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1. 氣喘吁吁,神色慌張

2. 對方不伸手,不要主動伸手

3. 不要自行就座,要等對方示意。

4. 坐下后要向對方表示感謝

5. 不要任意挪移位置

6. 不要把隨身物品亂放

7. 打完招呼后,等對方開口提問

8. 交談中,眼神閃爍不定, 不要咬嘴或噘嘴

9. 不要打斷對方,以及和對方爭論

10. 不要有小動作

11. 避免口頭禪

12. 表達不清晰

13. 無論是自己沒能夠聽清楚考官的問題,或是已經回答完畢,包括在回答問題時由于思考而引起的停頓,都需要用明確的語言告訴對方,切忌默不做聲!


英語中的問題一般分為兩種形式:close-ended questions 和 open-ended questions




Close-ended Open-ended Both






Which…? How…?


In what way…?

Tell me about… What…?


對于open-ended questions,在組織答案時,最好先用一句話或者一個短語將你要說的主要意思總結一下,這樣不僅可以再拖延一點時間,而且也有助于對方聽清楚你的答案,從而會比較容易留下思路清晰的好印象。

e.g. Interviewer: Why do you want to study for MBA?

Candidate: That’s a rather difficult question. There are two main reasons, I suppose.如果考官對你的回答不甚滿意,你也許會聽到這樣的問題:

I’d like to know some more about…

Could you tell me a bit more bout…?

Sorry to press you, but could you tell me…?

Sorry, I don’t quite understand, could you tell me …?I didn’t quite follow what you said about…


For example?

Then you?


Which means?

So then?


A: How did you happen to move here?

B: I like the climate better.

A: Better than…

B: Better than the polluted air of the city.

A: Which means…

B: Which means I can expect better overall health for myself.沒聽懂對方在說什么怎么辦?




e.g. I’ sorry. I don’t understand.

Sorry. I don’t follow.



e.g. I didn’t catch that. Would you mind repeating it?Could you repeat the question, please?



e.g. Sorry. I don’t know what you mean by

Would you mind explaining ‘Union Jack’?


摘要: 在 托福寫作中說沒有技巧是不可能的,但是所謂的技巧也只不過是輔助工具而已,并非大家認為的是取得高分的關鍵。想要取得高分靠的還是你自己真正的實力,考生在報考的那一刻就該明白,天下沒有免費的午餐,只有靠自己腳踏實地的取走,才能夠闖出自己的一片天來。下面小馬過河介紹的托福寫作技巧相關信息,考生備考時可以適當的借鑒。







“適合別人的不一定適合自己”??傊?,關于托??荚囬喿x能力訓練的相關方式,小編簡單為考生整理如上??忌谟柧殨r可以選擇的參考,或許小編說的也有不對的地方,但是目的只是為了能夠讓大家更清楚托福寫作技巧的相關方式,考生可以根據自己的實際需求去訓練,盡快找到最佳適合自己的方式。 wuwei@xiao.com


②對名詞單復數形式如果不確定,則這么處理(Knowledge → many kinds of knowledge)。 ③不能用You作為人稱代詞。 ④從句盡量少用,防止錯誤。

⒉內容上:要控制自己的思想,在漢語上控制,英語作文不要求思想內容是否深刻。 措施:

①有針對性地選定范文結構,按范文結構來寫,加少部分自己的內容。 ②注意語言多樣化,用好“七種武器”。

⒊經典句式: ⅰ、as ① 段首句:

As a matter of fact, ______. As is fairly well-known to us all, ______. 上述句型就是“萬能句型,無所不在”,可以用在文中任何位置。 ② 列舉:

……as follows, ______(First, ……) As will be listed below, ______ ③ 插入語:

主語:as it is,謂語______. 主語:as it were,謂語______. 插入語能提高句子的檔次。 ④ 段末句:

As discussed so far, ______.(結論)

As for as(主題詞)I am concerned, ______.(結論) As far as I am concerned, ______.(自己觀點)

Just as an old and popular saying goes, ______.(諺語結束) Just as any coin has two sides, ______.(結論) ⅱ、It ①It goes without saying that ______.(不用說……)

②It is commonly(generally/popularly/widely)through(believed/argued/estimated/held)by a majority of experts that ______. ③It is quite obvious(clear/evident)that ______. ④It is for beyond any reasonable doubt that ______. ⑤It may seem pretty likely that ______. ⅲ、There ①There is no denying to the obvious fact ______.(不可否認) ②There is no exception to the rule that ______.(無一例外) ⅳ、to ①To be honest, ______(= To tell the truth, ______). ②To cut a long story short, ______.(文章結尾句) ③To put it in another way, ______. ④To put it more exactly, ______. ⑤To put it simply, ______ ⅴ、Intervention ①in a remarkable sense, ______. ②on any significant scale, ______. ③to a considerable extent, ______. ⅵ、List ①First/First and foremost of all/On one hand/To begin with/For one thing ②Second/What’s more/In addition/On other hand ③Third/Last but not least/Finally/For another thing For one thing ______ for another ______.(表示列舉)

⒋文章類型及結構 ⅰ、觀點類: ①兩個觀點論述:

P1:When it comes to a vital topic of …, there are always different viewpoint among the general public in our society, …(總體上介紹) P2(Ⅰ):It is commonly and wildly thought by a small group of people that …, in order to make this point clear, they put forward some interesting argument as listed below, …(贊同的觀點) P2(Ⅱ):On the other hand, it must be admitted that other people may think otherwise, according to them, …, they also arise some remarkable points as follows, … P3:As discussed so far there is certain truth in both views. So far as I know, the first group of people seem to be on a form stand. Therefore I prefer to side with them. ②一個主觀點:

提出觀點→深入論述→結束(范文) ③問題型:

問題是什么→原因→解決辦法(范文) ⅱ、圖表作文:



