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關鍵詞:改錯句 英語語法 知識梳理





如果我們從正面的角度去學習英語語法而不得其法的時候,可以嘗試著換一個角度來學習英語語法,比如利用改錯題來檢驗自己的語法知識是否準確。比如改錯句練習,Music is something that every person has his or her own specific opinion。我們先分析這個句子的語法結構,主句是Music is something,語法結構完整正確的;其次,something后面有一個由that引導的定語從句,在從句中every person是主語,has his or her own specific opinion是謂語動詞短語,從句的語法結構也是完整的。

如果我們關于定語從句的語法知識足夠清晰,會發現關系詞that在從句中沒有語法地位,這就是該句的語法錯誤所在。根據定語從句的語法要求,先行詞應該在定語從句中充當一定的語法成分,也就是說something(由that代替)從內容上來說應該與從句有一定的語法聯系?;诖?,我們不難得出結論,從句that every person has his or her own specific opinion缺少一個單詞,這個單詞的語法作用是在從句和something之間建立內容鏈接。很自然地,我們會想到短語to have some opinion about something。由此可以得出結論,Music is something that every person has his or her own specific opinion的錯誤之處在于opinion后面缺少了一個介詞about。

接下來,我們進一步拓展關于名詞性從句的語法知識。請看第二個改錯練習Groups of people around the world can come together to show that their interests are and you see how many people have similar interests as you.這個句子是由并列連詞and連接的并列句。第一個句子為簡單句,Groups of people為主語,can come together to show...是由情態動詞can引導的謂語動詞短語,其中動詞不定式to show引導目的狀語;and后面的句子主語是you,謂語動詞是see,后面是由how many (people)引導出來的賓語從句,賓語從句中謂語動詞部分是have similar interests,as you是一個同級比較狀語從句,為了句子看起來更精煉,在you后面省略了助動詞do,相當于have interests。

完成這個練習后,可以一鼓作氣地整理一下that的其他用法。在下面的例句中when I had my own family, I was different because I didn’t want to treat my own sons the same way I was treated。我們會發現,the same way后面省略了關系詞that,那么that在從句中的語法功能是什么呢?從句I was treated.的主語和謂語結構完整,因此可以推斷,that在從句中做副詞。那么that代替哪個現行詞呢?如果代替way,那么不符合that在從句中的副詞功能;如果想滿足that的副詞功能,那么它所代替的就是一個可以做狀語的成分,由此我們可以得出結論,the same way結構中省略了介詞in,也就是說(in)the same way在原因狀語從句because I didn’t want to treat my own sons the same way中充當方式狀語,后面省略了關系詞that,相當于in which,在定語從句I was treated中扮演方式狀語的角色。




1.英語語法大全  張道真著  首都師范大學出版社  2008年

2.24天突破高考英語語法填空與改錯  陳燦 著 浙江教育出版社 2015年


1 助動詞

助動詞是英語初學者的難點之一, 許多同學總是用漢語的造句習慣去理解英語的句式, 以至于一直不能很好地理解助動詞do的作用和英語句子的基本結構。這一基本問題不能跨越, 往往造成學生學了多年英語卻造不對一個簡單的英語句子, 漢翻英常常錯誤百出??梢詮淖钔ㄋ缀啙嵉姆绞礁嬖V學生, 從漢語的字面意思理解看, 助者, 幫助也, 助動詞就是幫助動詞實現其動作功能的詞, 實際幾乎沒有意義, 只是從形式上幫助動詞來實現符合英語語法習慣的句式結構。當我們要說某一個實際動作的時候用具體的動詞, 但當它要變成疑問句和否定句時, 動詞不能直接提前到主語的前面和直接否定實意動詞, 則需要一個詞來幫助其實現疑問和否定的功能, 需要它來體現疑問和否定的形式, 這個詞就是助動詞。比如:I do my homework我做家庭作業。此句中的do為實意動詞做的意思, 有實際意思, 按照英語語法, 當它需要變成疑問句或否定句時, 具有實際動作意義的動詞do不能直接提前或被否定, 此時引入助動詞do作為其助手, 提前到主語前面或給實意動詞do加上否定詞no來幫助其實現疑問和否定的功能, 此時句子變成了Do you do your homework?和What do you do?及I don’t do my homework.一個句子里面有兩個do, 但它們的詞性和功能完全不同, 即此do非彼do??蓮闹鷦釉~do入手, 舉一反三, 告知第三人稱單數does和其他助動詞甚至情態動詞也大致如此。這一類比使許多困惑了多年的學生恍然大悟, 理解了一個句子為什么兩次出現“動詞”do的原因了, 也徹底了解了英語句子中動詞是需要借助助動詞來完成不同的句型的, 對簡單句甚至復合句句子結構的問題也能迎刃而解。

