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八下Unit 10



由陳述句加簡短問句構成,用以要求對方證實所述之事,這種疑問句叫反意疑問句,也叫附加疑問句.如:?? ?

5.Old Henry

6.There are many people on the bus, aren’t there?



3. Don’t smoke,?

4. Let7特殊用法(二)

6.Toothbrushes were 100 years(陳述部分含有no, nothing ,nobody, few,little, hardlynever時為否定句,后半部要用肯定形式)

二、溫馨提示 Make small talk在和西方人閑聊的時候, 還要注意選擇安全的話題,盡量避免敏感的,涉及個人隱私的內容( 如政治,宗教,信仰,收入,年齡等), 以免引起不必要的誤會或令談話對象尷尬.年齡在北美是個非常忌諱的問題,即使是朋友之間. 那么,哪些話題才是安全的話題? 在和交往不深或完全陌生的人交談時, 我們可以談談飲食,天氣, 節日,交通,音樂,電影,體育,愛好以及正在進行的共同活動等.

三、短語 1.看上去像要下雨 2.忘帶傘 3.到中午 4.它當然是 5.瀏覽 6.過街 7.排隊等候 8.球賽迷 9.告訴某人關于某人/某事 10.一封由于晚會/幫助的感謝信 11.感覺像是群體中的一部分 12.帶領我參觀學校 13.想起你 14.很艱難找到學校 15.吃/舉行家庭會餐 16.過他90歲的生日 17.是數學很容易 18.當心看路的兩邊 19.幫助打掃衛生做飯 20.至少 21與某人相處的好

四、句子 1今天風真的很大,是嗎? 2.15路公共汽車在這兒停,是不是? 3.看起來要下雨,對嗎? 4.你要去哪個海灘? 5.交通很繁忙,是嗎? 6.它們的價格確實很高/低,是嗎?

第二篇:2014英語八下Unit 1作文

Unit 1


What is the illness? 引出病情Lui ying can’t go to school today because she is ill.

What is the advice?醫生建議 You should---

You shouldn’t---

What’s the end?結尾thank the doctor and go home.


提示:1.看醫生 2.檢查(lookover)3.多喝水 4.吃藥5.臥床休息


Liu Ying can’t go to school today because she is ill. So her mother takes her to the People Hospital. The doctoor looks her over carefully. At last the doctor says to her ,”Nothing serious.You’ve had a fever. You should take some medicine and drink more water. You should also lie down and rest, so you shouldn’t go to school for several days. I’m sure you’ll feel better soon.” Liu Ying and her mother thank the doctor and go home.



period 1 教學內容:Vocabulary 語言知識目標:學會以下詞匯:
















(hurt, hurt)( courage


(paid, paid) community

in need

voluntary work

ask permission


raise one‘s spirits

in order to



2、學會單詞的構詞法和分析單詞的規律 學習策略:1.游戲教學(大小聲)

2.競賽(首字母搶答。念中說英,念英說中) 情感態度:學會用賞識的眼光去鼓勵每位學生說英語。 Step1 : 復習英標 Step2 :單詞教授 raise permission…

Game : high and low./Simon said→silent I said →say quickly Listen to the tape . Step3 : 復習鞏固 Read together Read in group Say English/Say Chinese Step 4: 拓展

competition (首字母搶答) Step 5 : Homework for today 1 、朗讀單詞

2、 抄寫單詞→預習課文(譯P3)



period 2 教學內容:Reading 教學目標:語言知識:初步了解篇章的結構






教學難點:通過初步閱讀了解文章大意 教學過程:step1:導入

1.學生觀察PPT展現的圖片-愛心,展開議論。 老師提問:1Have you ever help others before?

2Why do you help others?

