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Time of Lesson: 45 minutesStudents: Senior Grade One

The number of student:30




青少版新概念1A Unit1

Meet the Family!


擊掌三下,老師說:“Hello, everybody, my name is……,把名字寫到黑板上并領讀,now let′s begin our class. Let′s do a warm-up. Everybody stand up.Follow me (老師邊說邊帶有相應的肢體動作)。

一、Warm-up: “Hello.”(5′) Hello, hello, hello, hello I′m glad to meet you Hello, hello, hello, hello I′m glad to meet you Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello

二、Presentation (10′)

Warm-up做完之后,向學生打招呼“Hello, I′m......, How do you do?”(老師的肢體語言要豐富)引導學生回答“How do you do?”接下來讓學生欣賞圖片,展示全家福照片貼到黑板上,老師扮演William Jenkins,假裝黑人的聲音說:“This is my family, Let′s meet my family (把題目寫出),I′m William Ienkins, this is Karen. She is my wife.”將帶有Karen名字的卡片貼到相應的人物旁邊,教讀,對學生說:“You should say hello to Karen.”將人名依次呈現出,介紹人物身份,圖片引出Lucy, This is Lucy. She′s my daughter,設置懸念猜:There are two boys. One is Robert, the other one is Paul.Which one is Robert? Which one is Paul,please guess.(做動作示意讓舉手回答)猜對的有獎勵。Yes, Wonderful! This is Robert. Robert is my son. This is Paul. Paul is my nephew. 閃卡練習:①name對應role練習。“Boys and Girls. I say Karen you say wife. I say wife, You say Karen, clear? Yes ②golden finger. Summary:總結。

Happy Ending:對應前面的 Warm up. “Hello!” Are you happy now?結束語時加上兩句話“好的開始是成功的一半。Well begun is half done.”“冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。”

新概念一公開課:EXCUSE ME! Ⅰ Warm-up:

Action: up up one, two.

Up up one two , down down ,one two, up down, one two, turn around , go go„„(5遍)Who’s winner?(獎勵) ⅡLead-in

一、要求學生Look front, pay attention to me. 1.向教室后面走,很突然拍學生(多個)并說Excuse me!(反復拍,說)2.讓學生看書,老師突然拍學生并說Excuse me? 最后引出漢語:打擾一下,并板書,領讀。再拍學生并說Excuse me!換角度說yes?并板書yes?向所有學生說Excese me!并讓學生回答,強調聲調,讓每個學生練習(速度慢點)后讓學生問老師,并生生互動。 ⑵帶出Excese me的另外意思。②找幾個學生擠在一起,老師從后向前穿過去并說Excese me(動作語言夸張)③直接告訴第三種用法“和陌生人說話時”。

二、問一個學生Excese me 讓其回答yes?引出Is this your„„?(拿學生的物品)學生作肯定回答。換不同物品練習肯定答語。(此句型是本課重點句型,要加強練習)再把否定回答擴展出來:No,it isn’t.用此句型練習肯定、否定回答,發卡片分組練習并上講臺表演,然后師生互問。在師生互問的過程中,老師設計一個場景:把學生的書丟到地上,撿起時問“Whose book is this?”學生回答“It’s „’s.”老師說“Pardon?”板書pardon教讀,做出解釋“麻煩你再說一遍”,當聽不清對方說話時可以用pardon。接下來師生互動T:Is this your „? S:Pardon? (備注):在呈現出新句子時可以一個一個的板書到黑板上,重點的句子可以用彩色粉筆寫出加以區別,最后也就是整篇課文對話就全部羅列到黑板上了。

eg: A:Excuse me? B:Yes? A:Is this your handbag? B:Pardon? A:Is this your handbag? B:Yes,it is. Thank you very much!(在日常生活中好可以用Thank you! Thanks a lot! Thanks!)


三、Review 強調重點

四、Happy Ending:Warm-up


一、Teaching Aims 教學目的: 掌握生詞,熟悉日常用語

-How are you today? -I’m fine, thanks. 或–I’m very well, thank you. -How is sb(第三人稱單數)?