2 非謂語形式

由于漢語中一個句子可以出現許多動詞, 導致許多學生對英語的非謂語形式十分困惑, 覺得既然表示動作, 只要用動詞就可以了, 為什么還要加上ing和to將其變成動名詞、分詞或者不定式等形式。首先要告知學生, 一個英語簡單句中有且只能有一個謂語動詞, 因此若再需要出現動作意義的詞, 則需要將其做變形, 加上必要的形式, 變成名詞、形容詞或其他詞性的詞才可以運用到句子中, 既然謂語只能要一個動詞來充當, 那么這些變形后不是動詞的詞就不能再充當謂語了, 而是變成了句子的其他成分, 即非謂語者, 不是謂語也。這些變形就是動詞的非謂語形式, 盡管漢語翻譯過來的字面意思仍是動詞, 但在英語中其詞性不再是實際的謂語動詞了。最典型的例子就是漢語的連動句, 比如:他去城里看一個朋友了。“去”和“看”都是動詞, 一個漢語句子同時出現了兩個動詞, 當翻譯成英語的時候, 既可以用“去”也可以用“看”做謂語動詞, 那么另一個動詞只有做變形了, 因此可翻譯為:He went to see a friend of him in town.“to see a friend”為動詞不定式。又比如:老師站著給我們上課。The teacher stood giving us a lecture.“giving us a lecture”為分詞。這種類比能使學生很容易理解英語句子中為何有大量看似沒必要的短語和動詞變形了, 也是漢語要比英語簡潔許多的原因之一。

3 語氣、語調

英語中一般疑問句通常情況下用升調, 特殊疑問句用降調, 陳述句和肯定句用降調, 但有時候為了強調或表達某種思想感情, 其語調和語氣也會發生變化, 語氣語調不同意義不同, 翻譯時自然也要有所變化。好比漢語里面同一個詞, 語調不同除表示情緒的不同外, 有時候意思完全不同。比如, “老子”, 升調即為父親的自我稱呼, 若是旁人說, 則很不禮貌, 有自詡或自我抬高的成分, 降調則是我國春秋時的思想家李聃, 發音不同意思完全不同。再比如, 怨親詞“死鬼”, 看似罵人實則親昵。而英語中I like him.這類表達思想感情的句子, 若讀為升調, 表示一般意義的喜歡, 可譯作:我喜歡他。但若用降調, 則表示強調和表達很強烈的思想感情, 譯作:我愛他更準確。再比如, I hate you.我恨你??谡Z中若是好朋友之間, 若語氣不同, 甚至可能表達的是我喜歡你的意思。


由于方言發音習慣的緣故和近代漢語發音的發展規律, 漢語聲母的發音中“w”、“v”出現了混淆甚至融合的局面, 比如“我”、“喂”, 應該發作“wo”和“wei”, 但由于方言的緣故, 我們西北地區尤其是蘭州人常常把“我”發成“vo”, 把“喂”發成“vei”, 根據這一發展變化, 近年來普通話中出現兩者混讀的情況已不算做讀音錯誤了。因此, 學生在發以“w”開頭的單詞時常常不注意, 把“w”發成了“v”, 通過講授日常生活中漢語發音的細微差別, 使學生能隨時注意到這個問題, 也很容易改變讀音的錯誤。

以上觀點, 在講授漢語語法知識的時候也可以給學生反過來進行對比介紹, 同樣能起到很到的效果。

摘要:漢語語法本脫胎于英語語法等西方語法知識, 因此兩者常有相同相似之處, 若能在教學中經?;ハ鄬Ρ冉梃b之, 則學生更容易理解, 對教學有很好的幫助作用。



并列連詞( but, yet, however, nevertheless, for, so, therefore, and, or, either…or…, neither…nor…, both…and…, as well as)

連詞 從屬連詞 ( when, while, as, before, after, until, till, whether, since, the moment, where, if, unless, suppose, supposing, providing, provided, as long as, in order that, so that, so, lest, because, since, so…that…, such…that, although/though, even though/if, than, than, like, as if/though)






Slow but sure. 要慢而穩。(連接單詞)

We may be leaving today or tomorrow. 我們可能今天或明天走。(連接詞與詞)

Now I must go or I shall be late for the party. 我現在得走,否則晚會我就要遲到了。(連接句與句)

I went and she went also. 我去了,她也去了。(連接分句)

(一) 連接具有并列關系的詞、短語或句子的連詞叫并列連詞。根據其意義,并列連詞又可分為表示聯 合、轉折、選 擇和因果等四種關系的連詞。

1. 表示聯合關系的并列連詞: 表示聯合關系的并列連詞有:and (和),both…and…(既……又……),neither…nor…(既不….y也不….),not only…but also….(不但…..而且…..),as well as (除….外,也…..),

如: I am a teacher and he is a doctor. He has experience as well as knowledge. (He has not only knowledge but also experience.) Neither I nor he has seen the film.

2. 表示轉折關系的并列連詞: 表示轉折關系的并列連詞有:but (可是,但是),while (而,然而),yet (可是),however (然 而,但是),whereas (而),nevertheless (然而,不過), 如:I am willing, yet unable. 我心有余而力不足。 He is short, while his brother is tall. 他個子矮而他兄弟個子高plain. 3. 表示選擇關系的并列連詞: 表示選擇關系的并列連詞有:or (或),or else (否則),otherwise (要不然),either….or…(或….或….,不是…..就是…..),rather than (而不,也不),

如:John or I am to blame. Seize the chance, otherwise (or else) you’ll regret it.(otherwise, or else 常放在祈使句后面) You can either stay at home or go fishing. He went rather than stay as an unwelcome guest.。

