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2014八下Unit3 單元作文

Unit3 單元創新寫作指導








It’s good for teenagers to do some housework.Some people think studentsneedn’t do any housework. They think the only thing students need to do is studying well. I don’t think so.

It’s good for students to do some housework. There are 3 reasons. First, To do some housework can make you independent. You can’t depend on others all the time. So you should learn to do some housework now. Next, to do some housework can help you healthy and strong . Some hard housework is also a kind of exercise. Finally, to do some housework can share your parents’work.They must be very happy if you tell them to have a rest.

So I think it’s good for students to do some housework.

Unit3 單元創新寫作指導








It’s good for teenagers to do some housework.Some people think studentsneedn’t do any housework. They think the only thing students need to do is studying well. I don’t think so.

It’s good for students to do some housework. There are 3 reasons. First, To do some housework can make you independent. You can’t depend on others all the time. So you should learn to do some housework now. Next, to do some housework can help you healthy and strong . Some hard housework is also a kind of exercise. Finally, to do some housework can share your parents’work.They must be very happy if you tell them to have a rest.

So I think it’s good for students to do some housework.


Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?

Period 1

一、 教學內容Section A 1a----1c

二、 教學目標

1.學習詞匯do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the laundry,

sweep the floor, clean the living room.

2.句型 Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.

三、 教學準備 學生預習本單元所有的詞匯 多媒體課件 活動表 獎品

四、 教學過程

1. Warming up

Enjoy ourselves. Watch cartoon Cinderela. 看動畫片段《灰姑娘》導如入本課話題和新詞匯―chores‖美麗善良的鬼姑娘因繼母的嫉妒,每天得做所有的家務。片段的主題使學生聯想到本課的話題。

2. learn new words and phrases

Look! What is she / he dong? 看圖學習動詞詞組do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the laundry, clean the living room.

3. Guessing game. What is she doing ?

4. Pair work. 1a, Do you do these things at home? Write ―Y‖ for ―yes‖ and ―N‖ for ―no‖.

5. Listening . 1b , Peter’s chores or Mom’s chores?

理解目標語Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.

Write ―M‖ for Mom’s chores, ―P‖ for Peter’s chores in the chart.

6. Pairwork

Look at the picture, Ask your partner to do the chores that you see. 7. Interview Who is the most able at home?

1) What chores do you do at home? How often do you do the chores? Work in four, interview

each of the students in the group, fill in the chart.

2) Then one student make a report to the class. ―In my group…. Does the dishes every day,…We think … is the most able one in our group.‖

3) 頒獎。給每個小組里的最能干者發獎。適時給學生愛勞動,愛父母的教育

8. 總結本節課的教學重點。


Read the words and phrases you learn today.

make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.


本節課主要談論家務,話題貼近生活,,,在熱身階段, 以灰姑娘的動畫片段導入動詞詞組,猜圖游戲使詞匯得到鞏固,為下面的活動做好鋪墊。新詞匯結合學生的生活實際, 掌握運用target language禮貌提出請求, 并使學生受到愛勞動的教育..是本課的重點.。

Period 2

一、 教學內容Section A 2a-4

二、 教學目標

1. 詞匯:stay out late, work on the computer, get a ride, use the car, go to a meeting.

Hate to do /dong sth 。區別make與do的用法

2. 禮貌地征求許可:

Could I please use your computer? Sorry, you can’t..

Could I please watch TV? Yes, you can. But you have to clean your room first..


I like doing dishes because it’s relaxing, but I hate to do…because it’s boring.

三、 教學準備 課件 卡片 小獎品

四、 教學過程。 1. Warming up

Game ―Chain drill‖.

運用上節課的target language―Could you please do…?‖依次問答,其中的動詞短語不能重復 ,復習動詞短語。

2. Fill in the blanks with ―make‖and ‖do‖. 3a

3. Chores that you like or dislike, 3b

1) 呈現 like doing/to do, hate doing

2) Make a list of chores that you like and dislike.

3) Pairwork.談論喜歡和不喜歡的家務,并表達自己的看法。

A: Do you like doing dishes?

B: Yes, I like …because it’s relaxing,

No, I hate to do…because it’s boring.

4.Listening. 2a

1) Peter ask his father if he can do four things. Check ―yes‖ or ―no‖

2) Listen again, Why does Peter’s father say ―no‖

Draw lines to the reasons in the chart.

5. Present target language

由聽的活動2a 引入target language:

6. Game. Sorry! I can’t!

Play the game in 4.

