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下面以文言文“倒裝句”為例來談談這一方法在教學中的運用。 文言文的倒裝句,也叫“變式句”,就是句子的表達形式不同于現代漢語“常式句”的句子。





1 助動詞

助動詞是英語初學者的難點之一, 許多同學總是用漢語的造句習慣去理解英語的句式, 以至于一直不能很好地理解助動詞do的作用和英語句子的基本結構。這一基本問題不能跨越, 往往造成學生學了多年英語卻造不對一個簡單的英語句子, 漢翻英常常錯誤百出??梢詮淖钔ㄋ缀啙嵉姆绞礁嬖V學生, 從漢語的字面意思理解看, 助者, 幫助也, 助動詞就是幫助動詞實現其動作功能的詞, 實際幾乎沒有意義, 只是從形式上幫助動詞來實現符合英語語法習慣的句式結構。當我們要說某一個實際動作的時候用具體的動詞, 但當它要變成疑問句和否定句時, 動詞不能直接提前到主語的前面和直接否定實意動詞, 則需要一個詞來幫助其實現疑問和否定的功能, 需要它來體現疑問和否定的形式, 這個詞就是助動詞。比如:I do my homework我做家庭作業。此句中的do為實意動詞做的意思, 有實際意思, 按照英語語法, 當它需要變成疑問句或否定句時, 具有實際動作意義的動詞do不能直接提前或被否定, 此時引入助動詞do作為其助手, 提前到主語前面或給實意動詞do加上否定詞no來幫助其實現疑問和否定的功能, 此時句子變成了Do you do your homework?和What do you do?及I don’t do my homework.一個句子里面有兩個do, 但它們的詞性和功能完全不同, 即此do非彼do??蓮闹鷦釉~do入手, 舉一反三, 告知第三人稱單數does和其他助動詞甚至情態動詞也大致如此。這一類比使許多困惑了多年的學生恍然大悟, 理解了一個句子為什么兩次出現“動詞”do的原因了, 也徹底了解了英語句子中動詞是需要借助助動詞來完成不同的句型的, 對簡單句甚至復合句句子結構的問題也能迎刃而解。

2 非謂語形式

由于漢語中一個句子可以出現許多動詞, 導致許多學生對英語的非謂語形式十分困惑, 覺得既然表示動作, 只要用動詞就可以了, 為什么還要加上ing和to將其變成動名詞、分詞或者不定式等形式。首先要告知學生, 一個英語簡單句中有且只能有一個謂語動詞, 因此若再需要出現動作意義的詞, 則需要將其做變形, 加上必要的形式, 變成名詞、形容詞或其他詞性的詞才可以運用到句子中, 既然謂語只能要一個動詞來充當, 那么這些變形后不是動詞的詞就不能再充當謂語了, 而是變成了句子的其他成分, 即非謂語者, 不是謂語也。這些變形就是動詞的非謂語形式, 盡管漢語翻譯過來的字面意思仍是動詞, 但在英語中其詞性不再是實際的謂語動詞了。最典型的例子就是漢語的連動句, 比如:他去城里看一個朋友了。“去”和“看”都是動詞, 一個漢語句子同時出現了兩個動詞, 當翻譯成英語的時候, 既可以用“去”也可以用“看”做謂語動詞, 那么另一個動詞只有做變形了, 因此可翻譯為:He went to see a friend of him in town.“to see a friend”為動詞不定式。又比如:老師站著給我們上課。The teacher stood giving us a lecture.“giving us a lecture”為分詞。這種類比能使學生很容易理解英語句子中為何有大量看似沒必要的短語和動詞變形了, 也是漢語要比英語簡潔許多的原因之一。

3 語氣、語調

英語中一般疑問句通常情況下用升調, 特殊疑問句用降調, 陳述句和肯定句用降調, 但有時候為了強調或表達某種思想感情, 其語調和語氣也會發生變化, 語氣語調不同意義不同, 翻譯時自然也要有所變化。好比漢語里面同一個詞, 語調不同除表示情緒的不同外, 有時候意思完全不同。比如, “老子”, 升調即為父親的自我稱呼, 若是旁人說, 則很不禮貌, 有自詡或自我抬高的成分, 降調則是我國春秋時的思想家李聃, 發音不同意思完全不同。再比如, 怨親詞“死鬼”, 看似罵人實則親昵。而英語中I like him.這類表達思想感情的句子, 若讀為升調, 表示一般意義的喜歡, 可譯作:我喜歡他。但若用降調, 則表示強調和表達很強烈的思想感情, 譯作:我愛他更準確。再比如, I hate you.我恨你??谡Z中若是好朋友之間, 若語氣不同, 甚至可能表達的是我喜歡你的意思。