禁止使用the more…the more… P2:敘述原因(1~3個) P3:預測趨勢 ⅲ、商務作文: ①Claim ②Apology ③Demand for payment ④Offer 范文(教材303~306) ⒌諺語:

①Honestly is the best policy.(誠實為上) ②Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧) ③No pains, no gains.(熟能生巧) ④A friend in need is a friend indeed. ⑤Money is everything.(金錢萬能) ⑥Knowledge is power.(知識就是力量) ⒍關于WTO語句(見寫作寶典)

Part Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension ⒈時間分配

15分鐘/篇 = 1分鐘(主旨題)+ 6分鐘(讀文章)+ 8分鐘(做題目) ⒉Facts做細節題步驟:

①縮小范圍(根據Main idea)。

②找線索比較(題目Key Words對應文章Key Words)。 ③換詞:找出出題者如何換詞(Replacement of word)。 閱讀理解三步走:①研究主旨題;②細節題;③看如何換詞 推論題可暫時放開不做,做后再作。 ⒊Short answer(簡答題) 答案必須簡練,不必是完整句。 ①主旨題(idea):Common nouns.例:P&D of blacks in American. ②Facts 找Source→Copy(從原文中找) ③歸納題:自己找詞歸納。 原則: a)、short


c)、conclusion ④新題型:論點在前,論據在后。到論據前找論點,論證方法,一般為:giving example ⑤回答Why:去掉Because of,直接答出關鍵詞(注意不要大寫)。 完整句回答:a)、so that


Part Ⅲ、Translation ⒈從句(重點)

① 定語從句:N(SVO)——總是一個得分點。

對于較短的定語從句,直接提前,長句則要注意拆分。 Where引導的從句90%以上為定語從句。 定語從句翻譯后的注意位置變化。 ② 主語從句: 先譯主語。 ③ 狀語從句:

先譯主句:原因是…,條件是…,結果是… ⒉同位語:

① 譯成定語從句:N1N2→N2N1

② 先從句。例:The fact I passed the exam is true.(我考試通過是事實。) ⒊比較結構:出現省略結構,否定語等 ① more…, than… as…, as… 從后往前譯

②no more…, than… ③A not so much … as B ④as much as ⑤歧義詞組:as well a(也),as far as(就…來說),as long as(只要). ⒋非謂語動詞: V-ing,to V,V-ed ①修飾名詞:作定語 ②修飾動詞:作狀語

? 時間狀語:正當 ? 原因狀語:因為 ? 結果狀語:結果 ? 目的狀語:為了

Part Ⅳ、語法:

步驟:①Choice(選項)→②相似選項選出key(排除明顯不相似詞)→③、sentence 根據相似選項,前后觀察,從結構上選key. ⒈從句:

①從句引導詞:as → what → which → that ②狀語從句:provided = given(= if),directly = immediately(=as soon as). ③unless(= if not),not…until(搭配) ④從句成分——SVD. 狀語從句——邏輯含義,兩句之間的邏輯關系。If, when, unless, not until ⒉非謂語動詞:

①V-ing —— 主動;V-ed —— 被動 ②V-ing —— 現在;to V —— 將來

③N V-ing S V O;SVO,V-ing;獨立主格結構 ④介詞后,V,V-ing ⒊虛擬語氣 ①倒裝結構

②建議(命令,假設)that S V(原型) ⒋結構

①比較結構:A:more N. …than N.(謂語動詞與more后的N一致)

B:倍數關系:twice more…than…;twice as…as…;

②倒裝結構:Hardly(Only,No…)S V O What = That that


As a matter of fact, …

As is fairly well-known to us all, … ②列舉:

……as follows, ______(First, ……) As will be listed below, ______ ③插入:

主語:as it is,謂語______. 主語:as it were,謂語______. ④結束:

As discussed so far, ______.(結論)

As for as(主題詞)I am concerned, ______.(結論) As far as I am concerned, ______.(自己觀點)

Just as an old and popular saying goes, ______.(諺語結束) Just as an old proverb goes, ______. Just as an old idiom goes, ______. Just as any coin has two sides, ______.(結論) ⑤

It goes without saying that ______.(不用說……)

It is commonly(generally/popularly/widely)through(believed/argued/estimated/held)by a majority of experts that ______. It is quite obvious(clear/evident)that ______. It is for beyond any reasonable doubt that ______. It may seem pretty likely that ______. ⑥

There is no denying to the obvious fact ______.(不可否認) There is no exception to the rule that ______.(無一例外) ⑦

To be honest, ______(= To tell the truth, ______). To cut a long story short, ______.(文章結尾句) To put it in another way, ______. To put it more exactly, ______. To put it simply, ______ ⑧列舉:

First/First and foremost of all/On one hand/To begin with/For one thing Second/What’s more/In addition/On other hand Third/Last but not least/Finally/For another thing For one thing ______ for another ______.(表示列舉)


AIDS in Modern Society Recently, there has been a wide concern among the general public with respect to AIDS. As can be seen from the newspapers and TV programs, there are already many cases of AIDS in our life. If the present situation goes on, serious sequences will be inevitable in the near future. Then how to prevent it from further spread. First and foremost of all, we should learn the facts that how AIDS is transmitted and how it is not transmitted. What’s more, we should share that knowledge with our family and community. Last but not the least, we need government support from both areas of finance and law. Only through these efforts, I believe, can the problem of AIDS be efficiently solved soon.

They also arise some remarkable points as follows, …, besides, … P3(My view):

As discussed so far above there is certain truth in both views. As far as I know, … , Therefore I prefer to side with them.


Position and Negative Aspects of Sports When it comes to a vital topic of sports, there are always different viewpoints among the general public in our modern society. It is commonly thought to majority of people that sports are of great important to people’s health. To begin with, as a matter of fact, sports stimulate blood circulation. In addition, it goes without saying that sports can help digestion. Last but not the least, sports, as it were, make one energetic. On the other hand, it must be admitted that other people may think otherwise. According to them, sports are time-consuming in the morning. Furthermore, if one takes exercise without taking in enough nutrition, it will do harm to his health, which is just the opposite to what he wishes. As discussed so far above there is certain truth in both views. As far as I know, the first group of people may seem to be reasonable and therefore I prefer to side with them.