7.Groupwork. (小組為灰姑娘動畫片段配音)

(One day, the king invited all the girls to the great party. Her step mother and her two sisters were going, She wanted to go very much, so she asked her mother―…?‖ and what’s her mother’s answer?

―Could I go to the party? No, you can’t.? / Sure, you can. But you have to do all the chores first. Hahaha!…‖)

8.Who’s the luckiest?

1)一個學生扮演仙女,其他學生展開想象,向仙女禮貌地提出自己的夢想. 請求幫助;運用target language ―Could I please…?或者Could you please...?‖


3) 德育滲透:

Is there really a fairy in the world? We must try our best to make our dreams come true.

9.Grammar focus

10. Homework.

Could I go to the party? The concert? / the football game?…

假如今晚你想去看球賽或者音樂會或做其他你想做的事,你請求父母的許可。寫一段對話。 教學反思

本課以灰姑娘的故事為線索,圍繞―chores‖ 這個話題, 禮貌地征求對方的許可。以游戲導入,復習提出請求的句型Could you please …? 談論喜歡和不喜歡的家務,從聽的活動自然過渡到本課的target language―Could I ..? ‖,接著,為灰姑娘想參加舞會而被繼母拒絕的無聲片段的配音,為學生運用目標語提供了一個趣味平臺。―幸運之星‖的活動,每個學生向仙女提出幫助實現夢想,讓學生熟練地綜合運用Section A 部分的target language。最后滲透德育,,啟發學生走向成功光有夢想不夠,惟靠自己的努力!

Period 3

一、教學內容Section B 1a-2c


1.學習詞匯 invite my friends to …,buy some drinks and ,snacks, borrow some money r,

teenager disagree 2.掌握句型 .Could you please buy some drink and snacks? Sure. / Yes, I can.

Could I borrow xome money? Yes, you can.. Sorry, you can’t.

3.難點; 綜合的運用單元的目標語針對實際情景解決問題.


復習動詞短語,并且預習生詞, 游戲用的卡片 小獎品



學生兩人一組,代表所在的大組, 相對而立, 老師展示課前準備好卡片,卡片上寫著動詞詞組, 一學生表演動作,另一學生在十秒內猜測詞組, ,根據猜對的詞組個數,評出挑戰成功的組. 這個游戲的目的是復習所學的動詞短語..打好腳手架架.

sweep the floor, fold the clothes, clean the floor, cook, make the bed, buy some drinks and take out the trash, wash the car, invite your friends to …等,

2. Discussion

(在屏幕上展示出剛才的動詞短語) .,

1) 1a What can teenagers ask their parents to do? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? 學

習用I agree/ disagree 表示自己的觀點.

T: Come to the front , talk about your ideas.(.這個任務地目標運用詞匯進行表達, 同時滲透了對學生愛的教育,,愛父母,愛家庭,愛勞動.)

A:I think teenagers …B:I agree./ I don’t agree(disagree). I think …

2). Sally’s weekend.

Ask: What chores does Sally do on weekends? What do you think of Sally? Then Show some photos of Sally.

3. A game

Practice with―Could you please…?‖―Could I …?‖將課前準備的雙色卡片(如:紅/藍)分發給學生,卡片以字母編號,同一編號的有兩張,上面有簡筆畫,規定獲得紅色卡片的學生先發問,根據卡片上的簡筆畫回答。



homework first

A 。 A 。

A: Could you please clean the floor?

A2: Sure! But I have to do my homework first.

B: Could I have a digital camera?

B: Sorry, you can’t. It’s too dear.. Or

B: Could I borrow some money from you? I want to buy a camera. It’s 2000RMB.

B: Sorry, I don’t have so much money.

4. Listening. 1)

2a Listen and check the things you hear.. 2) 2b Listen again., and fill in the chart.

What is Sandy’s mother going to do ?

What is Sandy going to do?

What are Sandy and Dave going to do?

3) Listen to Happy birthday song..

5. Group work. Make a telephone invitation and ask for help. (小組繼續比賽)

If you are sandy,, you want to invite you good friends to come to you party, and you need their help, too.. Make a list of things you want to buy and to do first, then discuss in group, act it out.. 讓學生進行評價.評出有特色的―最佳表演‖―最佳創意‖―最…‖小組,給予獎勵。

6.總結本課的target language.


Invite your friends to have a picnic with you, and ask for their help to prepare for the picnic.. make a conversation.


