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例1.______your American friend eat with chopsticks? (2010山西)

———Yes, but he can’t use them well.

A.Can B.Should C.Must

Mean95%Confidence Interv () (I) grades (J) grades Mean Difference Std.Error Sig. (a) 95%Confidence Interv for Difference (a) 【解析】:此題意思是“———你的美國朋友會用筷子吃飯嗎?———會, 但他用得不是很好”。在此語境中, can表示能力, 故選A。can表示能力時, 只用于現在時和過去時。其否定式是can not/can’t;過去式是could (否定式為could not/couldn’t) 。又如:

2.Trees______fight air pollution.They are natural air conditioners. (2010沈陽)

A.should B.must C.need D.can

【辨析】:can/could與be able to的區別?!敬鸢浮緿。

例3.If it were not for the fact that she___sing, I would invite her to the party.

A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not

例4.I talked for a long time, and in the end I_______make he believe me.

A.could B.can C.must D.was able to

【解析】:例3中“她不會唱”是指能力,所以選C;而例4意為:我說了好長時間,最終使他相信了我的話。雖然句中有“能”的意思,但它表示“經過努力設法做成了某事”,而非能力,故選D。was/were able to(=managed to do sth.)。由此說來,can表示一般能力,而be able to常用來表達在某件事情中所表現出來的能力,尤指克服困難完成了某事。


例5.———Look at that girl!Is it Susan?(2010武漢)

———No, it____be her.She has gone back to her hometown.

A.mustn’t B.can’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t



例6.———The lake is said to be dry.Is that true?(2010成都)

———It%%%.Look, some kids are swimming in it.

A.must be true B.can’t be true C.may not be true

例7.You______ be tired after playing sports for a long timewithout a rest.(2010四川巴中)

A.must B.need C.can’t

【解析】:例6中“some kids are swimming in it”說明“湖干涸了”這句話肯定不是真的,表示確有把握的否定推測,選B。例7中“a long time”和“without a rest”表明“體育運動之后你肯定累”此語境表示確有把握的肯定推測,選A。由此可見,表示確有把握的推測時,must應用于肯定句,而can應用于否定句。即must的否定式為can’t。



例8.———Mr Smith must have been to your home this morning. (2010無錫)

———No, he______, because he didn’t know my address.

例9.Jack______yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.

A.mustn’t have arrived B.shouldn’t have arrived

C.can’t have arrived D.need not have arrived

例10.I don’t know when the guests will be here.They_______ar rive at any time.

A.shall B.need C.must D.could

A.couldn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.may not

【解析】:例8中“he didn’t know my address”表明史密斯先生肯定沒去我家,語氣委婉,故用couldn’t have been表示,由于答語又是省略句,省略了have been,故選A。例9意為“杰克肯定還沒來,否則他會給我打電話”,選C。例10的意思是“他們隨時都可能來”此語境表示“可能做了某事(可能性較小)”,選D。



例11.———____you turn down your radio, please? (2010北京)

———Yes, I can.

A.May B.Need C.Must D.Can

【解析】:這是一個表示請求幫助的例子,故選D.can。can could表示請求幫助(或允許)時,肯定回答用can,否定用can’t。


例12.———______I use your ruler, Lingling?(2010桂林)

———Sure.Here you are.

A.May B.Would C.Need D.Must

例13.———Could I use your dictionary?(2010蕪湖)

———Yes, you______

A.can B.could C.need D.should

【解析】:can, could和may都可表示請求允許。can語氣一般,could/may比較禮貌。對于can/could的回答,一般是can/can’t,不可用could,而對may的回答,則很靈活:可以用may/may no或can/can’t,也可以用其他方式以示客氣,如“Yes, please./Sure/Certainly.”等;但表示“禁止”時,則常用must not/mustn’t。故例12選A.May,例13選A.can。


例14.It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it_____be rather cold sometimes. (2009蘇州)

A.must B.can C.should D.would



例15.Mr Bush is on time for everything.How________it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