-He/She is fine/very well, thanks. Goodbye. -Nice to see you. –Nice to see you, too. -Look at……. –He’s/She’s…….

二、Teaching Method 教學方式:PPP 游戲,單詞卡片

三、Grammar/ Key sentences/ structure 語法/重點&難點句型:

-How are you today? -I’m fine, thanks. 或–I’m very well, thank you. How is sb(第三人稱單數)?

-He/She is fine/very well, thanks.

四、Teaching Progress 教學過程(教學例子): 第一節 Step 1 :Review & Lead-in 引入(10mins)

1. Review the words and key sentences of L7-8. Recite L7 together. 2. Dictation & check the answers. 3. 復習問候語“Good morning.”等,引出另一種問候語“How are you?” Step 2 : Presentation 1. New words and expressions learning.(P18.P20)(20mins)

1) p18的單詞相對簡單,補充Goodbye.=See you. 辨認單詞see/look/watch see 強調看的結果,I see a pen. look強調動作過程。Look at the blackboard.

watch 注視,看。強調所看畫面是移動的。 watch TV

watch a football game 2) p20的單詞適當補充短語(11個)

知識競賽:事先讓學生查資料了解以下短語意思,上課采用快速翻譯,又快又猜中的加分 fat cat暴發戶


play dirty作弊

dirty jokes低級笑話 come clean坦白說

Mr. Clean清官

hot air空話


cold-hearted無情的 busybody搬弄是非的人

as busy as a bee像蜜蜂一樣忙碌

單詞練習:找朋友(發給學生不同的形容詞卡片(16個hello hi man woman fat thin tall short dirty clean hot cold old young busy lazy ),每個同學快速讀出手中單詞,學生需快速找出持有反義詞或近義詞的同學。) 2. Key sentences. (15mins) (1)-How are you today? -I’m fine, thanks. 或–I’m very well, thank you. -How is sb(第三人稱單數)?

-He/She is fine/very well, thanks. 游戲:隨機問學生問題“How are you?” “How is sb?”學生必須迅速回答,注意人稱不能出現錯誤。

(2)-Nice to see you. –Nice to see you, too. 用于相互認識的人見面。-Nice to meet you.用于初次見面。 游戲“聽音猜人”訓練“Nice to see you.”猜的同學面對黑板,讓班里一位同學站起來說“Nice to see you,too.”,猜的人要根據說話人的聲音判斷是誰,然后提問“Is he/she ***”全班用英語回答,規定提問的問題不超三次,猜到了則獎分。

(3)And you?=And how are you? (4) Look at …….

Look at that man. Look at the handbag. 第二節 Step 3 :

1. Close the book and listen to the audio, then answer the question “How is Emma?” “She’s very well, too .”(2mins)

2. Open the book and follow to the audio and practice every sentence one by one.(10mins) 3. Recite without the pictures.(5mins) 4. Make dialogues on P19(10mins)


-Look at……. –He’s/She’s……. 例子: Look at that man. He is fat.

Look at that manager. He is busy. 游戲:分兩組比賽,每組在黑板上畫兩輛沒有車輪的火車,每完成一個對話,就給該組一個車輪(磁鐵代替),湊成三個車輪火車就能跑起來,就是獲勝方。 5.拓展(10mins)

newly新的 developed發達的,開發的 product產品

have a look看一看

what about怎么樣

latest最新的 model模型 翻譯句子:


先看一看樣品吧?What about having a look at sample first? 6.完成p20書面練習A部分并指出前節課作業的錯誤。。(8mins)


Eg: This is Peugeot. 應該改為 Is it a French car or a German car?




五、Assignment 作業


課文單詞和拓展單詞中1英1. 沒獲勝的則中1英2 2.背誦L9. 抄寫該課一次。


看看我們的新開發的產品/最新模型。 先看一看樣品吧?



Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可愛的怪人 I. New words and expression 生詞和短語

1. ■lovable adj. 可愛的 lovable == worthy of love;lovely = beautiful 可愛的 lovable 惹人愛 Eg: What he does is lovable. 他的所作所為惹人愛

I like the lovely boy/girl.

