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《簡.愛》的作者是英國著名作家夏洛敵.勃朗特。這是位溫柔,樸實的作者。雖然,勃朗特的家境貧寒,身材矮小,容貌也并不出眾,但去從為放棄過美好生活的追求?!逗?愛》一書里的女主人公頗有該作者自身的寫照。 《簡.愛》主要講述了:女主人公簡.愛在幼年時父母雙亡,將她托付給了蓋茲海德府的里德舅舅。簡的舅媽是個冷酷的女人,她無視里德舅舅臨終的囑咐,親切關照簡.愛,反而無視和虐待她。她對簡.愛不管不顧不問,將簡送進了寄宿學校。


讀完《簡.愛》這本書,我就被簡.愛深深地打動,這是個性格堅強,樸實,剛柔并濟的女子,最令我敬佩的是她無論身處何方,經受什么樣的磨難都會堅守自己的尊嚴,從不向命運低頭。 尊嚴,昂起你高貴的頭顱,驕傲的站在陽光底下。這是簡.愛教會我做人絕對不能拋棄的品質。面對里德太太的冷酷對待,表姐和表哥的歧視與毒打,勇敢的簡.愛在遭受這不同于常人的成長遭遇時,并沒有像命運低頭,反而使她更加自尊自愛。我很贊成書里的那句話:如果大家老是對殘酷,不公道的人百依百順,那么將使那些人更要任性胡來了,他們會什么也不懼怕,這樣永遠也不會還好,反而越來越壞。自尊,自尊是一個最起碼的做人底線。

我始終記得書中的一段話:你以為,就因為我窮,低微,不美,我就沒有心,沒有靈魂那?我跟你一樣有靈魂,也完全一樣有一顆心。要是上帝也賜予我美貌和財富的話,我也不會讓你難以離開我,就像現在我難以離開你一樣! 簡.愛她一直勇于追求一份平等屬于自己的愛情,而不因自己的地位而感到卑微和低賤。堅定不移的捍衛自己的尊嚴。一個不卑不亢的,一個自尊自愛的簡.愛。在結婚的當天,簡卻知道羅切斯特已有妻子的事實。簡也因此深受打擊。在傷心欲絕的情況下,簡的尊嚴扔然不許她違背自己的原則,毅然地離開了羅切斯特,離開了她最深愛的人。



夏洛蒂·勃朗特1816年生于英國北部的一個鄉村牧師家庭。母親早逝,八歲的夏洛蒂被送進一所專收神職人員孤女的慈善性機構——柯文橋女子寄宿學校。在那里生活條件極其惡劣,她的兩個姐姐瑪麗亞和伊麗莎白因染上肺病而先后死去。于是夏洛蒂和妹妹艾米利回到家鄉,在荒涼的約克郡山區度過了童年。15歲時她進了伍勒小姐辦的學校讀書,幾年后又在這個學校當教師。后來她曾作家庭教師,但因不能忍受貴婦人、闊小姐對家庭教師的歧視和刻薄,放棄了家庭教師的謀生之路。她曾打算自辦學校,為此她在姨母的資助下與艾米利一起去意大利進修法語和德語。然而由于沒有人來就讀,學校沒能辦成。但是她在意大利學習的經歷激發了她表現自我的強烈愿望,促使她投身于文學創作的道路 2. 寫作背景

在當今文壇中,有人批評小說缺乏對社會現實更理智而深刻的分析。在對瘋女人的描寫中,過多地追求“哥特式小說”的神秘氣氛而減弱了表現現實的真實性。在對牧師圣約翰的描寫上,美化他獻身基督教的傳道事業,而掩蓋了殖民主義者文化侵略的性質。小說中所表現的這些局限性的成因很復雜,有的是受作者本人的閱歷所限她只活了39歲,有的是因作品本身形式的特點而定,而有的則是由于歷史的局限性所至??傊?,一百多年來,《簡·愛》的影響不衰,作家、評論家對它的熱情不成。它至今仍然是廣大讀者喜愛的書。 3. 小故事

1. 簡愛父母早亡寄居在舅舅家,舅舅病逝后,舅母把她送進孤兒院,來到桑恩費爾德,當男主人公羅徹司特先生家的家庭教師,羅徹先生脾氣古怪,經過幾次接觸,簡愛愛上了他。在他們舉行婚禮時,梅森闖進來指出古堡頂樓小屋里的瘋女人是羅徹司特先生的妻子,簡愛不愿作為情婦,離開了桑恩費爾德。來到一個偏遠的地方在牧師的幫助下找到了一個鄉村教師的職業。在牧師向簡愛提出結婚時,她想起了羅徹司特先生。當趕回桑恩費爾德時古堡已成廢墟。簡愛趕往羅徹司特先生住的芬丁,撲到了羅徹司特先生的懷里……

2. 簡愛從令人討厭的學校畢業,在羅契斯特先生的莊園找了份家教的工作,負責教育羅契斯特先生的女兒,在此過程中兩人擦出愛的火花,但在兩人結婚當天,意外得知羅契斯特先生的前一位夫人并沒有死,而是瘋了并且正關在莊園里,于是簡愛離開莊園,并碰到自己的表哥表妹,正當簡愛猶豫是否與表哥一起離開英國做傳教士的妻子時,羅契斯特的莊園由于瘋妻縱火毀于一旦,他本人也受傷致盲,心靈有所感應的簡愛趕回莊園,兩人從此幸福的生活在一起.