A.can C.should C.may D.must



語法知識的呈現是語法教學的第一步,為了能夠幫助學生盡快地熟悉相關的語法點,并且愿意參與到教師所設計的課堂環節,教師可以在呈現環節利用相關的語境進行輔助。具體來看,教師可以通過為學生展示圖片的方式來創設語境,也可以通過播放英文歌曲來激發學生的情感體驗,或者是播放相關的視頻等幫助學生盡快融入到相關的話題和語境中去。比如說,在呈現情態動詞can的用法的教學階段中,如果教師只是死板地將相關的用法板書到黑板上,并要求學生筆記并記憶,英語課堂將是沉默的,語法教學也是低效的。反之,如果教師能夠在呈現情態動詞can的階段為學生播放一則動畫,動畫內容是關于各種動物的體育才能,如“貓會爬樹”,“鴨子會游泳”等等,將會極大地調動學生的積極性,吸引他們的注意力。這時,教師可以這樣指導學生:“Boys and girls, now please watch the English video carefully to get what these animals can do. After that,you should tell me what they can do using the sen-tence pattern‘it can + verb’.”這樣,學生便可以在觀看動畫片的基礎上,在教師的引導下,用英語說出“Theduck can swim. The cat can climb trees.”等運用了情態動詞can的句子。也就是說,在這一教學環節中,教師充分抓住了學生的年齡特點和興趣愛好,通過動畫片的方式為學生創設出了進行語法學習的生動語境,從而能夠幫助學生在輕松的氛圍中用心感悟和體驗。


為了能夠有效提高初中英語語法教學的效率,幫助學生在生動的環境中對相關的語法知識進行練習,在初中英語語法知識的練習階段,教師也可以為學生設法創設出相關的語境。通過這種方式,便可以有效地打破傳統的英語語法課堂上進行機械訓練的模式或者進行題海戰術的模式,讓每一位學生都能夠主動地參與到課堂活動中去。具體來看,在練習環節,教師可以通過講英語故事的方式為學生創設一定的語境,或者指導學生在進行相關會話的基礎上進行語法知識的訓練等等??傊?這樣的活動必須是學生愿意參與的,這樣的課堂必須是以學生為主體的。比如,在對情態動詞must的基本用法進行練習的這一環節中,教師可以首先指導學生利用頭腦風暴的方式,思考自己在家或者在學校有哪些規則是必須遵守的。待創設了這一語境后,教師便可以要求每一個學生用“I must do something.”這一句型進行造句,表達自己必須遵守的一些規則,如“I must domy homework firstly at home.”及“I must keep quiet in the classroom.”等等。


其實,在初中英語教學中,學習語法知識的最終目的還是為了運用,即為了能夠幫助學生將相關的語法知識運用到具體的實踐中。為了培養學生將語言知識轉化為一定的語言能力,教師也應該在一定的語境視角下指導學生對初中英語語法知識點進行有效地運用。比如,在對情態動詞can進行運用的階段,教師可以通過講述的方式或者圖片展示的方式為學生設置一個學校藝術俱樂部進行招聘的語境。在此基礎上,教師便要求學生以小組為單位,組長作為招聘者,而其他同學作為應試者,利用“I can do something.”的句型來向主考官展示自己的才能,從而能夠贏得主考官的青睞,順利加入藝術俱樂部。在這一語境中,學生便可以真正地將自己融入到招聘這一情景中去,并且能夠主動地利用目標句型進行互相交流。在這樣的語法課堂上,不僅語言知識可以真正地轉化為語言能力,而且學生的積極性被極大地調動了起來。在他們的心目中,這樣的環境也許并不是在語法課上,而是在真正的招聘現場中。







一、can 與could用法對比表

對比點 can could

1、表“能力” Can you lift this heavy box? I couldn’t understand what he said at all.

2、表“許可” You can use a different material instead. He said I could borrow his bike.

3、“懷疑” No, no, it can’t be true.

What on earth can this mean? We thought the story could not be true. How could you be so careless?

4、can與be able to 區別 1. could代替 can,表示語氣更為婉轉。

Eg. Could I use your bike? Yes, you can.