由于方言發音習慣的緣故和近代漢語發音的發展規律, 漢語聲母的發音中“w”、“v”出現了混淆甚至融合的局面, 比如“我”、“喂”, 應該發作“wo”和“wei”, 但由于方言的緣故, 我們西北地區尤其是蘭州人常常把“我”發成“vo”, 把“喂”發成“vei”, 根據這一發展變化, 近年來普通話中出現兩者混讀的情況已不算做讀音錯誤了。因此, 學生在發以“w”開頭的單詞時常常不注意, 把“w”發成了“v”, 通過講授日常生活中漢語發音的細微差別, 使學生能隨時注意到這個問題, 也很容易改變讀音的錯誤。

以上觀點, 在講授漢語語法知識的時候也可以給學生反過來進行對比介紹, 同樣能起到很到的效果。

摘要:漢語語法本脫胎于英語語法等西方語法知識, 因此兩者常有相同相似之處, 若能在教學中經?;ハ鄬Ρ冉梃b之, 則學生更容易理解, 對教學有很好的幫助作用。




a)買えば b)買うなら c)買うと


a)産むと b)産むために c)産むので


a)聞いたなら b)聞いてみれば c)聞いてみたら


a)ために b)からには c)し


a)して b)するなら c)すれば


a)あると b)あれば c)あるので


a)ので b)のだから c)し


a)からには b)ので c)ために

答え1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 b 8 a



a)考えるなり b)考えつつ c)考えたとたん


a)とたんに b)なり c)やいなや

3、その選手はゴ— ‰に著く____たおれてしまった。

a)とたんに b)なり c)つつ

4、昔住んでいたアパ— ∪はふろも____トイレもついていなかった。

a)なかったり b)なければ c)ないと


a)ないんだし b)なかったら c)なけらば


a)よごすなり b)よごせば c)よごしたり

7、都心の住人は年々____ a)減りつつあります b)減るなりします c)減ったりします


a)見ると b)見るなら c)見たし

答え1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a



a)考えるなり b)考えつつ c)考えたとたん


a)とたんに b)なり c)やいなや

3、その選手はゴ— ‰に著く____たおれてしまった。

a)とたんに b)なり c)つつ

4、昔住んでいたアパ— ∪はふろも____トイレもついていなかった。

a)なかったり b)なければ c)ないと


a)ないんだし b)なかったら c)なけらば


a)よごすなり b)よごせば c)よごしたり

7、都心の住人は年々____ a)減りつつあります b)減るなりします c)減ったりします


a)見ると b)見るなら c)見たし

答え1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 a



a)ところで b)ところが c)どころか


a)ところで b)ところが c)どころか


a)ところで b)ところが c)どころか


a)つつ b)ものの c)ものを


a)ものの b)ものを c)からといって


a)くせに b)ものを c)ものの


a)ものを b)くせに c)からといって


a)ものの b)くせに c)からといって

答え1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 b 8 c




a)するなら b)しても c)したり d)すれば


a)と b)なら c)し d)なり


a)起きたら b)起きたためにc) 起きれば d)起きたからには


a)からには b)ために c)ものの d)どころか


a)わかるものを b)わかるから c)わかりつつも d)わかったところで


a)行ったら b)行くと c)行けば d)行くなら


a)いるために b)いながら c)いるなり d)いるくせ


a)ものの b)つつも c)ながらも d)だからたいって


a)ところで b)ものを c)どころか d)つつ


a)くせに b)ものを c)からには d)どころか


a)どころか b)からには c)ものを d)ところで


a)くせに b)ものを c)どころか d)からといって


a)なり b)とたんに c)つつ d)くせに


a)からには b)ものの c)くせに d)からといって



a)からといって b)から c)からには d)し


a)疲れたから b)疲れると c)疲れるなら d)疲れたし



a)ものの b)くせに c)ものを d)からといって


a)ものを b)なり c)ものの d)くせに


a)ものを b)ものの c)なり d)つつ


a)からには b)からといってc)ところが d)ところで



a)ながら b)ものを c)なり d)ものの


a)けれども b)ところで c)ところが d)からには



a)から b)からには c)し d)からといって



a)たり b)ながら c)つつ d)なり


1. This experiment turned out to be _____ failure, but, as we know, success often comes after _____ failure.

A. a, aB. 不填, theC. a, theD. a, 不填

2. He is the only one of the students who _____ a winner of scholarship for three years.

A. isB. areC. have beenD. has been

3. When I first set _____ in Australia, I didn’t know what the future might have in _____ for me.

A. my foot, the storeB. a foot, the storeC. foot, storeD. feet, stores

4. We all know that, _____, the situation will get worse.

A. not if dealt carefully withB. if not carefully dealt with

C. if dealt not carefully withD. not if carefully dealt with

5. The murderer found his feet _____ together.

A. tiedB. to tieC. tyingD. tie

6. The road was muddy and narrow. The fog (霧)_____ our trouble and danger.

A. came up withB. added up toC. added toD. added in

7. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _____ be twelve.

A. wouldB. shouldC. willD. shall

8. She hates the smell of smoke; she forbids people _____. She forbids _____.

A. smoking, smokeB. smoke, to smoke

C. to smoke, smokingD. to smoke, to smoke

9. There was _____ time _____ I hated to go to school.

A. a, thatB. the, thatC. the, whenD. a, when

10. Since you have repaired my TV set, _____ is no need for me to buy a new one.

A. itB. thisB. thatD. there

11. You _____ us by not coming to our party. We were _____ at your absence. How _____ you were!

A. disappointed, disappointing, disappointing

B. disappointed, disappointed, disappointed

C. disappointed, disappointed, disappointing



She can drive, but she can’t ride a bike.

A computer can’t think for itself.(不會思考)


The noise outside has stopped , now I can get down to my study.

--Can I use your telephone? --Yes, of course, you can.

You can go out to play when you do away with your homework.


The climate of East China can be pretty cold in winter.

Jogging can be harmful for the health.

Even experienced teachers can make mistakes.

London could be rather cold in summer while I stayed there.


I’ll do the cooking, and you can do the washing.(請你去洗衣服)

You can go now.


Can he be working till so late?

Who can it be at this time of day?

Can it be Tom? No, it can’t be Tom.

He is busy these days, so he can’t come today.

can 與be able to 的區別:

The fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone was able to get out.(強調設法干成某事)



Shall I shut the window? Yes, please.

Shall she go to the concert with us this evening?

Shall they come in?

Shall we go out for a walk?

?用于二三人稱 ,表示命令,允諾,警告,威脅,強制

①You shall go to the front at once.(命令)

②Don’t worry .You shall get the answer this afternoon.(允諾)

③I promise she shall get a nice present on her birthday. (允諾)

④He shall be punished. 威脅

⑤You shall listen to me. (命令)

⑥The interest(利益利潤)shall be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides. (命令法規)

⑦It has been announced that candidates(候選人) shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.(表按規定)



I must keep my word.

You must get up much earlier.

?不必needn’t/don’t have to

--Must I wash the dishes at once?

-- No, you needn’t./don’t have to.

?mustn’t 禁止,不許

You mustn’t play with the knife.

Cars mustn’t be parked here.

--May I use your pen?

--No, you mustn’t


Everyone must die.


Our there-year-old boy must do the opposite to what we ordered.

Just when I was busy, the neighbor must come and chat.

Why must you be so stubborn(倔強的)?

If you must know, I’m going to help him look for an apartment.

4. should

? 應該

You should apologize to him.

We should attend the meeting.

? (表預期)按理會…, 想必會…,一定會…

The concert should be great fun.

The photos should be ready by 12:00.

The old man is always hunting the lions, so terrible things should happen to him. ? (表驚訝,遺憾)竟然居然

I’m glad that your story should speak in such a way.

I wonder that a person like him should make such a mistake.