A large number of eccentrics are lovable. 許多怪人惹人喜愛。

■eccentric n. (行為)古怪的人 a person whose behavior is peculiar, unusual, rather strange. eccentric: adj. peculiar, unusual; strange strange因為陌生而奇怪 Eg.: The modern building looks strange to the villages. eccentric 行為舉止古怪Eg.: I can’t get on well with him, because he is eccentric. odd 強調因為少見而多怪 Eg.: Look, he is wearing an odd hat. peculiar 奇異的,不同尋常的 The house is peculiar. 這房子很奇怪 I feel peculiar today. ==I feel uncomfortable / ill. == I’m not myself today.

eccentricity n. 怪癖

odd or strange behavior or nature


■disregard v. 不顧,漠視 ignore; pay no attention to:Disregard noise and keep working disregard n.

have disregard of / for:不顧 He has complete disregard of / for my feelings. in disregard of:He did the work in disregard of my instructions.不顧我的指示繼續做這項工作。

treat sb. with disregard 怠慢某人

Anyway, don’t treat your friends with disregard.

■convention n.習俗,風俗 generally accepted practice.被普遍接受的準則(很有可能受到時間的限制)

Shaking hands when meeting people is normal convention in China. custom 歷史悠久的社會習俗(不受時間影響) It’s a custom of giving presents at Christmas. He always does exactly what he wants and does not care about convention.


practice 可以表示custom的意思,但常指“某團體的傳統做法或令他人無法接受的習俗

Eg.: The normal practice in the company is to send bill as soon as the job is done.


Your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat- -the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.(三冊L23)

tradition 傳統,比custom更悠久

Spending Christmas Day is a tradition for western people. habit 個人習慣

I have a habit of reading English aloud in the morning.

■ conscious adj. 感覺到的,意識到的 ==aware be conscious of / that; be aware of / that He is quite unaware of the danger.

He is not conscious of the danger. 絲毫沒有意識到

class conscious 有階級意識的;family conscious 有家庭觀念的 clothes conscious 注重衣著的; stairs conscious 注重地位的 aware, conscious的反義詞直接加un- unaware, unconscious subconscious 下意識的;

consciousness n.

■routine n. 常規;慣例 the regular fixed way of sth. / doing things; follow the routine 墨守常規

break the routine 打破常規;

start the daily routine 開始每天的日常生活

■shrewd adj.:showing good practical judgment精明的,狡滑的,敏銳的, 機靈的 He is a shrewd observer. 敏銳的觀察家 We have got shrewd common sense. 敏銳的判斷常識

Sb. is shrewd. == He has good judgment.

shrewd brained

shrewd headed 頭腦機靈的; shrewd looking 看起來機靈的

cunning: clever at deceiving 善于歉騙的

sly 用更隱秘的辦法來達到目的

a sly old fox

■intensely adv. 強烈地;intense adj. very strong ; violent; extreme; sharp; etc. intense cold 嚴寒; intense heat 酷暑; intense discussion 激烈的討論 intensify vt. 使增強;You must intensify your sense of responsibility.你必須加強責任感。

intensity n. 劇烈,緊張,強烈 sth is growing in intensity …(某種程度)在加強

Eg: Losing jobs are growing in intensity. 失業現象越來越嚴重了

■ reprimand v. scold officially and severely訓斥 正式而嚴厲的批評 blame 責備(語氣程度很弱) The teacher blamed him for his coming late. scold 斥責(語氣稍重一點)

Don’t scold me for a trifle. reproach 斥責 (語氣最嚴重) He often reproached his children. The boss reprimanded his employees severely.

■apologetic adj. 道歉的 apologize v.

He apologized to his boss. The boss apologized to his employees.

He was apologetic. 他致以歉意

apology n. 歉意

make apology to sb. for sth.

■stage v. 暗中策劃

He staged a joke. 策劃一個玩笑

■elaborate adj. 精心構思的 == carefully worked out;an elaborate design 精心的設計

elaborate vt.

He elaborated a system of computer.

