does not differentiate and neither does german. so bingo, problem solved. if you cant think a thought, you are stuck. but if another language can think that thought, then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so much more. 好,我跟你們說一個關于兩位科學家的故事:有兩位英國科學家在做一項實驗,是關于遺傳學的,以及動物的前、后肢。但他們無法得到他們想要的結果。他們真的不知道該怎么辦,直到來了一位德國的科學家。他發現在英文里前肢和后肢是不同的二個字,但在遺傳學上沒有區別。在德語也是同一個字。所以,叮!問題解決了。如果你不能想到一個念頭,你會卡在那里。但如果另一個語言能想到那念頭,然后通過合作我們可以達成目的,也學到更多。 我的女兒從科威特來到英格蘭,她在阿拉伯的學校學習科學和數學。那是所阿拉伯中學。在學校里,她得把這些知識翻譯成英文,而她在班上卻能在這些學科上拿到最好的成績。這告訴我們,當外籍學生來找我們,我們可能無法針對他們所知道的給予贊賞,因為那是來自于他們母語的知識。當一個語言消失時,我們不知道還有什么也會一并失去。



Ihave spent the last years, trying to resolve two enigmas: why is productivity so disappointing in all the companies where I work? I have worked with more than 500 companies. Despite all the technological advance



communications, telecommunications, the internet.

Enigma number two: why is there so little engagement at work? Why do people feel so miserable, even actively disengaged? Disengaged their colleagues. Acting against the interest of their company. Despite all the affiliation events, the celebration, the people initiatives, the leadership development programs to train managers on how to better motivate their teams.

At the beginning, I thought there was a chicken and egg issue: because people are less engaged, they are less productive. Or vice versa, because they are less productive, we put more pressure and they are less engaged. But as we were doing our analysis we realized that there was a common root cause to these two issues that relates, in fact, to the basic pillars of management. The way we organize is based on two pillars.

The hard—structure, processes, systems. The soft—feeling, sentiments, interpersonal relationship, traits, personality. And whenever a company reorganizes, restructures, reengineers, goes through a cultural transformation program, it chooses these two pillars. Now we try to refine them, we try to combine them. The real issue is – and this is the answer to the two enigmas – these pillar are obsolete. Everything you read in business books is based either two of the other or their combine. They are obsolete. How do they work when you try to use these approaches in front of the new complexity of business? The hard approach, basically is that you start from strategy, requirement, structure, processes,




committees, headquarters, hubs, clusters, you name it. I forgot all the metrics, incentives, committees, middle offices and interfaces. What happens basically on the left, you have more complexity, the new complexity of business. We need quality, cost, reliability, speed. And every time there is a new requirement, we use the same approach. We create dedicated structure processed systems, basically to deal with the new complexity of business. The hard approach creates just complicatedness in the organization. Let’s take an example. An automotive company, the engineering division is a five-dimensional matrix. If you open any cell of the matrix, you find another 20-dimensional matrix. You have Mr. Noise, Mr. Petrol Consumption, Mr. Anti-Collision Propertise. For any new requirement, you have a dedicated function in charge of aligning engineers against the new requirement. What happens when the new requirement emerges? Some years ago, a new requirement appeared on the marketplace: the length of the warranty period. So therefore the requirement is repairability, making cars easy to repair. Otherwise when you bring the car to the garage to fix the light, if you have to remove the engine to access the lights, the car will have to stay one week in the garage instead of two hours, and the warranty budget will explode. So, what was the solution using the hard approach? If repairability is the rew requirement, the solution is to create a new function, Mr. Repairability. And Mr. Repairability creates the repairability process. With a repairability scorecard, with a repairability metric and eventually repairability incentive.That came on top of 25 other KPIs. What percentage of these people is variable compensation? Twenty percent at most, divided by 26 KPIs, repairability makes a difference of 0.8 percent. What difference did it make in their action, their choices to simplify? Zero. But what occurs for zero impact? Mr. Repairability, process, scorecard, evaluation, coordination with the 25 other coordinators to have zero impact. Now, in front of the new complexity of business, the only solution is not drawing box es with reporting lines. It is basically the interplay. How the parts work together. The connection, the interaction, the synapse. It is not skeleton of boxes, it is the nervous system of adaptiveness and intelligence. You know, you could call it cooperation, basically. Whenever people cooperate, they use less resources. In everything. You know, the repairability issue is a cooperation problem.