When it comes to a vital topic of ______, there are always different viewpoints among the general public in our modern society. It is commonly thought to majority of people that ______. In order to make this point clear, they put forward some interesting argument as listed below. First and foremost of all, ______, what’s more, ______. Last but not the least, ______. P2(discussed):



1、專有名詞(如operational research expert)、習慣用法(如depend on)及多義詞的翻 譯(如school、set 的多義)


3、具體句型(定從、狀從、主從、賓從、表從、同位從、強調結構、并列、比較、倒裝、插入、 被動、否定等)


英漢兩種語言在句法、詞匯、修辭等方面均存在著很大的差異,因此在進行英漢互譯時必然會遇到 很多困難,需要有一定的翻譯技巧作指導。常用的翻譯技巧有增譯法、省譯法、轉換法、拆句法、 合并法、正譯法、反譯法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重組法和綜合法等。這些技巧不但可以運用 于筆譯之中,也可以運用于口譯過程中,而且應該用得更加熟練。

1. 增譯法:指根據英漢兩種語言不同的思維方式、語言習慣和表達方式,在翻譯時增添一些詞、 短句或句子,以便更準確地表達出原文所包含的意義。這種方式多半用在漢譯英里。漢語無主句較 多,而英語句子一般都要有主語,所以在翻譯漢語無主句的時候,除了少數可用英語無主句、被動 語態或“There be…”結構來翻譯以外,一般都要根據語境補出主語,使句子完整。英漢兩種語言 在名詞、代詞、連詞、介詞和冠詞的使用方法上也存在很大差別。英語中代詞使用頻率較高,凡說 到人的器官和歸某人所有的或與某人有關的事物時,必須在前面加上物主代詞。因此,在漢譯英時 需要增補物主代詞,而在英譯漢時又需要根據情況適當地刪減。英語詞與詞、詞組與詞組以及句子 與句子的邏輯關系一般用連詞來表示,而漢語則往往通過上下文和語序來表示這種關系。因此,在 漢譯英時常常需要增補連詞。英語句子離不開介詞和冠詞。另外,在翻譯時還要注意增補一些原文 中暗含而沒有明言的詞語和一些概括性、注釋性的詞語,以確保譯文意思的完整??傊?,通過增譯, 一是保證譯文語法結構的完整,二是保證譯文意思的明確。如: (1)What about calling him right away? 馬上給他打個電話,你覺得如何?(增譯主語和謂語)

(2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四個現代化實現該有多好啊!(增譯主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 實際情況恰好相反。(增譯名詞)

(4) 就是法西斯國家本國的人民也被剝奪了人權。

Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增譯物 主代詞)


While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps. (增譯連詞) (6)這是我們兩國人民的又一個共同點。

This is yet another common point between the people of our two countries.(增譯介詞) (7)在人權領域,中國反對以大欺小、以強凌弱。

In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak.(增譯暗含詞語) (8)三個臭皮匠,合成一個諸葛亮。

Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.(增譯注 釋性詞語)

2. 省譯法:這是與增譯法相對應的一種翻譯方法,即刪去不符合目標語思維習慣、語言習慣和表 達方式的詞,以避免譯文累贅。增譯法的例句反之即可。又如:

(1) You will be staying in this hotel during your visit in Beijing. 你在北京訪問期間就住在這家飯店里。(省譯物主代詞) (2) I hope you will enjoy your stay here. 希望您在這兒過得愉快。(省譯物主代詞) (3) 中國政府歷來重視環境保護工作。

The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection. (省譯名詞) 3. 轉換法:指翻譯過程中為了使譯文符合目標語的表述方式、方法和習慣而對原句中的詞類、句 型和語態等進行轉換。具體的說,就是在詞性方面,把名詞轉換為代詞、形容詞、動詞;把動詞轉 換成名詞、形容詞、副詞、介詞;把形容詞轉換成副詞和短語。在句子成分方面,把主語變成狀語、 定語、賓語、表語;把謂語變成主語、定語、表語;把定語變成狀語、主語;把賓語變成主語。在 句型方面,把并列句變成復合句,把復合句變成并列句,把狀語從句變成定語從句。在語態方面, 可以把主動語態變為被動語態。如:

(1) 我們學院受教委和市政府的雙重領導。

Our institute is co-administrated by the States Education Commission and the municipal government. (名詞轉動詞) (2)Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children. 孩子們看電視過多會大大地損壞視力。(名詞轉動詞) (3)由于我們實行了改革開放政策,我國的綜合國力有了明顯的增強。

Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. (動詞轉名詞) (4) I’m all for you opinion.


(5)The reform and opening policy is supported by the whole Chinese people. 改革開放政策受到了全中國人民的擁護。(動詞轉名詞)

(6)In his article the author is critical of man’s negligence toward his environment. 作者在文章中,對人類疏忽自身環境作了批評。(形容詞轉名詞)

(7)In some of the European countries, the people are given the biggest social benefits such as medical insurance. 在有些歐洲國家里,人民享受最廣泛的社會福利,如醫療保險等。(被動語態轉主動語態) (8)時間不早了,我們回去吧!