2. can (能夠)=be able to(僅表能力時),但be able to 表示一番努力后,才能做得到,且有更多的時態。

He was a good swimmer, so he __________ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.

A. could B. might C. shall D. was able to

二、may與 might用法對比表

對比點 may Might

1.表“詢問” May I „?(=Can I „?) Might I „?(=Could I„?)(但比用may 更客氣) 1

2.表“允許” You may take the boy there. He told me he might come .(might 與told相呼應)

3.表“可能”“或許” She may nor like this place. I’m afraid he might not like this play.

注: 1. May I„?的答語。


May you succeed !

3.may (might)用于目的狀語從句中 肯定:Yes, you may.

否定:No, you mustn’t 不行(語氣強硬)

No, you may not 或No, you’d better not.

The emperor gave them some gold in order that they might begin their work at once.

三、must與have to的用法對比表

對比點 must have to

1.表“必須” (主觀看法)必須;沒有過去式,可用于間接引語中。He told me I must do according to what he said. (客觀需要)不得不,有多種時態。It’s raining heavily, we can’t go now.

2.疑問句 Must I „?

Yes, you must.(一定)

No, you needn’t./ you don’t have to.(不必) Do you have to go today?

Yes, we do.

否定句:You don’t have to worry about that.


對比點 need dare



2)疑問式 He need not (needn’t)go.

----Need we do it again?

---No, you needn’t do it again. He dare not say so. 2

Dare she go out alone at night?

How dare you say I’m unfair?

If he dare do that, he’ll be punished.(條件句)

I dare say.(固定用法)




3)疑問式 He needs to go.

He doesn’t (does not)need to go.

Does he need to do it again?

No, he doesn’t need ot do it again. He dares to say.

He does not(doesn’t)dare to say.

If you dare to jump into the water from here, so dare I .

3. did not need to do

表示過去沒有必要做 She didn’t need to attend the meeting yesterday, and she stayed with her children.(她沒有參加)

五、should與ought to用法對比表

對比點 should ought to

1、表“應該” 表勸告、建議

You should listen to the doctor’s advice.

We should learn from Zhang Hua 表示“有責任有必要”做某事

You ought to finish your work before you go home.

We ought to help each other.


They should get home by now. 表示“非??赡?rdquo;的事,可譯為“總應該”

If we start to work right now, we ought to finish it before lunch.(午飯前應當能干完)

注: 1)、should還可在虛擬語氣中的使用

2). 注意:ought to的疑問式及否定式

----Ought he to go? ----Yes, I think he ought to.

No, he oughtn’t to.

否定式:ought not to a或oughtn’t to do(不說ought to not do)

反疑問句:oughtn’t ______?


shall Will

1. 征詢對方意見或請求指示,用于第


Shall I (we)„?

Shall he (she)„? Where shall I (we)wait for you? 1. 詢問對方的意思或向對方提出要求:

Will you(please)„? Won’t you„?

Would you like to„?(用would替代will更客氣)

----Won’t you go and see the film?你不去看電影嗎?---Yes, I think I will. 不, 我想去。

2. 表示說話人的“意愿”有“命令”“警告”“強制”“允諾”“決心”等,用于第


You shall do what I tell you ( to do).


Everything shall be done to save the ship.

一定要竭盡全力來拯救這艘船。 表示“意志”“意愿”,用于各種人稱:

I won’t do anything you don’t like.



Shylock would not take the money earlier.


七:used to與would用法對比表

used to would


I used to play cards a lot, but now I seldom play. 4

My hometown is not what it used to be. 1.只表示過去動作的重復,有明確的時間狀語

I would go to see my grandfather on Sunday when he was in the middle school.

2.would 后只接表動作的動詞,不接表認識或狀態動詞

He used to be nervous in the exam.


When we were very young, we used to / would go skating every winter.

2. 表示過去的次數時,不能使用:

( √)We went to the Great Wall five times when we were young.

( X ) We used to go / would go to the Great Wall five times when we were young.