4. 表示因果關系的并列連詞: (1)表示因果關系的并列連詞有:so (所以),for (因為),

如:It is morning, for the birds are singing. 是早晨了,因為鳥叫了。It was late, so I went home. 天已晚了,因此我就回家了。

(2) then (那么,因而),thus (因而), hence (因此),therefore (因此,所以)等副詞??煞啪涫妆硎疽蚬P系,如: He studied hard, thus he got a full mark. His car broke down, thus he was late for work. It is winter now; hence the days will be shorter.。

(二) 從屬連詞: 用來連接主句和從句的連詞叫從屬連詞。

1. 引導名詞性從句的從屬連詞: 引導名詞性從句的從屬連詞有連接詞 that, whether 和 if, 這些連接詞在句中不充當任何句子成分;

連接代詞主要有who, whom, whose, which, what 等,它們在句中可作主語、賓語、定語等; 連接副詞主要 有when, where, how, why 等,它們在句中可作狀語(相見名詞性從句), 如:We know (that) the earth goes round the sun.(賓語從句) What we need is more time. 我們需要的是時間。(主語從句)That’s what I want.(表語從句) The news that our team had won was very exciting.(同位語從句)

2. 引導狀語從句的從屬連詞

(1) 引導時間狀語從句的從屬連詞: 引導時間狀語從句的從屬連詞有when (當…..時),while (在…期間),as (當….時, 一邊…一邊),after (在….之后),before (在….之前),since (自從….以來),till/until (直到,直到….才),once (一旦…..), as soon as (一….就….), the moment/instant (一…..就….), no sooner….than….(剛….就….), hardly…..when(一……..就….)等,如:Once you begin, you must go on.

(2) When it rains, I go on school by bus.

When: Don’t get excited when you talk. When he got up he felt dizzy.

While: We must strike while the iron is hot. While she ate she grew more restless. As: As he spoke two men came up. He smiled as he passed.

Before: Look before you leap. It will be five years before we meet again. After: I arrived after he had left. I’ll tell them after you have left.

Until, till : I’ll take no steps until you arrive. I propose waiting till the police get here. Since: How long is it since you came to London? It was years since I had seen her.

Whenever: I go and visit him whenever I’m in town. Whenever possible, they play outside. (3) 引導原因狀語從句的從屬連詞: 引導原因狀語從句的從屬連詞有as (由于),because (因為),since (既然)等,如: He didn’t go to school because he was ill. Since everybody is here, let’s begin. Because: Because it was wet he took a taxi. As: As David had a passion for walking, we started off on foot.

還有一些表示原因的狀語從句由seeing(that),considering(that)或now that 等引導: Please don’t try to back out now that everything has been arranged. Now you’re here, you may make yourself useful.

許多用在形容詞后的that 從句也起原因狀語的作用(that 有時可省略):She was glad that she had controlled herself. I’m disappointed that they cannot come.

引導地點狀語從句的從屬連詞: 引導地點狀語從句的從屬連詞有where (在….地方),wherever (無論在…..哪里)等,如:Wherever she may be, she will be happy. Where there is a will, there is a way.

(4) 引導條件狀語從句的從屬連詞

① 條件狀語從句的從屬連詞主要由if, unless, supposing(suppose)引導:

if: I must leave if that’s the case. 如果情況如此我就得走了。He will come if asked. 如果邀請的話他會來的。

unless: I won’t write unless he writes first. I’ll go there tomorrow unless it rains.

supposing: Supposing that he asks you, will you go? Supposing his plan goes wrong, what will you do then?

suppose: Suppose she finds out, what shall we do then? Suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do?

provided: I will agree to go provided(providing) (that) my expenses are paid. She agreed to go and work there provided that her family could go with her. providing: I’ll dry the dishes, providing that you do the washing-up.

② 條件狀語從句還有其他形式:They’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed. You will always have a home as long as I have anything. 此外,as long as, so long as, in case, even if 都起連詞作用。

(5) 引導目的狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導目的狀語從句的從屬連詞有that (以便),so that (為了),in order that (為了) lest (以防,免得),in case (以防,免得)等, 如:She took medicine on time in order that she might get well soon. I came here that I might take a good look at the new bridge. in order that: I lent him £50 in order(so )that he might go for a holiday. so that: Ask her to hurry up with the letters so that I can sign them. so: Can’t you fix it somehow so you could stay longer? that: I am anxious to get done that I may be back in Ireland. lest: He hurried on, lest she should meet him again.

(6) 引導結果狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導結果狀語從句的從屬連詞有so (結果),so that (結果),so…..that/such….that(如 此…..以致),that (以致)等,(that 有時可以省略,特別是在口語中)如: It was very cold, so that the water in the bowl froze. He is such a good student that we all like him.

so…that: He was so young that you must excuse him.

such…that: Jim made such a noise that his sister told him to be quiet.

(7)引導讓步狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導讓步狀語從句的從屬連詞有though/although (雖然),as (雖然),even if/even though (即使),however (無論怎樣),whatever (無論什么),whoever (無論誰),no matter how/what/which……(無論多么/什么/哪一 個……)等,如:Even if you were here yesterday, you couldn’t help him.

(8)引導方式狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導方式狀語從句的從屬連詞有as (正如),as if/as though (好像,似乎)等,如: He speaks English as if he were an English-man. Use a book as a bee does a flower.

