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[教材分析]:本單元圍繞“做家務”的話題, 重點學習了現在進行時態的特殊疑問句式。本課時Part EFGH是一個綜合的拓展版塊, 要求教師將游戲、語音、故事和歌曲等不同形式巧妙結合, 鞏固和提升學生對核心話題和結構的掌握。本課時的設計思路是:以“去參加John的生日聚會, 幫助John的媽媽做家務。”為主線展開教學, 重點練習了現在進行時What am I doing?You are…/What is he/she doing?He She’s…句式的問答。

[教學目標]:1.能用現在進行時態的特殊疑問句式進行“正在干什么”的問答, 并能注意不同人稱的變換2.簡單了解元音字母e在單詞中的讀音規則。3.欣賞和學唱歌曲“What are you doing?”4.會用日常交際用語:Please help me.Come and help me.Yes, you’re right.Sorry, you’re wrong.

[教具準備]:課件, 句型條, 頭飾

Step 1 Free talk

1.T:Hello, boys and girls.I’m Jane.What’s your name?S:I’m…T:Nice to meet you.Let’s make friends, OK?…You are my friend now.握手, 如此反復問兩三個學生。 (設計意圖:通過師生間的自我介紹和問候, 使學生淡化了和教師間距離感。)

2.We’re all good friends now.Let’s play a game!OK?

(1) 師示范游戲:“What am I doing?” (2) 請幾名學生上臺做游戲:S1:What am I doing?S2:You are...S1:Yes, you’re right./Sorry, you’re wrong. (反復做幾次, 猜對了及時給予獎勵)

[設計意圖]充分利用體態語, 以豐富的表情, 協調的動作表達意義, 能夠增強語言的感染力, 一來可以給學生以美的感受, 激發積極性, 二來可以培養學生直接用英語進行思維, 理解和表達的習慣。

Step 2.Presentation and practice.

1..T:Now, the room is tidy.We can read a story in it.First let’s open the books and turn to page50.Read the dialogue quickly and try to find out the answers.a.How many children (孩子) are there?b.Who are they?

T:Good, four children.What are they doing?Let’s watch a cartoon.

S:Watch the cartoon with the questions:a..What is Kate doing?b.What is Tom doing?c.Is Betty drawing, too?d.How about John?

2.T:What about John’s mother?What’s she doing?S:She’s making a cake.

T:It’s interesting.Let’s help her! (請學生上臺拼好蛋糕, 蛋糕拼好。) Oh, the cake looks good!Let’s eat it.

3.T:Oh, no.Today is John’s birthday.Let’s sing‘Happy birthday to you’to John.

T:What else can you sing?S:We can sing’ABC song’, ‘Colour song’…/S1:I can sing...

4.T:Can you sing the song‘What are you doing?’.S:No.T:Now let’s learn the song.

[設計意圖]創設了John開生日聚會的情景, 通過唱生日歌引出并教學了本單元要求學會的歌曲。

Step 3 Consolidation and production.

1.T:Today is John’s birthday.Kate is dancing.Tom is…What a nice day!

2.T:Can you tell me your days?S:…

[設計意圖]英語課程的總體目標是培養學生的綜合語言運用能力, 語言技能是構成語言交際能力的重要組成部分。學生應通過大量的專項和綜合語言實踐活動, 形成綜合語言運用能力, 為真實語言交際打基礎。

Step 4 Homework

1.聽錄音跟讀G部分對話, 試著和同學表演出來。

2.你過生日的時候, 你的家人都在做些什么呢?請你想像一下當時的情景, 寫下來吧!



1. 思維導圖的理論依據。

思維導圖是英國學者Tony Buzan年在1960年代初期所創建的一種將放射性的思考具體化的方法, 它順應大腦的思維模式, 以直觀形象的方法讓我們的觀點在圖上表達出來, 從而使思維可視化。它的核心價值在于能幫助你像局外人一樣看見你頭腦里“思想的地圖”, 將你的思維過程通過圖畫的方式再現出來。它不僅將原本復雜的邏輯思維用簡單的線條和圖畫來表示, 讓你在大量信息中迅速掌握重點、明確層次。而且能增強你的思維能力, 提升注意力與記憶力, 更重要的是, 它能夠啟發我們的聯想力與創造力。

2. 思維導圖的應用。思維導圖是個不斷在發展和完善的工具, 同時它也是一門在不斷精練和提高的技術。它的應用如下:

筆記:閱讀、課堂、學習、面試, 演講、研討會、會議記錄一一將要點以詞語記下, 把相關的意念用線連上, 加以組織, 方便記憶;

溫習:預備考試, 預備演說———將已知的資料或意念從記憶中以思維導圖畫出來, 或將以往畫的思維導圖重復再畫出, 這能加深記憶;

小組學習:頭腦風暴, 小組討論, 家庭/小組計劃一一首先由各人自己畫出自己已知的資料或意念, 然后將各人的思維導圖合并及討論, 并決定哪些較為重要, 最后重組成為一個公共的思維導圖。


1. 巧用“導圖”, 創設情景。

筆者在導入部分的教學中, 緊密圍繞核心話題, 根據導圖的發散性, 創設了一個學生熟悉的riddle來進行導入, 同時學生在教師的預設過程參與中, 既熟悉了定語從句的簡單分類, 又感知了思維導圖的延展性, 所謂一舉兩得。教師巧用導圖, 給學生創設一個閱讀情景, 從一個跟南瓜體型一樣的Jack入手, 請同學們思考:What do you think of Jack?讓學生用一個形容詞來形容Jack, 讓學生的思維跟著導圖發散。本次活動的主要目的是讓學生用自己能夠想到的形容詞來描述Jack, 一來達到復習以前所學知識的作用, 其次讓學生的思維跟著導圖發散, 讓整個課堂的氣氛活躍起來。同時也為之后的課堂埋下伏筆, 這樣的身材對Jack的影響是什么, 是什么導致了Jack的身材跟大南瓜如此相像。

2. 延展“導圖”, 初步感知。

教師利用導圖的思維延展性, 很自然的對學生進行Why is Jack so heavy?的話題發散, 并結合學生的回答進行導圖的歸納和補充, 教師通過導圖詢問學生哪些是健康食品哪些是不健康的食品, 從而引出課文中的很多生詞, 比如, 教師在不健康食品中有烤肉的圖片, 跟學生說很美味, 學生肯定會說學過的詞delicious, 這時教師就可指導taste good這個新詞的用法;還有教師給學生在“eat unhealthy food”一欄利用導圖導出很多的不健康食品但這些食品味道非常好, 比如fried chicken, 可以用英語解釋fried, something that cooked in oil等。用導圖的方法把一些課文內的生詞先向學生展示一遍, 方便學生閱讀全課文。

3. 詳讀“導圖”, 重點感知。

這部分在教師預設中主要是對定語從句中先行詞為物時的關系代詞的操練, 教師巧妙利用了延展話題中的food來進行練習和實踐, 同時在“what”話題延展中, 學生也親身感知了如何利用導圖進行話題延展, 并重點突出了學生對定語從句中關系代詞的操練。通過這部分學生講述自己愛吃的食物的操練, 學生對表達物品的定語從句已經有了一定的了解, 而且他們也能準確分辨哪些是健康食品, 對人類的健康又幫助, 哪些食品不宜多吃, 多吃會導致惡性循環。A vicious circle:eat too much junk food———too heavy———won’t like the way you look——no exercise———eat too much junk food.然后在這一環節, 教師讓學生用所學的關于物的定語從句來描述書上三個小朋友的飲食習慣, 學生略讀課文, 找出三個孩子相對應的食譜。

4. 研讀“導圖”, 賞析體會。

教師在這部分設計中結合學生已有的生活經驗和知識體系, 巧妙設計了Discovery Zone (探索區) 這一環節, 以定語從句中典型的特殊用法, 穿針引線織成一個學生感興趣的話題:What kind of food does Kung Fu Panda eat?這個話題極大的調動了學生的求知欲望和探索精神。教師播放功夫熊貓的片段, 讓學生找出熊貓最愛的食物并且用定語從句表述出來, 這就需要我們運用所學的知識進行整理和體會。最后會發現I only eat the food that helps improve my Kung Fu.這句話又跟閱讀課文的標題符合, 又回歸到了課文當中去, 起到了首尾呼應的作用。

5. 以“圖”導文, 內化所學。

筆者在最后一個環節設計了一個文章復述的環節, 把文章中的內容以思維導圖的形式出現, 讓學生分別說出三個學生的飲食習慣以及他們對自己飲食習慣的看法, 每個學生的理由都是不一樣的, 之后用定語從句給這篇文章進行最后的總結。最后提倡健康的生活方式和健康的飲食習慣。比如這次閱讀課主要講述了三個學生的不同飲食習慣, 教師可以利用思維導圖來幫助學生復述課文。通過這種導圖方式, 學生能夠看著教師給的提示復述整篇課文, 特別是一些比較難理解的定語從句, 讓學生有更多的操練機會。


