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Unit 4

Food and lifestyles Reading 第一課時


一、 設計背景及理念:




牛津初中英語7A Unit 4 Reading(1) What we eat and how we live









1.Warming up

listen and enjoy a song




3. Presentation

Task 1: listen and answer


Task2: fast reading


Task 3: careful reading .


4. Production

Task1: competition 運用競賽的形式,提高學生的興趣,鞏固和拓展學生的詞匯,培養學生的競爭意識和團隊意識 Task2: ask and report


5. Summary

Summarize what the Ss have learnt in this period. Enjoy the song.(再次播放《健康歌》,讓學生在歌聲中體會保持健康的重要。 6. Homework



教 后 感

本節課是牛津初中英語7A教材的第四單元的閱讀課的第一教時,屬于7A教材的第二個模塊different lifestyles,本單元的所有內容都是緊緊圍繞food 這一話題來進行的, 在備課的過程中,我認真地研究了本單元的相關知識,理清了食品與健康、鍛煉與健康的關系,然后在備課的過程中,首先明確了本節課的教學目標,我把疏通文章大意作為本節課的基本目標,把培養學生的閱讀理解能力作為能力目標,把了解食品與健康、鍛煉與健康的關系作為本節課的情感目標。在確定教學重點的時候,我意識到幫助同學們搞清良好的飲食習慣和健康的食品是本節課所要明確的重點。在確定教學方法的時候,我先把新課程標準對閱讀課的教學要求進行了認真的學習,新課程標準倡導任務型教學,讓學生在完成任務的過程中體驗成功,所以我采用了任務型的教學方法,任務的設置由淺入深,由易到難,分層次推進,從而能夠激發各個層面的學生積極參與課堂,充分調動學生學習英語的主動性和積極性,培養學生用英語進行交際的能力?,F就各個步驟的設計思路及教后感想匯報如下: 第一步 我通過一首flash動畫《健康歌》,來調動同學們的興趣,讓同學們在歌聲中了解健康的重要性,讓同學們了解怎樣保持健康,然后引出文章的標題——Food and lifestyles,在具體的操作過程中,我發現同學們對《健康歌》的歌詞及含義了解程度不等,所以他們不能夠完全說出歌詞中所涉及的內容,所以在引導方面我下了工夫,通過說出演唱者名字以及做出具體動作,讓學生來加深對這首歌的了解,達到了預期的效果。

第二步 我想用句型操練的方法來為后面的食品名稱的競賽和生活方式好壞的界定作一個鋪墊,既起到復習的作用,又可以為后面的練習打好基礎。在上課的過程中,我發現同學們能夠很好的運用所給的句型來進行操練,因為操練內容比較簡單且都與同學們的生活有關,所以同學們都很感興趣,操練效果明顯。

第三步 本部分是對文章的處理,在設置任務的過程中,我考慮到本文是一篇閱讀材料,在設置聽力問題的時候不宜把閱讀材料當作聽力材料來處理,所以我設置了一個簡單的問題,學生很容易回答出來,從而增強了同學們的自信心。培養同學們的閱讀能力是本節課的教學目標之一,文章的生詞是影響學生閱讀速度和閱讀效果的重要因素之一,我采用了讓學生快速瀏覽課文,找出生詞,然后根據上下文猜測詞義的方法,最后再進行搭配,加深對生詞的理解,通過這種方法來培養學生根據上下文猜測詞義的能力,使他們在以后的閱讀過程中不再懼怕生詞;在設置True or False練習的過程中,我首先把題目呈現給學生,然后讓學生帶著問題快速閱讀課文,使學生的課堂活動帶有目的性,題目設置比較容易,讓所有同學都能完成這項任務,在檢測閱讀效果的過程中,我讓同學們對敘述錯誤的句子進行改正,使同學們對文章的信息得到明確;在設置問題的過程中,問題的難度較判斷題有一定的提高,旨在通過問題的回答,使學生對文章的理解進一步加深,這一步必須建立在同學們細讀文章的基礎上,在具體的操作過程中,我發現由于掃清了生詞的障礙,問題的設置由淺入深,加上閱讀材料貼近學生生活,所以學生能較快的進入角色,掌握文章的大意。

