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1.通過反復、有感情的朗讀,從而感知文章內容。 2.理清文章思路,明確五幅春景圖,感悟作者的思想感情。 3.品味語言,體會語言的準確性、生動性。





1.野火燒不盡, 春風吹又生 。

2.春色滿園關不住, 一枝紅杏出墻來。

3.春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥。 4.不知細葉誰裁出,二月春風似剪刀。 5.兩個黃鸝鳴翠柳,一行白鷺上青天。




* 朱自清不僅是一位優秀的散文家、詩人,更是一位有骨氣的民主戰士。1948年在反饑餓、反內戰的實際斗爭中,朱自清身患重病,但他至死也不領取美國的救濟糧,臨終前還不忘囑托家人千萬不能買美國的救濟糧。我們偉大的毛澤東主席曾稱贊過他的骨氣說:“一身重病,寧可餓死,不領美國的救濟糧。” 朱自清不僅體現了一位中華民族優秀知識分子的尊嚴和氣節,也體現了我們民族的英雄氣概。

* 作為詩人和散文家,朱自清對中國現代文學作出了巨大的貢獻,他的散文樸素樸素縝密、清雋沉郁,以語言洗練,文筆清麗著稱,極富有真情實感。朱自清以他獨特的美文藝術風格,為中國現代散文增添了瑰麗的色彩。他的比較出名的散文代表作品有:《匆匆》、《背影》、《春》、《綠》、《荷塘月色》、《槳聲燈影里的秦淮河》。

















現在給同學們5分鐘的時間,思考以下3個問題: 1.請你找出文中描寫了春天的哪些景物? (花、草、風、雨、人)
















2、3題,以及比喻手法 2.“讀一讀、寫一寫”,每個生字詞抄寫兩遍,詞語解釋抄一遍


第二課時 賞春

一、 導入

我們上節課已經初步學習了朱自清的《春》,對文章的內容也有了大概的了解,知道了作者在文中向我們我們描繪了一幅幅美麗的圖畫,現在我們就先來回顧一下上節課的內容。 (作者簡介以及文章的基本結構) 今天我們就繼續來跟春作親密的接觸,來深入感受那美麗的春景,品味文中優美的語言!

二、品味賞析 盼春(第一自然段)

1、作者為什么要用兩個“盼望著” “盼望著” (與一個“對比”)


2、為什么用“近”字,而不用春天快到了? 明確:把春天擬人化

3、第一段在全文中起著什么作用? 明確:總領全篇,開啟下文 總概輪廓(第二自然段)

1、從這一段開始,作者已經在描繪春天了,既然這樣,為什么不直接寫春天的一草一木?(把第二自然直接去掉行不行?) 明確:對春天的整體描繪

2、那作者是如何描繪這個整體的? “一切„„張開了眼” 擬人 山(朗潤) 水(漲) 太陽(紅)


1、想一想,作者是怎么描寫春天的小草?從文中找出關鍵字。 明確:

質感:“嫩嫩的” 顏色:“綠綠的” 生命力:“鉆”





3、描繪春草,為什么要穿插人的畫面? 明確:表面寫草,實際寫草(側面描寫) 重點:如何分析句子?(修辭




1、這段話一共有幾句話?各寫出春花的什么特點? 明確:(1)擬人,寫春花報春的氣勢。 (2)比喻,寫春花色彩的艷麗。







全是短句,讀起來節奏輕快,帶有欣喜之情。“像眼睛”“像星星”“眨呀眨的” 運用了比喻和擬人的修辭手法,寫出了野花的動態。“眨呀眨的”沒有直接寫風,但卻能夠讓人明顯感到一股習習的春風,把春花的描寫引到了下一段春風的描寫。


春花和春草,都是具體的、形象的、可感的事物,作者容易寫,我們也容易讀。春風卻是看不見摸不著的東西,你會如何寫呢?作者又是如何去寫呢? 作者從哪些角度來寫春風?從人的哪些感覺來寫的? 觸覺、嗅覺、聽覺;把無形無色的春風寫的有聲有味,讓人感受到春風的神韻,美妙動人。




2、作者不僅寫了雨的形態,也寫出了雨中的景色,有哪些? 雨中屋










前面的段落重點寫景,第7自然段重點寫人,而且只有寥寥幾筆。作者是怎樣來寫的? 天上地下 城里鄉下 家家戶戶 老老小小





娃娃--新(生機勃勃) 小姑娘--美(千姿百態) 青年--力(充滿活力)



三、你喜歡朱自清先生描繪的哪一幅圖畫? 說說你的理由? 作業:





① 知識與技能:閱讀淺易文言文,積累常見的文言詞語;能借助注釋和工具書理解基本內容。

② 過程與方法:自主、合作、探究的學習方式。

③ 情感、態度與價值觀:了解古代聰穎機智少年的故事,學習古人的智慧、誠實、守信,尊重他人的美德。 【教學重難點】

1.閱讀淺易文言文,積累常見的文言詞語。 2.能借助注釋和工具書理解基本內容。 【課時安排】兩課時

第一課時 《詠雪》


1.學生課前誦讀課文,借助工具書及課文注釋疏通文意。 2.質疑問難。 3.思考課后“研討與練習”。

二、導入課文: 1.導入設計:

說說你知道的古代聰穎機智少年的故事。 ——曹沖稱象、孔融讓梨、司馬光砸缸等。

同學們,其實像他們這樣聰明的中國古代少年還有很多,如四歲畫畫的王冕、七歲做詩的曹植、十二歲做宰相的甘羅等。今天我再向大家介紹兩位這樣的古代少年,他們是誰呢?讓我們一起來認識他們,和他們交個朋友。 2.作者、作品簡介:

(1)劉義慶劉義慶(403—約443),彭城(今江蘇徐州)人,南朝宋文學家。宋宗室,襲封臨川王贈任荊州刺史等官職,在政8年,政績頗佳。后任江州刺史,到任一年,因同情貶官王義康而觸怒文帝,責調回京,改任南京州刺史、都督加開府儀同三司。不久,以病告退,元嘉21年死于建康(今南京)。劉義慶自幼才華出眾,愛好文學。除《世說新語》外,還有志怪小說《幽明錄》。 (2)《世說新語》是我國魏晉南北朝時期“志人小說”的代表作,由南朝宋劉義慶編撰?!妒勒f新語》是南北朝時期(公元420年~公元581年)的一部記述后漢至南朝劉宋王朝人物的遺聞軼事的雜史。依內容可分為德行、言語、政事、文學等三十六類,每類收有若干則故事,全書共一千多則,每則文字長短不一,有的數行,有的三言兩語,從此可見筆記小說“隨手而記”的訴求及特性。內容主要是記載東漢后期到晉宋間一些名士的言行與軼事。書中所載均屬歷史上實有的人物﹐但他們的言論或故事則有一部分出于傳聞﹐不盡符合史實。


1.一讀課文,整體感知: 2.二讀課文,理解詞語:

謝太傅寒雪日內集(家庭聚會),與兒女(子侄輩,指年輕一代)講論文義。 俄而(不久,一會兒)雪驟,公欣然(高興)曰:“白雪紛紛何所似?” 兄子胡兒曰:“撒鹽空中差(差不多)可擬(相比)”。 兄女曰:“未若(比不上)柳絮因風起。”

公大笑樂。即公大兄無奕女。左將軍王凝之妻也。 3.三讀課文,用現代漢語復述故事:

一個寒冷的雪天,謝太傅把家人聚會在一起,跟子侄輩的人談詩論文。忽然間,雪下得緊了,太傅高興地說:“這紛紛揚揚的大雪像什么呢?”他哥哥的長子胡兒說:“跟把鹽撒在空中差不多。”他哥哥的女兒道韞說:“不如比作風把柳絮吹得滿天飛舞。”太傅高興得笑了起來。道韞是太傅大哥謝無奕的女兒、左將軍王凝之的妻子。 4.四讀課文,研討問題:

①“寒雪”“內集”“欣然”“大笑”’等詞語營造了一種怎樣的家庭氛圍? (融洽歡快輕松。)



③文章結尾交待了謝道韞的身份,有什么用意? (這是一個有力的暗示,表明他贊賞道韞的才氣。) 5.五讀課文能背誦。


1.討論: 對文中“公大笑樂”一句有不同解釋,你如何看法: (①對兩個答案都表示滿意; ②“笑”前喻,“樂”后喻;③為“柳絮”一喻而“笑樂” 。) 2.說說還可以用哪些事物來比喻雪,舉出并積累幾句詠雪的名句。


北國風光,千里冰封,萬里雪飄。 ——毛澤東 欲渡黃河冰塞川,將登太行雪滿天。 ——李白

窗含西嶺千秋雪,門泊東吳萬里船。 ——杜甫 忽如一夜春風來,千樹萬樹梨花開。 ——岑參



1.當詠出喻雪佳句后,謝太傅全家人的心情會有什么反應? 2.請你體味“忽如一夜春風來,千樹萬樹梨花開”的意境。 第二課時 《陳太丘與友期》







2. 學生小聲跟著讀,注意節奏的把握。 3.齊讀課文。


1.快速默讀課文,對照注釋及翻譯資料理解文意,碰到疑難處做上記號。 指名2個學生質疑字句,師生共同答疑 。

① 太丘舍去,去后乃至(舍去:不再等候就走了 去:古今意思不一樣,離開乃:才) ② 與人期行,相委而去(期行:相約同行 委:丟下,舍去) ③下車引之,元方入門不顧(引:拉 顧:回頭看) ④區分尊君(尊稱) 君(禮貌的稱呼,意為你) 家君(對自己父親的謙稱)

