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根據語義結構理論, 我們得知詞匯的語義含有與句法形式相應的成分, 詞匯在句中的搭配與其語義成分相關。英語情態動詞是表達能力、允許、建議、推測、需要和義務等意義的重要手段, 更是表達情態意義的主要形式。


目前國內外語言學家對于情態動詞的定義和范疇并無統一的定論。但從語法研究角度來看, 情態動詞是指動詞的一個類別, 常與其他動詞原形連用, 沒有人稱與數的變化。其作用主要是指明主語與主動詞之間的語義關系和表達說話人的主觀意圖。

情態動詞一般分為兩類:一類指主要情態動詞, 也被稱為完全情態動詞, 包括can, could, shall, should, may, might, will, would, must。其特征在于其后直接加not表示否定;沒有時態變化;在一般疑問句中, 它們放在句首。主要情態動詞在日常表達中非常普遍, 使用頻率高。

次要情態動詞, 也被稱為半情態動詞, 包括dare, need to, ought to, have (got) to, used to, had better, be able to。次要情態動詞在意義上與情態含義緊密相關, 但并不具備主要情態動詞的全部特征。比如need to既可作情態動詞又可作實義動詞;be able to既有時態變化, 又具備人稱和數的變化等等。次要情態動詞在日常交流方面少一些, 多用于書面用語。


Leech提出了禮貌原則和禮貌層級, 同時加以了詳細的闡述。他指出一般說來, 一方受惠另一方則受損;一方受惠越大另一方則受損越大;這種損與惠之間的關系就是損惠等級。說話人允許聽話人可以做出的選擇度是選擇等級;聽話人可以從字面意義推斷出話語的路徑長度就是間接等級。在日常會話中, 說話人給予聽話人的選擇度越大, 間接度就越大, 而話語也就顯得越禮貌。例如:

A.I want to have a cup of tea./B.I’d like a cup of tea.

C.Give me a cup of tea, please./D.Can I have a cup of tea, please?

上述AB兩句話表達的都是“我想喝杯茶”的意思, CD兩句話表達的均為“請給我一杯茶”。A句動詞want表明說話人喝茶的欲望很強烈, 聽話人從字面意義理解就必須立即給對方提供茶水, 選擇度較小, 這樣聽話人的間接度就越小;B句說話人用情態動詞would表達了喝茶的意愿, 語氣顯得平和, 聽話人從字面意義理解可以為對方提供茶水, 選擇度較大, 這樣聽話人的間接度就越大。根據Leech的禮貌層級理論, B句顯然比A句更易讓聽話人接受, 顯得更有禮貌。同樣地, C句使用動詞give, 明顯給出動作指令, 讓聽話人必須完成指令從而選擇度小, 間接度就大;D句使用情態動詞can, 并采用疑問語氣, 不僅沒有發號施令的意味, 更是給對方極大的選擇度, 這樣聽話人就感受到說話人的客氣, 較之C句就顯得非常有禮貌。在真實地道的語言情境中, BD兩句話的禮貌程度較高, 因而它們使用頻率非常高, 而AC兩句由于禮貌程度較低, 使用頻率也較低但在中國語言學習者中反而使用較多, 這一情況將在文章第三部分加以分析。

Halliday按照情態值將情態動詞分為 (一) 高度情態詞, 包括must, ought to, need to, have to, dare; (二) 中度情態詞, 包括will, would, shall, should, be able to; (三) 低度情態詞, 包括may, might, can, could。情態值的高低決定話語的禮貌程度。一般來說, 使用高度情態詞則表達的情感或態度比較強烈, 從而使得話語的間接度就較低;而使用低度情態詞表達的情感或態度較溫和, 話語的間接度就較高。在相同的語境下, 選擇使用的情態值越高體現的禮貌程度就越低;反之則禮貌程度越高。例如:You ought to a-gree./You shall agree./You may agree.

