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2011-10-05 13:20 來源:互聯網作者:佚名 [打印] [評論

環境問題今天環境變得越來越糟糕,環境問題影響著人們的工作,學習,生活等,而我們的工作,生活,生產等又使環境污染越來越嚴重„„,如何保護我們的環境?請以“ How to protect our environment? ”為題寫一篇短文。提示:存在問題:1.水污染越來越嚴重;2.砍伐森林嚴重;3.大氣污染嚴重;4.白色垃圾等。要求:如何改善/保護環境?至少:3至4個方面。

How to protect/save our environment/world?

As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted, we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some animals are getting less and less. Somefactories are pouring dirty air into the sky. The population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less„etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a greataffectionin thefuture. People’s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, something must be done to stop the pollution. It’s our duty to protect our environment. We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. Trees are very helpful and important for us. We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.


1. 內容包括:

年齡 出生地/時間(be born in / on)居住地址 (live at)

就讀學校(study at) 興趣或愛好(like/enjoy doing/ be interest in doing/ be keen on

like … best/ His favourite is…)

擅長 (be good at / do well in) 理想…(want to be … grow up / His wish is to be….)

2.時態:例文:Gubing is a student. He Shenzhen No 6 Middle School. His English name is TonythHe very football and He loves listening to the songs by Westlife. He always says to himself “No pains, no gains”.

二、 敘事類: 如看圖說話、寫日記、記一次春游活動等

1.內容:2.時態: 例文:rain and umbrella. Then him. It was Peter, one of his classmates. He Tom to share his umbrella with him. 例文---日記

Sunday, November 2Fine

It was fine today. Charlie and I to visit Shenzhen Museum. It is about 5 kilometers away from my in the morning. At the museum many historical photos and other things. We parents and students lunch in KFC nearby. At 4:00 in the afternoon, we went back home.

We had a wonderful day today.







3、每天在Downtown Middle School 跟英國老師學習英語,很累,但是英語口語提






Dear dad and mum:


Now I am living with my host, the Smiths. The family has four members, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their twin sons. They drive me to visit many places of interest in London at weekends.I’m learning English in Downtown Middle School every day. I am very busy and my spoken English is being improved very fast. I feel happy because I’ve learned a lot about English culture.

I miss you very much.


Han Lei



1。沖涼時間短些2。不要水龍頭一直開著。5-10分鐘足夠3。不要污染水。 結束句:如果我們這樣做,我們就有淡水很長時間。

Water is important to us. If there is no water, all the living things will die. Now, the water is getting less and less. So we should do something to save water. First, we should take shorter showers. Five or ten minutes is enough. Second, don’t leave the tap running. Third, don’t pollute the rivers.




象征與比喻的區別: 1)象征是一種寫作方法,是就篇章而言的,它著眼于全文的構思,即使用于局部,至少是文章的一個層次,決不會是一個單句;擬人和比喻是修辭方法,是就語言來說的,只表現在具體的句子上,不在篇章上。象征中的象征體是具體的,被象征的本體即概念、思想、感情一般都是抽象的;比喻中的喻體和本體通常都是具體的。2)象征與擬人的相同點都是把事物人格化,但象征大體都用在立意上,而擬人則用在語句的表現上,是為了寫的生動形象。



1、基礎知識自學與交流(閱讀作者與寫作背景簡介,畫出重點讀和記。) 茅盾(1896—1981),中國現代杰出的作家、文化活動家和社會活動家。原名沈德鴻,字雁冰,浙江桐鄉人。主要作品有長篇小說《子夜》、《腐蝕》,中篇小說《蝕》《幻滅》、《動搖》、《追求》三部曲,短篇小說有《林家鋪子》,劇本《清明前后》等等。作品編為《茅盾全集》。