第四步 本部分是想通過分組競賽的方式來復習和擴大學生的詞匯,激發學生的學習興趣,培養學生的合作意識和創新精神,通過對優勝者的祝賀來體現競賽原則,通過對落后者的鼓勵來體現以人為本的新課程理念。在競賽過程中,同學們熱情高漲,爭先恐后,分工合作,課堂氣氛立刻變的活躍起來,充分體現了人人參與課堂的原則。

第五步 本部分我想從討論入手,讓學生在討論中明確什么是健康的生活方式,討論題的設置都是學生日常生活中經常碰到的問題,通過討論,使學生能夠了解健康的生活方式,遠離不良的生活方式,從而達到對學生進行思想教育的目的,在上課的過程中,我發現同學們的討論非常熱烈,達到了預期效果。

第六步 我想通過本人的飲食情況和生活方式的介紹,引出同學們對我的建議,從而進一步強化健康食品和健康生活方式的界定,并由此引出調查和匯報同學的飲食習慣和生活方式的任務,調查題的設置由一般疑問句和特殊疑問句組成,通過填寫表格來提高學生的分析和處理信息的能力,最后的匯報是本節課的一個升華,既通過匯報鍛煉了學生的語言表達能力,又能讓學生通過身邊的人和身邊的事來了解掌握良好的生活方式和飲食習慣。學生在調查同伴飲食習慣和生活方式的過程中,互相協作,積極參與,課堂氣氛熱烈。

第七步 本節課的作業布置我是這樣設置的,讓學生調查家庭成員的飲食習慣及生活方式并提出改進意見,把課堂上所學到的知識延伸到課外,使學生脫離死記硬背的作業模式,讓學生在輕松愉快的氛圍中完成學習任務。

總的來說,本節課學生通過一個個任務的完成,在語言交際、學習興趣、參與意識、團隊意識等方面都有不同程度的提高,整節課的閱讀教學是在老師指導下的有目的的自主學習,學生在課堂上成為真正的主人,他們理所當然的有了不同尋常的收獲。 當然,本節課在一些方面還有待提高,比如說文章的處理還不夠到位,一些過渡不太自然,本人適應學生的能力有待加強,這些都是我在今后工作過程中需要改進和提高的地方,我決心在今后的工作中深入學習新課程標準,把先進的教學理念灌輸到我的教學工作中去,為推進我市的新課程改革工作盡一份綿薄之力。


七年級英語上冊Unit4Section B1a -1d教學設計

大直要中學 王淑亞

教材分析:本單元圍繞Things in the classroom學習他談論物品的位置。


教學重難點:方位介詞in,on,under的使用; 句型Where’s… ?It‘s on/under/in…

Where are… ?They’re on /under/in… 教學目標

1.能正確使用下列單詞或短語: radio, clock, tape, player, tape player, model, plane, model plane. 2.能夠熟練使用 介詞 in, on, under描述物品所在的位置。 3. 能夠熟練使用下列句型:

Where’s… ?It‘s on/under/in…

Where are… ?They’re on /under/in…

4. 糾正自己亂丟東西的不良習慣,學會有序擺放自 己的用品。


一 情境導入

T: Let’s begin our class .Oh,Where’s my English book ?Could you help me find my book ?

可引導學生猜Is iton your desk ?......z最后請學生幫忙找英語書并引出語言Where’s my book ?It’s under the teacher’s desk


1. 復習學過的室內物品的名稱table,chair ,desk,bookcase,sofa,bed,keys等。 2. 復習方位介詞in,on under . 三.出示新知

圖片展示clock,tape player,radio,hat,model plane 并學習,集體操練之后單個檢測學生的掌握情況比比誰說的最準確聲音最洪亮。

四 活動

1. 比眼力 看誰找的快

1a.Match the words with the things in the picture. 2.比記憶力Look at the picture in 1a for one minute. Then close your books and write down all the things you remember. 看1a中的圖片 一 分鐘。然后合上書,寫出你記住的所有物品。 3.考耳力Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his home . 聽錄音,圈出房間里Tom想要的物品。 Listen again : Where are Tommy’s things?

