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碧桂園教育集團 長沙碧桂園威尼斯中英文學校




地理位置:長沙縣北端松雅湖畔騰飛島上(四面環水,環境清幽,遠離都市喧囂) 學校性質:民辦寄宿制學校 辦學范圍:幼兒園、小學、初中 在校學生:2118人

師資力量:164名中外籍專業教師,超過10%的教師有英美留學或游學經歷 小班教學,個性輔導。班額低于40人,師生比為1:13 幼兒園起即配備專業英語教師和外教

硬件設施:全現代化教學設施,整體配置超省一級標準 建筑面積4萬平米,各類現代化實驗室、音體美舞功能室、電腦 室、各類體育運動場所齊全,盡可能滿足各類學生個性發展



碧桂園教育集團 刻見解和成熟運作經驗,辦學實踐中既能立足民族優秀傳統的傳承,又能放眼國際,積極引進歐美教育先進元素,以未來時代需求為考量,策劃學生的終身發展。先后獲評長沙市小學管理名優校長、湖南省民辦教育優秀校長、全國特色興教管理杰出人物、《中國教師報》2011最具創新力榜樣人物。北京大學首屆教育家型校長高級研修班優秀學員、教育家型校長。



廣東碧桂園學校是國內第一家完全突破應試教育,從幼兒園到高中全體系實施IB教育的國際學校。IB教育是全球公認的國際教育的領跑者,致力于為未來時代培養合格的世界公民,要求青少年通過學習探究建立自身與世界的廣泛聯系,并成為具有理性批判思維的思考者、多元文化的包容者和世界事務的參與者。 長沙碧桂園威尼斯中英文學校立足湖湘千年人文沃土,傳承廣東碧桂園20年國際教育成熟經驗,致力于探尋民族與國際、歷史與未來之間的平衡點,并建立中西教育完美融合的新模式。




★ 追求野性而高貴的碧桂園氣質的養成

碧桂園教育集團 挑戰體能的10公里環湖拉練、傳承父輩優秀品質的“印象爸爸”系列活動、培養勇敢精神與團隊意識的各類體育競技、培養博愛情懷與社會責任感的福利院慰問和關愛留守兒童義演,還有“護蛋行動”、“孕媽媽體驗”等豐富的品質體驗活動,幫助孩子養成野性而高貴的碧桂園氣質。

★ 追求自主、獨立、探究、創新的學習力的生長

“一切學習與活動,都必須建立在學生真實經歷、真實體驗、獨立思考、討論交流的基礎之上”,“充分尊重學生主體作用的發揮”是碧桂園威尼斯課堂教學和活動開展的基本指導思想,其根本目的是希望學生在學習過程中都能獲得自己獨特的體驗和能力的提升。育人如植樹,其要義在于服務(環境)、引導(方向)、喚醒(內驅力)、生長(個性)。替代學生獨立思考、自由表達和自主探究的過程,就是剝奪了學生自己學習的過程。 ★ 追求英語能力的高度發展和國際視野的形成 師資:英美外教、海歸精英、資深英語專業教師 課時:幼兒園到小學與中文同比重開設英語課 教材:英美原版教材與國內英語教材搭配學習

環境:全英文課堂、常規化英語活動、英語社團、師生英語交流全日程浸泡 歷練:國家級英語大賽舞臺歷練、英美游學、中外交流

★ 追求探究、實踐、表達、協作、創新等綜合能力的發展


★ 追求自由受鼓勵的個性發展,讓每個孩子成為最好的自己



碧桂園教育集團 ★ 中考成績



2015年中考我校全A率27%,省重點高中上線率50%,超越傳統名校水準。英語達A率高達78%,文綜達A率高達67%,語文達A率56%,理綜達A率52%,數學達A率45%,各科全面展現超高質量,總成績在地區遙遙領先。 ★ 英語能力




在美國佐治亞州州長夫人來訪、美國山谷學校校長來訪、澳大利亞南澳洲教育部長來訪等多次重要外賓接待中,我校學生的英語能力均得到嘉賓盛贊。 ★ 現代信息技術素養

由國家工信部等8家部委聯合舉辦的、旨在為國家培養現代信息技術優秀人才的全國青少年兒童計算機表演賽,我校學生連續5屆包攬湖南省賽區決賽幼小初三個學段的冠亞軍,并連年代表湖南省參加全國總決賽,累計獲得15個全國一等獎。2015年我校學生戴晟在難度最大含金量最高的網絡現場賽上,一舉奪得初中組的全國第一名,長沙籍老領導、原全國人大副委員長李鐵映親自為其頒獎。 ★ 個性發展