It’s a pity that he should resign.

? (用于條件狀語從句中)一旦,萬一

If she should know the truth, she would be depressed.

If you should change your mind, let us know.

Ask him to call me up if you should see him.

? (用于lest, for fear that, in case引導的句子)以免,唯恐

She gave me a list just in case I should forget what to buy.

He ran away lest he should be caught.

He gets up early for fear that he should miss it.

5. would


When I was a child, I would often go skiing.

We would stay up all night talking about our future.

Every morninghe would go for a walk.

When he was here, he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work everyday. 區別used to do sth過去常常

I use to be a waiter, but now a taxi driver.

There used to be a cinema here before the war.

Our country isn’t what it used to be.


That’s exactly like Susie. She would come to me just when I was busy.


I told him not to go, but he would not listen.(可他偏不聽)

③ (用于if 從句)愿意樂意

If you would go there instead of me, I should be very glad.


You could win if you would try要是你愿意嘗試, 你會贏的

④ (用于否定句中,主語一般是事物,表某事物暫時的特性)就是不能 That window wouldn’t open.

That morning my car wouldn’t start.

When I called on him this morning, his dog wouldn’t let me in.

The door won’t open.

The car won’t start.

The doctor knows I won’t be operated on.

⑤ (表示推測)大概,大約

That would be his father .那大概設他父親。

You would be about 10 years old then.你那時大概10歲。

It would be about ten when they left.

I thought she would have told you about it.


①may well do sth =be very likely to do sth(很可能,完全能)

may as well do sth = had better do sth

② would like to have done

= would love to have done

= was/were to have done(本來想做…,本來打算做…)

③ had better have done sth(當時已做了…就好了)

④ must have done sth(肯定干過某事)

⑤ can have done sth可能已干過…

can’t have done sth不可能干過…,肯定沒干過…

⑥could have done sth本來能夠干 …,可能已干過…

⑦ may /might have done sth也許已經干過…,

⑧should have done sth

=ought to have done sth本來應該干…

⑨needn’t have done sth本不必做…

⑩would rather have done sth寧愿干過…

would rather not have done sth寧愿沒干過…


1.A left –luggage office is a place where bags ____ be left for a short time , especially at a railway station.

A shouldB canC must D will

2.How ___ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

A canB mustC needD may

3.--There’s no light on.

--they ___ be at home.

A can’tB mustn’tC needn’tD shouldn’t

4.Some aspects of a pilots job ___ be boring ,and pilots often ___ work at in convenient hours.

A can, have toB may, canC have to, mayD ought to, must

5.He didn’t agree with me at first, but I ____ persuade him to sign the agreement later.

A couldB mightC ought to Dwas able to

6.If I ____ plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and…

A wouldB couldC had toD ought to

7.The World Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Walt because it ___ be very slow.

A shouldB mustC will D can.

8.—Is Jack on duty today?

--It ___ be him. It’s his turn tomorrow.

A can’tB mustn’tC needn’tD won’t

9.I____ have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A couldn’tB mustn’tC needn’tD shouldn’t

10.—I have taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.

--It ___ Harry’s. He always wears green.

A has toB will beC must beD could be

11.You ____ be tired , you have only been working for an hour.

A can’tB mustn’tC may notD won’t

12.—Do you know where David is ?I couldn’t find him anywhere.

-- Well, he ___ have gone far. His coat is still here.

A can’tB mustn’tC may notD won’t

13.—Can I pay the bill by check?

-- Sorry, sir. But it is the payment shall be made in cash.

A shallB mustC will D can.

14.—Could I have a word with you, mum?

-- Oh, dear, if you ____.

A shouldB mustC may D can.

15.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter ___ go and do the opposite.

A shouldB mustC may D can.

16.—Who is the girl standing over there?

--Well, if you ___ know, her name is Mabel.

A shallB mustC may D can.

17.John, look at the time.___ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A NeedB MustC May D Can.

18._____ you need any help, you can phone me at the office.

A WouldB ShouldC CouldD Had

19.—I’m afraid I will be too busy to go with you.

--Well, I’ll keep a seat for you in case you ___ change your mind.

A shouldB mayC will D can.

20.If anything __ happen to me, please give this letter to my head teacher.