課文疑難解析學生自讀課文,并討論疑難問題,教師最后解答共同疑惑。 4.想一想Do you think Tom is tidy ?What about you ? What should you do ? 五.課堂練習

A.1. ______is your hat? It’s on the bed . A. Who B. Whose C. Where ( ) 2. -Is his pencil on the desk ?-____. A. No, it isn’t B. Yes, it’s C. Yes, they are ( ) 3. The tapes ______ in the box. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 4.—Where ___ the CDs? A. is B. are C. am D. be B.請根據圖片提示完成對話,每空一詞(含縮寫)。 1. A: _______ your computer? B: It’s __________ .

2. A: ____ the baseball on the table? B: No. It’s ______________ . 3. A: _______ the cat? B:____ is _______ the tree. 4. A: __________ her dictionaries? B: They are ___________ . C.請根據圖片提示用介詞on, under或in完成短文。

Look at the picture! A desk is ___ it. What’s on the desk? Yes, a ball is ___ it. Look! A cat is _____ the desk. Where is the bag? Oh, it’s ___ the desk.

This is my room. It’s very nice(漂亮). The computer is ___the desk. The baseball is ______ the chair. My ____ __ are in the bookcase. Near(在 … 旁邊) the ____ ,you can see my plant(植物). _______ my red hat ? Oh, it’s behind(在…后面)the door. 六作業

1. Finish Section B 1 in the workbook. 2. Write five sentences about your room. 教學反思


第三篇:人教版英語七年級上冊 Unit4 Where’s my backpack?2


http:// Unit 4 Where’s my backpack? ? 教學目標與要求

一、串記口訣介詞 on在上in在里,at表示在某地。 for譯為to譯到,of…的指關系。 under在下with和,about譯關于。 past經過plus加,minus譯減去。?


三、能力目標 1.在所學語言范圍內談論空間關系的交際能力。 2.看圖(如展示物體的位置) 下載地址 >>

Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?

[教學內容]:Go for it Book I Unit 4 Where is my backpack? [教學目標] I.Review some new words: (能夠聽、說、讀、寫) table bed dresser bookcase sofa chair backpack books keys baseball drawer plant math book alarm clock CD computer game video cassette hat II.Grammar:(理解運用)

表地點的介詞短語 in on under behind near beside III. Useful expressions: (能夠進行自由問答) Where is it ? It’s in /on /under /behind /near .. Where are they ? They are in /on /under /behind /near Is it…? /Are they…?、

IV: Quality objectives: 通過學習,利用真實情景著重培養學生的口語表達能力,提高學生綜合運用英語的水平。 [教具]:實物,多媒體教室

[教學方法]:實物教學,情景教學,口語實踐,習得英語。 [教學步驟] 1. 問候, 組織上課。

T: Hi, everyone.Good morning. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang. T: Class, Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: Do you like singing? Ss: Yes.




http:// T: Let’s sing an English song: The more we get together. OK? Ss: Sing the song together (happily and Clapping their hands). 2. 通過what’s this?句型及其回答It’s …/They are…復習生詞。

T: You sing very well. This song sounds very wonderful. Now, class, excuse me, what’s this in English?

Ss: It’s a window, a door, a broom, a football , an apple, an orange, a box, the teacher’s desk, a floor, a schoolbag, an English book, a TV , a computer and so on. 3.通過實物,直觀方式,復習介詞in/on T: (Point to an apple) What is this in English? S1: It’s an apple.

T: (Put it in a box) Where is the apple? S2: It’s in the box.

T: (Point to two boxes) What are these in English? S3: They are boxes. T: (Put them on the teacher’s desk) Where are they? S4: They are on the teacher’s desk.

