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這個對于我們做外貿業務的朋友很有幫助吧,因為外貿業務員常常是會遇到一個行業內的一串詞匯,這類詞的詞根,前后綴,大多來自希臘詞根,舉例:polyster 滌綸 又稱聚酯纖維 。


從教育學來說,有些專家認為記憶相近的事物比較有利記憶,另一些人為反而不利,因為干擾更大,筆者認為只要抓住事物的本質區別還是能幫助記憶的,記單詞也是如此。找出不同點,然后想個故事啊 小歌謠之類的把他們編進去,那就能永遠記住。就是用的這種方法,結合了詞根詞綴記憶法,比較法和故事記憶法,當然編故事是很費腦的,當然也很有趣。有了這種記憶法,那么在這里,記單詞將變得輕松而愉悅-----快樂與學習實現了完美的結合;在這里,人們沉睡已久的右腦記憶得到了最大程度的開發和利用-----通過神奇的海馬記憶背單詞,效率大大提高,而且記憶保持得更長久,甚至是“過目不忘”!


Let’s start to check and test the rig. 現在開始檢查和調試鉆機

All the operation should be done per normal procedures. 所有操作都應該按正規程序進行

It is not allowed to work on the rig floor without helmet on. 不戴安全帽不許上鉆臺工作

The safety belt should be fastened when working on the derrick. 上井架工作必須系好安全帶

Wine drinking is not allowed before going to work. 上班前不許喝酒

Spud in will begin at about one o’clock in the afternoon. 大約下午1:00可以開鉆

For the first spud in, penetration rate is 160 and weight on the bit is two thousand pounds. 一開采用鉆速160,鉆壓2000磅

Use both pumps with 100strokes per minute and pressure of 6 MPa. 開雙泵,泵沖100,泵壓6兆帕

Do a dummy trip after single joint drilling until the first spud in finished. 打完單根劃眼一次,直到打完一開

Circulate for one and half hours before pulling out. 循環一個半小時再起鉆

Report at once if any unusual case occurred. 如有特殊情況,要馬上報告

Control the running speed when going in the hole. 下鉆要控制下放速度

Be careful not to make free fall and hurt anyone. 當心頓鉆和傷人

Don’t force to run in with too more weight for a tight hole. 如遇阻,不許硬壓

See if any mud overflow on the screen. 觀察振動篩有無跑泥漿現象

We need to change the screen at once. 現在需要馬上換篩布

Record it carefully. 認真作好記錄

Don’t make false record. 不許作假資料

Do a deviation survey every 100-metre interval. 每鉆進100米測斜一次

Move the drill string frequently. 勤活動鉆具

1 The result of deviation survey has to be informed to supervisor in time. 將測斜結果及時匯報監督

Don’t apply excessive torque. 扭矩不要過大

No forced pulling out is allowed. 不許強提

The string has been moved up and down several times, but it doesn’t work. 已經提放多次,未見效果

Connect kelly and do a backreaming. 接方鉆桿,倒劃眼

Make a mark for sticking point on the drill pipe. 在鉆桿上作卡點記號

Be careful not to twist off the drill string. 當心扭斷鉆具

Don’t act at your disposal without supervisor’s consent. 未得到監督的許可,不許亂來

Don’t make up b rotary table while running in. 下鉆時,不許用轉盤上扣

Make up and tighten by both tongs. 用雙鉗緊扣

Check all the precaution measures. 對所有防范措施作一次檢查

Do a blow out prevention exercise. 作一次防噴演習

It approaches the pay zone based on depth. 按深度,現在快接近油氣層了

Make a record of pump pressure at one third of normal rate. 作好正常排量三分之一的泵壓記錄

Gat ready to kill the well. 作好壓井準備

The brake blocks need to be changed. 該更換剎車片了

Check the fluctuation of mud level whenever 20 strings pulled out. 每起鉆20柱,要核對泥漿的升降情況

Your day rate will be deducted in such a case. 這樣下去,要扣你們的日費

The daily maintenance will be done for less than 15 minutes. 日保養時間不得超過15分鐘

The weight on the bit has to be increased now. 現需加大鉆壓

There is some trouble in the borehole. Don’t leave the rig floor. 井下出現復雜情況,不要離開鉆臺

We are waiting for the completion of service and equipment maintenance. 我們在等措施和檢修設備