A couldB mustC wouldD should

21.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ____ a sudden loud noise.

A being thereB should there beC there wasD there having been

22.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

-- They ___ be ready by 12:00.

A shouldB mightC need D can.

23.It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack ___ be here at any moment.

A shouldB mustC need D can.


1-5 ___________________2-10___________________11-15_________________


“ Must we do it now?” “ No, you ______.”

A. won’tB. needn’tC. can’tD. don’t

2. You _____ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

A. needn’t to comeB. don’t need comeC. don’t need comingD. needn’t come

3. “ May I pick a flower in the garden?” “ _________.”

A. No, you needn’tB. Not, pleaseC. No, you mustn’tD. No, you won’t

4. You’d better ______ late next time.

A. don’tB. not beC. not beingD. won’t be

5. “ Can I leave this door open at night?”“ You _____ .”

A. should better not B.would better not C.had better not D.had not better

6. Put on more clothes. You _____ be feeling cold with only a shirt on.

A. canB. couldC. wouldD. must

7. You _________ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not

8. A computer ______ think for itself; it must be told what to do.

A. can’tB. couldn’tC. may notD. might not

9.----Could I borrow your dictionary?---- Yes, of course you _______.

A. mightB. willC. canD. should

10. ----_______ we go skating or stay at home?---- Which would you rather do yourself?

A. ShallB. MustC. WillD. Should

11. Peter _______ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. mustB. mayC. canD. will

12. ----Shall I tell John about it?---- No, you _______. I’ve told him already.

A. needn’tB. wouldn’tC. mustn’tD. shouldn’t

13. ----- Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.----- ___________.

A. I don’tB. I won’tC. I can’tD. I haven’t

14. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack _____ be here at any moment.

A. mustB. needC. shouldD.can

15.My brother called to say he was all right, but _______ say where he was.


二 鞏固題

1.Your pen is here. That ______ be yours.

A. may notB. can’tC. must notD. can

2.--- You _____ wear a dress(禮服) tonight. You can’t go to the concert in those dirty jeans. ---- Yea, mother, I _____.

A. will; willB. may; canC. must ; willD. have to ; may

3. --- Bonny hasn’t come back yet.

--- Well, where_____ she have gone on such a night?

A. shouldB. mayC. mustD. could

4. I wish to use your bike, ______?

A. don’t IB. may IC. doID. shouldn’t I

5. See who’s there! ______ I t be Mary?

A. MayB. MustC. CanD. Will

6. ---- ______ the film be on now?

---- It ______be, but I’m not too sure.

A. Can, can’tB. May, mustn’tC. Must, needn’tD. Can, may

7. John _____ be a basketball player. He’s much too short.

A. mayB. mustn’tC. can’tD. should

8. You _____ call him, for(因為) he’ll surely come here soon.

A. needn’tB. mustn’tC. may notD. can’t

9. I talked for a long time, and in the end I _____ make him believe me.

A. was able toB. couldC. mayD. might

10. Please open the window, ______? (88,上海)

A. can’t youB. aren’t youC. do youD. will you

11. ---- Write to me when you get home.(01, 春招)

---- ____________.

A. I mustB. I shouldC. I willD. I can

12. --- I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins. _____ I have a look?( 02,上海春招)---- Yes, certainly.

A. DoB. MayC. Shalld. Should

13. My English –Chinese dictionary has disappeared . Who _______ have taken it? (03,上海春招)

A. shouldB. mustC. couldD. would

14.--- I hear they went skiing in the mountains last winter.(02, 北京)

--- It __________ true because there was little snow there.

A. may not beB. won’t beC. couldn’t beD. mustn’t be

15. A left- luggage office is a place where bags ______ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.(03)

A. shouldB. canC. mustD.will

16. ---- Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

----- No, it ____ be him. I am sure he doesn’t wear glasses. (04 , 1)

A. can’tB. mustn’tC. won’tD. may not

17. You ___________ be tired ----- you’ve only been working for an hour.(04,2)

A. must notB. won’tC. can’tD. may not

18. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I ______ report it the police?(04,3)

A. shouldB. mayC. willD. can

19. Tom, you_____ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!(05,1,2)

A. wouldn’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not

20. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the world wide wait because it ______ be very slow.