注:used to do的否定式:usedn’t to do 或didn’t use to do (usedn’t也可寫作usen’t)

疑問式: Did you use to do ? Didn’t you use to do?

Used you to do? Usedn’t you to do?



1、大多數情態動詞(除表‘能力、許可、意志’外),都可以表示推測,其程度有差異。按其可能性程度的高低排列為: Must ﹥will ﹥would ﹥ought to ﹥ should ﹥ can ﹥ could﹥ may ﹥ might

肯定 完全可能 很可能 可能 有可能


may not或許不、可能不 might not可能不 can’t 不可能

mustn’t不許、禁止 shouldn’t不應該 needn’t 不必


S主+情態動詞+be+adj 對“性質”“特征”的推測

S主+情態動詞+be+n 對“職業”“事物”的推測

S主+情態動詞+V原 對經常性行為的推測

S主+情態動詞+be+V-ing 對進行著的行為的推測

S主+情態動詞+have+PP 對過去的行為的推測


1、 can只能用于否定句和疑問句

2、 must只能用于肯定句(它的否定句和疑問句其實就用can來代替了)

3、 如句中有情態動詞 + 完成時,定是對過去的推測 。

4、 句中如有表示不肯定的話語,如:I am not sure; I don’t know 之類,常選may /might的各種形式

4. 記住下面幾組表示反勸的特殊的表推測的形式

1). could + have + PP表示本來能做到,但事實上沒有做到。 He could have finished the task on time, but the heavy snow came.

2). couldn’t +have + PP表示本來不能做到,但已經做到了。 She could not have covered the whole distance, but in fact she arrived ahead of time.

3) needn’t + have + pp表示本不必做的,但已經做到了。 She needn’t have attended the meeting yesterday, but she did.

4.) should/ought to +have + PP表示 該做而沒有做 The plant is dead. I should/ought to have given ot more water.

5) shouldn’t/ oughtn’t to +have + PP表示 不該做而做了。 You oughtn’t to / shouldn’t have taken her bike without permission.

5. 記住下面對比:


1.must + have + PP 表示對過去肯定的推測,譯為“一定是,準是” The road is wet. It must have rained yesterday.

2.can + have + PP 表示對過去的推測(限于問句中) Can she have said so? 他可能這樣說嗎?

3.can’t + have + PP 表示對過去的否定推測 He cannot have said such a foolish thing.


情態動詞表推測的反意疑問句,簡單來說,就是以情態動詞后的時態為淮,如句子里有明確的時間狀語,則以其為準。以 must 為例:

eg. 1. You must be hungry now, aren’t you?

2. He must be watching TV , isn’t he ?

3 Tom must have lived her for a long time, hasn’t he ?

4. She must have arrived yesterday, didn’t she?


1. 概念: 情態動詞: 表示說話者的某些觀點或態度的詞語.如 “能” , “或許” , “必須” , “需要” , “應該” 等. 2. 情態動詞主要有: can, may, must, need, should, … 這些情態動詞后面 + 動詞原形. 3. 用法

① can ⑴ 表示能力,意為”能, 會”. 如:

eg: I can play basketball. 我會打籃球.

---Can you play basketball ? 你會打籃球嗎? --- Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 是的, 我會. / 不, 我不會.

⑵ 表示懷疑、猜測,常用 be 連用, 放在否定句和疑問句中。如:

eg: He can’t be in the room. 他一定不在房間里.

⑶ 表示請求或允許, 多用于口語中, 意為”可以”, 相當于 may. 如:

eg: You can go now. 你現在可以走了.

② could ⑴ 是can 的過去式, 表示過去的能力. 如:

eg: I could swim when I was a child. 當我還是一個小孩子的時候我就會游泳了.

⑵ couldn’t: “不能” 用could 提問肯定和否定回答分別用 could, 和 couldn’t.


eg: --- Could you skate last year? 你去年會滑冰嗎?

--- Yes, I could. / No, I couldn’t. 是的, 我會. / 不, 我不會.

③ may ⑴ 表示推測, 意為“可能; 或許” 用于肯定句中.

eg: He may be a teacher. 他或許是一個老師.