2 Run the string for the second spud in to the cement plug. 將二開鉆具下到水泥塞處

The borehole is in real good shape. 井下已暢通無阻

Please help me to clean the mud tank. 請幫我將泥漿罐清洗干凈

Fill up the tank with water, then prepare the mud. 罐內放滿水后,配泥漿

Tighten all the screws when installing the wellhead. 安裝井口時,上緊各螺絲

See if there is any leakage on the wellhead. 看看井口有沒有泄露現象

Put these tools in good order. 把這些工具整理好

Don’t put these tools here. 不要把這些工具放在這

There is a noise while this machine is running. 這臺機器運轉時有雜音

We have to shut down it to check the cause. 應當停車,檢查原因

The pump pressure is fluctuating, what can I do? 泵壓忽高忽低,該怎么辦?

The string has to be pull out at once to see what’s wrong. 必須馬上起鉆

Run the string in the hole now. 現在下鉆

Start the circulation. 開始打循環

Make a connection. 接單根

Start to break out the pipe. 開始卸扣

First, connect the guide shoe and the casing shoe. 先接好引鞋和套管鞋

All the joints should be coated with thread compound. 所有接頭都要涂上螺紋脂

Run a centralizer every two joints of casing. 每隔一根套管下一個扶正器

No one is allowed to be on the rig floor except the driller. 除司鉆外,其他人不許上鉆臺

The person in charge of water delivery for cementing water tank is not allowed to leave his job. 固井水罐負責打水的人不許脫崗

Put the wellhead in tight place after removing the cementing head and manifold. 卸水泥頭及管匯后,將井口拉正

3 Close the blind ram. 關全封閉閘板。

It is required to keep pressure for 5minutes 要求5分鐘不卸壓。

Open the pipe ram and test all the valves for killing. 打開半封,試各個壓井閥。

All the tests are acceptable. 所有試壓都合格。

Lift the kelly out from rotary table. 將方鉆桿提出盤面。

This pressure will be the basis for well shut in and killing in case blowing out. 今后井噴以此壓力為關井和壓井的依據。

Clean and measure the casing carefully. 要仔細地清洗和丈量套管。

Fill up with mud every 5 joints of casing when running surface casing. 下表層套管時,每5根套管罐滿一次泥漿。

Shut down the pump after one meter drilled. 鉆進一米后,停泵。

Please assist the logging crew to lift logging tools. 請配合測井人員吊儀器。

Ensure safety in operation and don’t act rashly. 注意安全,不要蠻干。

Use safety and reliable rope socket. 要使用安全可靠的繩套。

Be sure to use guideline when lift any weights. 吊重物一定要有牽引繩。

Water has been run out on the well site. Please notify for water supply. 井上水已用光,請通知送水。

Drill with parameters as required. 要按照規定參數鉆進。

When the first time to pull out the pipe from the hole, attention should be paid to sticking and forced pulling. 第一次起鉆時,要注意防卡及拔活塞。

Tell the mud engineer in time if mud property changed. 泥漿性能有變化,及時報告泥漿工程師。

Violator will be dismissed. 違者將被開除。

The pump rate and weight on the bit should be indicated in the record. 記錄上要標明排量和鉆壓。

Walking under the rotation radius of crane boom is prohibited. 吊臂旋轉半徑下,禁止人行走。

We have to try to get the gas to the open pit over there. 咱們得想辦法把氣引到那邊的土坑去。

4 We can’t do any drilling on the rig floor now, please give your instruction. 鉆臺已無法工作,請指示。

These materials have to be prevented against moisture and sunshine. 這些材料要注意防潮和防曬。

Get the fishing tools ready, this shift is expected to do fishing. 把打撈工具準備好,這一班可能要打撈作業。

I think that the bit’s gone. 我估計是鉆頭磨光了。

It was changed last shift. 上一班剛換完的鉆頭。

Get me the mud man, quickly. 給我把泥漿工叫來,快點。

The hole is getting tight. 井眼有點遇阻。

What’s the bottoms up. 泥漿返回時間有多長?

We’ll give it three hours and see. 過三小時再看吧。

We’ve pulled out and stacked the pipe. 已起完鉆,把鉆桿都排放好了。

Set the kelly in the rathole. 將方鉆桿放在鼠洞里。

The toolpusher is fishing a cutter. 大班正在打撈落魚,那是一個牙輪。

There is nothing wrong with the generator. 發電機沒有問題。

I don’t think we have to worry, let’s go ahead to make hole. 我看不用擔心了,繼續鉆吧。

Is it circulating now? 正在循環泥漿么?