如何激發學生的興趣, 使他們主動積極地參與活動,開展合作學習, 使課堂充滿活力,使設計的每個任務產生實效, 這是任務型教學中的首要問題. 本節課開展小組競賽, 任務鏈為:游戲熱身( 鞏固詞匯), 討論(學習運用句型), 表演(綜合運用)等活動, 逐步遞進, 從簡到難, 從談論Sally 的周末, 到談自己一周里所干的家務,電話邀請和請求幫助 ,都是來自現實生活的話題, 極具真實性. 為學生綜合表達提供了豐富的素材.讓學深入、讓學生參與過程的評價體現了以學生為主體的原則.

Period 4

一、教學內容Section B 3a –3c & self check


1.學習詞匯 take care of, forget to do, feed the dog, move to a new house,take the dog for a walk


3.難點; 綜合運用單元目標語,針對實際情景解決問題.

三、教學準備 復習詞匯和句型, 預習3-4, some paper


1. warming up.

1) Memory challenge. 復習詞匯 和Target language

Tom’s week.

Students look at the chart for only one minute, then the chart is covered, Students say what Tom does on weekdays and weekends.

2) Do 1 in self check 2. . 3a Reading

1). Question: Do you have a dog or a bird ?

How do you take care of it? Discus in pairs.

2) Read the e-mail message. Quickly . in 3a.

What does Thomas ask Nancy to do?

3) 詞匯分類.Which things are about food? Cleaning? Exercise?

4) 學習寫求助的留言的方式法.

3. Help Sandy Complete the e -mail message. (3b and 3c),展示優秀的作品.

4.Group work. ―Help Wanted‖

1) 給出不同的話題,讓每個小組抽取一個話題,合作討論, 寫留言條尋求幫助. 2) 然后將條子貼在黑板上,讓每組學生代表上來找到自己能做的事,并和小組進行對話表演 . 5.總結.

6. homework:


本節課在復習單元詞匯和句型的基礎上, 進一步學會運用目標語進行寫的訓練, 是能力目標的體現. 不同的話題拓展到生活的各個方面, ,給學生綜合運用目標語,提供了一個廣闊的平臺, 使學生能運用語言知識解決實際問題.





3、充足睡眠 4.學會溝通 注意:


2、可適當的發揮,但必須包含以上要點。 Dear Peter, Don’t worry about your study too much. First, you should learn how to relax yourself. I think doing more sports is good for your health. Listening to music is also a good way to relax. And I think it’s necessary to have healthy eating habits. Please remember to have breakfast every morning. It can give you enough energy to study for the whole morning. You’d better go to bed early and have enough sleep. It will keep you active during the day. Finally, I think you should talk with your friends, parents, or teachers often. Tell them about your thoughts and feelings. Try to get help from them.

I hope you can stay in good spirits and study better.


Li Ming

Unit 2 (A)假設你是晨光中學的李華。你校擬選拔一些優秀的學生,利用暑假到晨曦希望小學為學生輔導英語。你希望參加此次活動。請根據提示給校評選組寫一封申請信。80詞左右。 1. 對此次活動的認識(如對本人、學生和學校的益處) 2. 個人優勢(如性格、獨立生活能力、語言能力等) 3. 你的計劃(如怎樣輔導等) Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua from Class One, Grade Two. I am writing to apply for the opportunity to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English. They can improve their English during the summer vacation. Meanwhile, I can learn how to get along well with the students and benefit the whole school. I’m kind, outgoing and always ready to help others. I wash clothed and make beds by myself to develop independence. English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests. So I think that I am qualified for the position. (B)假如你是來自一中的學生李明,你很喜歡動物,可是現在很多動物的數量在逐漸減少。 請以“I Want to Be A Volunteer of Protecting Animals”為題寫一篇演講稿。 內容提示:








I Want to Be A Volunteer of Protecting Animals Good morning, everyone. My name is Li Ming, a student from No. 1 Middle School. As we know, animals are our good friends. However, as we can see, some animals, especially rare animals, are becoming fewer and fewer. In order to protect these animals, I want to be a volunteer. I’m active and outgoing. I like animals, such as cats, dogs, rabbits as well as everything related to animals, like newspapers, magazines and videos. I often take part in the activities of protecting animals. For example, last month I presented a show called Stopping Hunting. Many people came and supported me. To be a good volunteer, I need to do more, I’ll read more books about animals. Meanwhile, I will join a club whose aim is to protect animals. I believe I can do the work well, I hope you can give me the chance. That’s all. Thank you.