⑵ 表示請求、許可, 意為”可以” 如: eg: ---May I borrow your book? 我可以借你的書嗎?

--- Yes, you can. / No, you mustn’t. 是的, 可以. / 不, 你你禁止借書. 注意: 當由may 來提問的時候, 肯定回答我們用Yes, you can. 否定回答用 No, you mustn’t. ④ must ⑴ 表示“必須、應該“;

eg: You must do your homework. 你必須做作業.

⑵ 表示推測, “一定” 常與be 動詞連用. eg: He must be in the classroom. 他一定在教室.

⑶ must + not = mustn’t 禁止

eg: You mustn’t smoke. 禁止吸煙.

⑷ must 放于句首提問, 肯定回答Yes, you must. 否定回答 No, you needn’t.

⑸ must 與 have to 的區別:


have to 強調的是客觀因素. eg: I must do my homework. 我必須做作業.(個人看法)

I have to go home now, because my mother is ill. 我不得不回家,因為我媽媽病了.(客觀原因所導致)

⑤ need ⑴ 作情態動詞使用后跟動詞原形. You needn’t come here so early.

⑵ 作實義動詞使用后接to do, He needs to drink some water. 他需要喝些水. 變否定句: He doesn’t need to drink any water.

變疑問句: Does he need to drink any water? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

⑥ should “應該” 一般指應盡的某種義務.

eg: As a student, we should finish our homework. 作為一個學生,我們應該完成作業.



) 1. Mr Wang ______ be in Nanjing now, he went to Beijing only this morning.

A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. can’t

D. needn’t (

) 2. –Must I saty at home, Mum?

--No, you ______.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. don’t

D. may not (

) 3. –Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?

--Sorry, I can’t. I _____ take care of my little sister at home because my mother is ill.

A. can

B. may

C. would

D. have to (

) 4. –May I go to the cinema, Mum? --Certainly. But you ______ be back by 11 o’clock.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. need (

) 5. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river.

A. needn’t be thrown

B. mustn’t be thrown

C. can’t throw

D. may not throw (

) 6. –May I go out to play basketball, Dad? --No, you ______. You must finish your homework first. A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. couldn’t

D. needn’t (

) 7. –Where is Jack, please ?

--He _____ be in the reading room. A. can

B. need

C. would

D. must (

) 8. –Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li?

--No, it ______ be him. Mr Li is much taller. A. musn’t

B. may not

C. can’t

D. needn’t


) 9. These books ______ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.

A. can’t take

B. must be taken

C. can take

D. mustn’t be taken (

) 10. –Mum, may I watch TV now?

--Sure, but you ______ help me with my housework first.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. could (

) 11. The boy said he had to speak English in class, but he ______ speak it after calss.

A. could

B. didn’t have to

C. might

D. shouldn’t (

) 12. –Must we hand in the papers now?

--No, you ______.

A. can’t

B. may not

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t (

) 13. John ______ go there with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure about it.

A. must

B. can

C. will

D. may (

) 14. Even the top students in our class can’t work out this problem. So it ______ be very difficult.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. need (

) 15. Put on more clothes. You ______ be feeling cold with only a shirt on.

A. can

B. could

C. would

D. must (

) 16. It’s still early. You ______.

A. mustn’t hurry

B. wouldn’t hurry

C. may not hurry

D. don’t have to hurry (

) 17. –May I stop here?

--No, you ______.

A. mustn’t

B. might not

C. needn’t

D. won’t (

) 18. A computer ______ think for itself, it must be told what to do.

A. can’t

B. couldn’t

C. may not

D. might not (

) 19. –Could I borrow your dictionary?

-- Yes, of course you _______.

A. might

B. will

C. can

D. should (

) 20. Peter ______ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. must

B. may

C. can

D. will (

) 21. Michael ______ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.

A. needn’t

B. can’t

C. should

D. may (

) 22. ______ I know your name?

A. May

B. Will

C. Shall

D. Must (

) 23. You ______ be more careful next time.