5 bottles of the mud sample should be taken. 泥漿樣必須取5瓶。

This is the design requirement. 這是設計書上要求的。

I am adjusting the instrument now. 我現在調試儀器。

The pump pressure declined slowly from 46 MPa at 3:20 to 1.7 MPa at 5:35 泵壓由3:20的16兆帕至5:35緩慢下降到1.7兆帕。

I think that the drilling tool is eroded, we’d better pull it out. 我想鉆具刺了,建議起鉆。

Screen display shows that the drilling string was not well braked just now. 根據屏幕顯示,剛才溜鉆了。

It may be a kick, because the volume and flow rate of drilling fluid in the pit increased. 泥漿池的體積增大,流量增大,可能是井涌。

5 A lost circulation may be occurred according to the parameters display. 根據參數顯示可能發生井涌。

There are always tours of inspection arranged in each shift. 我們每班都要進行巡回檢查。

It is the request of supervisor. 這是監督的要求。

The design depth of the well is 3000 meter. 這口井的設計井深是3000米。

The coal bed will be encountered at 2500 meter. 2500米會遇到煤層。

Are you ready for spud in at 8:00 this evening? 今晚8點整開鉆你們準備好了么?

The drilling tool should be measured precisely. 請準確丈量鉆具。

Please measure drilling collar first, then drilling pipe. 先量鉆鋌,再量鉆桿。

The drilling operation should be stopped at once, once oil & gas showing is found during drilling. 鉆進期間,突遇油氣顯示,請立即停鉆。

Excuse me, please tell me the well depth at present. 打擾一下,請告訴我目前的井深。

The casing running is finished and the cementing units have arrived at well site. 套管下完了,固井車已到達現場。


accumulator anchor annular back off bailer bent sub blowout preventer box brake breakout cable cathead cat line chain tong cone core coupling crossover sub 儲能器 錨 環空

卸開、倒扣 撈筒 彎接頭 防噴器 母接頭 剎車 卸開

電纜、繩索 貓頭 貓頭繩 鏈鉗 牙輪

巖心、取心 接箍 轉換接頭

crown block dead line degasser derrick desander desilter drawworks drift gauge drum elevator

elevator links external upset fast line flow line foundation girder hook hose

天車 死繩 除氣器 井架 除砂器 除泥器 絞車 通徑規 滾筒 吊卡 吊環 外加厚 快繩

返出管線 基礎 鋼梁 大鉤 水龍帶 hydraulic tongs jack jar junk junk basket belly bushing liner live line location lost circulation make up master bushing mesh mouse hole mud pump mud saver nozzle pin pipe rack pipe setback pit pump liner racking board ram rat hole reducing nipple relief valve rig downtime roller bit rotary round trip screen cloth shaker slip solid control spent mud spinner spinning line spool stab stand stand pipe swivel throttle manifold 液壓大鉗 千斤頂 震擊器 金屬小落物 打撈籃 方鉆桿補心 襯管 活繩 井位 井漏 上扣

轉盤方補心 篩號、目 小鼠洞 鉆井泵 泥漿防濺盒 噴嘴

接頭、銷子 管架 立柱盒 泥漿池 泵鋼套 二層平臺 防噴器芯子 大鼠洞 異徑接頭 安全閥 停鉆時間 牙輪鉆頭 轉盤

一次起下鉆 篩布 振動篩 卡瓦 固相控制 廢漿 旋接器 旋繩 四通 入扣 立柱 立管 水龍頭 節流管匯

tie back 套管回接 toolhouse 工具房 tool joint 鉆桿接頭 torque gauge 扭矩表 total well time 建井周期 travelling block 游車 turbodrill 渦輪鉆具 up-hole time 上返時間 washover

套洗 weight indicator 指重表

wireline 繩索、鋼絲繩bit position 鉆頭位置 hook load

大鉤負載 pump pressure 泵壓 mud density

泥漿密度 mud temperature 泥漿溫度 pump start time 開泵時間 depth out 起出井深 depth in

下入井深 background gas 背景氣 rate penetration 鉆時 heavy load 載重 bit cost 鉆頭成本 drilling cost 鉆井成本 workover rig 修井機 well testing truck 試井車 pumping equipment 泵注設備 fracturing equipment 壓裂設備 acidizing truck