五、研讀課文、討論探究 1.用原文回答以下問題: ①客人發怒的原因是——“與人期行,相委而去”。 ②客人不守信的表現是——“過中不至”。(可見我們做人要講“信”講“禮” 。) 2.文中另一個重要人物元方,他又有什么性格特點?(聰明 機智)

3.可我們也發現了文章結尾客人已經主動道歉,他仍然入門不顧,是否禮貌?( 同桌交流看法。)


古人是很重視仁義禮智信的,那么,“誠信”“禮貌”對今天的我們還 有用嗎?請聯系實際談一談你自己的認識。

(提示:可以從社會.家庭.學校等多角度思考, 如在日常生活中見到師長朋友應該怎樣?在考試的時候堂而皇之拿著參考資料是否就是“誠信”的體現呢? ) 補充中外名人講誠信的名言:

如果要別人誠信,首先自己要誠信。——莎士比亞 人類最不道德處,是不誠實與怯懦。 ——高爾基


通過這節課的學習,我們了解到元方確實是聰明機智的孩子,同時我也深刻認識到信與禮的重要性, 誠信禮貌是中華民族的傳統美德,我們應繼承并發揚這一光榮傳統,讓我們以信做人,以禮待人。


1.完成“研討與練習二”的字詞練習。 2.完成基礎訓練作業。


Unit 4 Listening & Speaking &New words in Text A

Learning focus : 1. Get a general idea about the cultural differences

between the east and the west. 2.Talk about some cultural differences in your daily life. 3.Know something about Chinese traditional culture. 4.Learn how to use the grammar of inversion correctly.

Teaching Steps I. Listening . A. Listen to the following sentences twice and fill in the missing words

B. Listen to the following short conversations and choose the best answer to each question. C. Listen to the short passage three times and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

. II.Speaking . Make a dialogue in pairs according to the instructions given in Cue Card A & B. Cue Card A Situation: You two are talking about Chinese tea and western coffee. Speaker A: You think drinking Chinese tea is very healthy and it is a traditional habit. Tips for speaking List some famous categories of Chinese tea. Talk about your own favorite Chinese tea and why. Cue Card B Situation: You two are talking about Chinese tea and western coffee. Speaker B: You think drinking western coffee is very fashionable. Tips for speaking List some popular western coffee. Talk about your own favorite western coffee and why. Sample Dialogue A:Which kind of beverage do you prefer to drink, tea or coffee? B: Coffee, of course. It’s our tradition to drink coffee. What about you? A:I prefer tea. Chinese tea is part of Chinese culture. It is very healthy and is a traditional habit. B: Can you introduce some famous categories of Chinese tea to me? I know little about it. A:Of course. There are six kinds of tea, namely Green tea, Black tea, Yellow tea, White tea, Oolong tea, Flower tea and Puer tea. B: So many. Which kind do you prefer? And why? A:Green tea. Because drinking green tea can reduce the risk of heart attack and cancers. It can also help me lose weight. You see, I am a lady, so I want to be in good shape. B: Oh, I see. A:Can you tell me some popular western coffee? I seldom drink it. B: Of course. Coffee mocha (摩卡咖啡), latte (拿鐵咖啡), cappuccino (卡布奇諾), Americano (美式咖啡), espresso (濃縮咖啡) and so on. A:Which one is your favorite? B: Coffee mocha. It is very sweet and full of cream and chocolate syrup (巧克力醬). Maybe some day you should have a try. Nowadays, drinking coffee is very fashionable. III. New Words in Text A

The students read the words by themselves ,then the teacher correct their pronunciations .And at last the students are required to finish the ex1 in the VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE.

Text A

Teaching Steps : I Guide . A discussion :Do you know any cultural difference between Eastern and Western countries ?What are they ? II. Fast reading . Questions

1. 1.How do the Chinese people usually greet each other when they meet? 2. Can you point out some other cultural differences between the western and the eastern countries?

3. How many cultural differences does the author mention in the text? 4. What will a Chinese person say if he or she has received some help from his or her family member? 5. What should we do in order to communicate with the foreigners in a proper way? III.Language points

1. divide into

split or break into parts, separate

They decided to divide the large house into flats. to a large extent

to some/what/an/a certain extent You are correct to some extent. To what extent can he be believed? 2. distinguish v. 區分,辨別

distinguish (between) A from B

distinguish A between B

People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind. Speech distinguishes human beings from the animals. 3. the former...the latter...前者……后者……

If I had to choose between fish and chicken, I’d prefer the former one. 4. not only...but also...不僅……而且……(連接兩個并列部分) Not only Mr. Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago.(連接兩個主語)

I not only play tennis but also practice shooting. (連接兩個謂語動詞)

He plays not only the piano but also the violin. (連接兩個賓語)

They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory. (連接兩個地點狀語)

5. greet:give a conventional sign or word of welcome or pleasure when meeting sb. or receiving a guest

6. greet sb. with sth./greet sth. with sth. 對某事作出反應

greeting n. 招呼,問候,歡迎

He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.

