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黑百合——Mesue(魅瑟) 宮——Miya(魅雅)

百合女王——Lirica、Lirika(莉莉卡) Beenle、Icey 冰 Rose 玫瑰 Sarah 公主


白羊座女性最適合的英文名字:Malcolm 、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily 金牛座女性最適合的英文名字:Barbara、Elizabeth、Helen、Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana、雙子座女性最適合的英文名字:Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy 巨蟹座女性最適合的英文名字:Melody、Helen、Debbie、Lisa、Yvonne 獅子座女性最適合的英文名字:Shelly、Mary、Dolly、Nancy、Jane、Barbara 處女座女性最適合的英文名字:Shirley、Emily、Sophia、Vivian、Lillian、Joy 天秤座女性最適合的英文名字:Ross、Julie、Gloria、Carol 天蝎座女性最適合的英文名字:Taylor、Wendy、Grace、Vivian、Caroline、Samantha射手座女性最適合的英文名字:Maria、Kate、Demi、Sunny、Wendy 摩羯座女性最適合的英文名字:Ava、Christina、Judy、Susan、Grace、Alice 水瓶座女性最適合的英文名字:Joyce、Sally、Margaret、Rebecca、Teresa、Rita、Jessica雙魚座女性最適合的英文名字:Elizabeth、Kelly、May、Julie、Amanda、Fiona、Lynn 林恩 涵義“住在湖畔者”Leo 利奧 涵義“獅子”Lance 蘭斯 涵義“長矛”Roy 羅伊 涵義“國王” Alan 艾倫 涵義“和諧的:英俊的”Alivin 阿爾文 涵義“受人喜愛的:眾人的朋友”Barry 巴里 涵義“著名的射手”Felix 費利克斯 涵義“有福的,幸運的”Frank 弗蘭克 涵義“自由人”女Nancy 南希 涵義“優雅”Nina 妮娜 涵義“有勢力的,孫女”Lilian 莉蓮 涵義“百合花”Linda 琳達 涵義“美麗的人”Lynn 琳恩 涵義“依湖而居者”

Mary瑪麗Matilda瑪蒂爾達Maureen莫琳Linda琳達Tina蒂娜Hellen海倫 (亦作:Helen) Henna漢納Heidi海蒂 (Adalheid, Adelaide的昵稱)Hillary希拉里/希拉蕊/希拉莉Ivy艾維Regina瑞加娜Olivia奧利維亞Ophelia奧菲莉婭Jocelyn喬斯林Joliet喬莉埃特Rita麗塔 (Margaret的昵稱)Rose羅絲Roxanne洛克薩妮Ruth露絲Sandra桑德拉 (Alexandra的昵稱)Samantha薩曼莎Sami薩米Sandra桑德拉Kate凱特 (Katherine的昵稱)Lareina萊瑞拉 Lassie蕾西Laura勞拉 (Lawrence的女性形式)Lauren羅蘭/勞倫Mabel梅布爾/瑪佩爾Molly茉莉Monica莫尼卡Morgan摩爾根/摩根Nancy南茜 (Nan的別名)Natalie娜塔莉Natasha娜塔莎 (亦作natascha))Nicole妮可摩羯座女Ava、Christina、Judy、Susan、Grace、Alice。


序號 電影名稱 1 《音樂之聲》Sound of Music 2 《阿甘正傳》Forest Gump 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 《泰坦尼克號》Titanic 《窈窕淑女》My Fair Lady 《巴頓將軍》Barton 《亂世佳人》Gone with the Wind 《蝴蝶夢》Rebecca

序號 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


《出水芙蓉》Bathing Beauty 《潛艇密航大作戰》

《綠野仙蹤》The Wizard of Oz 《羅賓漢》Robin hood 《國王和我》King and I 《簡.愛》Jane Eyre 《叛艦喋血記》 《亨利五世》Henry V 《清山翠谷》How Green Was My Valley 33 《卡薩布蘭卡》(又名《北非諜影》)Casablanca 34 《彗星美人》All about Eve

35 36

37 38 39

《奪寶奇兵》Raiders of the Lost Ark 《美國X歷史》American History X 《七宗罪》Seven Sins

《飛躍瘋人院》One Flew Over the 《2001太空漫游》2001: A Space 10 《環球旅行八十天》 Around the World in 80 Days 11 12 13 《桂河大橋》The Bridge of River Kwai 《賓虛》Benxu 《角斗士》Gladiator Cuckoo’s Nest 14 《教父》God Father Odyssey