以上三個例句的禮貌程度依次遞增。情態動詞情態值的選擇, 影響話語的間接程度和禮貌程度。這三句話體現了情態動詞的義務相可能性, 表達說話人要求“同意”這一動作實現的可能性。但每句的禮貌程度完全不同。首句中的ought to表明“同意”這一動作必定會實現, 而且這個動作的實現完全由說話人決定, 聽話人對于是否實現該動作沒有選擇的余地, 因而其禮貌程度最低。中間句的shall用于第二人稱陳述句, 表達說話人的意志, 并暗示本句是說話人的命令, 表明說話人傾向于讓聽話人實現“同意”這一動作。較之首句聽話人具有一定的選擇權, 雖然選擇空間較小, 但還是有一定的保留余地, 因而具有一定的禮貌程度。最后一句中may的義務相可能性的語用功能為允許, 它暗示了發話人的權威但may雖然暗示了說話人的權威, 但說話人只是不阻止“同意”這一動作的實現, 并未促使該動作的必然發生。因而聽話人就獲得了較大的選擇空間, 這句話則體現了最高的禮貌程度。


張琳在文章《中國大學生英語情態動詞口語使用研究》中以某大學五個不同專業的30名在校本科生為研究對象, 同時收集了美國情景劇friends相關語料, 通過調查對比后發現used to, had better, should和must這四個情態動詞使用的一致性達到60%;大學生口語中的情態動詞使用頻率最高的是should, can和must, 其他情態語義則少用。研究指出中國大學生口語情態動詞的使用嚴重受到情態動詞漢語語義的干擾, 與英語母語者存在著明顯的差異;中國大學生英語口語中存在著過度使用和使用不足少數情態動詞的傾向, 而且使用情態動詞的面過窄, 缺乏多樣性。

周俊英等在《中國學習者與本族語者使用情態動詞“should”的對比研究》中, 以中國學生口語語料庫SECCL、英國國家語料庫及BNC中與教學相關口語語料為研究對象, 發現中國語言學習者與英語母語者在使用情態動詞“should”時普遍存在著一定的差異。受漢語及思維差異的影響, 中國學習者使用“should”頻率過高。且一般使用“subject+should+Verb”的句型結構來提出建議或義務, 直接主觀地表達自己的觀點;而英語母語者使用“subject+should+be/do+n/adj/v-ed”的句型來間接地表達自己的看法, 顯得更加客觀禮貌婉轉。在語義特征上, 中國學習者使用“should”表達“應該”的意思, 比較單一;而英語母語者則能夠用其表達出更加豐富的含義, 大多使用其認識意義表示“推測”、“可能性”或用來表達某種假設。

謝家成在《中國英語學習者情態動詞使用情況調查》中針對其所在學校英語專業一年級學生的英語作文及對應漢語文本, 以情態動詞must為例加以調查。發現學生過多使用must“導致英語作文表現出過多的責任心和‘主人翁’姿態, 語氣近乎命令、說教和口號”, 與英語母語者明顯不同。作者指出充分認識到這種受文化差異及思維模式而導致的語言現象有助于英語學習者選擇更貼近英語母語者的習慣表達, 有意識地選擇更委婉的情態動詞或副詞。并建議運用“must+passive voice”這一句式結構是體現禮貌的一種有效策略。

通過以上研究成果可以得知, 情態動詞的學習是中國學習者不可或缺的組成部分, 由于受漢語及思維方式的影響, 導致中國學習者在實際的語言使用中存在一定的誤差。尤其是情態動詞所蘊含的禮貌程度往往被學習者所忽視, 導致形成所謂的中式英語, 并被英語母語者誤解為失禮。如文中第二部分AC兩句話在中國學習者中較高的使用頻率。為了更禮貌更有效地交流, 中國學習者應當學習和體會情態動詞的禮貌程度和內涵, 熟悉和了解不同場合中利用情態動詞表達禮貌的各種方法, 并結合相關語言場景加以練習, 強化情態動詞禮貌用語的意識, 久而久之自然就熟練掌握了。


情態動詞與禮貌程度密不可分, 不同的情態動詞就會體現不同的禮貌程度。由于受母語和思維習慣的影響, 中國語言學習者較少地意識到其中的關聯性, 容易忽視情態動詞在禮貌表達方面的使用。


[1]Leech, G.N.Principles of Pragmatics[M].New York:Longman Inc., 1983.

[2]Halliday, M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Arnold, 1985.

[3]Palmer, F.R, Modality and the English Modals[M].London:Longman, 1979.

[4]BIBER D, JOHANSSON S, LEECH G, et al.Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English[M].Harlow:Longman, 1999.

[5]劉龍喜, 英語情態動詞研究[J].河西學院學報, 2003, 19 (3) :53-56.