酸化車 fluid supply pump truck 供液車 balancing pump truck 平衡泵車 transfer pump 輸液車 sand dumper 砂罐車 acid tank truck 酸罐車 manifold truck

管匯車 instrumentation van 儀表車

coiled-tubing truck

連續油管車 liquid nitrogen pump truck 液氮泵車 separator

分離器 sand concentrator 砂濃縮器 sand conveyer


well-head protector 井口保護器 ball injector 投球器 metering tank


piston plunger safety valve lifting lug/ring operating mechanism pneumatic brake system guardrail derrick substructure/base runaround guard of crown spring hook shank safety latch sprocket driving shaft bearing pipe tongs tongs gate elevator pin split pin hand lever elevator pin rod elevator check valve pin & box cone releasing slip socket safety joint milling sleeve catchall strong magnetic fisher hydraulic anchor tensiometer 入井材料和化學劑

quartz sand bauxite acid solution stabilizer clay stabilizer corrosion inhitor emulsion breaker/demulsifier emulsion inhibior

活塞 pressure gauge 柱塞 density meter 安全閥 flow meter 吊環 pressure sensor 操縱機構

slide gauge 氣控制動系統 caliper 護欄 steel ruler 井架底座 steel tape 二層平臺 casing gauge 天車護罩 casing scraper 彈簧 lead stamp

大鉤頸 foam extinguisher 保險銷 fire extinguisher 鏈輪 spanner

主動軸 high pressure pup joint 軸承 tee

管鉗 plug cock

大鉗 butterfly valve 活門吊卡 blanking cap 銷子 elbow

開口銷 discharge hose 手柄 suction hose 吊卡銷子 fluid end 抽油桿吊卡 power end

單向閥 lubrication pump 公、母錐

fuel tank 可退式卡瓦打撈筒 control panel 安全接頭 transfer case

套銑筒 P.T.O-power take-off 一把抓


強磁打撈器 liquid additive pump 水力錨 dry additive pump 拉力計

石英砂 retarding agent/retardant 陶粒 defoamer 酸液 surfactant


friction reducer 粘土穩定劑 iron stabilizer 緩蝕劑 hydrofluoric 破乳劑 fluorboric acid 防乳劑


壓力表 密度計 流量計 壓力傳感器 游標卡尺 卡鉗 鋼板尺 鋼卷尺 套管規 套管刮削器 鉛模

泡沫滅火器 滅火器 扳手

高壓短節 三通 旋塞閥 蝶閥 盲堵頭 彎頭

排出軟管 吸入軟管 液力端 動力端 潤滑泵 油箱

操作面板 分動箱 動力輸出端 傳動箱


緩速劑 消泡劑 表面活性劑 降阻劑

鐵離子穩定劑氫硼酸 氟硼酸 凍膠

brine water-based fracturing fluid oil-based fracturing fluid treatment fluid 油田術語

TP-testing pressure pump efficiency grease conventional well testing data acquisition and recording the distance from rotary table to spool the distance from rotary table to casing head sampling for oil and gas heavy crude sulphurous fracture pressure middle depth of reservoir fracturing design friction fracturing method lost circulation sanding in fish operating procedure operation rule quality standard operation data pin thread


水基壓裂液 油基壓裂液 處理液

試驗壓力 泵效率 黃油 常規試油 資料錄取 油補距


取油、氣樣 稠油 含硫 破裂壓力

油層中部深度 壓裂設計 摩阻 壓裂方式 井漏 砂卡 井下落物 操作步驟 操作規程 質量標準 施工資料 公扣

workover fluid IN-liquid nitrogen guar gum polymer

box thread thread cross link mesh WP-working pressure mini fracture foam fracture tubing conveyed perforating perforation density bottom hole fracturing pressure(BHFP) shut in pressure cell head pressure annulus pressure tubing pressure casing pressure producing pressure friction pressure back pressure fracturing gradient geological structure interval dolomite gas-oil ratio

修井液 液氮 瓜膠 聚合物

母扣 螺紋 交聯 目數 工作壓力 小型(測試)壓力泡沫壓裂 油管傳輸射孔

射孔密度 井底破裂壓力




宗旨:讓客戶有賓至如歸,親切,舒服的感覺; 原則:注重細節,相互尊重,共同發展;






(3)在客人到來之前打電話跟進,主動詢問客人位置,主動和司機溝通。 (4)布置展廳:提前五天通知行政部門,告知展廳布置要求,協調相關樣品、海報、物料、國旗、鮮花等相關準備工作。

