Deliberately: on purpose, intentionally

disregard: ignore

Conventions: habits, rules

conscious: aware

Notable figures: famous people

shrewd: clever

Elaborate: detailed, carefully planned


Answer to the question: because he was snob. Dickey looked too poor to be able to afford anything in the expensive shop. So the shop assistant simply refused to serve him.


1. a lovely eccentric ■ set out to do = set about doing = start doing / to do sth. adj. 同義詞 odd, strange

Eccentricity: odd or strange behavior or nature

His eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.

2. draw attention to 吸引對......的注意

capture/attract/hold/catch/arrest/receive/draw attention to 吸引對……的注意力

3. social conventions 社會習俗,與之相關的詞還有:social norms社會規范,social customs …風俗 disregard / follow (conform to) social conventions 不遵守/ 遵守社會風俗

win sb sth 為某人贏得……Her fine character quickly won her the friendship of her colleagues

4. add colour to sth: to make sth colourful or more interesting 使…更有色彩/更有意思

Intensely: strongly 常用來表帶情感的強度 I was intensely moved by the film. 深深的被打動

5. be caught in: be in a very difficult or very unpleasant situation陷入某種困境

I was caught in the traffic jam on my way to the airport.

6. be in a …condition: be in a certain kind of state esp. physical state 在…狀態下(外表或身體狀況) Be in a bedraggled condition: be wet, dirty and untidy

7. dump: put down sth esp. sth heavy carelessly(sb/ sth) / get rid of 猛地扔下來,重重地方下

She dumped her bags on the floor and flopped onto the bed. 把包扔在地上,然后撲通一聲倒在床上He dumped his old car. 把舊車扔掉了。She dumped her boyfriend. 他把男朋友甩了。

8. request to do:ask to do, but request is more formal than ask

Every student can request assistance of their teachers. 有權利請求老師幫助

Demand: 語氣比request更強,如果你堅決認為你有權利得到你所要求的,并不愿接受否定回答,I demand my rights. 我要求我的權利。

9. Apologetic: adj. to show or to say that you are extremely sorry表示抱歉的

10. Insist on sb’s doing / that subj 堅持讓某人做某事

He insisted that the assistant should count the money before he left=the assistant’s counting the money.. She insisted on her innocence. 他堅持他的清白無辜。

11. … the attention of the press. the press: newspapers, magazines, or TV and radio that broadcasts use …..電臺,電視臺播報新聞的 the freedom of press新聞自由

12. stage: n 舞臺v. to arrange or organize sth 安排,策劃

Stage a play 拍一部戲arrange and perform

stage an event: to arrange an event so as to put on a performance 在英文中最常見的表達否定是no 和not,besides, there are a lot ways expressing negitives 1. 用副詞否定: hardly,never

2. 用動詞否定:disregard,don’t follow; refuse 3. 介詞表示否定without

Come back to the topic of eccentric people. The text tells us that eccentrics disregard social conventions. Is it good or bad? How should we look at social conventions? Generally speaking, we should follow social conventions, because we need social recognitions(社會的承認). In English there is such a sentence “Human beings are social animals.” But the text tells us that Eccentrics are lovable, because they disregard social conventions, which is why people feel them lovable What is your opinion about this idea? We should not invariably follow the social conventions, because if a person is being too conventional, he or she might be too conservative and one may lose his individuality.

And the text also tells us there are true eccentrics who never deliberately draw attention to themselves, then there must be false eccentrics who will try their best to draw attentions.(虛假怪人,也可能就是嘩眾取寵的人吧。) III. Summary-writing points 1. Caught in heavy shower-walked into expensive shop 2. ?300 watch for wife-bedraggled-assistant refused 3. Left shop-returned-heavy cloth bag-dumped on summer 4. Asked for manager-given watch-gave bag-?300 on pennies. 5. Assistant had to count Summary

Dickie had been caught in a heavy shower when he walked into an expensive shop. He wanted a ?300 watch for his wife, but he was so bedraggled the assistant refused to serve him. He left the shop and returned with a heavy cloth bag which he dumped on the counter. Dickie asked for the manager. When he was given the watch, he gave the assistant the bag which contained ?300 in pennies, which the assistant had to count. IV. Letter writing I was extremely sorry to hear that John had passed away. Unfortunately, I did not even know that he had been seriously ill. Otherwise I would have written to him.