[6]羅瑞球, 英語情態助動詞的句法、語義特征[J].海南師范學院學報 (社會科學版) , 2003, 16 (3) :127-129.

[7]張琳, 中國大學生英語情態動詞口語使用研究[J].寧波大學學報 (人文科學版) , 2011, 24 (5) :45-50.

[8]銀珊, 情態動詞與禮貌[J].邵陽學院學報 (社會科學版) , 2008, 7 (6) :108-110.

[9]周俊英, 池麗芳, 中國學習者與本族語者使用情態動詞“should”的對比研究[J].北京聯合大學學報 (人文社會科學版) , 2010, 8 (3) :123-125.


我邊畫簡筆畫邊說: I can do a lot of things. What can I do? Do you want to know. Let me tell you. I can play table tennis.(畫出第一幅圖示并鼓勵學生說出動詞短語:play table tennis) . I can play the piano.(畫出第二幅圖示并鼓勵學生說出動詞短語play the piano). I can stand on my head.(畫出第三幅圖示并鼓勵學生說出動詞短語stand on my head). 然后我叫了五位學生,讓他們做動作來告訴大家。我又問:What can he /she do? 讓他們說出:I can…….引出另外五個短語:play football, swim, roller blade, ski,ride a horse.接著讓學生根椐學過的動詞短語用句型Ican ….I cannot….個自寫出自己會做的事情和不會做的事情. 然后讓學生利用句型:What can I do? Can you…? Yes, I can.或No I can’t. 互猜彼此會做的事情和不會做的事情。這樣可以讓學生所學語言產生興趣,從而激發學生的學習欲望調動學生的學習積極性。



我邊畫簡筆畫邊說: I can do a lot of things. What can I do? Do you want to know. Let me tell you. I can play table tennis.(畫出第一幅圖示并鼓勵學生說出動詞短語:play table tennis) . I can play the piano.(畫出第二幅圖示并鼓勵學生說出動詞短語play the piano). I can stand on my head.(畫出第三幅圖示并鼓勵學生說出動詞短語stand on my head). 然后我叫了五位學生,讓他們做動作來告訴大家。我又問:What can he /she do? 讓他們說出:I can…….引出另外五個短語:play football, swim, roller blade, ski,ride a horse.接著讓學生根椐學過的動詞短語用句型Ican ….I cannot….個自寫出自己會做的事情和不會做的事情. 然后讓學生利用句型:What can I do? Can you…? Yes, I can.或No I can’t. 互猜彼此會做的事情和不會做的事情。這樣可以讓學生所學語言產生興趣,從而激發學生的學習欲望調動學生的學習積極性。




在英語中,有許多能跟復合句的動詞.為了學生更好的理解并掌握這些動詞,現特意把這些動詞做以歸納和終結. 1. get get somebody to do something (使某人做某事 )

get something done(使某事被做)

get somebody / something doing (使某人或某物動起來) eg: who got you to stand there?

I have got my homework finished.

We must get the car running. 2. make make somebody do something (讓某人做某事) make oneself done (使某人自己被--) make somebody /something +adj / n

eg: A good friend is someone who makes you happy. We make him monitor of our school. The teacher spoke loudly to make himself heard. I made him stand in the corner. =he was made to stand in the corner. 3. have have somebody do something (使某人做某事)

have somebody /something doing something (使某人或某物一直做某事 ) have somebody /something done (使某人遭遇某事或使某事被作 ) The teacher had him repeat what he said. The man had the candle burning all the night. He had his leg broken. 4. let somebody do something (讓某人做某事 ) 5. keep somebody doing something (讓某人不斷的做某事)

keep somebody / something done (使某人或某物被作) keep somebody +adj /adv/ /prep phrase (使某人或某物處于某種狀態 ) when he washes his hands , he keeps water running. The teacher kept us informed of the decision Please keep the door open /light on . 6. leave somebody doing something (使某人不斷的做某事 ) leave something done (使某事被做) leave somebody / something +n /adj / prep phrase eg: leave the door open. He was left an orphan. 7. catch somebody doing something(抓住某人正在做某事 ) he was caught cheating in the exam. 8. see / watch /listen to/ hear / notice /feel /observe+n /pron/do something(看見某人正在做某事,指的是全過程) see / watch / listen to / hear / notice /feel /observe +n /pron doing something(看見某人正在做某事,指的是動作正在進行)

see /watch / notice /listen /listen to/ hear …+somebody /something done (看見某人或某事被作) I saw him play on the playground. He saw the begger beaten to death. 9. find /think/ consider / make / believe+it +adj+to do/doing /that clause eg. He finds it difficult to learn a foreign language. 10. consider consider somebody to be consider somebody to do something/ to be doing something /to have done something consider somebody to do something (認為某人要做某事) consider somebody to be doing something (認為某人正在做某事) consider somebody to have done something (認為某人以作過某事) 練一練