Unit 3 目前,有不少中學生不做家務,一些父母認為:中學生學習負擔重,首要任務是學習。再者,中學生也不知道怎樣做家務。請你就此用英文給一家報社寫一篇80詞左右的短文,闡述你的觀點和看法。

Nowadays, some students don’t help their parents do housework at home.

Some parents love their children too much and don’t let them work at home. On the one hang, they think that their children are too busy with their studies and expected them to do well in their lessons only. On the others hand, they think their children don’t know hoe to do the housework. However, I think students should help their parents do housework at home. First, that can develop their love for work. Next, that can help them understand their parents better. Last and the most important, that can help them cultivate their ability to live.

Unit 4 隨著年齡的增長,青少年逐漸向脫離父母的束縛,但是遇到煩惱和問題的時候又需要有人幫忙提供建議。那么從青少年的角度,你覺得如何才能和父母溝通的更好。請根據以上提示寫一篇不少于80詞的短文。

With the growth of teenagers, they don’t want to depend on their parents. But when they face problems, they need someone to give them suggestions. Should teenagers share their secret with their parent? As far as I am concerned, parents are the right persons to share secrets with. We teenagers are too young to make important decisions, or at least, we need suggestions when we need to make a decision. Parents have rich experiences and their rich experiences will help us take the right direction. Therefore, we need to have a better communication with our parent. There is on doubt that the bigger we grow, the better understanding we should have with our parents. Unit 5 假如你是某中學的一名學生。6月3日,是星期五,在放學回家的公交車上,你所經歷的一件事讓你印象深刻。請根據以下要點用英語寫一篇日記。









3、要點齊全,行文連貫,可適當發揮。 June 3, Friday On my way home on the bus, I saw an old man get on with his grandson of about ten. He was carrying the boy’s schoolbag and violin. I gave my seat to the old man at once. However, the boy sat down first. The old man had to stand nearby. After a while, the boy shouted to his grangfather for water and then dropped the empty bottle on the bus. When a saw this, I got angry. I think the boy should not only respect and take care of the old man but also keep the environment clan. Unit 6 你準備參加學校“英語角”開展的“用英語將故事”活動,你選取了“曹沖稱象”這個大家熟悉的故事。請根據下邊圖片內容,用英語寫一篇80詞左右的小短文。

How Cao Chong Had the Elephant Weighted One day somebody sent Cao Cao an elephant.Cao Caowanted to know how heavy the elephant was,but there was nothing big enough to weigh it on.Cao Chong told his father he could weigh the elephant if he had a big boat and a lot of heavy stones.Cao Caoand some other people were very surprised,but still he ordered his men to get everything ready.When they led the elephant down into the boat,the water came up,then Cao Chong marked the water line.Then they drove the elephant onto the bank and put the heavy stones in the boat until the water came up to the same line.At last,Cao Chong told the men to weigh each of the stones.In this way,he weighed the elephant.

Unit 7 受某英文報的委托,你最近對初中生的英語閱讀興趣做了一次調查。請根據以下信息,用英語為該報寫一篇80詞的短文。短文的標題和首句已給出。

調查內容:在新聞、故事、科普、學習方法四中英文文章中,學生最喜歡哪一種 調查范圍:長春市10所中學調查對象:初中生


調查方式:訪談調查結果:(見下圖) 選擇各類英語文章人數的百分比

The survey of reading interests Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of middle school students. In this survey, one thousand middle school students from ten schools in Changchun were interviewed. They were asked which they liked reading most among the four kinds of English article: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning methods. The survey shoes that more than half of the students like to read news most. Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories their favorites. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of who prefer reading articles about learning methods.

Unit 8 “中國漢字聽寫大會”的熱播引起了人們對漢語書寫的關注。假如你校將舉辦一次演講比賽,請你以“傳遞書寫文明,領略漢字之美”為主題寫一篇演講稿。內容必須包括: 1. 分析漢字書寫處在的問題何原因:書寫能力下降,鍵盤的使用。 2. 表達漢字的重要性:提高書寫意識,感受漢字之美,傳承中華文化。 3. 提出提高漢字書寫能力的方法:端正書寫態度,開展書寫競賽。

參考詞匯:中國漢字Chinese characters 傳遞pass on 書寫競賽writing competition 注意:



Boys and girls, have you ever experience this moment? You pick up a pen and start to write down, but you can’t remember what the characters look like. It seems that Chinese characters are in danger. Most people now communicate with each other by e-mail or on QQ instead of writing letters. As a result they forget what a Chinese character looks like. Chinese people must understand the importance of Chinese characters, and it’s our duty to pass on Chinese culture. What’s more, we can feel the beauty of them. When we do homework, we must try to write carefully. More writing competitions can be held to help us write correctly. By studying Chinese characters, a window to Chinese culture and history is open to you. Unit 9 假如你是吉姆,上周末你和父母乘飛機去海南度假了。請以A wonderful trip to Hainan為題,寫一篇80詞左右的短文。

A wonderful trip to Hainan Have you ever been to Hainan? Well, I have been there. Last weekend I had a wonder trip to Hainan with my parents. We went there by plane. The weather was warm. We visited many interesting places, such as TianyaHaijiao, which means “the edge of the shy and the rim of the sea”, and Wanquan River. We went swimming, fishing and diving there. We also enjoyed the delicious food there. The long white beaches there were very beautiful. I lay on the beach to relax myself quietly. We had a great time. Though we were tired, we all felt very happy. Unit 10 (A)從去年開始,國家啟動了“文明餐桌行動,”號召全體人民“文明用餐,節儉惜福”。我們中學生應當在這些行為中該做些什么呢?請根據下列要求,聯系實際,適當發揮。以“Save Food and Eat Healthily”為題,寫一篇80詞左右的英語短文。 要求:




Save Food and Eat Healthily Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. As middle school students, it’s out duty to do something for it.

To save food, we should remember that at any time we should eat up all the food and shouldn’t waste any food. Especially, when we dine out, we should order the food that we can rightly eat. Because many people in our country don’t have enough food to eat.

To eat healthily, we should eat healthy food instead of junk food. It’s good for our health to eat a balanced diet. We’d better eat at school or at home if we have time.

At last, we hope that we all work together at once. (B)老師讓學生們討論網上購物(Internet shopping)的利(advantage)弊(disadvantage),請你根據下面的信息代表你們組發言。80詞左右。 好處:很方便,24小時營業,不用排隊(queue up) 不足:看你見實物,不能享受和朋友一起購物的樂趣„„ Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. It has lots of advantages. Firstly, it’s convenient. You can shop whenever you like, because the online shops are open 24 hours a day and you do not have to queue up. Secondly, it is often cheaper to buy goods on the Internet and it is also easy to find what you are looking for. However, there are some disadvantages, too. You can not see the real products or check their quality. Also, you will not enjoy walking around the shops and talking with your friends.


人教版八年級下冊第十單元英語教案 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.


1. how long 多久,多長時間

2 . have a yard sale 舉行庭院拍賣會

3. give away 捐贈;贈送

4. not … any more 不再…… 5. Welcome to … 歡迎到……

6. a bit 一點兒,稍微

7. board game 棋類游戲

8. check out 察看;觀察

9. a bread maker 面包機

10. grow up 長大

11. clear out 收拾,整理

12. a lot of 許多

13. no longer 不再;不復

14. at first 起初

15. for example 例如

16. a rain and railway set 一套軌道火車

17. as for…至于……

18. give up 放棄

19. to be honest 說實在的

20. at least 至少

21. on weekends 在周末

22. once or twice year 一年一兩次

23. millions of 數百萬的

24. search for 尋找

25. according to 依據;按照

26. across from 在……的對面

27. in one’s opinion 依……看

28. in order to 為了


1. It is +adj. (+for sb.) +to do sth. (對某人來說)做某事是…… 2. want to do sth. 想要做某事

3. love doing sth. 喜歡做某事

4. decide to do sth. 決定做某事

5. have been in + 地點


6. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

7. one of + the+ 形容詞最高級+可數名詞復數


8. used to do sth. 過去常做某事

9. need to do sth. 需要做某事 知識詳解:

1 . --How long have you had that bike there? --I have had it for three years 辨析:how long, how soon, how often, how far How long 多久,多長(時間)。對時間段提問,如:for+時間段;since+過去的時間點。

e.g. --How long have you worked in Beijing?

--For five years.

How soon 多久以后。對in+時間段提問,常用于一般將來時,其答語常用―in+時間段。

e.g. –How soon will Mr. Li be back?

--In a week.

How often 多久一次,對頻率提問,其答語為:once(twice/…)+時間段,always,usually等。

e.g. --How often do you exercise?