3How do you feel when you give others a hand?

give sb a hand= help sb 2.Can you guess what we will learn in this unit? --voluntary work 3.What do you know about…? pictures : a helping disabled people


c. d. (理解圖片,理解短語意思進行配對)


1.(看圖片,作者的名字和三篇匯報的第一句話。完成閱讀前) 1Mark 2 Betty 3Annie 2.初步閱讀三篇匯報 完成C1 (讓學生猜詞意識) 先讓學生理解句子的意思再有學生說出斜體單詞的意思最后選出真確答案。 完成后讓全班同學讀一遍。

完成C2 (先對給出的短語解釋一遍再來理解短文意思) 先核對答案再朗讀一遍。 step3: 聽一遍課文錄音。 Homework: 默寫單詞短語 熟讀文章

period 3&4 教學內容:Reading 語言知識:理解主閱讀篇章的結構。

語言技能:通過進一步閱讀,理解三篇匯報的內容 學習策略:通過細讀。了解主篇章的細節信息。 情感態度:學會如何在實際中幫助別人。 教學重難點:通過進一步閱讀,理解三篇匯報內容 教學過程:step1 導入

Read the words together

Read the text together Have a dictation step2 While- reading First- report 1.學生閱讀第一篇匯報的第一段,回答下列問題 Where did Betty do voluntary work? What is wrong with the children there? What did Betty and other volunteers do for the children? 翻譯句子板書或展示重點短語

2.學生閱讀第二和第三段匯報的第一段,分別完成有關Mark 和 Annie 所參與的志愿服務活動表格。(PPT) 翻譯句子板書或展現重點短語 3.完成D1,核對答案。 step3全班朗讀以下短語 offer to do sth


in hospital 住院

in the hospital 在醫院里

continue to do sth 繼續做某事(另一件事情) continue doing sth 繼續做原來的事

have difficulty in doing sth /with sth 在某事上有困難

do voluntary work during one’s holiday in hospital suffer from a picture of near one’s home

take photo of use …for

in an accident raise one’s spirits

express one’s feeling

teach sb to do sth

tell stories Homework: 抄寫短語


period5 教學目標:語言知識:深入理解文章

了解dis, un-等前綴及其含義



教學重難點:通過進一步閱讀,掌握主篇章的關鍵信息。了解主篇章基本信息的基礎上,發表自己的觀點并陳述理由。 step1:導入


教師板書單詞disagree disappear dishonest dislike unimportant unlike uninteresting unnecessary要求學生猜測這些單詞的意識。

老師歸納:un dis是前綴,用來表示否定意思。其他常見的表示否定的前綴還有 in im il ir non 等

可以通過前綴等構詞法來記憶單詞。 step2:回顧主篇章內容,檢查回家作業 全班齊讀主篇章 完成表格

作業大展現:思維導圖 三篇匯報的歸納 Homework 利用思維導圖背誦課文。

period 6&7 教學內容:Grammar 教學目標:語言知識:





學習策略:主動探究,善于發現語言的規律并能運用規律舉一反三。教學重點:掌握動詞不定式作賓語,賓語補足語和目的狀語的用法。教學難點:區別帶to 的動詞不定式和不帶to 的動詞不定式用法。


P7例句 學生歸納老師歸納: offer和want 后面所跟的to do 和 to pain 被稱為動詞不定式。動詞不定式在句子中可以充當除謂語以外幾乎所有的句子成分。 動詞 不定式的基本結構: to+動詞原形

step2:學習動詞不定式作賓語的用法。 展現句子:1.Three teenagers offered...

2.She wanted to paint…

3.My mother and I will continue to visit Viven

4.I wanted to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. 5.I will continue to do voluntary work in the future. 學生歸納 :在句子中,動詞不定式作謂語動詞的賓語。 動詞不定式作賓語的基本結構:動詞+帶to 的動詞不定式,并歸納后常跟動詞不定式的動詞。

考察學生是否用動詞不定式來回答主閱讀篇章的相關問題。 Who did Betty decide to help? What did Cindy want to do? Who will Mark continue to visit? Who did Annie offer to help? What will Annie continue to do in the future? 講解things to remember 選用疑問詞how what when where when 或who 完成練習。