4.利用動畫,認識in/on/under/near/behind/beside 所表示的位置。

T: Very good. But now class, We have a new friend. Her name is Lucy. Where is Lucy? Do you know? Please watch the video and answer : Where is Lucy? She is in the box. She is on the box. She is under the box. She is behind the box. She is near the box. She is beside the box. 5.利用一個蘋果和一個盒子表示出不同位置關系,讓學生大聲說出來,加深認識;做游戲,教師說位置,學生做動作,激發學生的興趣,同時進行鞏固。 T: Now class , please tell me : Where is the apple? (Put the apple in the box) Ss: In the box. (Put the apple on the box.)




http:// Ss: On the box. (Put the apple under the box) Ss: Under the box. (Put the apple near the box.) Ss: Near the box. (Put the apple closer to the box ) Ss: Beside the box. T:OK. Very good.Class, do you like playing a game? T: Now I say , you do. Who would like to come to the front? T: Very good. Who will have another try? T: Is she/he right? 6.通過口、筆頭練習鞏固所學介詞。

T: You are very clever. Now, class, stop here, OK? Now please look at a picture and fill in the blanks.. A pencil-box is_______ the desk. A cat is ______ the chair. A bag is ________ the chair. Books are _______ the desk or ___ the bag. Pens and pencils are ________ the pencil-box. T: Can you do it? T: Who would like to tell us the answers?. T: Say out the answers together. T: Very correct.

7、利用教室內的實物進行師生對話。(學生的回答可能有很多種) T: Let’s work in pairs. I ask, you answer.OK? T: Where is the teacher’s desk? T: Where is the blackboard? T: Where is the box? (Put it on the desk, under the TV) 板書: Where is …? It is…. T: Where are the boxes? (Put them on the desk , under the TV , near the window…) T: (Put the windows in the wall) Where are the windows?




http:// 板書:Where are…? They are…

8、做游戲,猜猜足球在哪兒?(學生可以有任何可能的猜測,都要鼓勵。) T: Now class, I have a football. Where is the football? Can you guess? T: It is behind the door.Who is right?You are right. You are great. Let’s cheer her on. 9.繼續做游戲,猜猜蘋果在哪兒?猜對了就把蘋果獎給她/他。 T: Now class, where is the apple?Can you guess? T: You are right. Give you the apple. 10.對where的用法進行延伸拓展,where不只可以問物在哪兒,還可以問其他的,比如像問某人在某地。

T: Where am I? (I am standing among the students.) T: Where is Liu Xueting(A girl in our class)? T: Very good. You are so clever. 11.分別看兩副圖片,讓學生分成兩組對話,對第一副圖片:A組提問,B組作答,對第二副圖片,B組提問,A組作答,進行比賽,分出勝負,培養學生的競爭意識。

T: Now class, let’s have a competition. Our class will be divided into two teams. One team asks;the other team answers.We’ll find which team is better. Look here.It is the teacher’s office.

room. Let’s ask and answer about the picture. What’s your team name?(Point at one team) T: What’s your team name?(Point at the other team.) T: OK.Now, ATeam, ask, begin.(A: Where is/are…?B: It’s … /They’re) A Team may ask: 1.Where is the football? 2.Where is the chair? 3.Where is the map? 4.Where is the desk? 5.Where is the window? 6.Where are the books? 7.Where are the boxes? and so on. B Team may answer(There are many answers): 1. It is on the floor/near the chair/under the desk.




http:// 2.It is on the floor/near the window/near the desk. 3.It is on the wall. 4. It is on the floor/near the boxes/near the window… 5. It is in the wall/near the chair/near the desk. 6.They are on the desks. 7.They are on the floor/near the wall/near the desk…

T: Very good. Ask well and answer much better.Now let’s look another picture.


T: Class, You ask very good questions and answer so well. I think everyone is very good. I think we are all champions.OK? Let’s cheer ourselves on. 3. 做猜謎游戲,復習句型,掀起學生說英語的高潮。

(First ask a student: A to turn around, and ask another student: B to the front and put something at a place, then A guess: Is it…?/Are they…? B answer: No, it isn’t./No, they aren’t. Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.) 14.緊扣課題,做游戲。Just for fun.----Where is my backpack?


T: Class, next , please talk about some things with your partner around you with in, on, under, near, behind. Ss work in pairs. T: Class, Stop here, please. Who will come to the front to act it out? Ss(爭先恐后地舉手): Me, Me, …

Ss: Where is …? It is in/on/under/near/behind…. Where are…?They are in/on/under/near/behind… 16.結束自由對話,布置課后作業。

T: Now , time is up. We have to stop here. Homework for today. Please describe your classroom with in, on, at, under, behind, near. So much for this class. See you next time. Bye-Bye. [板書設計]




http:// Unit 4 Where is my backpack? 1. Prepsitions: in, on, under, behind, beside, near 2. Sentences: Where is…? It’s … Where are…? They are…

Is it…? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Are they…? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.