-- Once a day. How far 多遠,對距離提問,其答語是表距離的內容。

e.g. --How far is it from here to your school?

-- Three kilometers. 2. 辨析:for 與since


e.g. I have lived in this city for five years. 我在這座城市居住了5年了 since 其后接表示―時間點的短語或從句(過去時),也可以接一段時間+ago,常用于完成時態; 還用于句型:It is +時間段+since+一般過去時的句子。 表示過去某個時間發生并持續到說話時的動作或狀態。

e.g. It is two years since I came to China. 自從我到中國以來已經兩年了。

She has worked here for five years. =She has worked here since five years ago. 她在這兒工作5年了。

3. Amy thinks it’s hard to sell her old things. 艾米認為賣掉她的舊東西很難。

It’s +adj. (+for sb.) to do sth. 意為(對某人來說)做某事時……的,it 是形式主語,真正主語是后面的動詞不定式。

e.g. It’s important for un to learn English well. 學好英語對于我們來說是很重要的。

4. The stories inside may be a bit old, but they’re still interesting. a bit 意為一點兒,稍微,修飾形容詞或副詞,相當于 a little;

a bit of +不可數名詞,a little直接加不可數名詞。

e.g. There is a bit of/a little water in the bottle.


not a bit =not at all 意為一點也不

not a little =very 意為非常

e,g. She is not a bit happy. 她一點兒也不快樂。

He is not a little tired.=He is very tired. 他非常累。

5. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.

no longer 意為―不再;不復,有時可用 not …any longer 或 not … anymore 替換。如:

He no longer lives here. (= He doesn’t live here anymore/any longer.) 他不再住這兒了。

6. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys. part with 放棄、交出, part v. 離開,分開

e.g. Don’t part with your dream.


7. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. Search用作不及物動詞時,意為搜索;搜查。短語search for 意為搜尋,找尋。

e.g. He is searching for his sunglasses.



e.g. They searched the forest for the lost child. 他們在森林里尋找那個走失的小孩。

8.a 46-year-old husband and father意為一位46歲的丈夫和父親,相當于a husband and father of 46years old. four-year-old 是一個復合形容詞,特點一是數詞、名詞、形容詞之間要用連字符連接,二是數詞后的名詞用單數形式。

e.g. Tom is a 10-year-old boy.= Tom is a boy of 10 years old. 湯姆是一個10歲的男孩。

Lily is an 8-year-old girl. 莉莉是一個8歲的女孩


e.g. a two-month holiday=a two months’ holiday 一個為期兩個月的假期。 Ten-minute walk/drive/ride=ten minutes’

walk/drive/ride 步行/開車/騎車10分鐘的路程

9. Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.

regard 及物動詞,意為將······認為;把······視為。

常用短語regard…as…意為將······視為······;把······當做······,as 為介詞,其后接名詞或代詞。

e.g. I regard you as my best friend. 我把你當做我最好的朋友。

We regard him as our brother. 我們把他當成兄弟看待。

10. consider 動詞,意為考慮,=think about,后跟名詞,代詞,動名詞,賓語從句或疑問詞+不定式。

e.g. Please consider my suggestion. 請考慮我的建議。

I am considering changing my job.我正在考慮換份工作。 He has never considered how to solve the problem他從未考慮過如何解決那個問題。


consider ―考慮

enjoy ―喜愛


keep (on)―繼續(一直)

mind ―介意


have fun ―高興

feel like ―想要

look forward to ―盼望

can’t help ―禁不住

give up ―放棄


11. hold


e.g. He holds a major share in the company. 他持有該公司的大部分股份。

He is holding a book in her hand. 她手里正拿著一本書。

【拓展】hold用作及物動詞,還可意為舉行;主持,相當于have e.g. They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. 對比現在完成時和一般過去時的不同: 現在完成時

表示從過去已經開始持續到現在的動作或狀態,可以和表示―從過去某一時刻延續到現在的一段時間狀語‖連用,如for + 時間段、since + 過去時間點、since + 過去時的從句、since + 一段時間 + ago。且for與since引導的時間狀語可以相互轉換。

e.g. My uncle has worked at this factory for ten years. = My uncle has worked at this factory since ten year ago.

I’ve lived here since 1990. 自從1990年以來我就住在這里。

I haven’t seen him for three years. 我三年沒有看見他了。

She’s been at this school since five years ago.


1. 這本書我買了5年了。

I have bought the book for five years. ( )

I’ve had the book for five years. (

) 2. 你哥哥參軍多長時間了?