I will tell you _____ to begin I’m sure you’ll remember ___ to say I know ___ to get there. I don’t know ___ to ask for help. 完成練習A step3學習動詞不定式作賓語補足語的用法。

例句-歸納 動詞不定式賓語補足語的基本結構:動詞+賓語+帶to 的動詞不定式。

教師幫助學生總結后面可跟動詞不定式作賓語補足語的動詞:advise allow ask encourage expect order teach tell want warn … 完成中譯英練習(PPT)

歸納動詞不定式的否定形式是在動詞不定式前直接加not .not to do sth. step4 學習不帶to 的動詞不定式用法(方法一樣) step5 學習動詞不定式作目的狀語的用法。

看例句-歸納在句子中,動詞不定式to paint 和 help 分別是used a brush 和went to the hospital 的目的,作目的狀語。

教師歸納:對作目的狀語的動詞不定式提問時,應用why . 如why did Cindy use a brush? why did they go to the hospital? 完成練習C HW PPT習題 Book B

第四篇:新人教版英語八下unit 9必背詞組及句子

新人教版八年級下unit 9必背詞組及句子 必背詞組

1. have a great time過得愉快

2. go skating/ boating/ shopping/ swimming去滑冰/劃船/購物/游泳 3. put up a tent搭帳篷

4. a very unusual museum一個不尋常的博物館 5. encourage somebody to do something鼓勵某人


6. a relaxing and peaceful place一個令人放松并且


7. tea art performances茶藝表演

8. make a perfect cup of tea沏一杯完美的茶 9. a couple of times兩次

10. a boat ride乘船(名詞短語)

11. take a ride on the boat乘船(動詞短語) 12. in Southeast Asia在東南亞

13. thousands of …許多…,成千上萬的… 14. take a holiday度假

15. on the one hand…, on the other hand….一方面…,


16. an English-speaking country 一個說英語的國家 17. all year round全年

18. during the daytime在白天

19. be close to…與…關系很親密,離…很近

20. one way that you’ve used一個你曾用過的方法 21. one invention that you have found一個你曾發


22. one thing that you have had一件你曾擁有過的


23. camp in the mountains在山中野營

24. a nice place to enjoy tea一個品茶的好地方 25. three quarters 四分之三 26. right now現在;目前

27. an amusement park with a special theme一個有


28. walk around the park 在公園里到處走 29. hear of 聽說

30. another province另一個省

31. in such a rapid way 以如此迅猛的方式32. different kinds of各種各樣的

33. development of toilets 廁所的發展34. go somewhere different去不同的地方 35. in the past 在過去 36. be far from 離……遠 37. in the dark 在黑暗中 必背句式

1. Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾


2. No, I’ve never been to a science museum.不,我從沒有去


3. Have you ever visited the space museum?你曾經參觀過


4. No, I’ve never been there.不,我從沒去過那兒。 必背句子

1. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies,

too. 我還了解了一些發明,它們成就了彩色電影。 2. The most interesting museum I’ve ever been to is the American Computer Museum.我曾經參觀過的最有趣的博物館是美國計算機博物館。

3. It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a

rapid way!技術以如此迅速的方式進步真是令人難以置信。

4. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.我想知道,未來計算機還能做多少工作呢。 5. I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there.當我在那兒看到如此多不同種類的馬桶時,我不能相信自己的眼睛。 6. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.觀看泡茶過程與喝茶本身一樣讓人愉快。

7. I’ve finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and

collecting tea sets.我已最終意識到了為什么我的爺爺熱愛喝茶和收藏茶具了。

8. In Singapore, however, you’ll find a lot of food from China;

you won’t have any problem getting rice, boodles or dumplings.然而,在新加坡,你會發現許多中國食物;在那里,吃米飯,面條和餃子一點都不成問題。 9. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese

food, you’ll find it all in Singapore!無論你喜歡印度食品,西方食品還是日本食品,在新加坡,你都會找到。 10.