(5)準備好茶水及食品糖果。 (6)必要時打印接待通知,下發給相關工廠。檢查分區標志、設備操作規范、員工個人防護等是否完整規范。









(6)進入展廳:建議不僅僅談工作,可以詢問客人行程,對中國印象等等話題,拉近與客人之間的關系,緩和氣氛,如果客人時間充足,可以帶客人在公司逛一下,介紹公司企業文化(包括公司的機構,部門,照片墻,可告知客戶我們公司愿景規劃等)。 (7)客人如果遇午、晚餐時間,需要請示相關領導提前預訂何種檔次的酒店。







(2)是否需要公司派車。 (3)是否需要招待。


(5)是否需要準備禮品,及特殊禮品的采購。 (6)如需安排住宿和用餐,需提前聯系并預訂酒店。 (7)在客戶即將到公司之前,至少需提前提前一天電話確認客戶抵達時間和迎接地點,并通知司機準備車輛提前在指定地點接客戶上車。














I come to hear about your offer for fertilizers.


Please make us a cable offer.


Please make an offer for the bamboo shoots of the quality as that in the last contract.請把上次合同中訂的那種質量的竹筍向我們報個價。

We are in a position to offer tea from stock.


We’ll try our best to get a bid from the buyers.


we’ll let you have the official offer next Monday.


I’m waiting for your offer.


We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market.


We have accepted your firm offer.


we offer firm for reply 11 a.m. tomorrow.


We’ll let you have our firm offer next Sunday.


We’re willing to make you a firm offer at this price.


Could you offer us F.O.B. prices.


All your prices are on C.I.F. basis.


Can you make an offer, C & F London, at your earliest convenience?


I’d like to have your lowest quotations, C.I.F. Vancouver.


Please make us a cable offer for 5 metric tons of walnut.


We’ll have the contract ready for signature.


We signed a contract for product


Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of the China National Silk Import &Export Corporation.


A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.


我和大家分享一下從采購商的角度看外貿業務員, 希望對大家有幫助, 兼作自我介紹.采購商訂單從哪里來?發到哪里去?

采購商一般從總部那里, 或者從所在國關聯公司得到采購的任務.我們還有其他的同行一般是這樣, 打電話給最熟悉的供應商, 了解一些信息. 發詢盤給熟悉的供應商, 然后把從展覽會上面的供應商名單數據庫里面的工廠灑一遍, 外貿網站再撒一遍采購信息.

從中國得到offer 以后, 回復給公司總部. 正常情況下, 總部過來的采購的任務是非常多而且不一定完整的.所以外貿人員最好能做到兩點,

第一是非??斓幕貜? 采購部門的迅速有效的回復總部是非常重要的一個考核指標. 比如20個項目的日用品單, 一般3天之內就會回復完成.之后過來的遲到的offer只能放在文件夾里面歸檔.所以速度是第一關鍵.

第二是完整的回復. 這需要報價業務員對自己的產品非常了解.經常采購的信息是不完整的, 業務員最好依靠自己的產品知識,在email 中對產品有完整的介紹. 同時包括自己的工廠信息(名稱, 地址, 工廠人數, 技術人員人數,主要產品, 產量,銷售量, 有沒有外貿權,),產品的其他信息,包括類似產品推薦, 或者提供給采購商可能的其他選擇. 還有一部分是商務信息,包括交貨期,最少訂貨量,包裝,港口,付款方式等等.這對促成最終成交非常有幫助. 重要的是: 在第一封email中就分幾個部分完整的介紹.

我以前常常收到一兩句話的傳真或者email.上面只有一個價格. 在我看來,這樣的回復會給我這樣幾個印象:

1. 回復者是貿易公司或者個人, 看到訊盤就打聽價格,加上利潤以后就報價過來

2. 回復者對商務方面不是非常熟悉, 繼續談下去可能在許多環節上,需要很多時間相互溝通.

3. 同這樣的公司做生意, 會像擠牙膏一樣, 時時催促工廠, 非常消耗精力.

回復的內容完整, 但是需要注意簡潔. 不要把工廠的創業史也搬出來,也不要把口號,標語貼上去.