7. case instance or example of the occurrence of sth. 實例,情形

in any case 無論如何, 總之 in no case 無論如何都不 in this case在這種情況下

in case of sth. 若發生某事,假如

8. tend to

be likely to behave in a certain way or to have a certain characteristic or influence Women tend to live longer than men. 女人多比男人長壽。

9. not at all 根本不……

He didn’t know how to speak French at all. 他根本不會說法語。 We didn’t go there at all.

10. in some formal situations

under /on the present situations在目前形式下

in an embarrassing situation 處于尷尬境地

go into/ out of a difficult situation The company is in a poor financial situation.

11. fetch go for and bring back sb./sth. 接來,取來

fetch sth. for sb. Fetch a doctor at once. 快去請醫生來。

Should I fetch your coat for you from the next room? 12. treat...as 對待,看待,把……看作 Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. She treated me all right.

13. lack vt. (通常不用于被動語態) 缺少,沒有 I don’t seem to lack anything. 我好像什么也不缺。 vi. 缺少;不足;沒有(+for) They lacked for nothing. 他們什么都不缺少。 n. 欠缺; 不足; 沒有(of) He can not buy it because of his lack of money. 4) n. 缺少的東西; 需要的東西

Water is a lack in this region. 這個地區缺水。 14. doing 現在分詞做后置定語

There is a girl standing at the door. 門口站著一個女孩。 The baby sleeping now is her child. Who is the boy singing there?

15. neither 否定意義的詞在句首, 句子半倒裝 (參看本單元語法部分) He seldom tells others his secrets, neither does his sister. 16. be aware 知道的,察覺的(+of) (+that) (+wh-) I am well aware that this is a tough job. She was not aware of having done wrong. Are you aware of the danger?

17. go (消息等)被傳遞,流傳(+that) The story goes that the Prime Minister will resign.

There is a rumor going round that Sue and David are having an affair. 18. while doing...用來做狀語

Please be careful while doing your homework.

He always feels nervous while speaking with strangers.

IV. Exercises . V.H.W. Reading.

Text B,練習冊講解

I. Warm-up Skimming for specific information: 1) How many kinds of personal names do both Western and Chinese people have? 2) In a formal situation,what do we address men as ? 3) From the viewpoint of sociolinguistics, what can forms of addressing serve as in the society? 4) What shouldn’t we do when we meet a foreigner for the first time? II. Detailed Reading.

1. in...situation 在…情況/狀態下

In a formal situation, we address men as “Mister” (abbreviated as “Mr.”), married women as “Mistress” (abbreviated as “Mrs.”), and unmarried women as “Miss”.

In such a difficult situation, we should try our best to help him out. He is in a desperate situation. 他處于絕望的狀態之中。

2. abbreviate shorten (a word, phrase, ect), esp by omitting letters縮短(字、詞組等,尤指省略字母);縮寫

In writing, the title “Doctor” is abbreviated to “Dr.” 在書寫時,Doctor頭銜的縮寫是Dr. 3. prefer (更)喜歡

These days many women prefer to be addressed using the abbreviations “Ms.” or “Madam.” prefer + to + verb She prefers to take a nap after a big meal. prefer + noun 寧愿選擇,更喜愛

She prefers cheese, if you have some. 如果你們有的話,她更喜歡奶酪。(連接名詞) prefer + verb-ing She prefers running to walking. 比起走路,她更喜歡跑步。(連接動名詞)

4. occasionally adv.now and then; from time to time; not regular He visits me occasionally. 他偶爾來看我。

5. exception

1)(an instance of) leaving out or excluding; person or thing that is not included除外;例外;不包括在內的人或物 The children did well, the only exception being Jo, who failed. All students without exception must take the English examination 2)不合規則的事物an exception to a rule of grammar語法規則的一項例外

6. position

1)place or rank in relation to others (相對于他們的)地位,等級 a high/ low position in society 高的/低的社會地位

What is his position in class? He’s third from the top. 他在班上得第幾名? 第三名。

2)place where sb./sth. is 位置;方位

From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbor. We are sitting in a position near the door. 我們坐在靠門邊的地方。

7. provost

1)(Brit) (title of the) head of certain university colleges(大學中某些學院的)院長(的稱號)

2)(US) senior administrator in certain universities(某些大學的)教務長

8. otherwise

Unless they tell you otherwise, faculty should be addressed by their title and last name (e.g., “Professor Smith”). otherwise

adv. in other or different respects; apart from that 在其他方面;除此之外 The rent is high, (but) otherwise the house is fine. 租金貴是貴,(但)房子倒很好。 conj. If conditions were different; if no 不然;否則

We must run, otherwise we’ll be late. 我們得跑著去,要不就晚了。

Do as you’re told, otherwise you’ll be in trouble. 照你被告之的去做,否則會有麻煩。 Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill. You should study hard from now on, otherwise you will fail to pass the coming exam. Button up your coat, otherwise you will catch cold. 扣上外衣扣,不然你會感冒的。