碧桂園教育集團 12歲正式出版個人古箏專輯的趙之陽,組建首支校園樂隊自創畢業歌曲后來考入中國傳媒大學的劉牧奇,舉辦個人書畫展的曹雨軒等等。2012年,由長沙市教育局主辦的面向全長沙地區中小學生的“星城之星”評選,我校有馮子純等5人當選,入選人數之多,全市僅有。2012年長沙市中小學教學班合唱比賽、2013年市教學班合奏比賽,我校兩次代表長沙縣參賽均奪得一等獎。2015年長沙市“說說我的好家風”演講比賽,我校三名學生挺進10強,并一舉將冠亞軍收獲囊中。




France attracts more tourists than any other country in the world. Tourists come to see France’s splendid scenery. But mostly they come to see Paris, the capital of France. Paris is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. For centuries, France has been the center of art and culture in Europe. Some of the world’s greatest artists a

Facts About France

Official name French Republic Capital Paris Official language French Population 64,100,000 people Rank among countries in population 21st Major cities Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse

210,000 square miles Area

544,000 square kilometers Rank among countries in area 47th

Mont Blanc Highest point

15,782 feet/4,810 meters Currency Euro

VARIED LANDSCAPES France is the biggest country in western Europe. Most of the land in the north is flat and close to sea level. Hills cover central and southern France, and huge mountains rise along the country’s borders. The Pyrenees divide France from Spain, its neighbor to the southwest. The Alps mark its border with Italy and Switzerland to the east. Most of France has mild weather. However, the French Alps get plenty of snow. Some of the world’s finest ski resorts are found here. In the southeast, France borders the Mediterranean Sea. The coast along the Mediterranean is called the Riviera. Warm, dry weather and beautiful scenery make the Riviera a famous winter resort. It’s long been associated with wealth and glamour. THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE The French countryside is divided into tidy farms and dotted with pretty towns. Here and there, old castles loom on hills. The castles were built hundreds of years ago, when nobles ruled France. Big rivers, like the Loire and the Seine, provide water for French farms. Canals connect the major rivers in France. People can travel on this network of waterways. The canals are like an extra set of highways. WINE AND CHEESE Vineyards and dairy farms in the countryside produce products for which France is best known. Vineyards grow grapes that are made into wine. Cheese comes from the dairy farms. France produces more wine than any other country in the world. Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Champagne are important grape-growing regions in France. All three have given their names to kinds of wine. France also is known for producing some of the best cheeses in the world. They include Camembert, chèvre (made from goat’s milk), and Roquefort. THE CAPITAL OF FUN Three-fourths of the people of France live in cities and towns. France has ports, such as Marseille, and factory towns, such as Lyon. Paris, however, is by far the most important French city. About 10 million people live in and around this lively and lovely city. Artists have long been drawn to Paris. A famous art movement called impressionism was born here. The best-known museum in France—the Louvre—is in Paris. The Louvre contains one of the world’s most famous paintings, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. Tourists also love Paris for its nightlife, restaurants, and sidewalk cafés. They flock to see beautiful buildings such as Notre Dame, a huge church that is more than 700 years old. They visit the Eiffel Tower, a Paris landmark that’s nearly 1,000 feet (300 meters) high. THE BIRTH OF FRANCE Paris was founded more than 2,000 years ago. It was just a small town until the AD 800s. At that time, France was the western part of a big empire built by a tribe called the Franks. The greatest king of the Franks was Charlemagne. He ruled from 768 to 814. After his death, his three grandsons divided his empire. The western part eventually became France. For about four centuries, the kings of France had little power. During a conflict with England, the French came to think of themselves as a nation. The conflict, known as the Hundred Years’ War, lasted from 1337 to 1453. After the war, the power of the French king began to grow. The king’s power peaked with Louis XIV, who ruled from 1643 to 1715. He was known as the Sun King because he took the Sun—the brightest star in our sky—as his symbol. Louis XIV built the world’s grandest palace at Versailles, just outside Paris. All over Europe, people came to think of Paris as a center for art, culture, and fun. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION The fun didn’t last. The king and the members of his court lived splendidly, but the French people were dreadfully poor. In 1789, the poor rebelled. They overthrew the king and the nobles. They demanded liberty and equality for all. These events began the French Revolution, which lasted until 1799. After the revolution, a military leader named Napoleon seized power in France. He led French armies as they conquered much of Europe. Britain and Russia joined forces to defeat him. TODAY’S FRANCE

France remains a powerful and lively country. It is one of the most important countries in the United Nations. It is also a leading power in the European Union, an organization of European countries. Tourists never tire of Paris and other places in France. More people visit France each year than live there!