As you know, John and I were at university together and used to write to each other as often as we could. We also used to meet at least once a year with others for an anniversary dinner. We shall miss him.

If there is any way I can help, please do not hesitate to ask me. You know that you can always phone me or write me a note.



Lesson 9 A cold welcome 一 教學重點

1 詞匯: welcome; crowd; gather; shout; refuse 2 文法: on Wednesday evening; in twenty minutes’ time; at five to twelve; waited and waited; at that moment 二 教學內容 A 詞匯 1 welcome

Welcome everyone to offer comments/advise.

Let’s welcome Mr. Wang with warm applause.

He just talked and talked, not realizing he was not a welcomed guest in their family. 2 crowd A large crowd of people watch the child falling into the river, but no one attempted to save him. A large crowd gathered on the square.

Don’t crowd.

The bell had hardly rung when the students crowded out of the classroom. 3 Gather (collect) The teacher gathered the pupils in the auditorium. 把大家召集來的主要目的是宣布一些事情。(The main purpose of my gathering you here is that I have something to announce.)

I gather that he is the successor of the chairman. 4 shout (yell)

He often shouts at his mother.

The motor driver fell something on the ground. I shouted to him, yet he didn’t hear me. 5 refuse (refusal)

Even though it was her fault, she refused to apologize.

He proposed to her many times, but she refused.

I invited him to dinner out of kindness, however he gave me a flat refusal. B 文法

1 on Wednesday evening 在具體某天的上下午

He left home for college on a rainy day.

I usually have a little nap at noon.

I have to burn the midnight oil tonight. 2 in twenty minutes’ time

We can enjoy the holiday in two days’ time.

The plane will take off in two minutes’ time. 3

at five to twelve At five past twelve; at two clock sharp; at 7:00 am 4 we waited and waited. He begged and begged, and finally his father nodded his approval.

The dog barked and barked, but its master still slept soundly. 5 at that moment ( just then) He was gossiping about his teacher with high spirit, and at that moment, the teacher came in.

The prime minister waved and smiled to the reporters, and at that moment, he fell over the stairs.

Lesson 10 Not for jazz 一 教學重點

1 詞匯:

recently; damage; string; shock; allow 2 文法: be made in/by/from/of; belong to; play jazz; a friend of my father’s; 被動語態 二 教學內容 A 詞匯

1 musical instrument 2 recently (lately; not long ago)

How are you recently?

I have a good appetite recently.

Recently I went to Paris for travelling. 3 Damage (destroy) The bomb destroyed two buildings, and damaged several others. Drinking and smoking can damage your health. The restaurant’s reputation was damaged by its use of unclean oil. 4 string The book was tied with string. The youngsters set off string after string firecrackers to mark Spring Festival. I picked up a string of pearl on my way to school.

5 shock

They were shocked to hear of the bad news.

Her son’s sudden death shocked her very much.

I am shocked by your rashness.

6 allow

You are not allowed to play games on line today.

Allow me to introduce the speaker today.

我不允許你跟他交朋友。(You are not allowed to make friends with him.) 7 touch

Don’t touch it. It breaks easily. We kept in touch with each other and wrote letters occasionally. B 文法

1 be made in/of/from/by

The computer is made in China.

I like furniture which is made of wood.

Unbelievable! The musical instruments are made from vegetables.

I miss the meal cooked by my mother. 2 belong to

Does this house belong to Mr. Wang?

Victory belongs to those who are most persevering.

Taiwan belongs to China. 3 play jazz play the piano/drum/violin/guitar play football/basketball 4 a friend of my father’s 雙重所有格 a book of hers/his/Mr.Wang’s 5 被動語態

You are fired= I will fire you.

I am confused= you are confusing me.

This pair of shoes is bought by my mother.

Lesson 11

One good turn deserves another 一 教學重點

1 詞匯: turn; deserve; salary; immediately 2 文法: 回顧when & while; borrow from; pay back/for; to my surprise 二 教學內容 A 詞匯

1 turn (behavior)

We rode on the horse by turns/in turn.