How long has your brother joined the army? ( ) How long has your brother been in the army/been a soldier? (



1. 轉換為相應的延續性動詞,用于現在完成時。

2. 轉化為―be + 形容詞/副詞/介詞/名詞


begin---be on

leave---be away buy ---have 單項選擇

1. -- ____ have you been married?

-- For twenty years.

A. How far

B. How often

C. How long

D. How soon 2. -- I often have hamburgers for lunch.

--You’d better not. It’s bad for you ____ too much junk food. A. eat

B. to eat

C. eating

D. ate 3. My best friend Tom is ____ honest boy. You can believe him.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

4. – Is Mr. Smith still in Shanghai?

-- Yes, he ____ there for two months.

A. has been

B. has gone

C. has been to

D. has gone to 5. I don’t believe that this ___boy can paint such a nice picture. A. five years old B. five-years-old C. five-year-old 6 Look! She’s standing ___ the ten children. A. among B. between C. of D. from

7. --Can you give me some information about vacation trips?

-- Why not _________ going to Hainan Island?

A. consider

B. mind C. keep

D. think


Mr. Jack ______ China for several years.

A. has been to B. has come to

C. has been in

D. came to

9、He has _______ been to Shanghai , has he ?

A. already B.never C.ever D. still

10、The famous writer _____ one new book in the past two years .

A. is writing B.was writing C.wrote D.has written

11、Zhao Lan ______already ______in this school for two years .

A. was studying B. will study

C. has studied D. are studying

12、We ______ Xiao Li since she was a little girl .

A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew

13、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_______ it twice .

A. will see B. have seen C. saw D.see

14.—______ you ___ your homework yet ?

—Yes . I _____ it a moment ago .

A. Did ; do ; finished


Have ; done; finished

C. Have ; done ; have finished

D. will ; do ; finish 15. There are two books on the desk, but ____of them is interesting。





16.—Have you ever _______ to the Summer Palace, Lily?

—No, I __________.

A .gone, hasn’t B. gone, haven’t C .been , haven’t D. been, hasn’t 17.I have ________ the book for three days.





18. Alice is ______an American ________a German. She is an Australia.

A. both; and

B. either; or

C. neither; nor

D. not; but 19. Mike doesn’t know French. And_________


A. so do I

B. so am I

C. neither do I

D. neither am I

20. John _______ Beijing. He is still there.

A. has been to

B. has gone to

C. go to

D. goes to

21. --May I speak to John?

--Sorry, he ______ Japan. But he _______ in two days. A .has been to ;will come back

B .has gone to; will be back

C .has been in; would come back

D .has gone to ; won` t come back 22.. Neither you nor I_______ a teacher.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be 23. The Smiths______ China for three years.

A .have come B .have been to C .have been in D. have come to 24..―When_______his grandpa______‖ .― Three years ago.‖

A. has; died

B. is; dead

C. did; die

D. is; died 25. There is not ___________in today’s newspaper.

A .nothing interesting

B. interesting something C. interesting

D. anything interesting 26.Simon is _________ honest boy. Now he is studying at ________ university.

A .a; an

B .an; a

C .the; a

D. a; the

27.I’m looking after Tom today. He’s been in my house _________ 8:00 this morning.

A. at

B .for

C. since

D. till

28.----How long have you ________ here?---For two days .I _________ here the day before yesterday.

A .been ; came

B .come ; came

C .came; came

D. been; come 29.---I don’t know where to go this summer vacation. ---Why not _________ visiting Huanggang? There are many places of interest here.

A .suggest

B. wonder

C. consider

D .regard 30.Oh, no! It’s raining. We can’t go skating on the square.___________!

A.What a shame

B .Well done

C. What a surprise

D.How wonderful 31.---Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Destival?(桃花節) ---Yes, the flowers are beautiful.Bees were flying _________ them.

A .in

B. among

C. between

D. through 32.---Did you borrow the comic book from the library? ---Yes, I ________ it for three days .I’ll return it this afternoon.

A. borrowed

B .kept

C. have borrowed

D .have kept 33.----How is your grandma? ---She’s fine. She used to _________ TV at home after supper.But now she is used to _______ out for a walk.

A .watch;go

B .watching ;go

C.watching; going

D .watch; going

二.綜合填空A. 從方框中選擇合適的詞并用其適當形式填空。 Make, hold, part with, consider, search for, go, Check 1. I __________ my paper carefully before I handed it in. 2. . So far I ______

quiet a few friends here. 3.

Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside ______ work in the cities. 4. ―Where’s Li Ming?‖ ―He ________ to the teacher’s office.‖ 5.

I ________ changing my job these days.


They ________ a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. 7.

My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad _______ certain toys.




1、理解、積累“讀一讀 寫一寫”中詞語,做到會讀、會寫并理解其含義。


3、感受作者的愛鳥情懷,培養熱愛動物、熱愛自然的思想感情。 學習重點:了解大雁的有關特征。

學習難點:本文生動的描寫,并體會其字里行間蘊含著的作者的感情。 我的學習過程









課文用( )手法介紹了大雁遷徙的特性、規律及與人類的關系。含蓄地譴責了( )的傷害,呼吁人類( )。 (3)人們是怎樣對待大雁的?聯系課文具體語句回答。(5分)



2、知識點演練。 (9分) 本文細致的描寫介紹,說明事物的特點。


三、題型訓練. 1.下列加點的字注音有誤的一項是( ). ( 3分) A.霧靄(ǎi)

緘默(jiān) B.曲線(qū)

狩獵(shǒu) C.香蒲(pú)

沼澤(zhǎo) D.雉雞(zhì)

黑鸝(lí) 2.下列詞語中有錯別字的一項是( ).( 3分) A.融化



凋零 C.想像



窺探 3.下列修辭手法運用不當的一項是( ). (3分) A.我們的春雁每天都要去玉米地作一次旅行,但絕不是偷偷摸摸進行的。




4.下列句子中的詞語使用不當的是( ). ( 8分) A.面對敵人的威逼利誘,它保持緘默。

B.11月份南飛的鳥群,目空一切地從我們的頭上高高飛過。 C.返回的雁群,像凋零的楓葉一樣,搖晃著從空中落下來。 D.本刊將洗心革面,繼續提高稿件的編輯質量。 閱讀課文第1——4段,完成第5--8題。 劃線句:

①一只燕子的來臨說明不了春天,但當一群大雁沖破了三月暖流的霧靄時,春天就來到了。 ②我們的大雁又回來了。






8. 畫線句②蘊含著作者怎樣的思想感情?(4分)


1、舉一反三.(10分) (1)、用擬人手法口頭作文:介紹一種小動物。(300字左右)

(2)、回顧學過的詩歌,我知道有關寫雁的詩句。 征蓬出漢塞,歸雁入胡天---王維《使至塞上》 鄉書何處達?歸雁洛陽邊。---王灣《次北固山下》 塞下秋來風景異,衡陽大雁去無留意。---范仲淹《漁家傲》 長風萬里送秋雁,對此可以酣高樓---李白《宣州謝眺樓餞別校書叔云》

西風烈,長空雁叫霜晨月。霜晨月,馬蹄聲碎,喇叭聲咽。---毛澤東《憶秦娥 婁山關》


2、我要解決生活中的實際問題.(10分) 生活中遇到破壞大自然的行為,我準備這么辦。







1、知識點學習(1)、來的季節是三月的春天;飛行的路線是筆直;三月的大雁一觸到水就叫;十一月的大雁一聲不吭;愛尋食玉米粒;常六只列隊飛; 四月的夜間,大雁一陣陣喧鬧。 (2)、擬人、人類對鳥類、保護鳥類 (3)、開放型題,言之成理即可。 (4)、言之成理即可。


2、知識點演練 大雁的形象通過作者聲情并茂原描寫躍然紙上,無論是描寫大雁歸來,還是描寫大雁覓食、集會,作者按照大雁行為的過程,有層次地細細加以描寫,讓人如見其形、如聞其聲。關于大雁的知識,作者介紹了自己苦心孤詣的發現,諸如飛行路線之直,雁隊數字的分析,讓讀者分享作者的發現的樂趣。

我喜歡的句子(略) 因為這些句子運用了擬人的修辭手法,不但生動形象,更讓我們充分體悟到了作者對大雁的喜愛之情。

三、1.B(shîu) 2.A(喧) 3.D 4.D 5.大雁是報春的使者,給人們帶來了春天的生機和希望。 6.直線 200 7.冬;春。冬天在晚上覓食活動,春天放心大膽地覓食、活動。 8.歸來的大雁讓香蒲擺脫了冬日的嚴寒,從此蓬勃生長,表達了作者對大雁的喜愛之情。

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