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當示范性朗誦結束后,設計了一個環節:讓學生“賜教”。不少學生給予“高度評價”:有的認為有感情,表達了對海燕的贊美;有的說有氣勢,顯示的海燕的英雄氣概……其中一個學生嬉笑著征求我的意見:“老師,你想聽實話還是假話?”此時此刻,我是既驚喜又擔心。驚喜的是,他專心聽課了;擔心的是,處理這些意想不到的問題勢必影響任務的完成。既然學生提出來了,怎能不讓他說?得知我“聽實話”的態度,他得意地說:“老師,你讀錯了一個字:你把‘它們這些海鴉啊’的‘啊’讀成‘呀’了。”在對他“認真聽講、關心老師”精神當眾表揚一番之后,我還固執己見,自以為這是在朗讀實踐中的變音現象。不假思索地當眾解釋,并隨機板書:“啊”如果出現在句末,其讀音隨著它前一個字尾音的不同而變化。在這里,“啊”前邊是“hai”,尾音是“i”,與“a”連讀就是“呀”(其實,它前一字“鴉”,下課閑暇一看,羞得一頭露水)。接著,從前一篇課文《雷電頌》中找了幾個例子,比較說明“啊”的變音規律,簡直是 “胸有成竹”,“振振有詞”。 這一拓展不要緊,五六分鐘過去了。也許,學生學到了一些朗讀知識,但下面的環節得靈活處理才是明智之舉??晌乙廊话床烤桶?。




A . Words and expressions:

slide / water slide / clown / museum / concert

B . Key sentences:

a .Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation.

b . Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum. 2) Ability goal

Enable the students to learn how to write a guide 3) Emotion and attitude goal

Enable the students to know they can learn while playing 4) Teaching aids

tape reporter, multi-media computer, textbook III. Teaching methods I will use a method called “solving problems in five steps. 1) Students ask questions after preview. 2) Teacher asks questions for students to answer to lead in the new lesson. 3) Students try to find out the answers to the questions given by the teacher. 4) Students talk in groups to solve what they don’t understand. 5) Do exercise to check what they know and what they don’t know.

VI. Learning strategies I’ll encourage students to use the following learning strategies: 1) Mind- mapping

2) Cooperative study

3) Use what they learn V. Teaching procedures Now I’ll mainly talk about this part. Step 1 . Warm-up

Let the students listen to the music and do exercise to relax. Ask the students “What do you do to relax on weekend?” Students answer. Then tell the students “ There is a more wonderful place to play , do you want to know?” --- “ Now we’ll learn an article about watertown, Unit 11 Section B ” . Show learning aims.

Play a game “Match them” .Let students look at explanation of the word, and match the explanation with the word itself. My purpose is that : This game can not only arouse students’ interest but also practice the new words, and help students memorize the words easily. At the same time , it can train students’ abilities of thinking in English. Step 2 Preparing test Since students previewed this lesson, I’ll check what they know and what they don’t know.

First , students fill in the chart ,then they tell what they don’t understand, other students help explain. If no one can explain , I’ll explain.

Next, students tell important phrases . Ask students to make sentences with the important phrases and memorize the important sentences in two minutes. The purpose of this part is to break through some difficult points and stress important points. Step 3 listen and repeat Some students’ pronunciation is poor. So listen to the tape and repeat to practice pronunciation. The purpose of this part is to train students’ abilities of reading and listening. Step 4 Groupwork Let students talk in groups to find out how to write a guide . Some students tell their answers. Learning guide 1 Since students know how to write a guide ,they can speak a guide. First , speak by themselves. Then talk in groups to correct mistakes. I’ll offer some pictures. After speaking a guide, ask several students to show their answers. Learning guide 2 Let students finish 3b and write a guide

Purpose of this part is to improve the students’ abilities of speaking and writing and also their abilities of co-operation , self-learning will be well trained. Step 5 Make a conclusion Students make a conclusion of what they learn . The purpose is to train students’ ability of making a conclusion. Step 6 Extension (Homework) Work as a guider on weekend or write an e-mail to a foreigner to introduce a place. The purpose is to develop students’ abilities of social practice.