(9)引導比較狀語從句的從屬連詞: 引導比較狀語從句的從屬連詞有 as ( 如……), as…….as….,(像…. 一樣),not so …..as…..(與…不一樣),than (比)等,如:He works harder than before. His elder sister is as tall as his mother. 儲存連詞:

1.引導時間狀語從句的從屬連詞: 引導時間狀語從句的從屬連詞有________(當…..時),_____ (在…期間),____ (當….時, 一邊…一邊),_______ (在….之后),______ (在….之前),______ (自從….以來),_______ (直到,直到….才),________(一 旦…..),___________(一….就….), __________ (一…..就….), ___________(剛….就….), _________(一……..就….)等,如:Once you begin, you must go on. 你一開了頭,就應該繼續下去

2.引導原因狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導原因狀語從句的從屬連詞有______(由于),________(因為),______(既然)等. 3.引導地點狀語從句的從屬連詞: 引導地點狀語從句的從屬連詞有_______在….地方),___________ (無論在…..哪里) Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。

4.引導條件狀語從句的從屬連詞 條件狀語從句的從屬連詞主要由________________________)引導:此外_______________________________都起連 詞作用。

5.引導目的狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導目的狀語從句的從屬連詞有________(以便),_________ (為了),______________ (為 了) ________ (以防,免得),___________(以防,免得)等,

6.引導結果狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導結果狀語從句的從屬連詞有______ (結果),________(結果),___________--(如此…..以致),_________ (以致)等,(that 有時可以省略,特別是在口語中)如: 7. 引導讓步狀語從句的從屬連詞:引導讓步狀語從句的從屬連詞有________________ (雖然),________ ( 雖然),____________________( 即使) ,__________r ( 無論怎樣) ,___________( 無論什么) ,__________-( 無論誰) ,__________________________(無論多么/什么/哪一個……)等。

8.引導比較狀語從句的從屬連詞: 引導比較狀語從句的從屬連詞有________ (如……),____________,( 像….一樣),_________________.(與…不一樣),__________ (比)等。


(一) when 和while

1. 兩個詞都可以表示“當……..時”,引導時間狀語從句。 When 引導時間狀語從句的謂語動詞既可以是延續性的,也可 以是終止性的;while 引導時間狀語從句的謂語動詞只能是延續性的 He was doing his homework when I came in. I came in when/while he was doing his homework. While/when I was in the town, I saw him twice. 2. When 還可譯作“這時”,while 可譯作“而,然而” He was playing football outside when it began to rain. He is tall while his elder brother is short.

(二) though 和 as:兩個詞都可以表示“雖然”,引導讓步狀語從句。 Though 引導的從句可用正常語序,也可用倒裝語 序。 As 引導的從句要用倒裝語序,即把從句中的表語、狀語或動詞原形放在as 之前,如:

1. 盡管天氣冷,可他仍然繼續工作。Cold as it was, he went on working. <-> Though it was cold, he went on working. Cold though it is, he went on working.

2. 雖然他還是個孩子,可懂很多事情。Child as he is, he knows a lot. <-> Though he is a child, he knows a lot. Child though he is, he knows a lot. 3. 盡管你讀得快,你也不能在三天內讀完這本書。 Fast as you read, you can’t finish the book in three days. / Fast though you read, you can’t finish the book in three days. Though you read fast, you can’t finish the book in three days. / Try though he might, he couldn’t get rid of the difficulty.

4. 不管怎樣努力,他還是擺脫不了困難。Try as he might, he couldn’t get rid of the difficulty. Though he might try, he couldn’t get rid of the difficulty.

(三) because, as, since 和 for for 是并列連詞,語氣最弱,對前面分句加以解釋或表示推斷的原因。引導的分句一般置于句末,從句前要用逗號。

Because 表示產生某結果的必有原因,語氣最強,引導的從句可以置于句首或句末,放在句首時通常用逗號。

As 表示原因時,語氣不如because 那么強,可譯為“因為,由于”,引導的從句常置于句首。

Since 可譯為“既然”,往往表示一些顯而易見的原因,語氣不如because 強,引導的從句常置于句首。 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. As she was in a bad mood, we left her alone. He is absent from school because he is ill. Because /as it was wet, we went there by bus. Since a lot of people make mistakes in life, Mr. Smith wanted to give John a chance.

(四) if 和 whether

1. 表示“是否”時兩個詞都能引導賓語從句I wonder if/whether you can examine him now. 2. 如果主句的謂語是短語動詞,用whether, 而不用if Everything depends on whether we have enough money.

3. 某些動詞(如discuss)后的賓語從句,用whether, 而不用if They discussed whether they should help her.