We don’t have much time left. Let’s go back. (句型轉換) (9)學生們都應該德、智、體全面發展。

All the students should develop morally, intellectually and physically. (名詞轉副詞) 4. 拆句法和合并法:這是兩種相對應的翻譯方法。拆句法是把一個長而復雜的句子拆譯成若干個 較短、較簡單的句子,通常用于英譯漢;合并法是把若干個短句合并成一個長句,一般用于漢譯英。 漢語強調意合,結構較松散,因此簡單句較多;英語強調形合,結構較嚴密,因此長句較多。所以 漢譯英時要根據需要注意利用連詞、分詞、介詞、不定式、定語從句、獨立結構等把漢語短句連成 長句;而英譯漢時又常常要在原句的關系代詞、關系副詞、主謂連接處、并列或轉折連接處、后續 成分與主體的連接處,以及意群結束處將長句切斷,譯成漢語分句。這樣就可以基本保留英語語序, 順譯全句,順應現代漢語長短句相替、單復句相間的句法修辭原則。如:

(1) Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States. 同中國加強合作,符合美國的利益。(在主謂連接處拆譯)

(2)I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. 我要感謝你們無與倫比的盛情款待。中國人民正是以這種熱情好客而聞明世界的。(在定語從句前 拆譯)

(3)This is particularly true of the countries of the commonwealth, who see Britain’s membership of the Community a guarantee that the policies of the community will take their interests into account 英聯邦各國尤其如此,它們認為英國加入歐共體,將能保證歐共體的政策照顧到它們的利益。(在 定語從句前拆譯)

(4)中國是個大國,百分之八十的人口從事農業,但耕地只占土地面積的十分之一,其余為山脈、 森林、城鎮和其他用地。

China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.(合譯)

5. 正譯法和反譯法:這兩種方法通常用于漢譯英,偶爾也用于英譯漢。所謂正譯,是指把句子按 照與漢語相同的語序或表達方式譯成英語。所謂反譯則是指把句子按照與漢語相反的語序或表達方 式譯成英語。正譯與反譯常常具有同義的效果,但反譯往往更符合英語的思維方式和表達習慣。因 此比較地道。如:


In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正譯) In the United States, guns are available to everyone. (反譯) (2)你可以從因特網上獲得這一信息。

You can obtain this information on the Internet. (正譯)

This information is accessible/available on the Internet. (反譯) (3)他突然想到了一個新主意。

Suddenly he had a new idea. (正譯) He suddenly thought out a new idea. (正譯) A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him. (反譯) (4)他仍然沒有弄懂我的意思。

He still could not understand me. (正譯) Still he failed to understand me. (反譯) (5)無論如何,她算不上一位思維敏捷的學生。

She can hardly be rated as a bright student. (正譯) She is anything but a bright student. (反譯) (6)Please withhold the document for the time being. 請暫時扣下這份文件。(正譯) 請暫時不要發這份文件。(反譯)


英語中被動語態的使用范圍極為廣泛, 尤其是在科技英語中, 被動語態幾乎隨處可見, 凡是在不 必、不愿說出或不知道主動者的情況下均可使用被動語態, 因此, 掌握被動語態的翻譯方法, 對于 MBA 入學考試的復習與應考是極為重要的, 因為在MBA 入學考試中,英譯漢文章的內容多以科 普文章為主。在漢語中, 也有被動語態, 通常通過“把”或“被”等詞體現出來, 但它的使用范圍遠遠 小于英語中被動語態的使用范圍, 因此英語中的被動語態在很多情況下都翻譯成主動結構。對于 英語原文的被動結構, 我們一般采取下列的方法: 1. 翻譯成漢語的主動句。英語原文的被動結構翻譯成漢語的主動結構又可以進一步分為幾種不同 的情況。

(1) 英語原文中的主語在譯文中仍做主語。在采用此方法時, 我們往往在譯文中使用了“加以”, “經過”, “用……來”等詞來體現原文中的被動含義。例如: 例1.Other questions will be discussed briefly. 其它問題將簡單地加以討論。

例2.In other words mineral substances which are found on earth must be extracted by digging, boring holes, artificial explosions, or similar operations which make them available to us. 換言之, 礦物就是存在于地球上, 但須經過挖掘、鉆孔、人工爆破或類似作業才能獲得的物質。 例3.Nuclear power’s danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation. 核能對健康、安全, 甚至對生命本身構成的危險可以用一個詞—輻射來概括。

(2) 將英語原文中的主語翻譯為賓語, 同時增補泛指性的詞語(人們,大家等)作主語。例如: 例1.It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well, but on television everything is much more living, much more real. 可能有人會指出, 無線電廣播同樣也能做到這一點, 但還是電視屏幕上的節目要生動、真實得多。 例2.Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series ofprogrammes which are both instructive and entertaining. (85 年考題) 人們常說, 電視使人了解時事, 熟悉政治領域的最新發展變化, 并能源源不斷地為觀眾提供各種 既有教育意義又有趣的節目。

例3.It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality. 人們普遍認為,孩子們的早年經歷在很大程度上決定了他們的性格及其未來的人品。 另外, 下列的結構也可以通過這一手段翻譯: It is asserted that … 有人主張…… It is believed that … 有人認為……

It is generally considered that … 大家(一般人)認為 It is well known that … 大家知道(眾所周知)…… It will be said … 有人會說…… It was told that … 有人曾經說……

(3) 將英語原文中的by, in, for 等做狀語的介詞短語翻譯成譯文的主語, 在此情況下, 英語原文 中的主語一般被翻譯成賓語。例如: 例1.A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor. 原子反應堆需要一種合適的燃料。

例2.By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of 200 Belgian and French lives. 大戰結束時, 這個組織拯救了八百人, 但那是以二百多比利時人和法國人的生命為代價的。

例3.And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. 許多人認為, 普通人的思維活動根本無法與科學家的思維過程相比, 而且認為這些思維過程必須 經過某種專門的訓練才能掌握。 (4) 翻譯成漢語的無主句。例如: 例1.Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit. 應該盡最大努力告?nbsp| 年輕人吸煙的危害, 特別是吸上煙癮后的可怕后果。

例2.By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely in the sensitivity of their inhibit to heat. 通過這種方法分析發現不同種類的蜂蜜的抗菌活動對熱的敏感程度也極為不同。