When you design cars, please take into account the need of those who will repair the cars in the after sales garage. When we don’t cooperate we need more time, more equipment, more system, more teams. We need – when procurement, supply chain, manufacturing don’t cooperate we need more stock, more investories, more working capital. Who will pay for that? Shareholder? Customers? No, they will refuse. So who is left? The employees, who have tocompensate through their super individual efforts for the lack of cooperation. Stress, burnout, they are overwhelmed, accidents. No wonder they disengage. How do the hard and the soft try to foster cooperation?

The hard: in banks, when there is problem between the back office and the front office, they don’t cooperate. What is the solution? They create a middle office.

What happens one years later? Instead of one problem between the back and front, now have to problems. Between the back and the middle and between the middle and the front. Plus I have to pay for the middle office. The hard approach is unable to foster cooperation. It can only add new boxes, new bones in the skeleton. The soft approach: to make people cooperate, we need to make then like each other. Improve interpersonal feelings, the more people laike each other, the more they will cooperate. It is totally worng. It even counterproductive.

Look, at home I have two TVs. Why? Precisely not to have to cooperate with my wife. Not to have to impose tradeoffs to my wife. And why I try not to impose tradeoffs to my wife is precisely because I love my wife. If I didn’t love my wife, one TV would be enough: you will watch my favorite football game, if you are not happy, how is the book or the door? The more we like each other, the more we avoid the real cooperation that would strain our relationships by imposing tough tradeoffs. And we go for a second TV or we escalate the decision above for arbitration.

Definitely, these approaches are obsolete. To deal with complexity, to enhance nervous system, we have created what we call the smart simplicity approach based on simple rules. Simple rule number one: understand what others do. What is their real work? We need go beyond the boxes, the job description, beyond the surface of the container, to understand the real content. Me, designer, if I put a wire here, I know that it will mean that we will have to remove the engine to access the lights. Second, you need to reinforce integrators. Integrators are not middle office, they are managers, existing managers that you reinforce so that they have power and interest to make others cooperate. How can you reinforce your managers as integrators? By removing layers. When there are too many layers people are too far from the action. Therefore they need KPIs, metrics, they need poor proxies for reality. They don’t understand reality and they add the complicatedness of metrics, KPIs. By removing rules—the bigger we are, the more we need integrators, therefore the less rules we must have, to give discretionary power to managers. And we do the opposite – the bigger we are, the more rules we create. And we end up with the Encyclopedia Britannica of rules. You need to increase the quanitity of power so that you can empower everybody to use their judgment, their intelligence. You must give more cards to people so that they have the critical mass of cards to take the risk to cooperate, to move out of insulation. Otherwise, they will withdraw. They will disengage. These rules, they come from game theory and organizational sociology. You can increase the shadow of the future. Create feedback loops that expose people to the consequences of their actions. This is what the automotive company did when they saw that Mr. Repairability had no impact. They said the design engineers: now, in the three years, when the new car is launched on the market, you will move to the after sales network, and become in charge of the warranty budget, and if the warranty budget explodes, it will explode in your face. Much more powerful than 0.8 percent variable compensation. You need also to increase reciprocity, by removing the buffers that make us self-sufficient. When you remove these buffers, you hold me by the nose, I hold you by the ear. We will cooperate. Remove the second TV. There are many second TVs at work that don’t create value, they just provide dysfunctional self-sufficiency.

You need to reward those who cooperate and blame those who don’t cooperate. The CEO of The Lego Group, JK, has a great way to use it. He say, blame is not for failure, it is for failing to help or ask for help. It changes everything. Suddenly it becomes in my interest to be transparent on my real weakness, my real forecast, because I know I will not be blamed if I fail, but if I fail to help or ask for help. When you do this, it has a lot of implications on organizational design. You stop drawing boxes, dotted lines, full lines; you look at their interplay.

It has a lot of implication on financial policies that we use. On human resource management practices. When you do that, you can manage complexity, the new complexity of business, without getting complicated. You create more value with lower cost. You simultaneously improve performance and satisfaction at work because you have remove the common root cause that hinders both. Complicatedness: this is your battle, business leader. The real battle is not against competitors. This is rubbish, very abstract. When do we meet competitors to fight them? The real battle is against ourselves, against our bureaucracy, our complicatedness. Only you can fight, can do it. Thank you!

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