3. 賓語從句置于句首時,用whether,不用if Whether it is true or not, I can’t say. 4. 賓語從句為否定形式時,通常if,而不用whether I asked her if he would come. 5. if 可譯作“如果”引導條件狀語從句If I were you, I would not go. 6. Whether 可譯作“不管,無論”,引導讓步狀語從句Whether he agrees or not, I shall do that. 不管他同意與否我都要做這事。

7. Whether 可引導主語從句、表語從句、同位語從句、接不定式,或接or not 等(if 則不能)

Whether he will come or not is unknown. (主語從句)

The question is whether it is worth doing. (表語從句)

I have no idea whether he is there.(同位語從句)

I don’t know whether he will do it or not. (接or not) She hasn’t decided whether to go or not.(接不定式)

★比較so 和 such 其規律由so 與such 的不同詞性決定。

such 是形容詞,修飾名詞或名詞詞組,so 是副詞,只能修 飾形容詞或副詞。so 還可與表示數量的形容詞many,few,much, little 連用,形成固定搭配。

so + adj.

such + a(n) + n.

so + adj. + a(n) + n.

such + n. (pl.) so + adj. + n. (pl.)

such +n. (pl.) so + adj. + n. [不可數]

such +n. [不可數] so foolish

such a fool

so nice a flower

such a nice flower so many/ few flowers

such nice flowers so much/little money.

such rapid progress so many people

such a lot of people

so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 雖相當于 many,但 a lot of 為名詞性的,只能用such 搭配。 so…that 與such…that之間的轉換既為 so 與such 之間的轉換

Practice :

Part 1:

17. “You can’t have this football back ____ you promise not to kick it at my cat again,” the old man said firmly. (2006 廣東)

A. because B. since C. when D. until

18. I grew up in Africa. ____at least I should say that I spent much of the first ten years of my life there. (遼寧’06)

A. and B. or C. so D. but

19. Progress so far has been very good.____, we are sure that the project will be completed on time. (浙江’06)

A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides



掌握一定的語法知識是好的, 對于英語學習也是有幫助的, 但是當前, 中國的學生對于語法的學習過于較真, 深深埋頭于各種法的學習當中, 而忽視了英語這一片森林, 使得英語學習起來既苦而又效率不高, 這就說明語法的學習途徑是不恰當的, 單純為了學習詞匯而進行的詞匯是錯誤的做法。

從我們牙牙學語, 到如今能說一口流利的普通話, 這個過程我們并沒有發現語言的學習是多么困難, 而漢語在世界的語言中, 是公認的比較難學習的, 但是對于英語的學習, 卻讓我們大多數同學感到了語言學習的困難。


(1) 不知不覺學語法。

《牛津高中英語》教材每個單元的Grammar and usage板塊都設計出許多教學活動, 給學生足夠的時間和機會進行練習, “隱藏式”地滲透了語法學習策略。在學習英語課程內容的同時, 不知不覺地對英語的詞匯形成一定的認識, 有了一定的語感, 使得英語的學習堪比母語的學習, 形成一個自然的過程, 而不是去刻意的學習某個語法知識點。在以上學習的基礎上, 進行適當的總結, 更能起到事半功倍的效果。

(2) 分門別類學語法。

英國語言學家Louis Alexander曾經說過, “任何語言的準確性最終來自于語法本身。”語法學習是英語學習過程中的一個重要組成部分, 它是有規律可循的?!杜=蚋咧杏⒄Z》每個單元都設計了語法學習板塊, 通過語法規則的講解與多種圖示的呈現, 讓學生比較全面系統地掌握語法知識, 歸納出許多語法規則。

比如Module 1 (模塊1) 共3單元, 第1單元介紹了定語從句的基本概念和幾個關系代詞的用法, 第2單元歸納了關系副詞用法和介詞加關系代詞whom和which的用法, 第3單元總結歸納了非限制性定語從句的基本用法。再例如, 學習第7模塊第一單元語法介詞, 大量的例句學生便自我總結出英語介詞用法口訣:早、午、晚要用in, at黎明、午夜、點與分。年月、季節、周、陽光、燈、影、衣、冒i n。將來時態in…以后, 小處at大處in。有形with無形by, 語言、材料、單位in。特征、方面與方式, 心情成語慣用in。

(3) 分組互動學習語法。

學習語法的目的是提高學生對語言準確性的認識, “學以致用”是我們的努力方向。在語法教學中, 教師可設計任務, 讓學生創造性地運用所學到的語言知識。例如, 人人都會喜歡“設想自己的未來”。在語法的課堂教學中, 教師可以利用人們的這一心理設計“虛擬未來”的活動, 訓練虛擬語氣的用法。該活動可采用小組活動, 也可采用全班活動的方式。



擬訂話題, 如:If I had a million yuan…

If I could go to Paris tomorrow.…

If you came to my home…

If I were a genius…

告訴學生他們將進行句子接龍, 一個學生說出前部分虛擬條件句, 另一個學生將接上后半部分, 如此按順序組內同學依次說出一個完整的條件從句和結果句。讓其充分運用其想象力, 盡可能讓其句子幽默有趣。

如:A.If I had a million yuan, …

B.If I had a million yuan, I would buy a plane.

C.If I bought a plane, I would travel to Paris.

D.If I traveled to Paris, I would get lost.

還可以讓一組或兩組學生進行表演。這種接龍活動不僅讓學生更進一步地熟悉和內化if虛擬條件句, 而且激發了學生的想象力和創造力。在學完情態動詞后, 可讓學生設想:如果你去露營, 哪些是你必須要做的準備工作, 哪些是你不用做的。學生們在這個活動中就可以創造性地運用情態動詞must, have to, need等。如:We have to wear shoes that are good for walking, for example, sneakers.We needn’t bring too much things with us, which will add to our burden.