Unit4.Topic1.What can I do for you?

一、核心詞匯 madam buy over there try seventy thirty forty fifty sixty eighty ninety hundred just pair shop need kilo salt bottle heavy worry fat mouse rabbit ant

二、常用詞組 buy„for over there try on how much think of how about think about all the same do some shopping two kilos of how many shopping list


I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. The clothes are over there, madam. Can I try it on? How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re only seventy yuan, madam. How do you like the pants? Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? How much salt do we need?


What can I do for you, madam? May/Can I help you? It looks very nice on you. We will take it. How about the blue one? Are you kidding? Thank you all the same. Could you help me do some shopping, Ben? Is that all?


1. What can I do for you, Madam? 此句與May/Can I help you? 用法相同。使用范圍較廣,在不同的場合句意不同:在商店里售貨員詢問顧客“你要買什么東西?”;在飯店里,服務員詢問顧客“你要點什么菜?”; 在圖書館里,圖書管理員詢問“你要借什么書刊?”。

如:—What can I do for youi? I like some chicken. -May/Can I help you? -I want to borrow an English book. 2. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. Buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 意為“給某人買某物”

如: My mom buys a school bag for me.=My mom buys me a schoolbag. 3. How much is it/are they? 多少錢?

(1)how much 用來詢問價錢,意為“多少錢”。句子里的be 動詞取決于后面的主語(名詞或代詞),主語為單數時用is,為復數時用are. 如:-How much are the books?-They are 29 yuan 【拓展】詢問價錢還可用句型 What’s the price of„.? –What’s the price of the 1 jacket?- It’s 100 yuan. 【即時演練】按要求改寫句子。How much is the phone?(同義句轉換) ______ _____ ______ ______ the phone? (2) how much 還常用來提問不可數名詞的數量。

如:-How much milk do you want? -I want a glass of milk. 4.We’ll take it. 這里的take 相當于buy, 意為“買下”。在口語中,當選定商品,決定購買時,常說“ I’ll take it.,而不說 I’ ll buy it. Take 原意為“拿走,運走。” take sb (sth) to„把某人(某物)帶到某地。

如:I take my little brother to his school. 5.Why not try on that pair? Try on ,試穿,試戴。on在此處為副詞,故 try on 被稱為副詞短語,其短語后的賓語為人稱代詞it/them時,代詞須放在動詞和副詞之間,

如:try it/them on; 但如果賓語為名詞時,它可以放在短語之間,也可以放在短語之后。

如:These shoes are good. You can try them on. Try on these shoes.= Try these shoes on. 試試這雙鞋。 【拓展】pair n 一對,一雙,一條„„.. 如: a pair of pants in pairs 成雙成對

如:Students work in pairs.學生們兩人一起工作。 【即時演練】

I like this red skirt and that pink dress. Can I ____? A try on it B try it on C try on them D try them on 6 Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? What do you think of „.? 相當于 How do you like„? 這個句型常用來詢問別人對某人或某物的看法、喜好程度。

如:— What do you think of the movie? -I like it very much.我非常喜歡。

【即時演練】 How do you like the pants?(同義句轉換) ____ _____ you_____ ______ the pants? 7.Thank you all the same.這句話常常用來表示別人幫你做某事,但是由于某種原因沒有做成,你同樣要表示感謝。相當于Thank you anyway. 如:-Do you know Tian’an Men Square? –Sorry, I don’t know. -Thank you all the same. 8 – How many bottles? how many 常用來提問事物的數量,后面應接可數名詞的復數形式。

如:-How many students can you see in the picture? -I can see only one. 【鏈接】當提問事物的數量時,how much 接不可數名詞,how many 接可數名詞復數。

如:How much salt do you need? How many pens do you need?

2 【即時演練】

1____ feet does a man have?(How many/How much) 2._____bread do you want?(How many/How much) 3.______is the chicken?(How many/How much) 9.Is that all? 該句用于購物時善意的提醒,相當于問“您還需要其他東西嗎?”