A. have to

B. may

C. must

D. might (

) 24. You ______ miss the lesson, though we ______ have it on Thursday.

A. mustn’t; needn’t

B. needn’t; mustn’t

C. mustn’t; mustn’t

D. needn’t; needn’t (

) 25. This pen looks like mine, yet it isn’t. whose ______ it be?

A. must

B. may

C. would

D. can (

) 26. What kinds of homes will we live in the future? Nobody ______ be sure, but scientists are working out new ideas now.

A. will

B. may

C. can

D. must (

) 27. I ______ like to know where you were born.

A. shall

B. should

C. do

D. may (

) 28. ______ you be happy!

A. Might

B. Must

C. Wish

D. May (

) 29. A teacher ______ do every exercise, but a student must.

A. may not

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. mustn’t (

) 30. The matter ______ be changed into a gas, but it _______ be heated to its boiling point.

A. may; needn’t

B. may; can

C. mustn’t; needn’t

D. can; must (

) 31. Teachers and students ______ look coldly at you for a day or two, but there are friendly feelings in their hearts.

A. must

B. can

C. may

D. should (

) 32. Cars and buses ______ stop when the traffic lights turn red.

A. can

B. need

C. may

D. must (

) 33. –Do you think his story ______ true? --I don’ think so. But it sounds good.

A. must be

B. may be

C. can be

D. has to be (

) 34. Look out! The knife is very sharp. You ______ cut your finger.

A. need

B. must

C. should

D. may (

) 35. –How long ______ the book be kept?

--For two weeks, but you ______ return it on time.

A. can; may

B. may; need

C. can; must

D. must; need (

) 36. – May I have an apple, Mum?

--Certainly. But you ______ wash your hands first?

A. may

B. must

C. can

D. need (

) 37. –There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching building there.

--Really? It ______ be a fire, most probably.

A. can

B. ought to

C. may

D. must (

) 38. –Shall I tell John about the bad news?

--No, you ______. I think that will make him sad.

A. needn’t

B. wouldn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t (

) 39. –Could I call you by your first name?

--Yes, you ______.

A. will

B. could

C. may

D. might (

) 40. –Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?

-- _______.

A. No, I can’t

B. Yes, I will

C. Yes, thank you

D. No, we’d better not (

) 41. --______ the man over there be our new teacher?

--He ______ be, but I’m not sure.

A. May; mustn’t

B. Can; may

C. Must; can’t

D. Can; can’t (

) 42. –Someone is knocking at the door. Who ______ it be?

--It ______ be Tom. He is still in the school.

A. can; can’t

B. can; mustn’t

C. might; could

D. might; may (

)43. Lily finished _______ the book yesterday.

A. read

B. reading

C. to read

D. reads (

) 44. Susan’s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It _______ be very expensive.

A. must

B. can

C. mustn’t

D. can’t (

) 45. –The room is so dirty. _______ we clean it?

-- Of course.

A. Will

B. Would

C. Do







一、can 與could用法對比表

對比點 can could

1、表“能力” Can you lift this heavy box? I couldn’t understand what he said at all.

2、表“許可” You can use a different material instead. He said I could borrow his bike.

3、“懷疑” No, no, it can’t be true.

What on earth can this mean? We thought the story could not be true. How could you be so careless?

4、can與be able to 區別 1. could代替 can,表示語氣更為婉轉。

Eg. Could I use your bike? Yes, you can.

2. can (能夠)=be able to(僅表能力時),但be able to 表示一番努力后,才能做得到,且有更多的時態。

He was a good swimmer, so he __________ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.

A. could B. might C. shall D. was able to

二、may與 might用法對比表

對比點 may Might

1.表“詢問” May I „?(=Can I „?) Might I „?(=Could I„?)(但比用may 更客氣) 1

2.表“允許” You may take the boy there. He told me he might come .(might 與told相呼應)

3.表“可能”“或許” She may nor like this place. I’m afraid he might not like this play.

注: 1. May I„?的答語。


May you succeed !

3.may (might)用于目的狀語從句中 肯定:Yes, you may.