采購商和外貿業務員一樣, 有自己的難處, 第一是需要找到qualified 供應商. 之后的業務中如果出現各種問題, 都會追溯到挑選供應商的環節上.所以, 有實力的供應商展現自己的實力是非常重要的.當然, 虛假之詞只能靠采購商自己考察辨別了.

價格是另外一個問題. 采購的目標價格通常是非常的低.所以一次溝通就成交非常困難. 許多訂單的談到最后就是價格問題.總部也需要時間判斷.

采購執行每天面對的主要內容是總部, 還有正在執行的訂單. 所以對于訊盤階段的供應商,沒有太多時間主動打電話. 郵件也是疏于回復. 這是經常發生的. 供應商不必泄氣. 在此提出兩點是供大家參考的.

1 .報價實在一點, 否則總部確認的繼續聯系的名單中就沒有你, 同時力求完整,參考前文所講. 無論外籍還是中方的員工都喜歡這種報價單.

2.主動聯系是重要的. 采購職員也是人, 也很懶惰. 總是希望能有熱情的供應商主動聯系, 提供新的信息. 省下自己的時間. 當然注意聯系的方法和方式.

采購執行過程中供應商出現問題是經常發生的情況. 在此情況下, 采購方會考慮其他的供應商.這也是為什么有的客戶消失一年半載以后又出現的原因.保持最低限度的聯系是一個外貿人員的好習慣.這個習慣的難度在于, 幾個月半年過去沒什么效果. 從這個角度來講, 你

必須佩服一些外貿公司的老的業務員十來年的積累.他們的外語, 產品知識可能都不如一些大學生, 但是十幾年的客戶積累確實是一筆巨大的財富.


為了顯示自己很牛,效率很高, 經常在收到采購任務一兩天之內就會給總部傳真p/i. 供應商切不可自己偷著樂. 這時, P/I 主要的性質是供應商單方面的銷售承諾. 是否執行的選擇權在采購方. 采購方往往一個訂單傳真2份以上的不同工廠的P/I.

另外一個好處是, 工廠在開出P/I以后, 往往會認為采購方很有誠意, 或者認為成交的可能性非常大. 經過幾天以后, 采購方還可以回過頭來要求供應方對P/I作一些修改. 一般包括付款條件, 免費的零配件或者些許折扣等等, 在這個階段, 我個人認為比一開始就向供應商提出要求更容易達到目的. 這通常也是我們慣常的做法.


這是一個讓工廠很頭疼的問題! 每周差不多都有人要樣品? 每次都寄,實在吃不消, 況且大多數都石沉大海.從采購商的角度來講, 我愿意和大家分享一下這方面的感受.

1.樣品費. 我個人建議工廠還是主動提出樣品費的問題. 其實采購商都是被慣壞的.越是可能成交的生意, 采購商越是不會吝嗇樣品費.然而, 實際的情況是, 大多數中國工廠都生產一樣的產品. 你不答應, 自然有別人答應免費. 所以我建議花一點時間研究一下自己的產品有多大程度上的獨特之處. 對于基本沒有自己特色的產品, 競爭又非常激烈, 同時又渴望訂單, 你只好免費寄了. 采購商如果面對同樣的幾家工廠, 產品大致一樣, 有的免費,有的堅持收費, 我還掏錢去買樣品,豈不是白癡?




1. Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken.有勞貴方,不勝感激。

2. We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter.


3. We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.


4. Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.對貴方之盛情,不勝感謝。

5. We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.


6. We should be grateful for your trial order.如承試訂貨,不勝感激。

7. We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.


8. It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples.


9. We shall appreciate it very much if you will give our bid your favorable consideration.如承優惠考慮報價,不勝感激。

10. We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received.


11. We assure you of our best services at all times.


12. If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.貴公司若有所需求,我公司定盡力效勞。

13. It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.我方如有機會同樣效勞貴方,將不勝欣慰。

14. We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.


15. We shall be very glad to handle for you at very low commission charges.


16. We have always been able to supply these firms with their monthly requirements without interruption.我方始終能供應這些公司每月所需的數量,從無間斷。

17. We take this opportunity to re-emphasize that we shall, at all times, do everything possible to give you whatever information you desire.


18. We are always in a position to quote you the most advantageous prices for higher quality merchandise.我們始終能向貴方提供品質最佳的產品,報價最為優惠。

19. This places our dealers in a highly competitive position and also enables them to enjoy a maximum profit.這樣可以使我方經營者具有很強的競爭力,還可獲得最大利潤。

20. We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support.