(4) 變化形式學語法。

美國著名心理學家布魯納提出結構主義學習觀, 認為掌握基本結構能使學生更容易理解本學科, 有助于將所學知識長期保存在記憶中, 有助于遷移, 促進各學科的學習。同時布魯納提倡發現學習, 認為教師在整個教學過程中應激發學生的學習興趣和強烈的學習動機, 讓學生充分發揮積極性和主動性, 獨立思考, 通過分析、歸納、對比等邏輯思維活動自己去發現語言規則和原理。

語法學習是大多數學生學習英語最頭疼的事情之一。時間花得多, 但有時越學越模糊, 如果教師改變一下教學方法, 把一些筆頭練習變成口頭練習, 把遠離學生的、抽象陌生的教學信息換成學生熟悉的、具體的實際生活信息, 效果會好得多。

(5) 創設語境學語法。

社會語言學家Hymes (1972) 提出了著名的“交際能力 (communicative competence) ”的概念。他認為, 一個人要能夠真正地運用語言進行交際, 除了必須具備喬姆斯基提出的能造出合乎語法的句子的語言能力之外, 他還必須具備在什么場合、對誰、用什么方式以及說什么的能力, 也就是交際能力。比如第5模塊第一單元語法動名詞, 書上歸納了一些動詞如admit、avoid、mind等后面只跟動名詞作賓語, 我編了一個發生在餐館里對話要求學生表演出來。其中有句對話是A:Would you mind my smoking here?B:No, not at all.學生通過表演對話很容易地掌握了mind結構用法, mind的賓語用動名詞并且用它提問的句子的答語No與其他句子表同意Yes的不同習慣的特殊用法。外語教學的目的是培養學生的交際能力。要使學生掌握交際的本領, 就要使他們的語言能力向交際能力轉化。

摘要:語法學習是英語學習的一個重要方面, 而語法學習也是廣大同學學習的難點。本文對語法學習的特點和本質進行了分析, 提出了六種語法學習的策略, 以期能對廣大同學和教師有所幫助。



[1] 束定芳.外語教學改革問題與對策[M].上海:上海外語教育出版社, 2004.



① 一般直接在動詞的后面加ed如:worked , learned , cleaned , visited ②以e結尾的動詞直接加d:如 lived , danced , used

③以輔音字母加y結尾的動詞要改y為i再加ed(此類動詞較少) 如:study – studied carry – carried worry – worried (注意play、stay不是輔音字母加y,所以不屬于此類)


動詞現在分詞(動詞的ing)形式詳解: 動詞的ing形式的構成規則: •

① 一般的直接在后面加上ing , 如:doing , going , working , singing , eating • ② 以e 結尾的動詞,要先去e再加ing 如:having , writing , •

③ 雙寫最后一個字母的(此類動詞極少) 如:running , swimming , sitting , getting


句型專項歸類 :


如:I?m a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital. There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:00. I watched TV yesterday evening.


•Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I?m not.

•Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. / No, she isn?t.

•Does he work in a hospital? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn?t.

•Are there four fans in our classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there aren?t. •Are you going to buy a comic book tonight? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we aren?t.)

•Will he eat lunch at 12:00? Yes, I will. / No, I will not(won?t). •Are they swimming? Yes, they are. / No, they aren?t.

•Did you watch TV yesterday evening? Yes, I did. / No, I didn?t.

4、特殊疑問句: 以特殊疑問詞(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)開頭引導的句子. 此類句子應該問什么就答什么,不能用“yes 、no”來回答。如:

•What is this? It?s a computer.

•Where are you going? I?m going to Beijing.

•Who played football with you yesterday afternoon? Mike. •Which season do you like best? Summer.

•When do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30. •Whose skirt is this? It?s Amy?s.

•Why do you like spring best? Because I can plant trees. •How did you go to Xinjiang? I went to Xinjiang by train. 七:完全、縮略形式: I?m=I am

he?s=he is

she?s=she is

they?re=they are

you?re=you are

there?s=there is

they?re=they are

can?t=can not

1 don?t=do not

doesn?t=does not

isn?t=is not

aren?t=are not

let?s=let us

won?t=will not

I?ll=I will

wasn?t=was not

總結:通常情況下,„m即am,?s即is „re即are ,n?t即not (但can?t=can not) (但 let?s不等于let us),

八:與字母相關的題型 ( 注:五個元音字母是 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu ) 1.將所給字母的大小寫寫在四線格上

•Hh Rr Xx Gg Mm Uu Zz Ff Qq Ii 2.寫出下列字母的左鄰右舍。


) Hh (

) 2.(

) Bb (

) 3.(

) Ll (

) •4.(

) Rr (

) 5.(

) Qq (

) 6.(

) Ww (

) 3.用小寫字母抄寫下列單詞。
















) 10.SMALL(



•1. a c e

2. i e o

3. v u k

4. e u I •

5. J B I

6. E T V

7. E I O 8. A U E 5.寫出與所給單詞發音相同的字母(大小寫)。

•1.bee (

) 2.sea (

) 3.tea (

) • 4.are (

) 5.why (

) 6.you (

) •形容詞(adj.): ?





short短的;矮的 ? young年輕的



thin瘦的 ?




kind和藹親切的 ? strict嚴格的



tasty好吃的 ?