答語可以說That’s all.Thanks. 如:-Is that all, sir? -No,and two kilos of apples,please.不,還要兩公斤蘋果。

【拓展】該句相當于 Is that everything? 如:-What can I do for you? -Two bags of milk, three kilos of apples and some bread. -Is that everything? -I think so. 10 Don’t worry.別擔心。

(1)worry v 擔心,著急。

(2)這是一個表示否定意義的祈使句,其結構為“Don’t +動詞原形+„..,表示勸告、命令對方不要做某事。

如:Don’t draw on the wall.Don’t do it like that. 12.How about some bread? Some 和any 的意思都是“一些”。 具體用法如下:

(1)some 一般用于肯定句中,修飾不可數名詞和可數名詞的復數。如:I have some milk in the glass. He has some books. (2) some 有時也可用于疑問句中,但一般表示征求對方的意見并希望得到肯定回答。如:Why not have some milk? (3) any 一般用于疑問句和否定句中,通常也修飾不可數名詞和可數名詞的復數。如:I don’t want any milk. Do you have any friends here. 【即時演練】用 some 和 any填空

1.-Could you give me_______ bread?-Sure.2 I don’t have____ oranges, but I have_______pears. 3.-Can I have_____eggs?-Sorry, we don’t have_______4.Would you like______bread for breakfast? 13.可數名詞和不可數名詞


(1) 可數名詞有單數和復數兩種形式,前面可以用不定冠詞a/an修飾。如:a bag 一個包an apple一個蘋果 three boxes 三個盒子 some eggs 一些雞蛋 (2) 不可數名詞


如:glass 玻璃 wood 木頭 water 水

2)不可數名詞一般沒有單數和復數形式之分。不能直接用冠詞和數次來修飾。 3)不可數名詞可用little, some, much, any, a lot 等詞修飾。若要表示量的多

3 少時,則需要借助單位名詞(即量詞)+of來表達。如:two bags of salt two glasses of milk. (3) 有些名詞有時是可數,有時是不可數。

如:chicken小雞(可數)雞肉(不可數) glass 玻璃(不可數) 玻璃杯(可數)

練習:I. 根據句子意思,填寫所缺單詞。(詞首字母已給出。) 1.We can buy some clothes in a s__________. 2. ---Could you do me a f___________? ---Sure, what is it? 3. That coat is too e___________, we don’t have much money. 4.There are s________ seconds (秒)in a minute(分鐘) 5. There are t___________days(天) in a month. 6. Forty and sixty is one h__________. 7. Don’t w_________.Let’s help you.

8. ---How do the pants f_____? --- They are too long. 9. I want to buy the things on the shopping l________. 10. These shoes are on s__________ for 10%off. II. .根據句子意思,用單詞的適當形式填空。

1.My shoes are worn out, what about__________(you)? 2._How much _______ (be)this skirt? 3.How much __________(be) these apples?. 4.__________ (who) bicycle is this? 5.Here is _____________(you) change.. 6.I would like three____________(kilo) of salt. 7.Let’s try _________(they) on.

8.His friends have two ____________(radio) . 9.How many _________(umbrella) do you need? III..英漢詞組互譯。

1. try on________ 2. look for__________ 3.on sale____________

4. 八十包大米____________ 5. 兩公斤鹽_____________ 6.be out of__________ 7. running shoes _____________ 8. 多少錢_________ IV.選擇填空。

( )1. How do I look ____ this dress? A. on B. for C. in D. with ( )2. Would you like to try _______ another pair? A. on B. for C. in D. with ( )3. ---_____________?I am just looking, thanks. A. What can I do for you B. Could you do me a favor C. May I take your order D. What would you like

( )4.This house is ______ sale. A. on B. for C. in D. with

4 ( )5 I am _________ a jacket for my son. A.looking at B. looking after C.looking for D. looking like ( )6. Could you do some shopping forn me, we need _________ thing. A. a little B. little C. much D. a few ( )7. ----__________? --- Two hundred yuan. A. How much is this apple B.How is your dog C. How much is that recorder D. How do you like this recorder ( )8.---What is she? ---____________? A.Fine,thanks B. A waitress C.She’s Jane D.She’s thin and tall.