15 《沉默的羔羊》The Silence of the Lamb

40 16 《勇敢的心》(又名《驚世未了緣》

41 17 《莎翁情史》

The Love Story of Shakespeare 18 《美國麗人》American Beauty 19 20 《走出非洲》Out of Africa 《雨人》Rain-man

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

《巨蟒與圣杯》Monty Python and the 《乞力馬扎羅的雪》THE SNOWS

Holy Grail

Brave Heart


《國王與我》King and I 《摩登時代》Modern Times

《傲慢與偏見》Pride and Prejudice

《外星人》(E.T. The

《小鬼當家》(1-4)Home Alone 《湯姆歷險記》 Adventures of Tom 《小鹿班比》Bambi

《愛麗絲夢游仙境》Alice in Wonderland 《魂斷藍橋》Waterloo Bridge Extra-Terrestrial) 21 《金色池塘》Golden Pond 22 《茜茜公主》Princess Sissi Sawyer 23 《小公主》Little Princess 24 25 《三十九級臺階》The 39 Steps 《羅馬假日》Roman Holidays

新東方老師力薦口語學習必看25部電影 1. 阿甘正傳 “FORREST GUMP” 主演:Tom Hanks 湯姆 漢克斯

2. 電子情書 “YOU’VE GOT MAIL”

主演:Tom Hanks 湯姆 漢克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安 3居家男人 “THE FAMILY MAN”

主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凱奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奧尼


主演:Julie Andrews 朱麗 安德魯斯 Anne Hatthaway 安妮 哈德威 5逃跑的新娘 “THE RUNAWAY BRIDE”

主演:Juliet Roberts 朱麗葉 羅伯斯 Richard Gere 理查 基爾 6新岳父大人 “FATHER OF THE BRIDE” 主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫 馬丁 Diane Keaton 戴安 基頓 7BJ單身日記 “BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY I II”

主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇維格 Hugh Grant 休 格蘭特 8奔騰年代 “SEA BISCUIT” 主演:Toby McQuaire 托比 邁奎爾 9蒙娜麗莎的微笑 “Mona Lisa’s Smile”

主演:Julia Roberts朱麗葉 羅伯斯 Julia Stiles 朱麗亞 斯蒂爾斯 Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特 10甜心先生 “Jerry Maguaire”

主演:Tom Cruise 湯姆 克魯斯 Renee Zelleweger 雷尼 奇維格 11熱血強人 “Remember the Titans” 主演:Danzel Washington 丹澤爾 華盛頓 12鐵血教練 “Coach Carter”

主演: Samuel Jackson薩姆爾 杰克遜

13重建人生 “Life As a House”

主演:Kevin Cline 凱文 克萊恩 Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁 斯科特 托馬斯 Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森 14.海上鋼琴師 “The Legend of 1900” 主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆 羅斯 15.大話王 “Liar Liar” 主演:Jim Carrie 金 凱利

16. 單身插班生 “About a Boy” 主演:Hugn Grant 修 格蘭特 17. 風流奇男子 “Alfie” 主演: Jude Law 裘德 洛

18. 妙手情真 “Patch Adams”

主演: Robin Williams 羅賓 威廉斯 19.變人 “Bicentennial Man”

主演: Robin Williams 羅賓 威廉斯 20. 貓屎先生 “As good as it gets” 主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克 尼科爾森 Helen Hunt 海倫 亨特

21.完美男人 “The Perfect Man”

主演: Hilary Duff 希拉里 荙芙 Chris Noth 克里斯 諾斯

22.婚禮男友 “The Wedding Date”

主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉 梅西 Dermot Mulroney 德莫特 麥隆尼 23. 男人百分百 “What Women Want”

主演:Mel Gibson 梅爾 吉普森 Helen Hunt 海倫 亨特 24. 老爸向前沖/冒牌老爸 “Big Daddy”

主演:Adam Sandler 亞當 桑德勒 25. 大魚 “Big Fish”