無邊無垠(yín) 坦蕩如砥( dǐ ) 倦怠(dài ) 懨(yān )....懨

暈( yùn )圈

參( cān )天

潛(qián )滋暗長

...不折不撓( náo ) 婆娑( suō ) 虬( qiú )枝 ...[妙手偶得] 課文中指文學素養深的人偶然間所得到的。語出陸游詩《文章》:“文章本天成,妙手偶得之。”妙手,指技藝高超的人 預習檢測:

1. 字音字形。

⑴字音關——下面各組字的注音中,每一組有一處錯誤,請找出并改正。 A.坦蕩如砥(dǐ)暈(yūn)圈 潛(qián)滋暗長 虬(qiú)枝 ( ) B.旁逸(yì)斜出 倦怠(dài) 秀頎(qín) 無邊無垠(yín) ( ) C.婆娑(suō) 懨懨(yān) 錘(chuí)煉 不屈不撓(ráo) ( ) D.磨折(shé) 挺拔(bá) 楠(nán)木 鄙(bǐ)視 ( )




2. 詞義關。用詞凝練準確且變化多姿是本文語言上的一大特點。請根據提示,從給出的選項中選擇合適的詞語填入括號內。

(1)寫高原之大,作者用( ) (2)寫高原之平,作者用( ) (3)寫高原之色,作者用( ) (4)寫枝條斜出,作者用( ) A .黃綠錯綜 B.坦蕩如砥 C.旁逸斜出 D.無邊無垠

第一課時 (總第 節課)

備課時間:2 月19 日 上課時間: 月 日



2、把握本文的抒情線索,理清結構思路。 學習重、難點:作者對白楊樹的贊美之情。 學習過程: 導入:

樹是自然界的一道亮麗的風景線。“碧玉妝成一樹高,萬條垂下綠絲絳”是柳的風韻;“大雪壓青松,青松挺且直”是松的雄姿;“墻角數枝梅,凌寒獨自開”是梅的倩影,今天讓我們走進茅盾先生的《白楊禮贊》回到抗日戰爭的年代,到西北高原去走一走,領略一下“葉葉皆團結,枝枝爭上游”的白楊樹的英姿。 自學導引:

1、解題:題目中“禮贊”的意思是: 。




3)、文章從那幾方面來贊美白楊樹的不平凡的?試理出作者的寫作思路。 合作探究:(小組交流自學內容的基礎上討論探究)


2、文章反復強調:白楊樹是“西北極普通的一種樹”,“ 然而實在是不平凡的一種樹”。你認為:極普通”與“不平凡”矛盾嗎?請說明理由。 展示交流: 鞏固提升:












A、汽車在望不邊際的高原上奔馳,撲入你的視野的是一條黃綠錯綜的大氈子。(比喻) B、當你在積雪初融的高原上走過,看見平坦的大地上傲然挺立著一株或一排白楊樹,難道你只覺得它是樹?(反問)


D、傲然地聳立,像哨兵似的,面對它們,你的懨懨欲睡的情緒又將如何?我那時是驚奇地叫了一聲。(比喻,設問) 教(學)后反思:


八年級語文科 主備 李建兵 組長簽字

課題:《白楊禮贊》第二課時 (總第 節課) 備課時間:2 月20 日 上課時間: 月 日




學習重、難點:認識白楊樹的外形特征,了解白楊樹獨特的內在氣質。 學習過程:

導入:通過上節課的學習,我們知道作者高度贊美了白楊樹的不平凡,今天我們就來具體感受白楊樹的不平凡。 自學導引:(自讀課文,完成以下問題)

1、生長環境的不平凡(景美): (1)作者先從三個方面來描繪黃土高原: 色彩:






2、外在形象的不平凡(形美) (1)、文章用了哪個詞語總寫白楊樹的形象?還具體寫了白楊樹的哪幾部分,各寫出它們什么特點?



