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● 練習:使用測試管理工具

1、 測試計劃

(1) 新建測試計劃文件夾:前臺安全性能測試

(2) 創建測試計劃:用戶登錄

詳細信息:創建日期 2010-04-27創建人:XA


1. 操作步驟:輸入用戶名,密碼,點擊登錄

測試數據: 用戶名:admin密碼: sa


2. 操作步驟:不輸入任何值,點擊登錄

測試數據: 用戶名和密碼都為空地


(3) 用戶自定義測試計劃排序

2、 創建測試庫

New folder(新建文件夾): 前臺功能測試

New Test Set(創建測試內容): 考生登錄(測試考生登錄模塊功能)

3、 執行測試庫


Step 1: 系統運行正確,登錄系統

Step 2: 系統無法提示并可登陸系統,用戶名顯示為:NULL(添加為缺陷)


(1)缺陷添加 (add defect)


? 用戶自定義字段 verify status (Y表校驗 N表非校驗)




1、 審計人員應怎樣分析上述業務?

2、 審計人員對于上述業務應怎樣審查?


1、 企業會計人員按領導的旨意,將已經實現的銷售收入不按現行會計制度的規定進


2、 如果預收賬款的貸方余額較大,就要核對預售賬款明細賬,并通過對預收賬款明


3、 如果以上問題出現在當年,應調增銷售,再分別計算和結轉銷售成本和稅金。如








1. Pair work

Translate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.

1) First impressions, in business letter as elsewhere, count heavily.

2) A business letter generally consists of date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary closing, and signature. It may include a subject or reference line.

3) Clarity means making the contents of a letter clear to the reader from its appearance as well as its words.

4) The date is normally typed in a month-day-year sequence. The month should be spelled out in full; a comma separates the day from the year.

5) The inside address usually consists of the name of the person to whom the letter is sent, often with a social title and his company title, the name of the company, and its postal address. The inside address appears exactly the same way as on the envelope.

6) Sometimes, you may wish to highlight the subject matter of your letter by writing a subject line. “Re:” or “Subj:” often precedes the subject itself in order to make it clear that you are writing about that particular subject.

7) As for salutation, “Dear” is the first word; this is followed by the person’s name.

8) When copies are sent to people. His or her names should be listed on the letter so everyone who receives a copy of the letter knows who else has also received a copy. The safest manner for listing names is in alphabetical order by surname,

2. Group discussion

1) Explain why business letter’s appearance is so important.

2) What are the basic principles the writer should follow in order to make the business correspondence effective?

3. Arrange the following in the format of a business letter (full block style).

1) Sender’s name: Dealls Oriental Inc.

2) Sender’s address: 305 Rainbow Avenue, Seattle, VA 98101

3) Sender’s telephone number: 5336235

4) Sender’s fax (003) 5336494

5) Sender’s E-mail address: dealls@sina.com

6) Sender’s reference number: 789 JS/ns

7) Receiver’s name: Emerson World Trade Corp.

8) Receiver’s address: 3920 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, Michigan,


9) Date: September 19, 2001

10) Attention Line: Transportation Dep.

11) Salutation: Dear Sirs

12) Subject line: 2002 Fleet Lease

13) Opening sentence:

Thanks for the excellent service your company has offered us over the last two leasing periods. However our fleet lease agreement with your company expires on December 31, 2001.It is time for us to get ready for the next leasing period.

14) Body:

We enclose specifications for our fleet needs for the two-year lease period, beginning January 1, 2002. Please note that these specifications call for fifteen automobiles, ranging from intermediate to luxury models.

Please prepare a quotation for our consideration. We will make our decision about the 2002/2004 lease on November10, 2001. We would appreciate having your quotation no later than October 20, so we can study it adequately in comparison with others we are seeking.

15) Closing sentence: Looking forward to the possibility of a

continued relationship.

16) Complimentary close: Faithfully yours,

17) Signature and title: James D. Sunders, Vice President

18) Enclosure: 2002/2004Lease Specifications

19) Copies: Faye T. Henderson, Daniel Koser, Roger F. Brown

4. Study the following sentences carefully, and you will find they are a little bit wordy. Try to change them into concise ones with your pairs.

1) I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your prompt reply.

2) In case you would wish to schedule the deliveries of all the products,

arrangements for these shipments can be made by getting in touch with us.

3) We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 22

making us your best offer for 100 metric tons Bitter Apricot Kernels and we

wish to thank you for the same.

4) In compliance with your request, we immediately contacted our

branch office in San Francisco, and now we wish to inform you of the following result.

5) We have begun to export our products to the foreign countries.

6) Thank you for your catalogue and samples. You sent to us on April

29. We are pleased to place an order with you. It is specified on the enclosed order sheet.5. Read more


When you write a letter, you must not only pay attention to the inside lay-out, but also that of the envelope.

Business envelopes ordinarily have the return address printed in the upper left corner. The receiver’s name and address should be typed about half way down the envelope.

The postmark or stamps should be placed in the up right-hand corner, while the bottom left-hand corner is for post notations such as “Confidential”, “Secret”, “printed matter”, etc.

In addition, it is important to include the postcode (zip code in the U.S.A.) in order to facilitate mail-sorting.

Goldwell Banker real Estate ConsultSTAMP

1162 Southwest Freeway,

Houston, Texas 887056

Mart’s Saving Bank

P.O. Box10, Jacksonville

Florida 49223

Printed Matter

2. Systematic practice:

1.Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English:

1._____ (經我們駐貴國分公司介紹),you are importers of canned mushroom.