郝思嘉的父親是個愛爾蘭移民,身無分文的她只身來到美國,通過玩一手好牌和喝酒的海量贏得了一片紅色的土地,幾經創業把其發展成一個收入頗豐的種植園。思嘉的母親出身于海濱城市薩凡納的名門望族,因為情場失意賭氣嫁給了比她大將近二十歲的郝嘉樂。作為他們的大女兒,思嘉既沿襲了父親豪爽、粗獷、不拘小節、脾氣暴躁的性格,自小又受到母親良好家教和道德觀念的教誨。所以,她的性格是個矛盾的統一體。她既想做個像她媽媽那樣有大家閨秀風范的淑女,骨子里又有背叛媽媽的道德框框的反骨。正是血管里流著的這種充滿矛盾的血液造就了思嘉敢愛敢恨、認定自己的目標便勇往直前、不擇手段的性格特點。 小說《飄》出版后,美國評論界對郝思嘉的性格莫衷一是,有人把郝思嘉說成是一個好不足取的女性。美國詩人約翰p.畢曉普曾經說過:“在任何情況下,郝思嘉都是毫不足取的女性。她吝嗇迷信,還自私自利,簡直無人可比。她顯然屬于她那一階層的一員,但她只有在少女時代才在表面上有點該階層的言談舉止;屬于他們的情感,她卻從來沒有共享過。人是要有精神的,這一點于她是不可理解的,至于說思想,他知道的最多的就是那種屬于小農意識的卑劣的狡詐伎倆?;谶@一點,除了她那珍貴的皮膚、土地、和錢財以外,她什么也不看重。而這些正是使她的狡詐伎倆可以永久延續下去的東西。她手里抓著這個,眼里又覬覦另一個,為此,她殺了一個前來偷盜的北方士兵,洗劫了他的尸體、結了好幾次婚、購買鋸木廠、剝削囚犯的勞動、行使欺騙術、無情地把好幾個人送上了西天。”




作者對郝思嘉表現真我的個性刻畫還體現在另一件事情上。那就是,郝思嘉再嫁給第二任丈夫弗蘭克后,自己借錢買下一家鋸木廠。讓全體亞特蘭大人目瞪口呆的是,她居然自己親自經營鋸木廠,根本不理睬對她此舉持反對意見的弗蘭克。按照亞特蘭大傳統的思維,嫁給弗蘭克后的思嘉應該安分守己,讓開店的弗蘭克養活自己,自己在家當個相夫教子的太太??墒?,思嘉的舉動卻使亞特蘭大人瞠目結舌。她不但在弗蘭克生病時接管了店鋪的生意,讓弗蘭克在鄰里鄉親面前抬不起頭來,而且私自買下了鋸木廠,當上了名副其實的女商人。這個舉動雖然算不上大逆不道,可對于女人來說也是非常出格的。更令亞特蘭大人氣憤的是,她憑著自己的姿色和獨特的經營方式,擠垮了同行中的男性競爭對手,成了木材行業里的佼佼者。思嘉的舉動成了別人議論的中心,閑言碎語、造謠中傷鋪天蓋地而來。然而,思嘉對這一切置之不理,照樣我行我素,朝自己認準的目標前進。其實,思嘉在這一點上的做法正是現代社會中商場競爭的寫照。競爭應該對每個人都是平等的,男人也罷,女人也罷。強者存,弱者汰。從這點上說,十九世紀的郝思嘉倒是有了超前的競爭意識和競爭能力。 思嘉性格為人稱道的另一點是她的責任心。盡管他不喜歡她的妹妹,盡管她對自己的孩子照顧不周,盡管她對黑人態度嚴厲,但她在最困難的時候并沒有拋下大家不顧,而是千方百計統籌安排,帶領大家咬緊牙關、挺過饑餓交加的最艱難的時期。她義無反顧地把一切攬在自己的肩上,而這負荷本來是要有兩個男人才負擔的了的??伤赣H傻了,母親去世了,身為大女兒的她成了一家之主,她有責任承擔這一義務,而她也確實義不容辭地履行了這一職責。為了避免失去家園、無家可歸的悲慘命運,她違心地嫁給了她一點都不愛的弗蘭克,用自己的幸福為代價換來了挽救塔拉的三百美元。她后來處心積慮地經營鋸木廠,千方百計地賺錢,一方面是為了自己不再會有挨餓受凍的威脅,另一方面也是為了塔拉能夠維持下去,為了有朝一日塔拉能夠恢復過去的風采,也為了家里人能安安穩穩地生活。她雖然也暗暗詛咒這種職責,恨不得能把這些負荷統統甩掉,但是,正如希禮所說的,她永遠也做不到這一點。