例4.Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft. 在我們這個世紀內研制了許多新奇的交通工具, 其中最奇特的也許就是氣墊船了。 例5.New source of energy must be found, and this will take time…. 必須找到新的能源,這需要時間……

另外, 下列結構也可以通過這一手段翻譯: It is hoped that … 希望……

It is reported that … 據報道…… It is said that … 據說……

It is supposed that … 據推測…… It may be said without fear of exaggeration that … 可以毫不夸張地說…… It must be admitted that … 必須承認…… It must be pointed out that … 必須指出…… It will be seen from this that … 由此可見…… (5) 翻譯成帶表語的主動句。例如: 例1.The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 進攻的決定不是輕易作出的。

例2.On the whole such an conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed. 總的來說, 得出這種結論是有一定程度把握的, 但必須具備兩個條件: 能夠假定這個孩子對測試 的態度和與他比較的另一個孩子的態度相同; 他也沒有因為缺乏別的孩子已掌握的有關知識而被 扣分。

(注意上述翻譯技巧在該句翻譯中的綜合運用。) 2. 譯成漢語的被動語態。英語中的許多被動句可以翻譯成漢語的被動句。常用“被”, “給”, “遭”, “挨”, “為……所”, “使”, “由…”, “受到”等表示。例如: 例1.Early fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature, not by Man. 地球上早期的火肯定是由大自然而不是人類引燃的。

例2.These signals are produced by colliding stars or nuclear reactions in outer space. 這些訊號是由外層空間的星球碰撞或者核反應所造成的。

例3.Natural light or “white” light is actually made up of many colours. 自然光或者“白光”實際上是由許多種顏色組成的。

例4.The behaviour of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors, including the viscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped. 流體在管道中流動的情況, 受到諸如流體粘度、泵送速度等各種因素的影響。

例5.They may have been a source of part of the atmosphere of the terrestrial planets, and they are believed to have been the planetesimal-like building blocks for some of the outer planets and their satellites. 它們可能一直是地球行星的一部分大氣的來源。它們還被認為是構成外部行星以及其衛星的一種類 似微星的基礎材料。

例6.Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. 工具 和技術本身作為根本性創新的源泉多年來在很大程度上被科學史學家和科學思想家們忽視了。

例7.Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 政府是以減少技術的經費投入來增加純理論科學的經費投入, 還是相反, 這往往取決于把哪一方 看作是驅動的力量。

例8.The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. 石油的供應可能隨時會被中斷;不管怎樣,以目前的這種消費速度,只需30 年左右,所有的油井 都會枯竭。

MBA 英語常用翻譯技巧總結



英語和漢語語言結構和表達習慣有很多差異之處,翻譯時往往能死扣原文逐詞逐句譯出。下面擬談談形容 詞的翻譯問題。

(一)、一些原義并無否定意思的形容詞和別的詞搭配,有時可譯成否定句。 1. These goods are in short supply. 這些貨物供應不足。

2. This equation is far from being complicated. 這個方程一定也不復雜。

(二)、為了使譯文自然流暢,讀起來順口,在一些形容詞前可根據上下文內容加上副詞“很”、“最”等字。 1. It was as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. 這是我度過最愉快的一天。

2. It is easy to compress a gas. 氣體很容易壓縮。

(三)、有時可將英語的“形容詞+名詞短語”譯成漢語的主謂結構。 1. She spoke in a high voice. 她講話聲音很尖。

2. This engine develops a high torque. 這臺發動機產生的轉矩很大。

(四)、如果一個名詞前有幾個形容詞修飾,英譯時應根據漢語習慣決定其順序。 1. a large brick conference hall 一個用磚砌的大會議廳

2. a plastic garden chair 一把在花園里用的塑料椅子

(五)、英語中一些表示知覺、情感、欲望等心理狀態的形容詞,同連系動詞構成復合謂語時,翻譯時可 將形容詞譯成動詞。

1. You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying. 你完全不懂你在婚姻方面承擔的責任。

2. Such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on America. 類似的批評在他后來寫的評論美國的文章中屢見不鮮。

3. He is truly sorry for his past, and he has undertaken to give up motorcars entirely and for ever. 他誠懇地懺悔過去,并保證永遠不再玩汽車。

(六)、由于語言習慣不同,英語里的形容詞有時譯成漢語副詞。 1. I am going to be good and sweet and kind to every body. 我要對每一個人都親切、溫順、和善。

2. He asked me for a full account of myself and family. 他詳盡地問起我自己和我家里的情況。

3. Another war will be the absolute end of our country. 再來一次戰爭將徹底毀滅我們這個國家。


四、舉例before 和good 具體譯法

(一)連詞before 的含義是“在……以前”(previous to the time when)。在句法上,它引導狀語從句。 可見它的詞義頗為單純,功能比較專一。然而,由于漢英表達習慣的不同,在將before 漢譯時,其譯法卻 多種多樣。常見的有以下幾種:

1,直譯成“(在)……(以或之)前”。這時主句與before 從句中的兩個動作按時間先后依次發生。 Before I enter on the subject I have something to say. 在討論這一問題之前,我有些話要說。

They led a miserable life before their hometown was liberated. 他們家鄉解放前生活很苦。

2,譯成“(后)……才”。副詞“才”在漢語中表示某事發生得晚或慢。如果在含有before 從句的復合句中, 強調從句動作發生得晚或慢時,就可以應用這種譯法。這里又有兩種情況,一種是主句主語為名詞或代詞, 另一種是主語與非人稱it。

The train had left before he got to the station. 火車開了他才到車站。

It seemed a long time before my turn came. 似乎過了好大一會兒才輪到我。

3,連詞before 與barely,scarcely, hardly 連用時還可譯成“剛……就”。在漢語中,“就”強調事情發生 得早或快。如果原文突出主句與從句的動作一前一后緊接著或幾乎同時發生,即可用此譯法。 We had barely sat down before we heard bicycles outside. 我們剛坐下就聽到外邊有自行車的聲音。