否定:No, you mustn’t 不行(語氣強硬)

No, you may not 或No, you’d better not.

The emperor gave them some gold in order that they might begin their work at once.

三、must與have to的用法對比表

對比點 must have to

1.表“必須” (主觀看法)必須;沒有過去式,可用于間接引語中。He told me I must do according to what he said. (客觀需要)不得不,有多種時態。It’s raining heavily, we can’t go now.

2.疑問句 Must I „?

Yes, you must.(一定)

No, you needn’t./ you don’t have to.(不必) Do you have to go today?

Yes, we do.

否定句:You don’t have to worry about that.


對比點 need dare



2)疑問式 He need not (needn’t)go.

----Need we do it again?

---No, you needn’t do it again. He dare not say so. 2

Dare she go out alone at night?

How dare you say I’m unfair?

If he dare do that, he’ll be punished.(條件句)

I dare say.(固定用法)




3)疑問式 He needs to go.

He doesn’t (does not)need to go.

Does he need to do it again?

No, he doesn’t need ot do it again. He dares to say.

He does not(doesn’t)dare to say.

If you dare to jump into the water from here, so dare I .

3. did not need to do

表示過去沒有必要做 She didn’t need to attend the meeting yesterday, and she stayed with her children.(她沒有參加)

五、should與ought to用法對比表

對比點 should ought to

1、表“應該” 表勸告、建議

You should listen to the doctor’s advice.

We should learn from Zhang Hua 表示“有責任有必要”做某事

You ought to finish your work before you go home.

We ought to help each other.


They should get home by now. 表示“非??赡?rdquo;的事,可譯為“總應該”

If we start to work right now, we ought to finish it before lunch.(午飯前應當能干完)

注: 1)、should還可在虛擬語氣中的使用

2). 注意:ought to的疑問式及否定式

----Ought he to go? ----Yes, I think he ought to.

No, he oughtn’t to.

否定式:ought not to a或oughtn’t to do(不說ought to not do)

反疑問句:oughtn’t ______?


shall Will

1. 征詢對方意見或請求指示,用于第


Shall I (we)„?

Shall he (she)„? Where shall I (we)wait for you? 1. 詢問對方的意思或向對方提出要求:

Will you(please)„? Won’t you„?

Would you like to„?(用would替代will更客氣)

----Won’t you go and see the film?你不去看電影嗎?---Yes, I think I will. 不, 我想去。

2. 表示說話人的“意愿”有“命令”“警告”“強制”“允諾”“決心”等,用于第


You shall do what I tell you ( to do).


Everything shall be done to save the ship.

一定要竭盡全力來拯救這艘船。 表示“意志”“意愿”,用于各種人稱:

I won’t do anything you don’t like.



Shylock would not take the money earlier.


七:used to與would用法對比表

used to would


I used to play cards a lot, but now I seldom play. 4

My hometown is not what it used to be. 1.只表示過去動作的重復,有明確的時間狀語

I would go to see my grandfather on Sunday when he was in the middle school.

2.would 后只接表動作的動詞,不接表認識或狀態動詞

He used to be nervous in the exam.


When we were very young, we used to / would go skating every winter.

2. 表示過去的次數時,不能使用:

( √)We went to the Great Wall five times when we were young.

( X ) We used to go / would go to the Great Wall five times when we were young.

注:used to do的否定式:usedn’t to do 或didn’t use to do (usedn’t也可寫作usen’t)

疑問式: Did you use to do ? Didn’t you use to do?

Used you to do? Usedn’t you to do?