2. We learned that _____(貴公司是家具業的主要出口商之一).

3.We are interested in your products and_______ (如蒙寄來你方價格單,將不勝感激).4. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade ________(你們有意購買電扇).

5. _________(為使你方對我公司經營的各種家用紡織品有所了解), we have pleasure in forwarding you by air one catalogue and a few sample books for perusal.

6. We are looking forward to _________(你方早日答復).

2. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given expressions:

with, large, catalogue, appreciate, reply, benefit,establish, importer, samples, understand, supply, to

Dear Sirs,

By the courtesy of Mr. Black, we are given to ______ the name and address of your firm. We express our desire to ______ business relations ______ you.

We are ______ of textiles. We now have a ______ demand for Printed Cotton Piece Goods. From your recently published ______ , we notice that you are able to supply Printed and Dyed Cotton Piece Goods, and we shall ______ it if you would kindly send us some ______ of the goods which you can ______ .

We look forward ______ your early ______ and trust that for our mutual ______ we shall be able to conclude some transactions with you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,


A) Translate the following sentences into English:




5. 倘若你方價格具有競爭性而且交貨期可接受的話,我們有意向你方大量訂購。 6. 我們對你方所有的訂單將予以及時認真辦理。

7. 如對目錄中所列之任何產品感興趣,請具體詢價,我方將立即報價。

B) Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1.We had the opportunity to see a display of your products at the Guangzhou Commodities Fair, and we were most impressed with their high quality and low prices.

2.We take the liberty to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with you.

3.We are already importing a large number of foodstuffs from Europe and U.S.A. and consider, therefore, that we have considerable experience in this field.

4.We are a state-operated company, handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods.

5.We are well acquainted with the market condition in your neighboring countries.

6.We trade with merchants all over the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

7.We shall be obliged if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.

4. Translate the following letter into English:






3. Project training:

1. Write a letter of inquiry according to the following particulars.

1) 我們從香港Li& Fung Group知你公司是一家信譽卓著的化工機械出口企業。

2) 我們非常感興趣進口你們的產品,貴方如能寄給我們目錄、樣品簿,甚至有可能寄


3) 請給我們詳細的有關信息,如CIF上海價、折扣以及支付條件。

4) 我們希望這將是我們雙方長久互利合作的貿易關系的良好開端。

2. Write a letter of inquiry according to the following particulars.
























1.夯實基礎,加深記憶,促進理解。整個實習的過程主要以自學為主,理論聯系實踐就變得至關重要。在審計過程中遇到了很多會計上知識,對于會計的處理我都已經忘記了。通過這次實習不僅加深了對審計工作的了解,更讓我回顧了很多會計處理方法和原則。 2.積極的態度。在實訓期間的確是枯燥無味,每天我們都要細心的去對數據,查資料。這樣保持謹慎積極的態度尤為重要。 3.理論和實踐相結合。在這次的審計實訓周特別深有體會,原以為學到了一些書本知識就可以了,就可以很好地把它運用到實際工作中來。其實我們在學校所學到的書本知識,只是理論知識,我們只有通過實訓,使我們的理論指導實踐,只有這樣,才能更好地與以后的會計工作接軌。我們要做到理論指導實踐,從實踐中不斷總結,從而真正地做到理論與實踐相結合。

4.團隊精神。 在實訓練習的過程中很重要的一點就是經常和左右的同學討論不懂的問題和錯誤的地方,有時候也會分享一些小心得,小技巧。這次的實訓是團體合作,這就需要我們學會與人溝通,合理的分配好每個人的工作,聽取別人的意見,這樣才能達到實驗的最精確的結果。然而別人遇到不懂的問題時,我們要盡自己最大的能力去幫助同學,因為從中我們也是收益的,我們也會收獲不少東西。

每做一次實訓,感覺大家的收獲總會不少。做實訓是為了讓我們對平時學習的理論知識與實際操作相結合,在理論和實訓教學基礎上進一步鞏固已學基本理論及應用知識并加以綜合提高,學會將知識應用于實際的方法,提高分析和解決問題的能力。在實訓的過程中,我們深深感覺到自身所學知識的有限。有些題目書本上沒有提及,所以我們就沒有去研究過,做的時候突然間覺得真的有點無知,雖所現在去看依然可以解決問題,但還是浪費了許多時間,這一點是我們必須在以后的學習中加以改進的地方,同時也要督促我們在學習的過程中不斷的完善自我。 雖說時間不長,但其中的每一次實訓都使我們收獲很大、受益匪淺,它不但極大地加深了我們對一些審計知識的理解,從而真正做到了理論聯系實際;更讓我們學到了很多之前在課堂上所根本沒法學到的東西,這對于我們的學業,乃至我們以后人生的影響無疑都是極其深遠的。




審計風險的防范與控制不僅需要良好的外部社會環境,而且還需要會計師事務所從本單位實際情況出發,根據自己所處的環境和條件,在審計準備、實施和報告階段采取各種風險管理和控制對策,以減少審計風險,避免風險損失。我認為最好的辦法就是鑒訂業務約定書 。業務約定書可以明確委托方的會計責任和受委托方的審計責任,明確業務的性質,范圍及雙方的權力和義務,是具有法律效力的契約。這樣一旦發生法律訴訟才有可能將審計風險損失減少到最低限度。