作者稱白楊樹是樹中的“ ”,是因為:


語言猶如文章的衣服,一篇好的文章離不開精彩的語言,你認為文中哪些詞語、句子用得最帖切、生動、富于表現力。 把它們找出來,在文中批注你的理由, 合作探究:(小組交流自學內容的基礎上,展開探究)


2、作者禮贊白楊樹,為什么又說“白楊樹算不得樹中的好女子”?這樣安排是運用了什么寫法?有什么作用?這些句子中用了“也許”一詞,這一詞語能否刪去?為什么? 展示交流: 鞏固提升:



[乙]街上的柳樹像病了似的,葉子掛著層灰土在枝上打著卷;枝條一動也懶得動,無精打采地低垂著。馬路上一個水點也沒有,干巴巴地發著白光。便道上塵土飛起多高,跟天上的灰氣連接起來,結成一片毒惡的灰沙陣,燙著行人的臉。處處干燥,處處燙手,處處憋悶,整個老城像燒透了的磚窯,使人喘不過氣來。 [丙]這里的樹,以古老蒼勁見長。有兩棵老樹:一棵是周柏,另一棵是唐槐。那周柏,樹干勁直,樹皮皺裂,頂上□著幾根青青的疏枝,偃臥在石階旁。那唐槐,老干粗大,虬枝盤屈,一簇簇柔條,綠葉如蓋。還有水邊殿外的松柏槐柳,無不顯出蒼勁的風骨。以造型奇特見長的,有的□如老嫗負水,有的□如壯士托天,不一而足。圣母殿前的左扭柏,拔地而起,直沖云霄,它的樹皮上的紋理一齊向左邊□去,一圈一圈,絲紋不亂,像地下旋起了一股煙,又似天上垂下了一根繩。晉祠在古木的蔭護下,顯得分外幽靜、典雅。(選自《晉祠》)

1.(甲)段中最能體現白楊樹精神特點的兩個詞語是:_____ 、____;(丙)段中最能突出晉祠樹的特點的兩個詞語是:________、______。

2.(丙)段方框處應依次填入的詞,最恰當的一項是( ) A.挑 偃

擰 B.橫 偃

扭 C.挑 猶

扭 D.橫 猶

擰 3.對(甲)段文字結構層次分析正確的一項是( ) A.①‖②③④⑤⑥‖⑦ B.①‖②③④⑤‖⑥⑦ C.①②‖③④⑤‖⑥⑦ D.①②③‖④⑤⑥‖⑦



6.對三段文字描寫樹的目的與作用理解正確的一項是:( )






有人說文章第5小節,對白楊樹的形象的描寫,語言太過平實,沒有一般的寫景散文生動,甚至有一些詞語單調地重復“„„筆直的干,筆直的枝。”“它的干常是丈把高,像加過人工似的”“它所有的丫枝一律向上„„也像加過人工似的。” 你是怎樣看的?你是否能用生動形象的語言把白楊樹的形象描繪出來? 教(學)后反思:


八年級語文科 主備 李建兵 組長簽字

課題:《白楊禮贊》第三課時 (總第 節課) 備課時間:2 月21 日 上課時間: 月 日



2、認識中華民族質樸、堅強、緊密團結、力求上進和不屈不撓的斗爭精神。 學習重、難點:


2、通過當堂仿寫訓練的形式學習狀物手法和烘托手法。 知識鏈接:



北方有佳樹,挺立如長矛。葉葉皆團結,枝枝爭上游。 羞與楠枋伍,甘居榆棗儔。丹青標風骨,愿與子同仇。

學習過程: 導入:

1、通過上節課的學習,你認為:白楊樹是 的樹。

2、《白楊禮贊》《白楊禮贊》中,作者飽含激情禮贊的僅僅是西北平原上極普通又不平凡的白楊樹嗎?今天我們就來探討這一問題。 自學導引:

1、找出能表明導入第二點問題的段落,完成以下問題: 1)將四個反問句改為陳述句(注意不可改變句意): 2)白楊樹的象征意義:


3、你認為文章結尾“ 楠木”的象征意義是什么?作者的思想感情又是怎樣的?