注視著默默望著她的一雙雙眼睛,面對一張張面黃肌瘦的臉,思嘉沒有絕望,沒有氣餒,她既沒有沉溺在過去美好的歲月中,也沒有自暴自棄,得過且過。她下決心要讓塔拉存在下去,要讓塔拉的人挺過這個艱難時世。她親自下地摘棉花;拎著籃子在烈日下到鄰居廢棄的果園里挖剩下的菜蔬;騎著唯一的一匹孱弱的小馬到鄰居家借種子、了解外界的情況;甚是殺了一個前來偷盜的北方士兵。在塔拉受到要挾、大家面臨無家可歸的威脅時,她帶著嬤嬤來到亞特蘭大,想利用自己的魅力從白瑞徳手中借錢挽救塔拉。此計不成,她轉而向小有資財的弗蘭克展開攻勢,終于讓他拜倒在她的石榴裙下。雖然思嘉把妹妹的男朋友奪了過來,而這也招致了許多人的指責和非難,但是,她不畏困難,敢于面對困難、想盡方法克服困難的勇氣著實令人欽佩。 我們再來看看小說的結尾。真心愛慕思嘉的白瑞德最終因為失望而決定離開思嘉,而此時的思嘉剛剛才意識到自己真正愛的人其實不是衛希禮,而是白瑞德,只是自己一直不知道而已??墒?,白瑞德覺得自己雖然與思嘉生活在一起,但兩人的心從來沒有合二為一過。愛女的夭折更是使他產生了絕望心里。面對瑞德的離她而去,思嘉雖然也傷心難過,但她沒有撒潑耍賴,而是堅強地接受了這一令人難以接受的事實。“我明天再想這事好了,到塔拉去想。那時我就承受得了了。明天我要想個辦法重新得到他。畢竟,明天又是另外一天了。”這就是思嘉再碰到困難時屢試不爽的法寶。





Profile of Yangtze University Yangtze University is a comprehensive institution of higher learning with the strong supports from both China Central Government and Hubei Provincial Government. Hubei Province gives its priority to run the institution. China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, China National Offshore Oil

Yangtze University is located in the famous ancient historic and cultural city of Jingzhou, China and it has a teaching and research campus in Wuhan City, the Capital of Hubei Province. The university campuses cover an area of 251 hectares with floor space of 1,246,600 square meters. Its fixed assets are totally worth CNY 1.8 billion yuan. The university has 3,149 faculty members, of whom 2,139 are full time teachers. Among these teachers, there are 1,027 professors and associate professor, and 1,243 teachers have obtained their doctorates or master’s degree. There are 2 “part-time academicians”, 1 specially employed expert from the Hubei Province 100 Scholars Plan, 16 specially invited professors from the Chutian Scholars Project. Besides, Yangtze University has 1 teacher who won the prize of University Outstanding Young Teacher from the Ministry of Education, China, 3 national excellent teachers and 3 Hubei famous teachers, and 61 experts receiving special grants from Central and Provincial Governments with their outstanding contribution.

Yangtze University has 1 postdoctoral research station, 8 doctoral programs, and 109 master’s programs. The university has been entitled to admit outstanding undergraduates for master’s degree without attending entrance examination. It also has the right of independent admission of undergraduate students. The university offers 83 undergraduate programs covering 10 disciplines, specifically economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine and management. Its full-time student body is about 34,000, including postgraduates, undergraduate students, three years students and international students.