( )9. You can buy a_______ in a clothes shop. A.hat B.recorder C. fridge D.VCD player ( )10.This is _____ umbrella. A..a B. the C.an D./ V. 情景交際。根據上下文選擇下列選項完成對話,其中兩項為多余選項。 J: Jerry S: Salesgirl S:_________1_______? J: Yes,I am looking for s dress, but I can’t decide which one to buy. S: It doesn’t matter. Let me help you. _____2_________? J: I like pink. S: what about this one? J: It looks nice,______3________ S: Of course. The changing room is over there. (Jerry tries on the dress.) J:________4_____ S: You look very nice. J:_______5__________ S: One hundred yuan. J: I’m afraid it is too expensive. What about 80yuan? S: All right, 80 yuan. A: How much is it? B: Can I have it for 100 yuan? C: Could you do me a favor? D: What color do you like? E: How do I look in this dress? F: Can I try it on? G:May I help you? 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.____________ 4.__________ 5._______ 拓展探究

VI.用how 完成下列對話。

1.---_______________________it? ---H---A---T, hat. 2.---___________people are there in your family? ---Five. 3---___________________? ---I am five. 4.----________________ this computer? --- Five thousand yuan.

5 5.--- ____________ your grandfather? --- He’s fine,thanks 6.---______________ the food? --- I like it a lot



Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section A2教學設計




(3)在教學中,教師設置自主學習、小組合作學習探究任務,激發學生學習的積極主動性,讓學生在交流合作中形成自主學習合作學習的能力。 教材分析:

教學內容為人教版新目標英語七年級下冊第4單元Section A 的第2課時。第四單元的話題是規則(rules),教材中出現的學校家庭的規則貼近學生的生活,容易激發學生的學習共鳴與興趣,幫助學生客觀看待規章制度。本節課是聽說課,在本單元起到承上啟下的作用,在繼續學習詞匯與祈使句的同時,對上節課所學語言知識點在實際運用中鞏固,為下節課讀寫能力的訓練做好鋪墊。 學情分析:

七年級學生對情態動詞can及否定形式can’t 的使用已經熟悉,經過本單元第1課時的學習,他們對于祈使句也有了初步了解,能夠用英語表達簡單的規則。而本節課對have to 與祈使句結構的學習,對學生來說易于接受與理解,但是運用所學語言知識點談論規則,進行實際運用,尤其是情態動詞與祈使句的轉換表達,對學生來說有一定難度。 教學目標:

1、知識目標:掌握祈使句的用法;學習have to的使用;運用基本句型Can we eat in the classroom? Yes, we can./No, we can’t. Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. What do we have to do? We have to be quiet in the library.談論學校、圖書館規則。





難點:have to 的使用與祈使句的使用,尤其是祈使句的否定結構的使用。 教法、學法:


學法:自主學習、合作學習、探究學習。新課標強調課堂教學要以學生為中心,本節課設置了合作式學習任務,讓學生自主探究合作學習,提高學生的學習能力。 教學過程:

Step 1 Lead-in(2 minutes)