教學內容:精讀課文,理解課文 課時目標:


2、 觀察一種喜歡的鳥,抓住特點寫出它的樣子和叫聲。 教學進程:

一、 復習檢查

1、 指讀生字詞。

二、 精讀指導

1、 學習第一段。

(1) 齊讀第1自然段,填空:我從小就愛鳥,愛看( ),愛聽( )。 (2) 自由讀第2自然段。

指名講公治長的故事。理解“通曉” (3) 指導朗讀第3自然段。

“我多想做一個通曉鳥語的‘公治長’啊!”這句話怎樣讀? (要把“我”那種向往的心情讀出來。) 指讀課文第一段。

2、 學習第二段。

(1) 自由讀4-9自然段,把“我”喜愛布谷鳥的地方畫出來多讀幾遍。 讀后討論,相機指導朗讀。

① 它們那“布谷、布谷”的親切啼叫,分明是催促人們快快出工呢! 從哪些詞看出“我”對布谷鳥的喜愛?(親切、分明) 指導朗讀

② 這樣無拘無束的一問一答,有趣極了,我自己仿佛也變成了一只翩翩飛翔的鳥兒。

聯系上下文,體會“我”與布谷鳥對話的有趣。 指導朗讀

③ 一想起布谷鳥那充滿深情的聲聲催促,我在學習上還真不敢疏忽怠慢。 從這句話中,你讀懂了什么? 指導朗讀

(二)讀第10-11自然段,體會鳥語的“豐富”及鳥語給“我”的心靈帶來的影響。 ① 引讀第10自然段。

② 指名讀第11自然段,思考:從哪些詞句看出“我“與鳥兒建立了異常深厚的感情?

三、 總結課文。

1、 朗讀全文。

2、 討論:為什么說“鳥兒的確是人類的好朋友”?

四、 指導背誦

1、 第1自然段和最后一個自然段都只有一句話,很容易背誦。

2、 重點指導背誦其他部分。

五、 作業

仔細觀察一種你喜愛的鳥,抓住特點,寫出它的樣子和叫聲。 板書:

接近 交談 鳥語 傾聽 猜想(豐富)


授課時間:2014-11-21 星期五 第1節



授課內容:Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.

1a-1c I.TEACHING MATERIAL 1a-1c,Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science, from Grade 8 English book

II.TEACHING GOALS 1.Language goals (1)Learn some useful job words and phrases:cook;driver;doctor;pilot;engineer;pianist; violinist;scientist;computer programmer;grow up;be going to. (2)Sentence structures: -What do you want to be when you grow up? -I want to be a computer programmer. -How are you going to do that? -I’m going to study computer science.

(3)Try to understand the important phrase ” be going to” 2.Ability goals (1) Let Ss master the pronunciation and Chinese meanings of the job words and useful phrase. (2)Make sure Ss can talk what their dream jobs are and how they are going to do that (3)Ss can try to use the phrase “be going to ” to talk about things in future

(4)Train Ss’listening and speaking abilities. 3.Emotional goals Help Ss to have a dream job and encourage them to try their best to make their dreams come true, and help them to understand that dreams will come true if they study hard.

III.TEACHING IMPORTANT POINTS AND DIFFICULT POINTS. 1.Important points (1)Ss can master the pronunciation and Chinese meanings of the job words and the phrases ”grow up” ”be going to”

(2)Ss can use what question and how question to talk about dream jobs and how they are going to make dreams come true. (3)Try to understand “be going to do ”. 2.Difficult points (1)The pronunciation of some longer job words and the long sentence “what do you want to be when you grow up”.

(2)Ss may not remember the sentence structure with book or any prompts. (3)Ss may have problems making the comprehensive speech

IV.TEACHING METHODS Situation approach; game approach; task-based approach; communicative approach

V.TEACHING AIDS PPT; computer; screen; tape recorder; chalk; blackboard

VI.TEACHING PROCEDURES Step 1 Lead-in Step 2 New words ①For the first time, T teaches new words slowly and help Ss understand the Chinese meaning of each word one by one. ②For the second time, Ss read after T. ③Ss read the word with Chinese. ④Test Ss’memory about the words to make sure most Ss can read them ⑤Play a game to help Ss to have a further understanding of job words. Step 3 Talk about dream jobs. T:Do you want to be a pianist? What do you want to be? I want to know when you grow up what do you want to be.(teach the phrase “grow up”)