9. in doubt 不能肯定的,不能確定的

When in doubt, use the formal manner of addressing.當你不能確定時,應該使用正式的稱呼方式。

The outcome of the election was in doubt. 選舉結果還不能確定。

Whether he will come or not is still in doubt. 他是否會來還不能肯定。

III. Exercises Unit 4 Practical Writing I. Warm –up. Microsoft, Inc. Interoffice Memorandum To: Peter Clark, Rachel White From: Linda Larson Date: September 16, 2004 Subject: Scheduling the project meeting As you know, we are having the project meeting next week in the projection room. Since the room holds only fifty people comfortably without overcrowding. I suggest we hold the meeting to the forty-one people in the Assembly Section on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. and to the remaining forty-three from the other sections on Friday at the same time. If there‘s any problem about this arrangement, please let me know. II. Memo (備忘錄)

Writing Tips : 備忘錄其實也是廣義的信函中的一種,主要用于公司內部對公司的職員、部分通報信息,如會議安排、情況報告、問題處理等等。在英語中稱之為interoffice memorandum,其復數為memoranda,簡稱memo.除了可以采用書面形式之外,備忘錄也可以通過e-mail 發出。

備忘錄的一般格式如上其中To項是收箋人,在其姓名前可以加上Mr., Mrs., Dr.等,在其姓名后可加上職位和部門。From項是發箋人,其姓名前一般不加尊稱,但姓名后同樣可加上職位和部門。Subject即內容主題,一般用簡短的幾個字做簡略陳述,不需要是一個完整的句子,幾個詞或詞組即可。


需要指出的是,在備忘錄的末尾不需要簽名。但是,如果備忘錄還發給了收箋人以外的其他人,須在末尾cc: 之后寫上其姓名。

III. 練習答案:To: All students From: Zhongshan Subject: Journalist Position Available for the Summer Semester Date: May 10, 2008

The student newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years’ writing experience. The successful applicant will be expected to write two articles every week on happenings in the city and on campus. The position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August. The salary for the position is negotiable and will be based on experience. If you are interested, please send your resume to the campus newspaper office.

第四篇:Unit4 身體語言教學設計

Unit4 Body Languange 語法項目:v-ing form used as attibute and adverbial的教學設計

一.The type of class: grammar 二.Teaching aims: Enable students to master v-ing form used as attribute and adverbial 三.Teaching methods: Combining explanation with practice; discussing in groups;acting in groups 四the aid of theaching Multi-medium 五.The procedure of teaching Step1 lead-in ( 2minutes) (語境中掌握語法;通過課文的學習,要求同學們背誦出下列句子,對doing 作定語和狀語有一個感性認識,為下一步的理性認識做好鋪墊。用多媒體展示下列句子) 課文原句再現:

1. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously . 2.I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. 3. Yesterday,another student and I ,representing our university’s student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year’s international students. 4. They also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through physical distance ,action or posture. Step2 v-ing form used as attibute ( 8minutes) (對doing 作定語理論上進行講解,讓學生對其科學地系統地加以把握。利用多媒體)

一、 動詞-ing形式作定語

be+doing 謂語動詞形式 doing 非謂語動詞形式 Tom is reading a book now. Tom was reading a book at nine O’clock last night. The girl reading a book is my friend. 現在分詞作定語往往與被修飾的詞靠得很緊, 漸漸地成為一個復合詞。這種分詞叫分詞形容詞 (the Participle Adjective), 實際上相當于一個單純的形容詞, 表示“正在進行” 或“主動”的意義。如:

boiling water (沸騰的水);falling leaves (正在下落的葉子);smiling faces (笑臉)

a boy standing under the tree(正站在樹下的一個男孩) 1. The boy standing under the tree is a classmate of mine. (站在樹下的那個男孩是我的一個同學) 2.China is a developing country. (中國是一個發展中國家)


the waiting area=the area for waiting(等候區) a walking stick=a stick for walking(手扙)

a writing table =a table for writing(寫字桌) 1.There is a swimming pool in our school. 我們學校有一個游泳池。

2.We are waiting outside the operating room. 我們等在手術室外面。 (1)前置定語

單個的動詞-ing形式,一般放在被修飾的名詞的前面, 作前置定語。

1.China is a developing country.(中國是一個發展中國家)

2.She recognized Tony ’s smiling face.(她認出了湯姆的笑臉) (2)后置定語

動詞-ing形式短語作定語時, 通常要放在被修飾的名詞的后面, 在意思上相當于一個定語從句。

1. The boy, standing under the tree ,is a classmate of mine. (站在樹下男孩是的那個我的一個同學) (=who is standing under the tree)2.The person translating the songs can speak seven languanges. (翻譯這些歌曲的那個人能說七種語言) (=the person who translates the songs) 3.He is a student,working hard at his studieos. (他是一個勤奮學習的學生)