We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain. 我們剛離開學校天就下起雨來。

4,如果原文主句中謂語動詞是否定形式則可譯成“就”、“便”、或“快”。這又分主句主語為名(代)詞和it 兩種情況。

I had not waited long before she came. 我沒等多久她就來了。

It was not long before he got to know it. 不久他就知道了。

5,假使原文目的在于渲染從句動作發生之前,主句動作業已發生,可譯成“未……就”或“還沒有(來得及)…… 就”。

The day began to break before we got to the hilltop. 我們還沒有到達山頂天就開始亮了。

Before I could say a single word, he ran away. 我連一句話也沒來得及說他就跑了。

另外,像before he knew it 一類習慣說法,則可譯成“不……(就)”。 The boy fell down from the ladder bvefore he knew it. 那個男孩不知怎么一來就從梯子上摔了下來。

6,譯為“趁(著)”,或用反說,譯成“不然會”、“要不就”、“沒”、“不”等。 Study hard before it is too late. 趁早努力學習。

I’ll do it now before I forget. 趁著還沒忘記,我現在就做。

She arrived before I expected. 我沒料到她來的這么早。

7,某些習語中的連詞before 可譯成“先……然后”、“先……再”或“而后”等。 One must sow before one can reap. 先有播種后有收獲。 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

有些習語中的before 也可譯成“未……先”。

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. 雞蛋未孵,勿先數雛。

此外,連詞before 還作“與其……(寧愿)”(rather than)講,通??梢詾?ldquo;寧可……也不(肯)”、“寧愿…… 決不”等。例如:

We will die before we give in. 我們寧死不屈。 He would die before he lied. 他寧死也不肯說謊。

以上羅列了連詞before 的幾種常見的譯法。英漢表達方式很不相同,具體譯法,須根據具體情況而定

(二)Good 一詞,在英語中該算是最熟悉、最常用的了。它的搭配能力很強,而且也常見于科技文章中。 一看到good,我們便自然而然得會想到“好的”這一詞義。然而,在一些場合,good 的譯法卻是頗費躊躇 的。

1,可譯為“好的”,但概念模糊:如good fish(好魚),是指品種,大小還是新鮮程度呢?

2,勉強可譯為“好的”,但不搭配:如Good fire 若譯為“很好的爐火”是可以理解的,但不如譯為“旺盛的 爐火”。

3,譯成“好的”反而錯了:如good hard work 不是指“一項好的但卻艱巨的工作”,而是指“一項十分艱巨 的工作”。

為什么這樣普通的詞在翻譯時卻難處理呢?其原因有二: 第一,只知其一,不知其


有的詞有一個義項,有的詞有兩個或兩個以上義項。good 一詞,在《現代高級英漢雙解辭典》中就有十 八項釋義,如不能全面地掌握這些義項,翻譯時就會遇到困難。 第二,不善舉一反三,觸類旁通

從語言的發展來看,一個詞總會有一個最原始的或最基本的詞義(叫做本義),而其他的詞義是由這個詞 發展或引申而來的(叫做引申義)。引申,就是由原義產生新義。選擇詞義難就難在這個“新”字上。一是 英語單詞本身已有引申義。這就要勤查字典,從諸多詞義中去挑選最合適的詞義。二是詞典中所有詞義都 不貼切,要根據漢譯的需要去創造新義,而新義又必須與本義相關聯。如good 一詞在英語中已有引申義 “strong,vigorous(強健的,有力的)”。因此,His eyesight is still good. 一句應譯為“他的視力仍 然很強。”(good 由“好的”引申為“強的”)。而在下面的例句中,good 可引申為“高度的”。 To produce strong X-rays the tube had to be made a very good vacuum. 管子要產生強的射線,就必須制成高度的真空。而“高度的”這一詞義,在《現代高級英漢雙解辭典》、《遠 東英漢大辭典》等的漢語釋義中都是沒有的,因而可算是新創的?,F在,讓我們以《現代高級英漢雙解辭 典》為據,列舉good 一詞的幾個義項來觀察它在漢譯時是如何引申和再引申的。為了節省篇幅,只探討 作為形容詞用的而且常用于科技文章中的幾個義項的譯法,不涉及用于生活、口語和文學時的譯法,也不 涉及用于問候語、客氣的稱呼、贊揚之詞以及片語和復合詞的用法。為了方便,在此不再引用其英語的釋 義而用其對應的漢語譯義,每一詞義只舉一例。 (1)、美好的;良好的;令人滿意的 a good knife 一把好刀 a good conductor 良導體 漢譯時引申:

1,a good soil 肥沃的土壤 2,good oil 提純了的油

3,a good money 真的貨幣 4,a good river 暢通的河道 5,good English 規范的英語

6,Good switches move quickly. 優質開關動作靈活。(good 引申為“優質的”) 7,That engine sounds good. 那臺發動機聽起來很正常。(good 引申譯為“正常”) 8,the rocket travels better through vacuum than it des through the air. 火箭穿過真空比穿過空氣容易。(good 引申譯為“容易”)

9,A good example of a case where electricity is changed to power is the electric streetcar. 電變為動力的典型例子是電車。(good example 引申譯為“典型的例子”) 10,In the absence of an outdoor aerial this telescopic aerial will give a good picture if the transmitter signal is sufficiently strong. 在無室外天線時,若發射機的信號很 強,這種拉桿天線可產生清晰的圖象(good picture 引申譯為“清晰的圖象”)

11,Laser possesses a series of remarkable properties, which make it a better light source in a number of cases. 激光有許多顯著的特性,這些特性使它在許多情況下成為一種更理 想的光源。(good 引申譯為“理想的”) (2)、有益的

Milk is good food for children. 牛奶對小孩是有益的。漢譯時引申: 1,good gradient 平緩的坡度

2,It is no good heating the material to such a temperature. 把材料加熱到這樣的溫度是不恰當 的。(good 引申為“恰當的”)