3)、你認為:四個反問句有什么內在聯系?可不可以調換一下順序? 4)、比較改后的陳述句與這四個排比反問句,思考:排比反問句的作用。


3、文章的結尾為什么要寫“楠木”,你覺得多余嗎?為什么? 展示交流: 鞏固提升:

1、從下列形象中選一個寫出他的象征意義。 蘭花、楠木、蓮花、蠟燭、梅花、太陽、翠竹




3、古往今來,贊美牡丹、菊花、蓮花的詩文可謂多矣;而對綠葉的贊美卻鮮有所聞?;蛟S有人說;綠葉有什么值得贊美的呢?既沒有鮮艷的色彩,也沒有婀娜的姿態。其實,花兒之美,是整體關。如果沒有綠葉的陪襯它便會顯得單調刺目,正因為有了綠葉,它才構成一個美的和諧,給人帶來美的享受。 綠葉長在鮮花之下,總是謙遜地低著頭,從來沒有趾高氣揚過。它不在意行人的注目禮,即使聽到行人一味贊美鮮花而冷落自己的時候,也毫不嫉妒,依然興致勃勃,忠于職守。


1、文章第1節把綠葉和鮮花進行 ,突出了綠葉的 作用,表現了綠葉 的性格。

2、第2節用了擬人的手法,表現了綠葉的 和 。

3、第3節表出了綠葉 的精神。





_____班______號 姓名_____________ 完成評價:_________ 【目標導航】

1、 理解象征手法。(重點)

2、了解散文中抒情和議論的特點及其作用。 (難點)

3、感受中華兒女正直、質樸、緊密團結、力求上進、堅強不屈的精神和意志。 【預學導學】————我自學能力如何呢?

1、一讀課文 (1)正音正字








) 暈圈(


婆 suō(























【能力提升】閱讀《黑暗中的花香》 2013質檢



母親告訴他,他頭頂有一塊烏云,擋住了太陽和所有的燈光,不過不用害怕,雖然不能見到光明,但烏云擋不住太陽散發的溫暖,用心感受世界還是暖烘烘的。 他似懂非懂,卻突然雀躍了起來,媽媽沒有騙我,天上真的有烏云呢,有雨落在我手背上了。母親的身體微微顫抖著,緊接著,有更多的雨落在他的手背上、臉頰上,雨水咸咸的、澀澀的,那是母親的眼淚。

黑暗中,他的聽覺變得異常靈敏,甚至能聽到一朵花開放的聲音。有一天,他聽到角落中傳來細微的“噼叭”聲,于是摸著墻壁走到角落,他伸手輕輕觸摸,發現那兒有一盆植物,一股香氣隨著他的觸摸在空氣中彌漫開來,那是一種淡淡的無可名狀的味道,像是光明的味道。 母親告訴他,那是一盆菊花。從此后,他愛上這盆花,他觸摸它的枝葉,會感到涼潤沁心,聆聽花開,則會在心中打開一扇門,恍惚中,有一束光注入他黑色的世界。時光的流逝靜寂無聲,他漸漸順從了黑暗,沒有了最初的恐懼,反而變得有些依戀起來。直到有一天,父母告訴他要上學了,那個學校很好,雖然仍然黑暗,卻充滿了花香。






他聽得悠然神往,心中暗暗下了決心,自己也要做一朵墨菊,在黑暗中散發出淡淡的花香,把平凡的生命沉淀成一杯醇香的酒。 (摘自《當代青年》2012年 第12期)





4. 為什么“他覺得黑色不再是單調而封閉的,相反,黑色是深邃而包容的”?你從“他”的故事感悟到什么?(6分)
































此何若人?本人是也!, 【結尾點題】結尾一問一答,簡潔明了,直接點題。 【名師點評】


Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei


1、 邀請信 (公函) (與前面應用文不同,多了時間、地點、人物、事件四要素) Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter for the purpose of inviting you to an exclusive(發布會) presentation of our new models of Digital Recorders. The occasion will take place at Noble Hotel on the third of January. I would feel it a great honor if you could come. There will also be a reception at two P.M. Since your presence is so important to this presentation, I do hope you can make it. We are looking forward to seeing on the day.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei

2、邀請信 (私函) (同上文) Dear Jack, I am writing the letter for the purpose of inviting you to a dinner party to be held at my house on the first of February to celebrate my father’s 70-year-old birthday. The occasion will begin at 7 o’clock in the evening with a small musical party. This will be followed by our dinner, during which we can talk and laugh together. At around 9

2 o’clock, all the guests and friends will take some photos together. Since your presence is so important to this presentation, I do hope you can make it. We are looking forward to seeing on the day.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei 【P2S 】As matter of fact, we have made enough preparation and full arrangement for you in advance. First of all, the leaders of our company will greet you in person at the gate. Then we will discuss and talk about the___________(主題根據題目寫) in detail at lecture room(或meeting room).It is well known to all that you are the famous expert in_________(同上). At last we will accompany you home with our leaders. We wish we can get a pleasant and smooth cooperation.

三、 推薦信 (推薦人或物)(2011) Dear Jack, I am writing this letter for the purpose of introducing (/recommending) to you Li Ming, one of my best friends (/colleagues/ classmates).

3 At present he is studying at Sichuan University. He will go to Harvard University in your place for farther study. As it will be the first time for him to study abroad, he will most likely encounter (碰到)a variety of problems(通用句). He hopes to obtain your guidance in many ways. I would be grateful if you could can kindly offer help(通用句). Thank you for spending time reading this letter. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei 【P2S2 】As a matter of fact, ____(具體被推薦人)has acquired a lot of advantages suitable for your position. Above all, his major is not only proper for your post but also he has obtained three years’ rich fulltime as well as part-time working experience. In addition, I have got on well with him for six years and am very familiar his outstanding characters. That is, he is both sociable and out-minded. At last, he obeys and respect superiors as always, so that he has gained wide-spreading praise from his friends, colleagues and teachers.

4 Dear John,

I am writing this letter for the purpose of sharing one of my favorite movies, Forest Gump, with you, which is not only conducive to your study, but also beneficial to your life. For one thing, the beautiful language in this original English movie may contribute to your study of English in listening, speaking, reading and writing. For another thing, the profound cultural elements implicit in the scene will equip you with foreign cultural background and, above all, enrich your daily life. Thank you for spending time reading this letter. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei

四、 辭職信 (2005) Dear Mr. Wang, I am writing this letter for the purpose of informing you of my decision to(通用句) resign(/resigning) from my current position.

5 After two months of work, I find it inappropriate(不合適的) for me to take the position as an editor for the following reasons. Firstly(/In the first place / First and foremost), I ever expected the job to be challenging and rewarding(挑戰與回報), which has turned out to be the opposite. Besides, the salary has proved to be much lower than you originally promised and I have a large family to support. Therefore I have made up my mind quit after much consideration. Thank you for having offered me the splendid opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here. I sincerely do hope that you will approve of my resignation. I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang We 【P2S】To be exact, the reasons for my quitting is the following: First of all, my wife will be transferred to another city and she will work there in the rest of her life. Secondly, my son will go to college in another city and he needs our care and concern very much. So I beg you to consider my resign at your convenient time.

五、 道歉信 (2008)

Dear Bob, I am writing this letter for the purpose of making an apology to you for my carelessness. When I arrived home, I found (that) I had forgotten to return the music CD that you were so kind to lend me. I feel badly sorry for it. As I understand this CD is one of your favorites, I’ll try my best to send it back as soon as possible. According to the regulations concerned, it will take almost a week to reach Canada. Once again, I am sorry to my inconvenience caused. I sincerely hope you can accept my apology.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei

六、 建議信 (0

7、09) Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter for the purpose of making some suggestions to improve the service of our library. Although our library functions positively in enriching the students’campus life, its service goes far from being