(=a student,who works hard at his studies) Step 3 句子背誦(2minutes)

(理解的基礎上加以背誦,達到脫口而出的程度,有力于形成同學們的語感,提高辨別doing 作定語的能力。利用多媒體展示。規定一分鐘記憶時間。一分鐘個別同學抽查。抽查中等偏下的同學,增強其學英語的信心) 1.There is a swimming pool in our school. 2.China is a developing country. 3.The boy, standing under the tree ,is a classmate of mine. 4.The person translating the songs can speak seven languanges. Step4 practice(6minutes)

(通過基礎題,鞏固提高對doing 作定語的認識。利用多媒體展示。三分鐘獨立做題時間,二分鐘小組討論,一分鐘核對答案) Ⅰ用動詞的適當形式填空。

1.Peter received a letter______(say) his grandma would come to see him soon. 2.There is a ______(swim) pool in our school. 3.The girl _____(sit) at the back of the classroom is my best friend. 4.Is the wallet ____(lie) on the ground yours? ⅡCombine the sentence by using attributive-ing verb forms. 1.The man held the front door open and bowed deeply. The man was smiling. 2.There was a man. He was sitting on the sofa. 3.He stayed in the room for over an hour during the operation. The room was for waiting. 4.The field of flowers seemed to go on for miles. The flowers were waving in the wind

Step 5 v-ing used as adverbial(8 minutes) (對doing 作狀語理論上進行講解,讓學生對其科學地系統地加以把握.。利用多媒體)


①動詞-ing形式在句中作狀語表示“時間﹑ 原因﹑條件﹑讓步﹑結果﹑方式或伴隨等” Her husand died, leaving her 5 children. (表示結果)

(她的丈夫死了,給她留下五個孩子) She sat at the desk reading a newspaper. (表示伴隨)

(她坐在桌子旁邊,看報紙) Being ill ,she went home. (表示原因)


Working hard ,you’ll make great progress. (表示條件)

(如果你努力,就會取得 很多的進步)

Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant. (表示讓步)

(雖然告訴他很多次,但是他還不理解我的意思) ②動詞-ing形式作狀語時,分詞的邏輯主語必須與主句的主語保持一致;與主句的主語構成邏輯上的主謂關系。 Watching television,_________ A.the doorbell rang B.the door bell rings C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings ③動詞-ing形式在句中作狀語時,位置可在主 句之前,也可在主句之后;有無逗號均可。

Her husand died, leaving her 5 children She sat at the desk reading a newspaper Being ill ,she went home Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant. ④v.-ing與句中主語構成邏輯上的主謂關系,與句中謂語動詞同時發生;having+v.-ed與句中主語構成邏輯上的主謂關系,先于謂語動詞發生;having been +v.-ed 與句中主語構成邏輯上的動賓關系,且先于謂語動詞發生; Having finished their work ,they had a rest. Feeling tired ,she went to bed early. Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant Step6句子背誦 (2 minutes)

(理解的基礎上加以背誦,達到脫口而出的程度,有力于形成同學們的語感,提高辨別doing 作狀語的能力。利用多媒體展示。規定一分鐘記憶時間。一分鐘個別同學抽查。抽查中等偏下的同學,增強其學英語的信心)

She sat at the desk reading a newspaper Being ill ,she went home. Having finished their work ,they had a rest. Feeling tired ,she went to bed early. Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant. Step7.Practice(8minutes) (通過基礎題,鞏固提高對doing 作狀語的認識。利用多媒體展示。五分鐘獨立做題時間,二分鐘小組討論,一分鐘核對答案) Ⅰ用所給詞的適當形式填空

1._______(wait ) in the queue for half an hour ,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. 2._______(hear) the news,they all jumped with joy 3.He walked down the hill, ______(sing)softly to himself. Ⅱ把下列句子改寫成分詞作狀語

Because I had experienced earthquakes before,I wasn’t frightened.

Having experienced earthquakes before, I wasn’t frightened. 1.When she woke up in the middle of the night she

saw her room as bright as day 2.Because I had spent all night reading the documents,I was very tired the next day. 3.The car raced past. It almost hit us as it turned the corner. 4.Your mother just called.She hoped to talk to you.