There are 22 key disciplines at provincial and ministerial level, 26 key laboratories, engineering technology research centers and experimental teaching demonstration centers at national and provincial level on its campuses. Yangtze University has 6 national unique disciplines, 3 national excellent courses, 1 national bilingual teaching demonstration course, 2 national teaching teams, 44 provincial excellent courses and quality courses. The university is prestigious and characteristic in the research fields of petroleum science and technology, agricultural science and technology, and Jingchu culture. In the 11th five-year plan period (2006-2010), its research funds totally reached 785 million yuan and the university won 2 national science and technology awards and 85 provincial science and technology awards.

Since 1930s, the institution has cultivated more than 270 thousand professional talents of various kinds, among whom there are many famous elites working in scientific, political and business circles, such as Wang Tieguan who is academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gui Shiyong who is former Director of the Policy Research Center of State Council, Zhang Dinghua who is former Party Secretary of National Trade Union, Wang Shengtie and Song Yuying who are former Chairman of the Hubei People’s Political Consultative Conference, Zhang Yongyi who is Chairman of the Board of Supervision of Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises of the State Council, Liao Yongyuan who is Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, Ding Fanrong who is the President of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Zhakar who is Vice President of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. In recent years, the annual employment rate of its graduates remains above 95%. Yangtze University won excellent in the undergraduate teaching level evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education in 2007. It has been judged as Hubei Best Civilized Unit many times.



Brief Introduction of PICC P & C

PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd. (PICC P & C), as the largest non-life insurance company in mainland China, was established by the People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China in July 2003 under the validation of the State Council and approval of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), with a registered capital of RMB 11.1418 billion. The Company once was the People’s Insurance Company of China, which was founded by the People’s Bank of China under the approval of the Committee of Finance and Economy of the State Council on October 20, 1949.

PICC P & C is a flagship subsidiary of the PICC Group, and enjoys an outstanding reputation in the insurance market both home and abroad. On November 6, 2003, the Company successfully launched its IPO in Hong Kong, becoming the first large Chinese state-owned financial enterprise that went public overseas. Supported by its comprehensive strength, PICC P & C stands as the official insurance partner of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Shanghai 2010 Expo, providing full-around insurance services for both events. On June 26, 2008, Moody’s, the authoritative international rating agency, rated the Company as A1, which is the highest rating among domestic enterprises in mainland China.

During more than 60 years of extraordinary development, PICC P & C has always been taking “Insurance of the People and for the People” as its mission, maintaining the management philosophy of “People-oriented, Good-faith service, Value-driven and Sustainable operation ”, carrying forward the enterprise spirit of “truth-seeking, honesty, hard-working, and creativity”, and fully exert its advantages on brand, expertise, production, technology and service, so as to provide strong insurance protection for the reform, economy, society and people. Since 2003, the total claims PICC P & C settled have amounted to over RMB 260 billion. In 2008, after the occurrence of the Snow Disasters, Wenchuan Earthquake, and floods in some southern provinces, the Company took its responsibility and all efforts to deal with claims settlement at very first time, contributing to the restoration of production and

reconstruction of homeland in the disaster-stricken areas.

PICC P & C has long been serving the overall economic and social development of China. The Company takes a market-oriented and client-centered business approach, plays an active role in corporate responsibilities, supports national education, sports and cultural development, promotes the construction of a harmonious society; therefore, the Company has been widely recognized by the public. PICC P & C is rated as the “Most Reliable Insurance Company in China” by Euromoney, and is the first among peer companies to be awarded the honor of “Customer Care Benchmark Enterprises in China”. The “95518” customer service call-center has been consecutively elected as the “Best Call-center in China” for the past several years, and its Olympic marketing campaign has won the gold medal of “Effie Award China”, which is the highest honor in Chinese advertising industry.In the Asian insurance companies competitiveness ranking 2008, PICC P & C is also listed as the “Most Competitive Non-life Insurance Company in Asia”.

Embarking on a new historical start, PICC P & C will continue to take the Concept of Scientific Development as guideline, advance with time, integrate with truth-seeking attitude, and innovate with proactive spirit of reform. PICC P & C aims for a new start and giant leap forward in developing its business, and guarantees to provide further and better insurance services in the process of China’s march into a welfare and harmonious society.


Brief Introduction of PICC P & C

PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd. (PICC P & C), as the largest non-life insurance company in mainland China, was established by the People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China in July 2003 under the validation of the State Council and approval of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), with a registered capital of RMB 11.1418 billion. The Company once was the People’s Insurance Company of China, which was founded by the People’s Bank of China under the

approval of the Committee of Finance and Economy of the State Council on October 20, 1949.