(3)、能勝任的;有能力的;能干的 漢譯時引申:

1,a good chess player 高明的棋手

2,A good human translator can do perhaps 2000 to 3000 words a day. 一個熟練的翻譯人員一 天也許能翻譯兩千到三千個詞。(good 引申譯為“熟練的”) (4)、徹底的;完全的

The workers gave the machine a good checking. 工人們對機器進行了徹底的檢查。漢譯時引申: 1,have a good drink 喝個痛快

2,It has been thought of making good use of the sun"s energy to serve the well-being of the people. 我們早就設想過充分利用太陽能來為自己造福。(good 引申譯為“充分”) 3,This set consumes so little power that a good 12 volt car battery can still start your car after you have been watching TV for 10 hours. 本機耗電極少,因而具有12 伏足電的汽車蓄電池在你看電視十小時后仍能用于開車。(good 引申為“充足的”)

4,Rivers provide good sources of hydropower. 河流具有豐富的水力資源。(good 引申譯為“豐富 的”)

5,The CE circuit is widely favored since it can be designed for good voltage and current gains. CE 電路得到廣泛的使用,因為它能獲得高電壓增益和高電流增益。(good...gains 引申譯為“高……增益”)




Dear Sir(男士)/ Madam(女士),

第一段:自我介紹, 寫信目的 I

am_____(具體名字題目給出). I am writing to you for the purpose of expressing my deepest

concern about____________(具體內容題目給出). I sincerely wish you consider my suggestion.第二段:現狀,建議

1___________; 建議2_________; 建議3___________

It must be pointed out that the situation of ____________ is going from bad to worse. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, first of all, Governments departments are required to take effective measures to solve this serious problem. In the second place, different classes in the society need to cooperate closely to pay attention to this problem. At last, as individuals, we should care about it and set up examples for others. 第三段:感謝, 期待

Thank you for reading my letter at your busy time! I firmly believe that with your considerate concern this problem will be smoothly solved.

Yours sincerely,


2、求職信(申請信) 第一段:自我介紹, 寫信目的 Dear Sir / Madam, I am ___________(具體名稱題目會給出) who graduates from Shandong University. I am writing to you for the purpose of obtaining the position of ____(具體職位題目會給出)

第二段:優勢1_________. 優勢2_____________. 優勢3___________ As a matter of fact, I am quite sure that I am extremely qualified for this position. To begin with(或First of all), my major learned in the college matches with this position very much. In the second place, I have got three years’ rich experience concerning this position. Thirdly, my character is not only careful but also patient. In addition, I am very open-minded person. Therefore, I consider I am the right person for this position. 第三段:感謝, 期待

At last, I am sincerely thankful for your reading my application letter at your busy time. I am looking for the precious chance to be interviewed in recent time.

Yours sincerely,



第一段:寫信目的 Dear Sir / Madam, My name is _______(具體名字題目會給出). I am writing to you for the purpose of quitting my present job. 第二段:原因1. 原因2 . 原因3 To be exact, the reasons for my quitting job are as follows: First of all, my wife will be transferred to another city and she will work there in the rest of her life. Secondly, my son will go to college in another city and he needs our care and concern very much. So I beg you to consider my resign at your convenient time. 第三段:感謝給機會, 期待批準, 致歉

Thank you for reading my letter very much! In fact I am grateful for your concern during my past working time. I sincerely expect your positive answer soon.

Yours sincerely,




Dear ____(根據題目要求寫) I am ____(具體名字題目會給出). I am writing to you for the purpose of expressing my sincere thanks to help me solve my serious problem! 第二段:原因1__________ 原因2___________. 3 __________. In fact, you have helped me for more than one time. Whenever I am in trouble, you are the first person to help me. For example, you are always ready to offer me your fund, office as well as relation resources. This time is no exception. I sincerely invite you to have dinner at a restaurant and have a chatting at your convenient time. I will pick you up at your house gate at the given time.

第三段:再次感謝, 表達祝愿

I thank you again for your unselfish help to me! I wish our friendship as well as cooperation will last for ever.

Yours sincerely,



第一段:寫信目的 Dear Sir / Madam, My name is ______. I am writing to you for the purpose of making an apology due to my carelessness. 第二段:緣由, 目前感受, 解決問題, 問題解決, As a matter of fact, the reason causing the present trouble is objective as the following. Just the other day, I caught a serious cough and stayed in bed. My head was always fainted at that time for a week, so that I didn’t finish the task you assign to me. I am so sorry for that. I wish you can understand me. I ensure you that it won’t happen next time. 第三段:再次道歉, 期待接受

Sincere apology to you again! I am looking forward to your forgiving.

Yours sincerely,


6、邀請信(公務邀請: 強調身份、具體的接待禮儀、接待方式、接待人群) 第一段:自我介紹,寫信目的 Dear Sir/ Madam, I am______(具體名字題目會給出), _______________(具體職務題目也會給出,如the personnel manager 人力資源經理、general manager總經理等等. I am writing to you for the purpose of honorably inviting you to _______ (具體活動題目給出) 第二段:活動安排(時間,地點,內容)活動1____ 邀請1____活動2__ __邀請2______ As matter of fact, we have made enough preparation and full arrangement for you in advance. First of all, the leaders of our company will greet you in person at the gate. Then we will discuss and talk about the___________(主題根據題目寫) in detail at lecture room(或meeting room).It is well known to all that you are the famous expert in_________(同上). At last we will accompany you home with our leaders. We wish we can get a pleasant and smooth cooperation. 第三段:Para3: 再次邀請, 期待, 請求回復

We are expecting from the bottom of our heart that you can accept our invitation! Please give us a positive reply soon. Wish us have a successful cooperation!