7 desired. In my eyes, the following measures need to be taken as soon as possible. In the first place, why not arrange an inquiry desk at the hall? In addition, the students should have access to the latest issues of foreign magazines. Lastly, you should (/ had) better maintain strict order at the reading room.) Thank you for spending time reading this letter. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei

【P2S】It must be pointed out that the situation of is going from bad to worse. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, first of all, Governments departments are required to take effective measures to solve this serious problem. In the second place, different classes in the society need to cooperate closely to pay attention to this problem. At last, as individuals, we should care about it and set up examples for others.套用萬能建議。

七、 感謝信 (2010MBA) Dear Jack, I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing my sincere thanks to you for your warm reception. Your generous(慷慨的) help made it possible that I had a great time in America_. Besides, I consider it an honor for me to made friends with you and I will cherish(珍愛, 珍視) the goodwill(友誼) you showed to me wherever I go.常用句I do hope you can come to visit China in due course so that I could enjoy the opportunity to repay yours kinds and refresh our friendship(加深友誼). Once again, please accept my heartfelt gratitude( 由衷感謝). Wish you all the best.

Yours sincerely

Zhang Wei

八、 祝賀信 (2011MBA) Dear Li Ming, I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing my warmest congratulations on your admission to the university. I know how hard you have worked to attain this goal. Therefore, I can imagine your excitement when you realized such

9 an ambition. Indeed, no one could have been more deserving than you. On the other hand, for me, it will be a real encouragement to see your efforts rewarded. In short, I take great pride in your current achievements. Once again, please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your success. I wish you will farther success.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei

【P2S】As setting out on a new journey, I guess you may have some doubts and worries. I have experienced the same with you, so I think I may be in a position to give you some suggestions. First, you need to realize that to be independent emotionally is the first step in adjusting to university life. Then, I think it is necessary to remind you that university is a diversified place where academic achievements and interpersonal skills are equally important.建議

九、 投訴信 (complaint) Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter for the purpose of making a complain about ….

10 The reason for my complaint is that a few problems occurred in the use. To begin with, the system often broke down for no reason and some important data were lost. More over, the color of the screen was abnormal, and could not be adjusted. Above all, I find it difficult to go on with my work. Thank you for spending time reading this letter. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. I believe that you will take this matter into serious consideration and gibe a satisfactory reply.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei 【P2S】As a matter of fact, you have caused a lot of hurt to me due to your carelessness as well as fault. First, it severely affects my normal work and living. Second place, you have brought a large amount of spiritual discomfort. Therefore, I firmly require your company to make a detailed explanation for me. In addition, I demand you should make sincere apology to me soon.

十、 請求信 (2006) Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter for the purpose of finding a child in a remote area to offer financial aid. My requirement are as follows: in the first place, he must be very poor and truly in need of help. Besides, he must be self-motivated and eager to learn. Last but not the least, he must be willing to return his home town after graduation from university. And I would send him a certain sum of money each semester term from this year on until he finishes his higher education. Thank you for spending time reading this letter. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. I would be most grateful if you could help me in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei

十一、拒絕信 Dear Sir, I would like to thank you for the time you spend on my application and the opportunity you provide to me. However, after considering the two offers I have received carefull

12 y, I decided not to accept your offer for the following three reasons. Firstly, the position offered does not fit in my career path, as my primary interest is in the field of engineering rather than fashion designing. Besides, I can only accept a full time employment. Last but not least, I have received another more advantageous offer. Thank you for spending time reading this letter. Wish you luck in your search for an appropriate candidate.

Yours sincerely

Zhang Wei

十二、通知 (2010)

Notice To improve the student’s ability and enrich campus life, the Postgraduates’Association is recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The qualifications for the applicants are as follows. To begin with, the candidates should have outstanding skills at English. In addition, they must have a strong professional sprit, cheerful personality and be aged under 35. Last but not the least, the students with relevant working experience are preferred. Those who are interested in this activity may

13 sign up with the monitor of their classes before February 1st,2011. Everybody is welcome to join in it.