Ⅲ.Use the –ing forms of the verbs below to complete the following sentences laugh compete smile touch approach shake

1.We were all nervous about the ________examinations. 2.I always know when my mother is telling a joke. After a few seconds ,she always looks at me________. 3.Business leaders often look serious .They do not often have _____faces. 4.After the dog fell in the lake, it climbed out _______itself. 5.It is exciting to watch______athletes reach the other end of the swimming pool. 6.The blind man walked _____the walls of the building. Step 8 acting in groups( 6minutes) (提高同學們口語表達能力,加深對doing 作定語和狀語的理解。小組練習四分鐘,二分鐘一組主動到前面表演。) work in groups of four Add more actions to these lists.Then combine the primary and secondary actions to make a sentence about a student in your group.That student must act out what you say. Primary actions

secondary actions

walk around the desk

frown(deeply) look for an eraser

jump(on one foot) sit on the desk

smile pick up a textbook


stand up

shake one’s head Possible answers: A.Cheng Hui walks around the desk ,jumping on one foot. B.The frowning girl,Wang Jing ,picked up her English book and threw it on the floor. C.Li Sen sat on the desk,laughing. D.Li Jing is looking for an eraser,shaking her head. Step 9 高考鏈接(3 minutes)

(利用高考題,檢查學生的掌握落實情況,及時掌握反饋情況) 高考鏈接

1.Do you wake up _____energetic and ready to start a new day?(湖南2011)


B. to feel


D. felt 2.At one point I made up my mind to talk to Uncle Sam.Then I changed my mind, _______that he could do nothing to help.(上海2011)

A.to realize B. realized C. realizing D. being realized 3.More highways have been bulit in China, ______it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.(陜西2011)

A.making B. made

C.to make D. having made 4._________around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.(遼寧2011) A.Gather

B.To gather


D. To be gathering 5.____ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.(重慶2008) A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 6._____around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.(陜西2008)

A. Having shown

B. To be shown C. Having been shown

D. To show 7.Recently a survey ____prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.(江蘇2011)

A. compared

B. comparing

C. compares

D. being compared 8.Look over there---there’s a very long, winding path ____up to the house.(山東2011)

A. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead Step 10 小結


第五篇:5B Unit4 教案(2)

5B Unit 4 教學方案 (第二課時) 第一部分 簡要提示


二、單元:Unit 4

三、課題:An English friend

五、教學內容:單元Part BCD



1. 掌握詞組speak loudly, run fast, dance beautifully, jump high, walk carefully, sit quietly 2.進一步鞏固掌握句型Does …? Yes, … does./No, … doesn’t.

What does … usually do …? He/She usually …

七、教學重難點: 1. 新單詞的發音。

2. 熟練掌握句型:Does …? Yes, … does./No, … doesn’t.

What does … usually do …? He/She usually …

第二部分 教學過程

用時:25分鐘 第一步:復習


T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again. 同學們,大家好.

T: Last lesson, we had new friend, Tom. 上一節課我們認識了一個新朋友,Tom. Now at the first of this class, let’s review the text. And then try to answer my question about him. 現在讓我們大家一起來回顧一下課文,然后請同學們來回答幾個關于Tom的問題. (ppt6課文短片) T: Now, please answer my questions.現在請同學們來回答問題. (ppt7問題及答案) T: Question 1, where does Tom live? T: Yes, he lives in a small town near London. T: Question 2, what subjects does Tom study at school? 1 T: Yes, he studies English, Maths, Science and Art. T: Question 3, what does Tom usually do on Sundays? T: Yes, he usually plays football. T: Does he play well? T: Yes, he plays well. And he swims well, too. 第二步:詞匯學習


1. T: From the passage, we know that Tom is good at doing sports. 通過課文我們知道Tom非常擅長體育.Look here, there are some famous sporters. Do you know him? 現在請同學們看屏幕,這里有幾位著名的運動員,同學們都認識嗎? (ppt8劉翔,王蒙, 羅雪娟)

T: We all know that this is Liu Xiang. He runs fast. Do you know “run fast”?It means 跑得快. Now please read after me.

T: He runs fast. Now, please look at this girl, does she run fast? T: We don’t know. But we know she swims fast. Now, please read after me. (swim fast, she swims fast) T: What about this girl? Does she swim fast? T: Maybe. But she skates fast. Now, please read after me. (skate fast, she skates fast) 2. T: Now, let’s see this boy. He is from sweden. 接下來我們來看一看這位運動員,他來自瑞典.(ppt9霍爾姆)Look, he jumps very high. Jump high means 跳得高.Now please read after me. (jump high, He jumps high.) 3. T: Now, please look at this beautiful girl, (PPT10 劉漩)

T: Look she is walking carefully. Now please read after me. (walk carefully, she walks carefully.)

T: Here carefully means “認真地, 仔細地, 小心地”

T: (ppt 11 兩詞組)So, when we have classes, we should listen carefully. 同學們在上課時應該認真聽. And when we do our homework, we should write carefully. 同學們在寫作業,應該認真寫. Now, please read these two phrases after me. 現在請同學們跟老師來讀一讀這兩個詞組.(listen carefully, write carefully) 4. T: Now, look at this man.(ppt12 常昊) Look, he’s thinking. And he sits quietly. Sit quietly

2 means “安靜的坐”Now please read after me. (sit quietly, he sits quietly) 5. T: Now, please look at these people. 現在請同學們看看這些人,他們是運動員嗎? (ppt13 啦啦隊)

T: No, they aren’t rooters. 不,他們是拉拉隊員. They dance beautifully and speak loudly. Here dance beautifully means 跳舞跳得很美. Now please read after me(beautifully, dance beautifully, they dance beautifully). And speak loudly means大聲的喊. Now please read after me. (loudly, speak loudly, they speak loudly) 6. T: Today, in Wang Bing’s school, there is a sports meeting. 今天在王冰的學校里有一場運動會. (ppt14運動會)Let’s go and have a look. Look the two boy speak loudly. 看, 這兩位男生正在大聲的喊.What do the other students do? 其他人在做什么呢? 請同學們用我們剛才學的詞組來說一說.