①Ask and answer to make sure they understand the what question in this unit. ②Remember the sentence structure and have a PK between 2 Ss. Step 4 Presentation of ”be going to”

①help student understand that “be going to” is used to talk about future ②Use “be going to ” to talk about how to make dream come true. Step 5 Listening ①For the first time, Ss fill in the blanks and match the phrases. ②For the second time, Ss read after tape recorder one by one. Step 6 Pair Work ①Input the two sentence structures by remembering them. ②Ss make dialogues with the form. Step 7 Funny Time Ss may feel tired after so many activities. T makes them relaxed by guessing the photo of the singer PSY, and enjoy the funny song and dance. Step8 Emotional Education “If you have a dream, study hard and work hard, and your dream will come true one day. Because nothing is impossible” (teach the saying”Nothing is impossible”) Step9 Homework 1.仿造P41 1c編對話


2.He went into the b____________and took a shower. (n.room where you take a bath or shower)

3.Can’t you forget about dieting and eat normally (正常地) __________? (adv.in the place of something)

4.If you put the bowl on the e____________of the table, it will fall off. (n.outside end of something)

5.T h e l i t t l e c a t f e l l i n t o t h e r ive r a n d d____________. (v.die in water)

6.I’m glad that I’ve s____________the dog’s life. (v.take something or someone out of danger)


1.He__________________ (摔下) the tree and hurt himself.

2.W h e n t h e fi r e m a n a r r ive d, t h ey h a d__________________ (撲滅) the fire.

3.Danny fell when he_____________ (從……出來) the bathtub.

4.How often do you__________________ (給……寫信) your parents?

5.You must__________________ (小心) on these old stairs!


1.Many people cut____________ (自己) in the kitchen.

2.Can you catch the_______________ (正落下的) leaf?

3.The stone_______________ (打破) thewindow into pieces.

4.We are not allowed to_______________ (觸摸) the exhibits.

5.Are you good at_______________ (爬) like monkeys?


1.Keep poisons in the kitchen. (改為否定句) __________________poisons in the kitchen!2.He was late because he missed the bus. (就畫線部分提問) ____________________he late?

3.He has two big eyes. (改為反意疑問句) He has two big eyes, ________________?

4.It took me two hours to do my homework. (寫出同義句)

I__________two hours__________my homework.

5.They gave him a book. (改為被動語態) A book__________________________him.


1.M a n y s e r i o u s a c c i d e n t s h a p p e n i n_____________ (people) homes.

2.Many accidents happen because people are____________ (careful)

3.The kitchen and the bathroom are the two____________ (danger) rooms in the house.

4.They ran to____________ (safe) , away from the fire.

5.Many people hurt themselves by___________ (fall) off their bikes.


1.Here are some tips to preventing accidents in the house.__________________________

2.Danny fell of the tree and hurt himself.__________________________

3.I saw him come across the front door.__________________________

4.She watched me to climb higher.__________________________

5.His name was famous for Europe.__________________________


W h e n eve r t h e s u n d r o p p e d a n d t h e blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house.Walking t__________1, we used to talk a lot.Through the talks I l__________2 many things.Without the climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn’t have enough t__________3 to spend together because my father was very busy.I really got a lot f__________4 mountain-climbing.


劍橋大學考試委員會(簡稱UCLES)致力于英語為非母語國家的兒童外語評測工作,其設計的“劍橋兒童英語學習系統”即是為這些國家的兒童英語學習提供一種全面、 系統、科學、規范的檢測方法,力求教與學、學與考、考與用的統一。在我國以至在國際上得到廣泛的承認和迅速推廣。我們正是試圖引入其先進的教育理念、依據“劍橋兒童英語學習系統”的指導思想和主導原則以及“劍橋兒童英語等級考試大綱”,結合我國兒童英語教育的國情和實際,編寫這套《劍橋兒童英語》系列教材。










本套教材的編寫與出版,得到了國內、外多名語言學家和兒童教育專家的關心與指導,并經數所雙語幼兒園試教試用。特別承蒙徐國萍教授、英國專家Paul Denman先生審閱;清華大學程慕勝教授撥冗主審;英國專家Paul Denman先生、Catherine Marsden女士錄音。感謝中國出版工作者協會給予的大力支持和指導。

1、《劍橋幼兒園英語》(1-6冊)分大、中、小班使用。配磁帶、電腦/通用光盤。 2、《劍橋幼兒英語》