(1)Students races to be the first one to translate imperative sentences about rules:Don’t run inside./ Don’t push./ Don’t litter./Save electricity./ Save water. Students who answer right will get one point for their groups. (2)Students read the sentences together. (3)Teacher makes students realize that although we don’t like rules,we really need them.Without rules,We may have troubles in our life. 設計說明:課堂導入設計關于學校、社會規則的英譯漢問題,利于學生知識的回顧與遷移,詢問學生這些規則的必要性,能夠培養學生遵守規則的意識。采用小組競賽式回答問題,激發學生學習的主動性,調動課堂學習氛圍。 Step 2 Listening (4 minutes) (1)Students listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:Is John new at school?/Are there many rules at school?/Can he bring music players to school?/Do they have to always wear the school uniform? (2)Students read after the teacher and check answers. 設計說明:讓學生帶著問題去聽對話,利于學生對關鍵信息的把握。學生跟讀對話,訓練學生的語音語調。 Step 3 Group work and language points(10 minutes) (1)Students read the conversation by themselves and find out language points by themselves. (2)Students work in group to discuss what they have found and each group has one student to summarize their discussion and report the result in front of the whole class. (3)Teacher supplements students’report and emphasizes on important language points as follows:arrive,listen,fight,have to,wear.etc. 設計說明:讓學生自己發現語言點,小組合作探究討論總結語言點的使用,發揮了學生在學習中的主體性與主動性,培養學生主動思考自主學習的能力,避免教師灌輸學生被動接受。由小組學生代表講解,易于吸引其他學生的學習興趣與注意力,雖然學生會出現漏講、錯講的現象,卻有助于其他學生進行補充糾錯,獲得學習的滿足感,在教師的幫助下,強化學習效果。這一教學過程,學生是主體,教師是輔助。 Step 4 Pair work(5 minutes) (1)Students work in pair to roleplay the conversation and make conversation according to actual information: A:Hi,my name is xxx,It’s my first day at school. B:Hi,I’m xxx.This is a great school.But there are a lot of rules. A:Really?What are some of the rules? B:Well,don’t be late for class.This is very important. A:OK.So we must be on time.Can we bring music players to school? B:No,we can’t.And we always have to wear the school uniforms. A:I see. B:And we also have to be quiet in the library. (2)Teacher asks 2 or 3 pairs to present their conversation. 設計說明:角色扮演對話并根據實際信息進行對話,是創造了一個生活中會出現的情境,讓學生運用所學對話中的語言談論學校規則,有助于學生提高語言運用能力。 Step 5 Exercise and practice(4 minutes) (1)Students finish translating exercise about the conversation: 不要在上課時聽音樂。Don’t listen to music in class./我們必須準時。We must be on time./我們能把音樂播放器帶到學校里來嗎?Can we bring music players to school?/在圖書館里我們必須保持安靜。We must keep quiet in the library./不要再樓道里跑。Don’t run in the hallways. (2)Students read sentences together. (3)Students finish the practice of language points they have learned: ①Filling in the blanks with in/at/to:My mother usually get ___ school at 7:40 in the morning./ When do you usually arrive ____ the bus station?/Jenny’s uncle usually arrives ___ Shanghai in the evening. ②Filling in the blanks with have to/must:It’s cold outside. We ______ stay at home./We ____ study hard. 設計說明:針對對話文本的翻譯練習和語言點的填空題,幫助學生進一步鞏固所學的內容,加強對重點知識的掌握。根據學生完成練習的情況,教師可以了解學生的學習效果,對于知識薄弱點進行進一步講解。

Step 6 Presentation and practice of grammar focus(8 minutes) (1)Teacher explains the use of imperative structure. (2)Students take notes and answer questions about school library rules. (3)Teacher summarizes how to talk about rules by asking students questions. 設計說明:經過前面的學習,學生對祈使句這一現象已經熟悉,呈現祈使句的使用、結構有助于學生系統掌握該結構,利用學校圖書館里的規則,讓學生使用祈使句進行表達,提高語言運用能力。教師提問并總結談論規則的句型,為接下來的小組討論做好鋪墊。 Step 7 Group work(7 minutes) (1)Students work in group to make five rules for their dream school.One student of each group reports their rules.Students vote for the coolest dream school. (2)Teacher makes students realize that the coolest dream school is not the best school,because we sometimes need strict rules to help us study well at school. 設計說明:小組內談論學生自己夢想中學校該有什么規則,不僅調動了學生用英語交談的興趣,也是本節所學語言點的產出。教師要引導學生認識到一些嚴格的校規和社會上的其他規則是必須遵守的。 Step 8 Exercise of sentence pattern(4 minutes)

(1)Students finish the sentence pattern transformation exercise. (2)Teacher explains the important and difficult points in the exercise. 設計說明:設計補償練習這一教學環節,是為了補充教材配套練習中涉及的重難點,減少學生完成練習的難度。 Step 9 Homework(1 minute) Teacher presents the homework on the screen. 設計說明:讓學生完成教材配套練習之外將課上小組討論的夢想學校寫成短文,目的是在寫作中夯實本節所學的語言點,查看學生對祈使句、have to的使用與談論規則的掌握情況。

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