1. Cabbage is considered to____the first computer in the world. A. invent

B. be inventing

C. have invented

D. have been invented 2.

Don’t leave the water ____)while you brush your teeth. A. run

B. running


to run

D. being run 3. He looked around and caught a man ___ his hand into his pocket of a passenger.

A. put

B. to be putting

C. to put

D. putting 4.

Seeing the road ___ with snow, we had to speed the holiday at home, watching TV.

A. blocking

B. blocked


to block

D. to be blocked 5. A cook will be immediately fired if he’s found ___ in the kitchen.

A. smoke

B smoking

C. to smoke





2)能用can或can„t表述會不會那些體育運動項目。 3.文化意識:了解國內外常見的體育運動項目,以及運動項目的種類。 4.學習策略:培養學生在大信息量(許許多多的運動項目中)的語言活動中搜索處理語言信息,發現,歸納學習重點,從而掌握本單元重點學習內


教學內容: 1.大綱詞匯sport, throw, race, field, 新課標詞匯high jump, long jump, event, track

2.句型 he can / can?t …

教學重點: 用情態動詞can表示會不會那些體育運動項目的句子

教學手段: 多媒體。


教學第一個環節: 創設情景,導入新課

1. 將有關表示體育運動項目的圖片由運動員進行曲連接起來,向

學生們展播,從而引出sports meeting和sports event詞匯。 2. 要求學生以brainstorm的方式說出what sport they know 3.把學生已知和未知的有關體育運動項目的 圖片和單詞卡片給學生(4人一組)把詞

與圖聯系起來。 (這是學生們做練習的情景) (以下是課堂練習內容)

baseball skate swim basketball badminton ski football 100-meter hurdles high jump tennis surf table tennis long jump 100-meter race shot put long jump

4. 學習新單詞

throw the shot put do the high jump do the long jump do the 200 – meter run run the 110-meter hurdles

5. 檢查單詞


2)做游戲(根據老師所給的圖片一人比劃另一人猜出這個單詞或一人用英語說出圖片的意思另一人 猜出這個單詞。(3組練習)





1. 看海報,回答問題 t: what?s the poster about?

ss: sports events

t: how many events for boys?

ss: ten

t: how many events for girls?

ss: seven 2.聽錄音完成1.1練習(鞏固所學單詞)


gary can run the 110-meter hurdles. true false he can do the high jump. true false he?s fast. true false he can?t throw the shot put. true false he can do the long jump. true false 4.讓學生朗讀1.2和1.3的句子 。學生通過觀察,討論,總結,歸納can

的用法。 設計意圖:


的印象深刻得多,理解的透徹。 第三個環節:合作交流,鞏固提高

1.看圖說話 (i can / can?t… he can / can?t… they… we…


在這個環節中,我向學生提供了 具有直觀性的圖畫,讓學生覺得有內 容說,新學的句型在這一活動中得到


(學生練習時的情景) 2.做鏈接游戲 4人一組。 第一個同學說 i can swim. 第二個同學說 i can?t swim, but i can skate 第三個同學說:i can?t skate, but i can do

the high jump. 第四個同學說:i can?t do the high jump, but i can do the long jump.



趣味性,使緊張的氣氛得到緩解。 3. 采訪同學看誰能做:要求用句型 can you do…提問,用 i can…


play basketball,

sing well run fast, dance well, play the piano, run the 100-meter race. 學生們可以下位子采訪,誰先找到這六位同學,誰得第一,并給與獎勵。我又讓能唱能跳的學生在班上即興表演,又一次掀起了高潮。




4. 讓學生用what can you do? 及本節課所學的句型編一個對話,內容是學生會體育部和文藝部招聘人員。(兩人一組)

a: what club do you want to join? b: we want to join the music club./ the sports club.

a: ___________________? b: i can sing / play basketball. a: ___________________?

b: yes, i can.

a: ____________________?

b: no, ________________. a: ok. welcome to join us.