3. 整座房子寂靜無聲,因為我相信,除了圣·約翰和我自己,所有的人都安息了。那一根蠟燭幽幽將滅,室內灑滿了月光。我的心砰砰亂跳,我聽見了它的搏動聲。突然一種難以言表的感覺使我的心為之震顫,并立即涌向我的頭腦和四肢,我的心隨之停止了跳動。這種感覺不象一陣電擊,但它一樣地尖銳,一樣地古怪,一樣地驚人。它作用于我的感官,仿佛它們在這之前的最活躍時刻也只不過處于麻木狀態。而現在它們受到了召喚,被弄醒了。它們起來了,充滿了期待,眼睛和耳朵等候著,而肌肉在骨頭上哆嗦。

4. 女人一般被認為是極其安靜的,可是女人也和男人有一樣的感覺;她們像她們的兄弟一樣,需要運用她們的才能,需要有一個努力的場地;她們受到過于嚴峻的束縛、過于絕對的停滯,會感到痛苦正如男人感到的一樣;而她們的享有較多特權的同類卻說她們應該局限于做做布丁、織織襪子、彈彈鋼琴、繡繡口袋,那他們也未免太心地狹窄了。

5. 你以為,我因為窮,低微,矮小,不美,我就沒有靈魂沒有心了嗎?你想錯了----我的心靈跟你一樣豐富,我的心胸與你一樣充實.雖然我一貧如洗,長相平庸,但我們的精神是平等的,就如同我們經過墳墓,最后將同樣站在上帝面前---因為我們是平等的.4. 人物形象

(1)簡愛,在寄居的舅媽家里,和驕橫殘暴的表哥約翰發生沖突,瘦小的她敢于和表哥扭打,并怒斥他:"你這男孩真是又惡毒又殘酷,你像個殺人犯---- 你像個虐待奴隸的人,----你像羅馬皇帝。" 他還敢于指責冷酷護短的舅媽:"你以為你是好人,可是你壞,你狠心。"簡愛的童年的生活讓讀者初步了解她的反抗性格和捍衛獨立人格的精神起點


5. 感悟








同樣, 在羅切斯特的面前,她從不因為自己是一個地位低賤的家庭教師,而感到自卑,她認為他們是平等的.不應該因為她是仆人,而不能受到別人的尊重.也正因為她的正直,高尚,純潔,心靈沒有受到世俗社會的污染。使得羅切斯特感到自慚性穢,同時對她肅然起敬,并深深地愛上了她。他的真心,讓她感動,她接受了他.后來,簡.愛發現羅切斯特已有了妻子,她的自尊自重再次出現,毫不猶豫地離開了他,她對愛情的專一,讓我敬佩.



2、 雖然我很弱小,你很強大,足以把我掰成兩半,可是我內心的意志,你毫無辦法。

3、 生命太短暫了,我沒有時間恨一個人這么久。

4、 很佩服簡的意志和她的善良、憐憫、同情、勇敢和獨立。以及對錢財的合理對待,對愛情的勇敢與獨立,對親情的渴望與珍惜。



























Every time I read the story, I will be shocked deeply from my spirit. Or it’s just the relief. What I must admit is that I just want to make up for my lack of English literature, but I was attracted by it, touched by the main character of the story. Jane Eyre is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think. Jane was an ordinary girl without charming appearance, but she fell in love with her employer deeply. At first, she buried the love in her heart. When walking after the tea or dinner, she tried to appear that nothing had happened, but she always opened her memory to miss what they got along with each other. She also tried her best to fins out the marriage between Mr Rochester and Miss Englame. While, Rochester just appeared to be close to Englame, his favorite love was Jane. Actually, they loved each other very much; the words which Rochester said to Jane touched me. “Sometimes you just give me a particular feeling, and to those who use their beauty to stay with me, I find out that they don’t have the spirit as well as heart. I will be gentle and faithful forever.” As a common girl, I think Jane also moved by the words. It was thought that Jane and Mr Rochester would live a happy life, but it was stopped by a sudden accident. Jane left Rochester because his crazy wife showed up. Then the crazy woman died, Rochester blinded after saving his crazy wife. Rochester became poor in the fire, he lived in a wooden house among the forest alone. At this moment, Jane came back. Eventually, they lived together happily. Jane pursues the independent and the fair between woman and man. Though she has a hard experience, she loves her life, besides; she takes the love to the people who need it. In order to pursue a fair, true love, she even gave up her love which she is desired for. In my heart, Jane is a girl with love and reality; she tries her best to live better. Her life is beautiful as the stars.