favourite最喜愛的 clean干凈的



angry生氣的 ?happy高興的 bored無聊的

sad憂愁的 ?taller更高的










higher更高的 good好的



heavy 重的

new新的 ?fat胖的




cute逗人喜愛的 ?little小的 lovely可愛的


colourful色彩鮮艷的 ?pretty漂亮的



cheap便宜的 ?expensive昂貴的 tender嫩的 helpful有幫助的

ill有病的 high高的

easy簡單的 proud驕傲的 sick有病的 •介詞(prep.):

in 在…里

on 在…上;在…時候

under 在…下面

near 在…的旁邊 behind 在…后邊

next to 與…相鄰

over 在……上面

in front of 在……前面






jump跳 walk走 run(ran)跑









buy(bought)買 take(took)買;帶





2 learn學習





do homework做作業

do housework做家務

watch TV看電視

read(read) books讀書 cook the meals做飯

ride(rode) a bike騎自行車

play the violin拉小提琴

collect stamps集郵

meet(met)見面 welcome歡迎 thank謝謝 love愛 work工作 drink(drank)喝 taste嘗 smell聞 feed(fed)喂養 shear剪 milk擠奶 look看 guess猜 help幫助 pass傳遞 show展示 use使用 clean打掃 open打開 close關上 put放 paint繪畫 tell(told)告訴 kick踢 bounce反彈 ride(rode)騎 stop(stopped)停 wait等 find(found)尋找到 drive(drove)駕駛 fold折 send(sent)寄 wash洗 shine照耀 become變成 feel(felt)感覺到 think(thought)思考 meet(met)遇見 fall(fell)落下

leave(left)離開 wake(woke) up醒來 put on穿上 take off脫掉 hang up掛起 wear(wore)穿 go home回家 go to bed上床睡覺 play computer games玩電腦游戲

get off下車 read a magazine讀雜志

go to the cinema去看電影

go straight向前直走

•數詞(numbers): 基數詞

•one一 two二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 •eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 •twenty二十 九十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety • forty-two四十二 •hundred百 one/a hundred and thirty-six一百三十六


•first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 •fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth第九 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 •thirtieth第三十 fortieth第四十 fiftieth第五十 sixtieth第六十 seventieth第七十 第八十 ninetieth第九十 fifty-sixth第五十六


1. ---I?m 11 years old. --- I?m 12. I?m one year older than you. 我12歲,比你大一歲。

2. You?re taller than your brother. 3. I?m 160 cm tall. He?s 159 cm tall.。

4. ---Which monkey do you like? --- I like the yellow one.

5. ---Which monkey is stronger? ---The brown monkey is stronger. 6. I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. 7. His tail is longer.

8. ---What’s the matter, Mike? ---I feel sick. I have a fever. 9. ---How do you feel? ---I feel sick.

10. ---How does Amy feel? ---She?s tired. 11. I am excited.

12. I failed the math test. 13. I?m sorry to hear that.

14. ---What did you do last weekend? --- I played football. --- Did you read books? --- Yes, I did. 15. ---Where did you go on your holiday? ---I went to Xinjiang . ---How did you

3 go there? ---I went by train.

1.-- How do you go to school? -- I go to school on foot. 2. My home is near.

3. We can go to the bus stop on foot. Then we go to the park by bus. 4. See you then. See you at 2 o?clock. 5.-Can I go on foot? - Sure,It’s not far.

6. ---Excuse me. Where is the library? --- It?s near the post office 7. ---Is it far from here? ---No, it?s not far.

8. ---How can I go to the hospital? ---You can go by the No.301 bus. Ger off at the cinema. Then walk straight for three minutes. The hospital is on the left.

9. ---How can I go to the mesume? --Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left. 10. ---Where is the post offfice? --- It?s east of the cinema.

11. ---What are you going to do this evening? ---I?m going to the cinema. 12. ---When are you going? -- This evening. 13. I want to be a science teacher one day. 14. ---What?s your hobby? ---I like collecting stamps. 15. There is a stamp show Sunday. 16. Her father works in a school.

17. ---Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? ---No, he doesn?t. He lives in Beijing. 18. ---What does your father do? --- He?s a teacher. 19. How exciting!

20. ---How does he go to work? ---He goes to work by bike.

21. ---Where does the rain come from? ---It comes from the clouds.

22.First, put the seeds in the soil. Water them. In several days, you can see the sprout.


1. ---When do you get up? --- I usually get up at 6:30.

2. --- What do you do on the weekend? ---I often go shopping. ---How about you? What about you? ---I often play football. 3. ---What?s your favorite season? ---Winter, I like winter.

4. ---Which season do you like best? ---Spring. I like spring best. I can fly kites. 5. ---Why do you like summer? ---Because I can swim. 6. ---When is your birthday? ---It?s May 4th. 5月4日。

7.--What?s the date? --It?s October 1st. 8. ---Is her birthday in June? ---Yes.

9. ---What are you doing? ---I?m reading a book.

10. ---What is your father doing? ---He?s writing an E-mail. 11. ---What is she doing? ---She is singing. 12. ---What is it doing? ---It?s running.

13. ---What are they doing? ---They?re drinking water. 14. ---Are they catching butterflies? ---Yes, they are. 15. ---Are you eating lunch? ---No, we aren?t.