January 15, 2011


To(交給的對象): 如Professor Smith From(誰交給的):如Johin Lith Dear Sir / Madam, This is the note that you are required that_________(具體什么事題目會給出). I wish you will accord with the requirements listed below. Last week, I gathered information from library materials and from an interview, and the place is_____________ (如果有必要寫地址,就寫)。And we assure that we will complete the assignment in time. Then the next arrangement is that we will deal with the relevant issue smoothly depending on each other’s personal situation and coordinate with our own regulations. The next is that as we have arranged. And we will accomplish the task easily and pleasantly as planned.

14 十


To: All students of the English Department From: Class Monitor, Li Ming Date: April 15, 2007 Subject: Spring Excursion As spring arrives and the weather turns to be more agreeable, the department has decided to organize a spring excursion in suburban Huairou District, which is not far away from the city of Beijing, on this Sunday, April 20th. Activities include mountain-climbing and picnic. All students of the English Department are encouraged to participate. We remind you of the necessity of bringing some food and water, as well as wearing comfortable shoes. We will meet at the west gate of the university at 9am, Sunday; a bus has been arranged. Please be punctual so that we have enough time to enjoy the beautiful nature.

15 熱點+影響

Recently the security of food has become one of the hottest topics in public. According to the data given by the local government(a famous website), about 87% of the people surveyed have been influenced by this issue. As far as I am concerned, I believe that such phenomena will give rise to a series of consequences: first and foremost, it will exert a negative (positive and far-reaching) impact on the construction of a harmonious society. Besides, it may bring considerable damage (benefit) to the development of economy (social stability). Last but not lease, it may bring baneful influence on environment protection. Taking all the factors into consideration, we may come up with some suggestions as follows: on one hand, all the authorities should standardize the market; on the other hand, the public should be educated to be more self-conscious. Only in these ways, I firmly believe, can the negative effects of this phenomenon be reduced in the future.

16 數據變化

As is shown in the table (chart, curve, picture), some changes have taken place with regard to the number of _the population of urban and rural area. There is no doubt that the number of _urban population_ has been on a dramatic decrease/rise from__19% in 1980__ to _43% in 2010_over the past few years. (By contrast, the number of _rural population_ was rising/decreasing slowly from _81% in 1980_ to 57% in 2010_.) A careful and overall consideration can lead us to single out at least three factors that can help to account for the great change. In the first place, the change is closely related to the rapid growth of Chinese economy. Secondly, the government’s encouragement to _the urbanlization has some influence on this change. Last but not least, the change of people’s attitudes toward life also has some influence. Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably predict that the number of _ the population of urban area will continue to climb/decline to the forthcoming years. In my view, it should be encouraged/discouraged for it benefits/harms not only the individuals but also the whole society.

17 正反觀點


【關鍵詞】初中英語 寫作教學 策略

著名語言學家Harmer把掌握外語的四種技能聽、說、讀、寫能力又合并為兩大類:一是接受技能,主要指聽、讀;二是生產技能,主要指說、寫。接受技能又稱為語言輸入,生產技能又稱為語言輸出。Harmer認為兩者 的關系是這樣的:如果學生僅僅是語言輸入,他們的大腦只是孤立地存儲許多語言知識,而當在某一特定場景需要運用某一語言時,卻拿不出來。只有當語言輸入和輸出相結合時,才會使學生對他們學到的語言重新估計,從而產生進一步努力學習的欲望。由此可見,在初中英語的教學中,培養學生寫作的的技能迫在眉睫。








例如:比較級句型:It is the second + 最高級 + n.

例:It is the second most expensive hat.

„is one of the + 最高級 + n (pl) „ 最„„之一

例:It is one of the highest buildings in the world.

The + 比較級,„ the + 比較級 „

例:The harder he works,the happier he feels.

比較級 and 比較級

例:It seems to us that he knew everything.

It sounds + adj./ It looks + adj.聽起來„„/看起來„„

例:It sounds great! It looks nice!

It’s bad / good for 對„„不好/有好處