Most large cities have zoos, but have you ever been to a zoo at night?大多數的大城市都有動物園,但是,你曾經晚上去過動物園么?


However, if you go to see lions, tigers or foxes during the daytime, they’ll probably be asleep!然而,假如你白天去看獅子,老虎或狐貍,也許它們都在睡覺。


A lot of animals only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them.許多動物都在晚上醒來,所以這是一個觀看它們的最好時機。

13. This is because the island is so close to the equator.這是因為這個島如此接近赤道。


So you can choose go to whenever you like--- spring, summer, autumn or winter.所以你可以選擇你喜歡的任何時間去,春天,夏天,秋天或冬天。


人教版八年級下冊第十單元英語教案 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.


1. how long 多久,多長時間

2 . have a yard sale 舉行庭院拍賣會

3. give away 捐贈;贈送

4. not … any more 不再…… 5. Welcome to … 歡迎到……

6. a bit 一點兒,稍微

7. board game 棋類游戲

8. check out 察看;觀察

9. a bread maker 面包機

10. grow up 長大

11. clear out 收拾,整理

12. a lot of 許多

13. no longer 不再;不復

14. at first 起初

15. for example 例如

16. a rain and railway set 一套軌道火車

17. as for…至于……

18. give up 放棄

19. to be honest 說實在的

20. at least 至少

21. on weekends 在周末

22. once or twice year 一年一兩次

23. millions of 數百萬的

24. search for 尋找

25. according to 依據;按照

26. across from 在……的對面

27. in one’s opinion 依……看

28. in order to 為了


1. It is +adj. (+for sb.) +to do sth. (對某人來說)做某事是…… 2. want to do sth. 想要做某事

3. love doing sth. 喜歡做某事

4. decide to do sth. 決定做某事

5. have been in + 地點


6. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

7. one of + the+ 形容詞最高級+可數名詞復數


8. used to do sth. 過去常做某事

9. need to do sth. 需要做某事 知識詳解:

1 . --How long have you had that bike there? --I have had it for three years 辨析:how long, how soon, how often, how far How long 多久,多長(時間)。對時間段提問,如:for+時間段;since+過去的時間點。

e.g. --How long have you worked in Beijing?

--For five years.

How soon 多久以后。對in+時間段提問,常用于一般將來時,其答語常用―in+時間段。

e.g. –How soon will Mr. Li be back?

--In a week.

How often 多久一次,對頻率提問,其答語為:once(twice/…)+時間段,always,usually等。

e.g. --How often do you exercise?

-- Once a day. How far 多遠,對距離提問,其答語是表距離的內容。

e.g. --How far is it from here to your school?

-- Three kilometers. 2. 辨析:for 與since


e.g. I have lived in this city for five years. 我在這座城市居住了5年了 since 其后接表示―時間點的短語或從句(過去時),也可以接一段時間+ago,常用于完成時態; 還用于句型:It is +時間段+since+一般過去時的句子。 表示過去某個時間發生并持續到說話時的動作或狀態。

e.g. It is two years since I came to China. 自從我到中國以來已經兩年了。

She has worked here for five years. =She has worked here since five years ago. 她在這兒工作5年了。

3. Amy thinks it’s hard to sell her old things. 艾米認為賣掉她的舊東西很難。

It’s +adj. (+for sb.) to do sth. 意為(對某人來說)做某事時……的,it 是形式主語,真正主語是后面的動詞不定式。

e.g. It’s important for un to learn English well. 學好英語對于我們來說是很重要的。

4. The stories inside may be a bit old, but they’re still interesting. a bit 意為一點兒,稍微,修飾形容詞或副詞,相當于 a little;

a bit of +不可數名詞,a little直接加不可數名詞。

e.g. There is a bit of/a little water in the bottle.


not a bit =not at all 意為一點也不

not a little =very 意為非常

e,g. She is not a bit happy. 她一點兒也不快樂。

He is not a little tired.=He is very tired. 他非常累。

5. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.

no longer 意為―不再;不復,有時可用 not …any longer 或 not … anymore 替換。如:

He no longer lives here. (= He doesn’t live here anymore/any longer.) 他不再住這兒了。

6. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys. part with 放棄、交出, part v. 離開,分開

e.g. Don’t part with your dream.


7. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. Search用作不及物動詞時,意為搜索;搜查。短語search for 意為搜尋,找尋。

e.g. He is searching for his sunglasses.



e.g. They searched the forest for the lost child. 他們在森林里尋找那個走失的小孩。

8.a 46-year-old husband and father意為一位46歲的丈夫和父親,相當于a husband and father of 46years old. four-year-old 是一個復合形容詞,特點一是數詞、名詞、形容詞之間要用連字符連接,二是數詞后的名詞用單數形式。

e.g. Tom is a 10-year-old boy.= Tom is a boy of 10 years old. 湯姆是一個10歲的男孩。

Lily is an 8-year-old girl. 莉莉是一個8歲的女孩


e.g. a two-month holiday=a two months’ holiday 一個為期兩個月的假期。 Ten-minute walk/drive/ride=ten minutes’

walk/drive/ride 步行/開車/騎車10分鐘的路程

9. Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.

regard 及物動詞,意為將······認為;把······視為。

常用短語regard…as…意為將······視為······;把······當做······,as 為介詞,其后接名詞或代詞。

e.g. I regard you as my best friend. 我把你當做我最好的朋友。

We regard him as our brother. 我們把他當成兄弟看待。

10. consider 動詞,意為考慮,=think about,后跟名詞,代詞,動名詞,賓語從句或疑問詞+不定式。

e.g. Please consider my suggestion. 請考慮我的建議。

I am considering changing my job.我正在考慮換份工作。 He has never considered how to solve the problem他從未考慮過如何解決那個問題。


consider ―考慮

enjoy ―喜愛


keep (on)―繼續(一直)

mind ―介意


have fun ―高興

feel like ―想要

look forward to ―盼望

can’t help ―禁不住

give up ―放棄


11. hold


e.g. He holds a major share in the company. 他持有該公司的大部分股份。

He is holding a book in her hand. 她手里正拿著一本書。

【拓展】hold用作及物動詞,還可意為舉行;主持,相當于have e.g. They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. 對比現在完成時和一般過去時的不同: 現在完成時

表示從過去已經開始持續到現在的動作或狀態,可以和表示―從過去某一時刻延續到現在的一段時間狀語‖連用,如for + 時間段、since + 過去時間點、since + 過去時的從句、since + 一段時間 + ago。且for與since引導的時間狀語可以相互轉換。

e.g. My uncle has worked at this factory for ten years. = My uncle has worked at this factory since ten year ago.

I’ve lived here since 1990. 自從1990年以來我就住在這里。

I haven’t seen him for three years. 我三年沒有看見他了。

She’s been at this school since five years ago.


1. 這本書我買了5年了。

I have bought the book for five years. ( )

I’ve had the book for five years. (

) 2. 你哥哥參軍多長時間了?

How long has your brother joined the army? ( ) How long has your brother been in the army/been a soldier? (



1. 轉換為相應的延續性動詞,用于現在完成時。

2. 轉化為―be + 形容詞/副詞/介詞/名詞


begin---be on

leave---be away buy ---have 單項選擇

1. -- ____ have you been married?

-- For twenty years.

A. How far

B. How often

C. How long

D. How soon 2. -- I often have hamburgers for lunch.

--You’d better not. It’s bad for you ____ too much junk food. A. eat

B. to eat

C. eating

D. ate 3. My best friend Tom is ____ honest boy. You can believe him.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

4. – Is Mr. Smith still in Shanghai?

-- Yes, he ____ there for two months.