Please turn to page 12.

Turn on/off/up/down. 2 deserve He doesn’t deserve that you should be so kind to him. You deserve it. 鑒于你的良好表現,我覺得應該給你漲工資。(Given your good performance, I think you deserve a better pay.) 3 salary (wage; income) The average graduates can only get a modest/low salary at the beginning. She planned a job-hopping because of the unsatisfactory salary. My salary is not the main income of our family. 4 immediately (instantly; promptly; without hesitation; at once) You mother want you to come back immediately. Whenever she gets angry, he can always feel it immediately. 當他出車禍之后,路人就馬上打了120。(After he had a traffic accident, the passers-by called 120 immediately.) B 文法

1 when & while

I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. ( Tony Steele came in while I was having dinner at a restaurant.)

While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. VS He was eating when I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. 2 borrow from (lend to) I hate to borrow money from others. She always borrows things from her neighbors, but the point is she never returned them. The bank lends the money customers deposited to people who need it. 3 pay back/for/off You don’t have to pay the money back immediately. Whenever is ok with me. He didn’t pay off the debt even when he died. You will pay a big price for your arrogance. 4 to my surprise/disappointment/sadness/happiness/joy To my surprise/unexpectedly, we came across a film star on the train. To our disappointment, we won’t have a holiday this summer.

Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 一 教學重點

1 詞匯: luck; sail; harbour; proud; important

2 文法: sail across; the Atlantic; set out; plenty of; say goodbye to; Be proud of; take part in 二 教學內容

A 詞匯

1 luck (lucky)

Good luck.

Hearing that many of his friends made a big fortune in America, he decided to try his luck there, too.

As luck would have it, I won a prize in the sports lottery. 2 Sail He sailed across the Atlantic in a day. Let’s go for a sail this afternoon. The ship sails for Shanghai. 3 harbour Qingdao is a good harbor for transporting goods. During the world war Ⅱ, Japan threw a bomb to the Pearl Harbor of America. To my surprise, a child could habor such deep hatred. 4 proud (be proud of =take pride in) Today you are proud of Shanghai. Tomorrow Shanghai is proud of you.

I am proud of having you as my friend.

She was too proud to borrow money from her friend. 5 important (importance; significant) What is the most important thing in your life? Family, health or money? 這個項鏈對她意義重大。(The necklace is of great importance to her.) B 文法

1 sail across

The ducks swam across the river leisurely.

There is a hotel across the road. 2 the Atlantic

The Earth orbits around the Sun.

The Yangtze river is the longest one in China. 3 set out We plan/are going to set out at 2:00. A visitor came when I was about to set out for the supermarket. When will you set out to hunt for a job? 4 plenty of 既修飾可數又修飾不可數名詞的還有a lot of; a great quantity of 5 say goodbye/farewell to wave/kiss goodbye to 6 take part in = join= participate in He is too shy to take part in any activities in the school.

Have you ever taken part in any similar contest?

Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 一 教學重點

1 詞匯: group; performance; occasion 2 文法: a group of; at present; 用將來進行時表將來的計劃;difficult time; keep order; on these occasions 二 教學內容 A 詞匯 1 group

A group of students are rehearsing for the show.

A large group of swallows are flying southward. 2 pop singer

Pop star/ corn 3 performance (perform) The monkey performed several tricks. Her performance won warm applause from the audience. Your performance in the exams was not very good. 4 occasion On formal occasions, we should behave decently. We bought these expensive dishes for the very occasion. He lies to his mother on occasion/occasionally. B 文法

1 at present (now; for the moment)

I would like to go shopping at present.

At present, we are still not sure of the result. 2 一般將來進行時 表示 計劃中的事情

I will be giving a lecture tomorrow. We will be enjoying the vacation two days later. 3 have a difficult time (in) doing

have a

Years ago, she had a difficult time bringing up her child alone. Chinese people had a difficult time in the 1960s. 4

keep order The judges have to keep order several times during the trial. I hate to keep order in the classroom. So please behave well.

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