質量 教學反思:


1. 概念: 情態動詞: 表示說話者的某些觀點或態度的詞語.如 “能” , “或許” , “必須” , “需要” , “應該” 等. 2. 情態動詞主要有: can, may, must, need, should, … 這些情態動詞后面 + 動詞原形. 3. 用法

① can ⑴ 表示能力,意為”能, 會”. 如:

eg: I can play basketball. 我會打籃球.

---Can you play basketball ? 你會打籃球嗎? --- Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 是的, 我會. / 不, 我不會.

⑵ 表示懷疑、猜測,常用 be 連用, 放在否定句和疑問句中。如:

eg: He can’t be in the room. 他一定不在房間里.

⑶ 表示請求或允許, 多用于口語中, 意為”可以”, 相當于 may. 如:

eg: You can go now. 你現在可以走了.

② could ⑴ 是can 的過去式, 表示過去的能力. 如:

eg: I could swim when I was a child. 當我還是一個小孩子的時候我就會游泳了.

⑵ couldn’t: “不能” 用could 提問肯定和否定回答分別用 could, 和 couldn’t.


eg: --- Could you skate last year? 你去年會滑冰嗎?

--- Yes, I could. / No, I couldn’t. 是的, 我會. / 不, 我不會.

③ may ⑴ 表示推測, 意為“可能; 或許” 用于肯定句中.

eg: He may be a teacher. 他或許是一個老師.

⑵ 表示請求、許可, 意為”可以” 如: eg: ---May I borrow your book? 我可以借你的書嗎?

--- Yes, you can. / No, you mustn’t. 是的, 可以. / 不, 你你禁止借書. 注意: 當由may 來提問的時候, 肯定回答我們用Yes, you can. 否定回答用 No, you mustn’t. ④ must ⑴ 表示“必須、應該“;

eg: You must do your homework. 你必須做作業.

⑵ 表示推測, “一定” 常與be 動詞連用. eg: He must be in the classroom. 他一定在教室.

⑶ must + not = mustn’t 禁止

eg: You mustn’t smoke. 禁止吸煙.

⑷ must 放于句首提問, 肯定回答Yes, you must. 否定回答 No, you needn’t.

⑸ must 與 have to 的區別:


have to 強調的是客觀因素. eg: I must do my homework. 我必須做作業.(個人看法)

I have to go home now, because my mother is ill. 我不得不回家,因為我媽媽病了.(客觀原因所導致)

⑤ need ⑴ 作情態動詞使用后跟動詞原形. You needn’t come here so early.

⑵ 作實義動詞使用后接to do, He needs to drink some water. 他需要喝些水. 變否定句: He doesn’t need to drink any water.

變疑問句: Does he need to drink any water? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

⑥ should “應該” 一般指應盡的某種義務.

eg: As a student, we should finish our homework. 作為一個學生,我們應該完成作業.



) 1. Mr Wang ______ be in Nanjing now, he went to Beijing only this morning.

A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. can’t

D. needn’t (

) 2. –Must I saty at home, Mum?

--No, you ______.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. don’t

D. may not (

) 3. –Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?

--Sorry, I can’t. I _____ take care of my little sister at home because my mother is ill.

A. can

B. may

C. would

D. have to (

) 4. –May I go to the cinema, Mum? --Certainly. But you ______ be back by 11 o’clock.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. need (

) 5. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river.

A. needn’t be thrown

B. mustn’t be thrown

C. can’t throw

D. may not throw (

) 6. –May I go out to play basketball, Dad? --No, you ______. You must finish your homework first. A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. couldn’t

D. needn’t (

) 7. –Where is Jack, please ?

--He _____ be in the reading room. A. can

B. need

C. would

D. must (

) 8. –Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li?

--No, it ______ be him. Mr Li is much taller. A. musn’t

B. may not

C. can’t

D. needn’t


) 9. These books ______ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.

A. can’t take

B. must be taken

C. can take

D. mustn’t be taken (

) 10. –Mum, may I watch TV now?