VI. Design of blackboard Note 1.

Bob uncle’s =Bob uncle’s restaurant 2.

dress up as --- 3.

both --- and --- My design of blackboard is clear. It stresses the key points and break through the difficult points, the students can go over the lesson easily. VII. Purpose of design


A . Words and expressions:

slide / water slide / clown / museum / concert

B . Key sentences:

a .Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation.

b . Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum. 2) Ability goal

Enable the students to learn how to write a guide 3) Emotion and attitude goal

Enable the students to know they can learn while playing 4) Teaching aids

tape reporter, multi-media computer, textbook III. Teaching methods I will use a method called “solving problems in five steps. 1) Students ask questions after preview. 2) Teacher asks questions for students to answer to lead in the new lesson. 3) Students try to find out the answers to the questions given by the teacher. 4) Students talk in groups to solve what they don’t understand. 5) Do exercise to check what they know and what they don’t know.

VI. Learning strategies I’ll encourage students to use the following learning strategies: 1) Mind- mapping

2) Cooperative study

3) Use what they learn V. Teaching procedures Now I’ll mainly talk about this part. Step 1 . Warm-up

Let the students listen to the music and do exercise to relax. Ask the students “What do you do to relax on weekend?” Students answer. Then tell the students “ There is a more wonderful place to play , do you want to know?” --- “ Now we’ll learn an article about watertown, Unit 11 Section B ” . Show learning aims.

Play a game “Match them” .Let students look at explanation of the word, and match the explanation with the word itself. My purpose is that : This game can not only arouse students’ interest but also practice the new words, and help students memorize the words easily. At the same time , it can train students’ abilities of thinking in English. Step 2 Preparing test Since students previewed this lesson, I’ll check what they know and what they don’t know.

First , students fill in the chart ,then they tell what they don’t understand, other students help explain. If no one can explain , I’ll explain.

Next, students tell important phrases . Ask students to make sentences with the important phrases and memorize the important sentences in two minutes. The purpose of this part is to break through some difficult points and stress important points. Step 3 listen and repeat Some students’ pronunciation is poor. So listen to the tape and repeat to practice pronunciation. The purpose of this part is to train students’ abilities of reading and listening. Step 4 Groupwork Let students talk in groups to find out how to write a guide . Some students tell their answers. Learning guide 1 Since students know how to write a guide ,they can speak a guide. First , speak by themselves. Then talk in groups to correct mistakes. I’ll offer some pictures. After speaking a guide, ask several students to show their answers. Learning guide 2 Let students finish 3b and write a guide

Purpose of this part is to improve the students’ abilities of speaking and writing and also their abilities of co-operation , self-learning will be well trained. Step 5 Make a conclusion Students make a conclusion of what they learn . The purpose is to train students’ ability of making a conclusion. Step 6 Extension (Homework) Work as a guider on weekend or write an e-mail to a foreigner to introduce a place. The purpose is to develop students’ abilities of social practice.

VI. Design of blackboard Note 1.

Bob uncle’s =Bob uncle’s restaurant 2.

dress up as --- 3.

both --- and --- My design of blackboard is clear. It stresses the key points and break through the difficult points, the students can go over the lesson easily. VII. Purpose of design
































安定區陽坡學校 周繼斌

一 總體評價


二 使用效果


三 存在的問題

( 一)導學案難易程度的把握。各校學生迥異,很難兼顧全部。從一開始對導學案的陌生漸漸變得像如今這么熟悉,重難點的把握也是游刃有余。偶爾設計題目不夠或題目過多或題目超綱,這些都應及時進行修改,以期將九年級化學導學案做到完美。






3“教學目標,教學重難點” 這一模塊主要是讓學生明確一節課的任務,讓學生知道一堂課的學習究竟要達到怎樣的教學目標。

4“自學指導”這一模塊主要是讓學生先自學,然后嘗試著完成一些比較基礎的題目。這和以前的預習有所不同,沒有導學稿之前,其實老師也要求學生做好預習工作,可對學生抽樣調查,所謂預習只是把書本從頭到尾看一遍,然后就不了了之了。然而用導學稿的“自學指導”時,學生必須認認真真的去做,對有疑問的地方應在導學稿上做一些記錄,同時教師通過巡視、個別詢問,最大限度地暴露學生自學中的疑難問題,這為“后教”做好了必要的準備。 4“自學檢測 ”這一模塊主要是師生討論,有教師“教”的參與,學生的“學”才會變得更有計劃性和合理性,也更加順利。因為有了前面自學的輔墊,學生已經有明確的學習目標,就會大大提高課堂教學效率。當然教的過程,不是老師單獨“表演”而是以學生自我消化為主,教師引導為輔。