1、大多數情態動詞(除表‘能力、許可、意志’外),都可以表示推測,其程度有差異。按其可能性程度的高低排列為: Must ﹥will ﹥would ﹥ought to ﹥ should ﹥ can ﹥ could﹥ may ﹥ might

肯定 完全可能 很可能 可能 有可能


may not或許不、可能不 might not可能不 can’t 不可能

mustn’t不許、禁止 shouldn’t不應該 needn’t 不必


S主+情態動詞+be+adj 對“性質”“特征”的推測

S主+情態動詞+be+n 對“職業”“事物”的推測

S主+情態動詞+V原 對經常性行為的推測

S主+情態動詞+be+V-ing 對進行著的行為的推測

S主+情態動詞+have+PP 對過去的行為的推測


1、 can只能用于否定句和疑問句

2、 must只能用于肯定句(它的否定句和疑問句其實就用can來代替了)

3、 如句中有情態動詞 + 完成時,定是對過去的推測 。

4、 句中如有表示不肯定的話語,如:I am not sure; I don’t know 之類,常選may /might的各種形式

4. 記住下面幾組表示反勸的特殊的表推測的形式

1). could + have + PP表示本來能做到,但事實上沒有做到。 He could have finished the task on time, but the heavy snow came.

2). couldn’t +have + PP表示本來不能做到,但已經做到了。 She could not have covered the whole distance, but in fact she arrived ahead of time.

3) needn’t + have + pp表示本不必做的,但已經做到了。 She needn’t have attended the meeting yesterday, but she did.

4.) should/ought to +have + PP表示 該做而沒有做 The plant is dead. I should/ought to have given ot more water.

5) shouldn’t/ oughtn’t to +have + PP表示 不該做而做了。 You oughtn’t to / shouldn’t have taken her bike without permission.

5. 記住下面對比:


1.must + have + PP 表示對過去肯定的推測,譯為“一定是,準是” The road is wet. It must have rained yesterday.

2.can + have + PP 表示對過去的推測(限于問句中) Can she have said so? 他可能這樣說嗎?

3.can’t + have + PP 表示對過去的否定推測 He cannot have said such a foolish thing.


情態動詞表推測的反意疑問句,簡單來說,就是以情態動詞后的時態為淮,如句子里有明確的時間狀語,則以其為準。以 must 為例:

eg. 1. You must be hungry now, aren’t you?

2. He must be watching TV , isn’t he ?

3 Tom must have lived her for a long time, hasn’t he ?

4. She must have arrived yesterday, didn’t she?


二、Teaching Aims: 1.Use can talk about the ability at present. 2.Use could talk about ability in the past.

三、Teaching Key and Difficult Points: How to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past.

四、Teaching Methods: Task-Based Language Teaching Method

五、Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Warming up

Task 1: Revision T: What can you do now? S1: I can sing. S2: I can draw S3: I can dance. T: Can you ride a bike / swim / fly a kite / play football / play chess? Ss:Yes , I can. / No, I can’t.

Task 2: Playing a game T: Now let us play a game. Five students come to the front and perform for to my instructions.and gestures.The others answer my questions. T : What can she do? Ss : She can ride a bike /swim/ fly a kite/ play football / play chess . T: Can she swim/ fly a kite/play football /play chess. Ss: Yes ,She can? No, she can’t. T: Say the whole sentences: eg: A can ride a bike. He can’t / cannot swim. Step 2: Presentation T: Can you ride a bike now? S1:Yes. I can T:Could you ride a bike five years ago ?

Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t ( Help him answer) S1:Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t. T: we can use “could” t talk about the past

.e.g I can play computer now .But, last year I couldn’t play. T: Could you row a boat last year? S1:Yes I could . No, I couldn’t.

T: Could she he row a boat last year?( Ask other students) Ss: Yes she he could . No she he couldn’t T:Yes , A could ride a bike five years ago. He couldn’t swim five years ago.

the class according (Teach the students to say the whole sentences): A could ride a bike five years ago. He couldn’t swim five years ago.) (Ask other students in the same ways) Step 3: Practice :work in pairs T: Ask your partner more questions eg: Could he / she …?

(Yes, he / she could. / No, he / she couldn’t.) ... Step 4: Production Task 3: Explanation T: Let’s work out the rule.

① 肯定句式: can could

② 否定句式: can’t couldn’t

③ 疑問句式: Can „?Could „?

T: We can use “am (is , are) able to “ instead of “can”,and “was (were) able to “ instead of “could“.

eg.①Mike can sing more than 20 English songs.

Mike is able to …

②She could speak English when she was four. She was able to…