--Sure, but you ______ help me with my housework first.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. could (

) 11. The boy said he had to speak English in class, but he ______ speak it after calss.

A. could

B. didn’t have to

C. might

D. shouldn’t (

) 12. –Must we hand in the papers now?

--No, you ______.

A. can’t

B. may not

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t (

) 13. John ______ go there with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure about it.

A. must

B. can

C. will

D. may (

) 14. Even the top students in our class can’t work out this problem. So it ______ be very difficult.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. need (

) 15. Put on more clothes. You ______ be feeling cold with only a shirt on.

A. can

B. could

C. would

D. must (

) 16. It’s still early. You ______.

A. mustn’t hurry

B. wouldn’t hurry

C. may not hurry

D. don’t have to hurry (

) 17. –May I stop here?

--No, you ______.

A. mustn’t

B. might not

C. needn’t

D. won’t (

) 18. A computer ______ think for itself, it must be told what to do.

A. can’t

B. couldn’t

C. may not

D. might not (

) 19. –Could I borrow your dictionary?

-- Yes, of course you _______.

A. might

B. will

C. can

D. should (

) 20. Peter ______ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. must

B. may

C. can

D. will (

) 21. Michael ______ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.

A. needn’t

B. can’t

C. should

D. may (

) 22. ______ I know your name?

A. May

B. Will

C. Shall

D. Must (

) 23. You ______ be more careful next time.

A. have to

B. may

C. must

D. might (

) 24. You ______ miss the lesson, though we ______ have it on Thursday.

A. mustn’t; needn’t

B. needn’t; mustn’t

C. mustn’t; mustn’t

D. needn’t; needn’t (

) 25. This pen looks like mine, yet it isn’t. whose ______ it be?

A. must

B. may

C. would

D. can (

) 26. What kinds of homes will we live in the future? Nobody ______ be sure, but scientists are working out new ideas now.

A. will

B. may

C. can

D. must (

) 27. I ______ like to know where you were born.

A. shall

B. should

C. do

D. may (

) 28. ______ you be happy!

A. Might

B. Must

C. Wish

D. May (

) 29. A teacher ______ do every exercise, but a student must.

A. may not

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. mustn’t (

) 30. The matter ______ be changed into a gas, but it _______ be heated to its boiling point.

A. may; needn’t

B. may; can

C. mustn’t; needn’t

D. can; must (

) 31. Teachers and students ______ look coldly at you for a day or two, but there are friendly feelings in their hearts.

A. must

B. can

C. may

D. should (

) 32. Cars and buses ______ stop when the traffic lights turn red.

A. can

B. need

C. may

D. must (

) 33. –Do you think his story ______ true? --I don’ think so. But it sounds good.

A. must be

B. may be

C. can be

D. has to be (

) 34. Look out! The knife is very sharp. You ______ cut your finger.

A. need

B. must

C. should

D. may (

) 35. –How long ______ the book be kept?

--For two weeks, but you ______ return it on time.

A. can; may

B. may; need

C. can; must

D. must; need (

) 36. – May I have an apple, Mum?

--Certainly. But you ______ wash your hands first?

A. may

B. must

C. can

D. need (

) 37. –There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching building there.

--Really? It ______ be a fire, most probably.

A. can

B. ought to

C. may

D. must (

) 38. –Shall I tell John about the bad news?

--No, you ______. I think that will make him sad.

A. needn’t

B. wouldn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t (

) 39. –Could I call you by your first name?

--Yes, you ______.

A. will

B. could

C. may

D. might (

) 40. –Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?

-- _______.

A. No, I can’t

B. Yes, I will

C. Yes, thank you

D. No, we’d better not (

) 41. --______ the man over there be our new teacher?

--He ______ be, but I’m not sure.

A. May; mustn’t

B. Can; may

C. Must; can’t

D. Can; can’t (

) 42. –Someone is knocking at the door. Who ______ it be?

--It ______ be Tom. He is still in the school.

A. can; can’t

B. can; mustn’t

C. might; could

D. might; may (

)43. Lily finished _______ the book yesterday.

A. read

B. reading

C. to read

D. reads (

) 44. Susan’s parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It _______ be very expensive.

A. must

B. can

C. mustn’t

D. can’t (

) 45. –The room is so dirty. _______ we clean it?

-- Of course.

A. Will

B. Would

C. Do