Yours sincerely,




第二段:活動安排(時間,地點,內容)活動開始,持續(活動),最后(活動) 第三段:再次邀請,期待,請求回復 范文

January 10, 2011

Dear Mary,

I’m writing this letter for the purpose of inviting you to a dinner party at my house on October 22, 2010 to celebrate my father’s 70-year-old birthday. The occasion will be followed by our dinner, during which we can talk and laugh together. At around 9 o’clock, all the friends will take some photos together. I together with my family would feel it a great honor if you could come. We are looking forward to seeing you on that day. We are looking forward to the pleasure of your company. Please let me know your decision before next weekend.

Yours sincerely,

Ji Bai


January 10, 2011


Dear ______(根據題目要求寫), I am____(具體名字題目給出). I am writing to you to express sincere congratulations on your success and happiness!


As a matter of fact, I know that you have devoted a great deal of precious time as well as energy to it. During the past valuable time and experience, you have obtained not only rich work experience but also wide-spreading interpersonal relationship. Therefore, the past experience has laid solid foundation for the present success. I wish you to accept my heartfelt(發自內心的) congratulations. In fact, I have also learned a lot from your achievement this time. You have set up a brilliant example for us to make success and realize our dreams in the near future.


Congratulate to you again with my faithful blessings! I am quite sure that you will make much greater accomplishment with your effort and devotion!

Yours sincerely,




Dear Sir / Madam,

I am_____(具體名字題目給出). I am very honorable writing to you for the purpose of recommending ______(具體被推薦人題目會給出). As far as I am concerned, he(或she)is the right candidate for your position.


As a matter of fact, ____(具體被推薦人)has acquired a lot of advantages suitable for your position. Above all, his major is not only proper for your post but also he has obtained three years’ rich fulltime as well as part-time working experience. In addition, I have got on well with him for six years and am very familiar his outstanding characters. That is, he is both sociable and out-minded. At last, he obeys and respect superiors as always, so that he has gained wide-spreading praise from his friends, colleagues and teachers.


Thank you for reading my recommendation at your busy time! I am for forwarding to receiving your reply soon and expecting you to offer him (或her) a precious chance of interview.

Yours sincerely,

*** ▲


January 10, 2011


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am_____(具體名字題目會給出). I am writing to you for the purpose of making a complaint about your_____ (具體事情題目會給出)


As a matter of fact, you have caused a lot of hurt to me due to your carelessness as well as fault. First, it severely affects my normal work and living. Second place, you have brought a large amount of spiritual discomfort. For example, my normal sleep and rest can’t be assured as usual. Therefore, I strongly and firmly require your company to make a detailed explanation for me. In addition, I demand you should make sincere apology to me in person soon. At last, I wish you can seriously consider my requirements and reply to me in two days. 第三段:相信滿足要求

I believe your company will consider consumers’ interest according to your working style. I am looking forward to your answer.

Yours sincerely,




The past few years have witnessed the emergence of a widespread social phenomenon. That is________________(根據題目提示寫). This issue, without the slightest question, has given rise to great concern in the public. Needless to say, this situation will continue for quite a while in the future.


What is shown in the diagram(或table等,題目中有這樣的詞)above describes clearly that remarkable changes have taken place in _________ (填圖表標題). Based upon the statistics of the diagram, one may see that the number of ____________(按作文要求) has been on a steady rise(上升). In the year of 1998, the number merely 2500, but within no more than

several years, it went up to move more than 35,000 in 2004.(具體年份和數字根據題目圖表隨便找一組對比的填)


Looking at this picture, I believe, people cannot keep pondering. It describes a simple but meaningful social phenomenon. It is both profound and thought provoking, which is meant to emphasize the importance of the phenomenon.


How come such phenomenon occurs? First of all, it is the inevitable social trend with the rapid development of Chinese economy. Furthermore, we must admit that the government is deficient of the thoughtful consideration and the perspective anticipation. Last but not the least, the fact cannot be ignored is that someone’s mind has changed.


We should take some effective measures. First of all, governments departments are required to take effective measures to solve this problem. In the second place, different classes in the society need to cooperate closely to pay attention to this problem. At last, as individuals, we should care about it and set up examples for others.





1.Nowadays more and more people begin to realize/be aware of/notice the importance/significance/seriousness of the problem of education/pollution/unemployment.


2.We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bear’s paw or for the shark’s fin...


3.There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for..


4.Recently the issue/problem of...has been in the limelight/brought into focus/brought to public attention/concern.


5.A recellt report released by the government has caused nationwide repercussions.


6.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern·


7.One of the(universal/pressing/burning/urgent)problems/issues we are faced with(confronting us)is that...


8.Recently the problem/issue/conflict has become the focus/concern of the public.


9.There is a(public/general/heated/impassioned)debate/discussion/controversy today/nowadays as to/over/on/concerning the issue/problem of....Those who criticise/oppose/object to...contend/argue that....They believe that····But people who advocate/favor/are for...,on the other hand,maintain/assert that···


10.A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of..



Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 觀點1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 觀點2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.

There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 論據1. More importantly, 論據2. Most important of all, 論據3.

In summary, 總結觀點. As a college student, I am supposed to 表決心. 或From above, we can predict that 預測.


People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that觀點1, while others point out that 觀點2. As far as I am concerned,the former/latter opinion holds more weight.

For one thing,論據1. For another, 論據2. Last but not the least,論據3.

To conclude,總結觀點. As a college student, I am supposed to 表決心.或From above, we can predict that 預測.


There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(爭論的焦點). Some people are of the view that 觀點1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 觀點2. As far as I 第 1 頁 共 1 頁


am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious.

First of all, 論據1. Furthermore, 論據2. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 論據3.

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that總結觀點. As a college student, I am supposed to 表決心. 或From above, we can predict that 預測.


It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of … has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as … varies). At the point of …, … reaches its peak …(多少).

What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(第一個原因). More importantly, …(第二個原因). Most important of all, …(第三個原因).