T: Now, please read after me. 現在請同學們跟老師來讀一讀.


T: 現在你能用完整的句子來說一說嗎?

T: Now please read after me. 現在請同學們跟老師來讀一讀這些句子。注意有些句子中動詞后要加上s或es。

(run fast He runs fast. Dance beautifully, she dances beautifully, j…..) 第三步:句型操練


1. T: The students are having a sports meeting now. 現在同學們正在開一場運動會。 接下來就讓我們來看一看個別選手的比賽。

T: First, let’s see Mike. Does Mike jump high? Mike跳得高嗎?在這個疑問句中同學們要注意,使用的助動詞是“does”.假如答案是肯定的你們可以說,Yes, he does. 相反,大家可以回答 No, he doesn’t. Does Mike jump high? T: Yes, he does. Now please read after me. 請同學們跟我讀。 T:Next, let’s look at Nancy. Does Nancy run fast? Nancy 跑得快嗎? T: No, she doesn’t.

T: Now please read after me. 請同學們跟我讀。

T: 接下來就請大家使用我們剛才使用的句型,來說一說另外兩幅圖。首先我們先來再看一看句型。Now, please read it after me.請大家跟老師讀一讀。

3 (讀句型)

T: 好, 接下來請同學們使用我們這樣的句型和你的同桌來說一說這兩幅圖. 假如看得不太清楚,你也可以把書翻到第33頁。 OK. Now, let’s begin.

T: Let’s check out the answer. 現在我們一起來看一看答案. Please read after me. Are you right? 2. T: Wang Bing friends all like sports. 可以看出王冰的同學們都非常喜歡運動。那么現在我們再來看一看,他們還喜歡做些什么呢?現在他們正在談論他們假日里喜歡并經常做的事. 讓我們一起去看一看。

T: 首先讓我們來看看他們正在使用什么句子在談論. 請同學們跟老師來讀一讀.(ppt20句型)(ppt21~24圖片和句子) T: OK. Now let’s see the first picture. 好, 我們來看一看第一幅圖, 你能讀一讀圖中的句子嗎? T: Now, let’s see the answer. Are you right? 你的答案正確嗎?Now please follow me. 現在請同學們跟著老師來讀一讀. T: 接下來,就請我們同學們和搭檔一起將剩下的幾幅圖用我們剛才用的句型說一說假如看得不太清楚,你也可以把書翻到第34頁. Let’s begin.

T: Now, let’s check out the answer. 現在我們來看一看答案. Please follow me. 請同學們跟我讀. 第四步:綜合練習 用時4分鐘

T: At last let’s play a guessing game.最后, 請同學們來玩一個猜一猜的游戲. First let’s see this picture. Can you guess what does she usually do? Let’s see the picture. Oh, She usually runs. 你猜對了嗎?Does she run fast? 我來看他和這位同學的對比。Does she run fast? No, she doesn’t. (同法說其他3幅圖) T: So much for the game. 游戲就到這里。接下來,我們就來對本課進行一下小結。 (本課小結)

T: 在本節課中,我們主要學習了談論他人(單數)做某事,以及做得怎么樣。請注意動詞的變化。如,在我們描述他人(單數)做某事時,我們應該說: Wang Bing usually takes photos on Sunday. Tom usually goes fishing after school.

4 在這里,句子中的動詞后要加上s或者es. 如 takes goes. 現在就請同學們跟老師來讀一讀這兩句話。

T: 在我們詢問他人(單數)做某事,以及做得怎么樣,我們應該說: What does Nancy do on Monday? Does Lily dance beautifully? Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.

在這里的問句中,我們要使用助動詞 Does, 并且剛才加上s或者es的動詞要變回原形。請大家跟老師把這兩句話再來讀一遍。 結束語:

T: 本節課中我們一起學習了一些副詞, 以及他們的用法, 另外我們還學習了問別人做某事做得怎么樣和詢問別人通常做什么的句型。希望同學們課后多運用,多積累。我們下節課見。Bye-bye.

第三部分 說明

本節課以教授和操練BCD部分的單詞和句子為主,首先教師幫助學生回顧了課文,根據課文舊知引入新單詞的學習。在CD部分,教師根據書中已有的圖片,設置場景,帶領學生練習新句型,進行對話操練。最后,教師設計了一個游戲,融合整節課的內容, 讓學生在玩中學, 快樂地學習英語.

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