Maybe in our general idea, it just is a love story. But on my individual level, it is perfect after I read it my times. And the moved story teaches me how to treat my life, the environment surrounding, and my feelings and how to treat people around us.

Love, friendship, relationship are the great value to human beings. Learning how to love others, thank others is important.

I admire and appreciate Jane. While we can’t ignore another character, Helen, a girl has the love the same as Jane. Helen is an angel in my heart. She is not extraordinary because she gives up the real life completely which makes her a high degree. She is cute, however, the angel in our heart are all cute. When Jane was abused by others, she found Helen’s eyes were strange, at last she understand that it was the true brave. Jane was just able to comfort herself with it, she couldn’t step into the spirit of Helen’s heart, and it was the difference between them. It also suggested that a little girl who could behave like this was really admirable.

While, her destination or her home, is the heaven.

Helen died at a very young age, but all her life was wonderful. When I woke up from my dream, I tried my best to seek the words and descriptions about Helen. Somehow I couldn’t receive the message that she died. To make me relief was that I ignored a detail. In the book on the gravestone of her described her “Resurgam”. The meaning of the Latin is “living again”. Then I was comfortable. I like the two characters in the story. We are satisfied with the final result because life needs light. We always like to search comfort from the book that it don’t exist in the reality. The world is full of various tragedies, if all the results are not wonderful, we can not find the hope. After read the book, we remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. I am like a companion with Jane went through a period of seemingly ordinary but again not mediocre life. Actually the life of Jane isn’t on a grand and spectacular scale, but she experiences an extraordinary way. Though a little bitter, she will be happy under the care of angel.


Every time I read the story, I will be shocked deeply from my spirit. Or it’s just the relief. What I must admit is that I just want to make up for my lack of English literature, but I was attracted by it, touched by the main character of the story. Jane Eyre is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think. Jane was an ordinary girl without charming appearance, but she fell in love with her employer deeply. At first, she buried the love in her heart. When walking after the tea or dinner, she tried to appear that nothing had happened, but she always opened her memory to miss what they got along with each other. She also tried her best to fins out the marriage between Mr Rochester and Miss Englame. While, Rochester just appeared to be close to Englame, his favorite love was Jane. Actually, they loved each other very much; the words which Rochester said to Jane touched me. “Sometimes you just give me a particular feeling, and to those who use their beauty to stay with me, I find out that they don’t have the spirit as well as heart. I will be gentle and faithful forever.” As a common girl, I think Jane also moved by the words. It was thought that Jane and Mr Rochester would live a happy life, but it was stopped by a sudden accident. Jane left Rochester because his crazy wife showed up. Then the crazy woman died, Rochester blinded after saving his crazy wife. Rochester became poor in the fire, he lived in a wooden house among the forest alone. At this moment, Jane came back. Eventually, they lived together happily. Jane pursues the independent and the fair between woman and man. Though she has a hard experience, she loves her life, besides; she takes the love to the people who need it. In order to pursue a fair, true love, she even gave up her love which she is desired for. In my heart, Jane is a girl with love and reality; she tries her best to live better. Her life is beautiful as the stars.

Maybe in our general idea, it just is a love story. But on my individual level, it is perfect after I read it my times. And the moved story teaches me how to treat my life, the environment surrounding, and my feelings and how to treat people around us.

Love, friendship, relationship are the great value to human beings. Learning how to love others, thank others is important.

I admire and appreciate Jane. While we can’t ignore another character, Helen, a girl has the love the same as Jane. Helen is an angel in my heart. She is not extraordinary because she gives up the real life completely which makes her a high degree. She is cute, however, the angel in our heart are all cute. When Jane was abused by others, she found Helen’s eyes were strange, at last she understand that it was the true brave. Jane was just able to comfort herself with it, she couldn’t step into the spirit of Helen’s heart, and it was the difference between them. It also suggested that a little girl who could behave like this was really admirable.

While, her destination or her home, is the heaven.

Helen died at a very young age, but all her life was wonderful. When I woke up from my dream, I tried my best to seek the words and descriptions about Helen. Somehow I couldn’t receive the message that she died. To make me relief was that I ignored a detail. In the book on the gravestone of her described her “Resurgam”. The meaning of the Latin is “living again”. Then I was comfortable. I like the two characters in the story. We are satisfied with the final result because life needs light. We always like to search comfort from the book that it don’t exist in the reality. The world is full of various tragedies, if all the results are not wonderful, we can not find the hope. After read the book, we remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. I am like a companion with Jane went through a period of seemingly ordinary but again not mediocre life. Actually the life of Jane isn’t on a grand and spectacular scale, but she experiences an extraordinary way. Though a little bitter, she will be happy under the care of angel.