PICC P & C is a flagship subsidiary of the PICC Group, and enjoys an outstanding reputation in the insurance market both home and abroad. On November 6, 2003, the Company successfully launched its IPO in Hong Kong, becoming the first large Chinese state-owned financial enterprise that went public overseas. Supported by its comprehensive strength, PICC P & C stands as the official insurance partner of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Shanghai 2010 Expo, providing full-around insurance services for both events. On June 26, 2008, Moody’s, the authoritative international rating agency, rated the Company as A1, which is the highest rating among domestic enterprises in mainland China.

During more than 60 years of extraordinary development, PICC P & C has always been taking “Insurance of the People and for the People” as its mission, maintaining the management philosophy of “People-oriented, Good-faith service, Value-driven and Sustainable operation ”, carrying forward the enterprise spirit of “truth-seeking, honesty, hard-working, and creativity”, and fully exert its advantages on brand, expertise, production, technology and service, so as to provide strong insurance protection for the reform, economy, society and people. Meanwhile, in its practice of serving the overall economy and customers, PICC P & C has created and consolidated its competitive advantages as a market leader.

Brand Excellence: PICC has grown its brandname together with the People’s

Republic of China, and enjoys wide influences and outstanding reputation home and abroad. PICC P & C is rated as the “Most Reliable Insurance Company in China” by Euromoney, and is the first among peer companies to be awarded the honor of “Customer Care Benchmark Enterprises in China”. The “95518” customer service call-center has been consecutively elected as the “Best Call-center in China” for the past several years, and its Olympic marketing campaign has won the gold medal of “Effie Award China”, which is the highest honor in Chinese advertising industry.In the Asian insurance companies competitiveness ranking 2008, PICC P & C is also listed as the “Most Competitive Non-life Insurance Company in Asia”.

Talent Excellence: PICC P & C has long been maintaining its talents-centered strategy, namely, “guided by experts and winning through competence”. The

Company attaches great importance to team building and employee training, and has forged a good number of managerial talents with rich experience as well as technical talents covering every and every link of chain in the non-life insurance business. As a result, a professional team of employees has been established that masters core

competence of non-life business. The high caliber advantage forms a solid foundation of talent pool as well as the intellectual support for the Company to develop business and service clients.

Product Excellence: PICC P & C enjoys a complete product R & D system, strong R & D capacity, and a full-range of on-shelf products, covering various types of insurance including auto, property, marine & cargo, liability & credit, accidents & health, energy & aerospace, and agricultural insurance, many of which are innovative products pioneering in the industry. Especially for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo 2010, PICC P & C has developed a series of proprietary insurance products with Chinese characteristics and intellectual property rights. As of 2008, the Company provides more than 2500 types of insurance products. At present, the Company develops on average one new product a day, providing all-dimensional and high quality insurance services to our customers.

Professional Excellence: PICC P & C is a leader among domestic non-life insurance players in respect of core technological areas such as underwriting, claims and

reinsurance, and has accumulated abundant experience of risk management through long-time business practice. PICC P & C is the first non-life insurance company in China to introduce actuary techniques into product development process, and enjoys leading professional advantages in key business areas such as aerospace, nuclear

power plants, energy, ocean-going vessels, large industrial and commercial enterprises, government purchase, and agriculture-related insurance. The Company keeps a

long-term and steady strategic cooperation with the international reinsurance market, and is capable of providing outstanding reinsurance protection for various clients.

Service Excellence: PICC P & C’s business network covers throughout the country, including more than 10,000 business offices and over 320 underwriting,

claims/customer service and accounting centers at city level. This comprehensive sales and service network furnishes strong support for the Company’s to expand service ranges, innovate ways of servicing, enhance service standard, and offer professional and differentiated service for customers. PICC P & C is the first to launch the 24-7 hotline “95518” all across China, providing customers with

multi-functional and personalized services with regard to claims-reporting, consulting, complaints, insurance cards registration, vehicle rescue, insurance application appointment and customer feedback survey, anytime, anywhere.

Embarking on a new historical start, PICC P & C will continue to take the Concept of Scientific Development as guideline, advance with time, integrate with truth-seeking attitude, and innovate with proactive spirit of reform. PICC P & C aims for a new start and giant leap forward in developing its business, and guarantees to provide further and better insurance services in the process of China’s march into a welfare and harmonious society.

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