4 16. ---Is he taking pictures? ---Yes, he is.

17. ---Is she writing a report? ---No, she isn?t. 五年級上冊

1. ---Who?s your art teacher? -- Mr Wu.

2. ---What?s he like? ---He?s very kind. He?s short and thin. 3. ---Is she strict? ---Yes, she is.

4. ---What day is it today? ---It?sMonday.

5. ---What do you have on Mondays? ---We have English, science and P.E. 6. ---What do you do on Saturdays? ---I often do my homework.

7. ---What would you like for lunch? ---I?d like some tomotoes and mutton. 8. ---What do you have for lunch today? ---I have eggplant and tomotoes. 9. ---What?s your favourite food? ---Fish. It?s tasty. 10. I don?t like grapes. They?re sour.

11. ---Are you helpful at home? ---Sure.Yes. 12.--What can you do? --I can sweep the floor. 13. Mother goat is ill.

14. This is my new bedroom.

15.-Can you do housework? -No, I can’t.

16. There is a big closet and a new air-conditioner. 17. There?re blue curtains.

18. I love my new room very much. 19. The trash bin is behind the door.

20.--What?s your room like? --There?s a bed, a closet and a desk. 21.-Is there a river in the park? -Yes, there is. 22. I like my village.

23.-Are there any bridges in your village? -No, there aren’t.

24. The water is clean. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. 四年級下冊

1.-Where is the canteen? -It’s on the first floor. 2. This is the teacher?s office. 3. That is my classroom.

4.-Do you have a library? -Yes. 5. This way, please.

6.-Is this the library? -Yes, it is.

7.-Is that the art room? -No, it isn?t. 8.-What time is it? -It?s nine o?clock. 9. It?s time for English class. 10. It?s time to go to school. 11. Breakfast is ready. 12. I?m ready.

13.-Is this your jacket? -No, it’s John’s 14. ---What color is it? ---It?s blue 15. ---Whose shirt is this? ---It?s my brother?s 16. These are your baby pants. They are so small.

5 17. ---Can I wear my new shirt today? ---Yes, you can. 18. It?s warmcoldhot today. 19. Those are my shoes.

20.-Where are they? -They are on your feet. 21.-What’s the weather like in Beijing? -It?s rainy. 22. ---Is it cold? ---No, it?s hot.

23. ---Can I help you? ---Yes, I want that dress. 24-How much is this dress? -It?s ninety yuan. 25--Are they nice? --Yes, they are.

26. ---How much are they? ---They are thirty-five yuan. 27-What are they? -They are goats. 28.-Are these/those sheep? -Yes, they are.

29.-How many cows do you have? -One hundred. 30.-How many horses are there? -Twelve. 四年級上冊

1. --What’s in the classroom? -- A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. 2. We have a new classroom.

3. ---Let?s clean the classroom. ---Good idea. 4. ---What color is it? ---It?s black and white. 5. Let me clean the window.

6. ---My schoolbag is heavy. ---What?s in it? 7. He has short black hair and big eyes.

8. ---What?s his name? ---His name is Zhang Peng. 9. ---What?s her name? ---Her name is Amy. 10. She likes music.

11. ---Is this your bedroom? ---Yes, it is 12. ---Is she in the living room? ---No, she isn?t. 13. Where are the keys?

14. ---Are they on the table? ---No, they aren?t.

15. ---What would you like for dinner? ---I?d like some fish and vegetables. 16.--How many people are there in your family? --Three. 17. ---Who are they? ---My parents and me. 18. ---What?s your father? ---He?s a doctor. 19. ---What?s your mother? ---She?s a teacher. 三年級下冊

1. ---Where are you from? --- I?m from America. 2. --- Who?s that woman? ---She?s my mother. 3. --- Who?s that man? ---He?s my father.

4. ---How many kites can you see? ---I can see 12. 5. ---How many crayons do you have? ---I have 16. 6.--Do you like peaches? --Yes, I do. 7.--Do you like oranges? --No, I don?t.

8. ---Where is my car? ---It?s under the chair. 9.--Look at the elephant! -- Wow! It?s so big.

6 10. It has a long nose and a short tail.。

11. It has small eyes and big ears. 三年級上冊

1. ---What?s your name? --- My name is Chen Jie.

2. --- This is John. ---Nice to meet you. 3. ---How are you?

---I?m fine, thank you. 4.--Let?s paint. --Great.

5. ---Look! I have a rabbit. ---Cool.

6. ---May I have a look? ---Sure. Here you are. 7. I like hamburgers.

8. ---Have some French fries. --Thank you.

















在教學過程中,教師可以結合學生的實際英語水平和課程教材的特點注意搜集整理商務專業詞匯,并按照詞匯的難易程度和其使用范圍對其進行分類,幫助學生循序漸進地擴大自己的詞匯量。特別是可以運用翻譯練習等形式提醒學生注意積累在商務領域有著特殊含義的詞匯(如interests, volumn等)。











[3]黃桂香.民辦高校應用型本科院校英語專業人才培養模式與就業現狀分析[J].考試周刊, 2011(22):201-202.


[5]Harvey,L.&Knight,P.Transforming Higher Education[M].Buckingham,Open University Press Inc.1995:159-164.