——Book review of Flipped

2015312179 于洋

When I read this book, my feelings changed with the characters. Sometimes I was even moved to tears. After finishing it, I kept thinking, why this book touched me so much? Then I realized that every book that made me think of myself impressed me most. In the process of this book, I saw myself sometimes so persistent in something, I saw my father held me and answered my confusions patiently, I saw how my best friend had ever hurt me... ... The following contents are how I feel about this book and what I learn from it. Do the right thing. Bryce’s grandfather was a very wise man. He ever told Bryce, “ The choices you make now will affect you for the rest of your life.Do the right thing.” Sometimes we are faced with choices, it really needs courage to do the right thing. At first, we may be shy or embarrassed and choose to lean back. In the long run, it will become our usual practice and shape our personality. What we should is breaking the ice. Just stand out and do the thing we really want to do, say the words that from our heart. After doing this one time, we will find how happy and released it is. Wearing a mask is so tough and awful. You didn’t give me the best, but you give me all. In the book, there was a paragraph between Juli and her dad.Her dad told her: “Julianna, I’m trying to tell you is I’m sorry.There was so much I want to give you.All of you.I guess I didn’t see until recently how I’ve actually provided.”

“I think you know my heart’s been in the right place, but if you line it up objectively,a man like,say,Mr.Loski adds up to a much better husband and father than a man like me does. He’s around more,he provides more and probably he’s a lot more fun.”

But Juli told him: “Dad, I don’t care how it cooks on paper, I think you’re the best dad ever! And when I marry somebody someday, I sure don’t want him to be like Mr.Loski!I want him to be like you.”

It’s so warm and touching. It is love that makes us feel the sunshine , kindness,and warmth in the world.That reminds me of my father.When I was a little girl, my family went through a tough time. We were too poor to buy me any toys , beautiful clothes, or delicious snacks. As I grow up, the situation becomes better and better in the efforts of my parents. But dad often felt guilty and said something like he didn’t give me I should have. Actually, I feel very satisfied and happy. Because he and mom are both kind and warmhearted people and they educated me to be like this. They seldom have arguements and provided a harmonious, loving home for me. We love and care about each other all the time.That is the most important thing. No one can compare with the one you love. How do you feel when you fall in love with someone? There are many descriptions about it in the book: “My heart stopped. It just stopped beating.And for the first time in my life, I had the feeling, like the world is moving all around you,all beneath you, all inside you, and you’re floating.Floating in the midair. And the only thing keeping you from drifting away is the other person’s eyes.They’re connected to yours by some invisible physical force, and they hold you fast while the rest of the world swirls and twirls and falls completely away.”

That’s a wonderful and beautiful paragraph, which is exactly the feeling of heartbeat, pure and clean. When Bryce flipped: “My heart lurched. What was she laughing about?What were they talking about?How could she sit there and look so...beautiful?”

It’s obvious he was very jealous at that moment. And he kept thinking no girls could compare with her, Juli was so different. Like his granddad told him: “Some of us get dipped in flat,some in stain, some in gloss...but every once in a while you find someone who’s iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.”


The show

After watched the movie, my feeling is very large .For happiness, we all have the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of happiness. In the film, the hero very poor, still did not give up the pursuit of happiness, that is worthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, we want to go to the pursuit of happiness. Is not only our personal happiness, but also people is happiness, happiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building powerful motherland, so, we should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of happiness.


1、開頭部分。包括稱呼與引言。稱呼一般是姓加職銜或官銜。大部分既有職銜又有官銜,一般以其高者尊者稱呼。例如,當 招聘 者既是博士、副教授又是人事處處長時,那么此時稱博士也許效果好些。因為人事處處長中是博士的非常少,且一般人稱處長多,而你稱其為博士既有新鮮感又表明你對他了解。無意之中,他對你的印象就更深些。

2、主體部分。是 求職信 的重點,要簡潔而有針對性地概述自己 簡歷 的內容。要突出自己的長處和優勢,使對方覺得你的各方面情況與 招聘 條件相一致,與有關職位要求、特點相吻合。




1. I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.如獲 面試 ,則感幸甚,如需保證人,本人也可提出。

2. I solicit the favor of an interview, and assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give you satisfaction.

懇請惠予 面試 之榮。如蒙錄用,本人必竭盡所能,為貴公司服務,以符厚望。

3. If you desire and interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.

如貴公司有意 面試 ,本人一定遵照所指定的時日、前往拜訪。

4. Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant me an interview.


5. Should you think favorably of my application, I would like to have an interview.


6. I hope that you will be kind enough to consider my application favorably.


7. I trust that you will give this appliation your favorable consideration.


8. Should you give me a trial, I will do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction.


9. Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may repose in me


10. I assure you that if my application be successful, I will do my very best to please you.


11. Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no trouble to acquit myself to your satisfaction.


12. I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.