A. has been

B. has gone

C. has been to

D. has gone to 5. I don’t believe that this ___boy can paint such a nice picture. A. five years old B. five-years-old C. five-year-old 6 Look! She’s standing ___ the ten children. A. among B. between C. of D. from

7. --Can you give me some information about vacation trips?

-- Why not _________ going to Hainan Island?

A. consider

B. mind C. keep

D. think


Mr. Jack ______ China for several years.

A. has been to B. has come to

C. has been in

D. came to

9、He has _______ been to Shanghai , has he ?

A. already B.never C.ever D. still

10、The famous writer _____ one new book in the past two years .

A. is writing B.was writing C.wrote D.has written

11、Zhao Lan ______already ______in this school for two years .

A. was studying B. will study

C. has studied D. are studying

12、We ______ Xiao Li since she was a little girl .

A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew

13、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_______ it twice .

A. will see B. have seen C. saw D.see

14.—______ you ___ your homework yet ?

—Yes . I _____ it a moment ago .

A. Did ; do ; finished


Have ; done; finished

C. Have ; done ; have finished

D. will ; do ; finish 15. There are two books on the desk, but ____of them is interesting。





16.—Have you ever _______ to the Summer Palace, Lily?

—No, I __________.

A .gone, hasn’t B. gone, haven’t C .been , haven’t D. been, hasn’t 17.I have ________ the book for three days.





18. Alice is ______an American ________a German. She is an Australia.

A. both; and

B. either; or

C. neither; nor

D. not; but 19. Mike doesn’t know French. And_________


A. so do I

B. so am I

C. neither do I

D. neither am I

20. John _______ Beijing. He is still there.

A. has been to

B. has gone to

C. go to

D. goes to

21. --May I speak to John?

--Sorry, he ______ Japan. But he _______ in two days. A .has been to ;will come back

B .has gone to; will be back

C .has been in; would come back

D .has gone to ; won` t come back 22.. Neither you nor I_______ a teacher.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be 23. The Smiths______ China for three years.

A .have come B .have been to C .have been in D. have come to 24..―When_______his grandpa______‖ .― Three years ago.‖

A. has; died

B. is; dead

C. did; die

D. is; died 25. There is not ___________in today’s newspaper.

A .nothing interesting

B. interesting something C. interesting

D. anything interesting 26.Simon is _________ honest boy. Now he is studying at ________ university.

A .a; an

B .an; a

C .the; a

D. a; the

27.I’m looking after Tom today. He’s been in my house _________ 8:00 this morning.

A. at

B .for

C. since

D. till

28.----How long have you ________ here?---For two days .I _________ here the day before yesterday.

A .been ; came

B .come ; came

C .came; came

D. been; come 29.---I don’t know where to go this summer vacation. ---Why not _________ visiting Huanggang? There are many places of interest here.

A .suggest

B. wonder

C. consider

D .regard 30.Oh, no! It’s raining. We can’t go skating on the square.___________!

A.What a shame

B .Well done

C. What a surprise

D.How wonderful 31.---Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Destival?(桃花節) ---Yes, the flowers are beautiful.Bees were flying _________ them.

A .in

B. among

C. between

D. through 32.---Did you borrow the comic book from the library? ---Yes, I ________ it for three days .I’ll return it this afternoon.

A. borrowed

B .kept

C. have borrowed

D .have kept 33.----How is your grandma? ---She’s fine. She used to _________ TV at home after supper.But now she is used to _______ out for a walk.

A .watch;go

B .watching ;go

C.watching; going

D .watch; going

二.綜合填空A. 從方框中選擇合適的詞并用其適當形式填空。 Make, hold, part with, consider, search for, go, Check 1. I __________ my paper carefully before I handed it in. 2. . So far I ______

quiet a few friends here. 3.

Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside ______ work in the cities. 4. ―Where’s Li Ming?‖ ―He ________ to the teacher’s office.‖ 5.

I ________ changing my job these days.


They ________ a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. 7.

My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad _______ certain toys.

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